View Full Version : Invade Mexico(non immigration post)

24-Jun-2007, 08:53 PM
I recently read that drug cartels have taken over mexican states, severing heads of dealers and poloticans andanyone in their way. Why aren't we going in there and helping? They took guns away from cops in some cities because the corruption is so bad. I think a coalition stomping the drug trade would help all of our countries and restore Mexicos economy. Kill the drug trade and mexico can stop being a 3rd world nation. It is working in Afghan. we go after teh people who are sawing heads off and installa new government.

It probally would help with that whole illegal immigrant thing too. Is this all crazy talk? Makes sence to me at the moment.

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 10:44 PM
I recently read that drug cartels have taken over mexican states, severing heads of dealers and poloticans andanyone in their way. Why aren't we going in there and helping? They took guns away from cops in some cities because the corruption is so bad. I think a coalition stomping the drug trade would help all of our countries and restore Mexicos economy. Kill the drug trade and mexico can stop being a 3rd world nation. It is working in Afghan. we go after teh people who are sawing heads off and installa new government.

It probally would help with that whole illegal immigrant thing too. Is this all crazy talk? Makes sence to me at the moment.

I'm all for that , somply on the justification of mexicans invading our country by illegally crossing our borders. The mexican gov't is implicit in that. They have even printed maps so they can more easily find their way over the border. Did you now that mexico's second highest yearly revenue comes from illegals sending money back to mexico that they earned here? However war is a moot point since this administration has tied our hands militarily to the point where they're unable to perform even the most rudementary functions, like enforcing our borders.

24-Jun-2007, 11:15 PM
Tied2thetracks are you suggesting the US should invade Mexico with military forces, thus confirming every prejudice I've always had about conservative warmonger ****heads, or were you just kidding?

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 11:20 PM
Tied2thetracks are you suggesting the US should invade Mexico with military forces, thus confirming every prejudice I've always had about conservative warmonger ****heads, or were you just kidding?

You're right ned. Bush by definition is a war criminal. He waged an agressive war against a nation that posed no imminent threat. Who doesn't know that?

24-Jun-2007, 11:37 PM
If my prejudices are right, and it seems as if they are, then conservatives are the ones who need a beating so the two words "manifest" and "destiny" are never ever formed in their thick skull ever again.

darth los
24-Jun-2007, 11:42 PM
If my prejudices are right, and it seems as if they are, then conservatives are the ones who need a beating so the two words "manifest" and "destiny" are never ever formed in their thick skull ever again.

It's the hypocracy that annoys me. Our gov't does things that they condemns others for yet it is justified when we do it because we're the good guys.

24-Jun-2007, 11:49 PM
Yepp, it's the US and Israel that are allowed to kill thousands of civilians with the outward motives of "saving them from oppression". Bull****. **** whoever supports that.

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 12:12 AM
Yepp, it's the US and Israel that are allowed to kill thousands of civilians with the outward motives of "saving them from oppression". Bull****. **** whoever supports that.

Stop the games ned, tell us how you REALLY feel. :lol:

25-Jun-2007, 01:01 AM
I would hope we would only go in if they wanted our help. However the invasion of out country and flood of drugs would be reason to defend ourselves.

What thousands of people is Isreal killing? Those pesky suicide bombers?

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 01:04 AM
I would hope we would only go in if they wanted our help. However the invasion of out country and flood of drugs would be reason to defend ourselves.

What thousands of people is Isreal killing? Those pesky suicide bombers?

The mexican gov't would never ask for our help because the exodus of illegals to our country benefits them. Why would they want it to end?

25-Jun-2007, 01:31 AM
I'm trying to keep away from the immigation thing, people here aren't nice to me when I bring that up. Just like the mid east they have people cutting peoples heads off an corrupt officials, why not go put a democracy in place.

We can send all of the gays and jews there too (joke)

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 01:40 AM
I'm trying to keep away from the immigation thing, people here aren't nice to me when I bring that up. Just like the mid east they have people cutting peoples heads off an corrupt officials, why not go put a democracy in place.

We can send all of the gays and jews there too (joke)

As long as it's done civily and in an intelligent matter i don't see why not. Anyway, as we have seen when democracy is put in place in middle eastern countries what happens is the exact opposite of what the neo-cons thought. Instead of looking more like western cultures they elect terrorists and we can't say anything because the people of a soveriegn country have spoken.

25-Jun-2007, 10:28 AM
Mexico asks US for more help against drugs, denies seeking Colombia-style aid

Tucson, Arizona | Published: 06.11.2007

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexican and American officials are talking about how the U.S. government can do more to help Mexico battle drug trafficking, but the Mexicans aren't asking for a billion-dollar aid program involving U.S. soldiers.

Mexico's ambassador to Washington, Arturo Sarukhan, told the newspaper Milenio in comments published Sunday that the U.S. aid might include "training courses, the transfer of resources and the exchange of intelligence information."

But Mexico doesn't want another Plan Colombia, a mostly military anti-cocaine plan that has cost U.S. taxpayers more than $5 billion since 2000.

"There could not be any Plan Colombia for Mexico, because the two countries' realities are very different," Sarukhan said.

Mexico — which lost half its territory to the United States in the 1846-48 Mexican-American War — has always been loath to even consider the presence of U.S. troops on its soil.

"At no time has there been any request to the United States similar to the one made at one time by Colombia," Sarukhan told the newspaper Reforma.
Since taking office on Dec. 1, President Felipe Calderon has sent more than 24,000 soldiers and federal police to battle heavily armed drug gangs. The traffickers have been blamed for more than 1,000 deaths this year, often decapitating their victims and leaving the heads with threatening messages in public places.

Mexico wants the U.S. to do its part by reducing drug consumption, fighting money laundering and stopping the southward flow of high-powered weapons and chemicals used to make illegal drugs.

Calderon's administration has "energetically demanded that the U.S. government assume its responsibility," the Foreign Relations Department said late Saturday. "Mexico has experienced growth in drug trafficking and the violence associated with it, in large measure, because of increasing consumption in the United States."

In a rare acknowledgment of the gravity of the problem, Mexico's top domestic security official, Interior Secretary Francisco Ramirez, said Sunday that the government had lost control of the situation before the current offensive was launched.

"None of us had control," Ramirez told reporters. "Everything was lost, and today we are recovering it ... We are engaging in controlling territory, now we are starting to recover territory for the citizenry."

25-Jun-2007, 03:29 PM
What thousands of people is Isreal killing? Those pesky suicide bombers?

Your ignorance isn't even exceeded by your charm! I point you in the direction of Lebanon.

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 04:46 PM
I'm not singling anyone out here but sometimes you have to look at hard facts no matter how ugly they may be. This is real life and the truth is seldom pretty.