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View Full Version : Anybody excited about the i phone?

darth los
25-Jun-2007, 03:08 AM
It comes out this friday and the commercials are all over tv. But is it really all that? One thing about apple is that they make a sleek aesthetically pleasing product and they know how to market it. The i pod is far from the best mp3 player out there but it's the most popular by far. These guys know what they're doing. The article makes a good point also. “A few handset makers have been trying to make the phone simpler without having to refer to a manual that’s 18 times the size of the phone.” Which is right on point. Apple knows how to make their products easy enough for any grandmother to use. That's their big appeal imo. Not bad for a company that was virtually dead in the water before the i pod came along, huh? Any opinions?


26-Jun-2007, 03:56 AM
I wouldn't say pre-i pod Apple was dead in the water... as a matter of fact i'd venture to say in the year 2000 Apple was gearing up to take over the market and begin to dominate. Of course thats just my opinion but still... I started seeing Apple computers popping up everywhere. Both my high schools completely converted to Apple computers in different colors (figures that happens when I graduate those bastards!)... then you see 'em being plugged in on Sex and the City... and next thing I know... my friends buying 'em touting how awesome they are for graphic design which at the time was a booming job ... soon enough I was the only kid on the block without one... next thing I know its 2007 there's these things called Ipods... you have to pay to download music no matter where you go and my cell phone can take videos and pictures...

my how the world has changed...

i'm not gonna get an iphone.... i want one but i'm more of a i buy outta need before want ...

darth los
26-Jun-2007, 04:13 AM
The macs definitely have their uses but if you're not into graphic design and stuff of that nature you're really not missing anything by not having one. I prefer the pc myself.

26-Jun-2007, 04:15 AM
I dont really have a prefrence because I've never actually used a mac but as far as appearances go i'd rather have a white laptop or desktop than my ucky black hp notebook... its just not pretty...

darth los
26-Jun-2007, 04:20 AM
I dont really have a prefrence because I've never actually used a mac but as far as appearances go i'd rather have a white laptop or desktop than my ucky black hp notebook... its just not pretty...

That's where apple gets you. they make their products look sleek and fashionable. It's trendy to have one. One thing you can't say about apple products is that they're an eye sore.

26-Jun-2007, 04:22 AM
They're the Starbucks of technology... they made it trendy to be a geek and made their products hot

26-Jun-2007, 06:04 AM
I am not excited at all. It's nothing special to me. I know it does a lot, it seems pretty handy, but at the same time I'm sure it's really expensive and not really worth it.

darth los
26-Jun-2007, 06:20 AM
It's going to be a cingular exclusive and retail for $600.

26-Jun-2007, 07:33 AM
Is this anything to do with mobile phones or mp3 players? If so I've managed to live without one thus far, so I suspect I can continue to do so... :)

darth los
26-Jun-2007, 07:39 AM
Is this anything to do with mobile phones or mp3 players? If so I've managed to live without one thus far, so I suspect I can continue to do so... :)

The i phone is actually a touch screen phone that can play music, surf the net, Uh, and you'll never believe this, you can actually use to make phone calls!! :D

26-Jun-2007, 06:52 PM
No iPhone for me.
$600 for a phone? I can only use 1 service?
Just another expensive geek gadget.
I don't understand how people get all involved with their cell phones. You dial, you talk and then you hang up. People almost seem to have a pet mentality when it comes to cell phones.

darth los
26-Jun-2007, 07:02 PM
No iPhone for me.
$600 for a phone? I can only use 1 service?
Just another expensive geek gadget.
I don't understand how people get all involved with their cell phones. You dial, you talk and then you hang up. People almost seem to have a pet mentality when it comes to cell phones.

I see it more as a sheep mentality. " look it's cool, you NEED THIS!!" people are just obsessed with status symbols. They want to be seen with the latest tech so they can be validated by others.

26-Jun-2007, 07:44 PM
Its so true. I know maybe 5 people who use their blackberry because they NEED TO and everyone else is just buying 'em to look more like a celebrity. The thing that blows about any new technology is that in six months it'll be replaced by something better that you 'must have' ... first came the ipod then the ipod mini now the ipod shuffle (though not better than the ipod but still...) and now this phone can replace your ipod and all the other crap they sacked you into buying...

I also really love how people try to con you into buying the expensive phones at the cell store... when I bought my new phone the guy at Verizon was trying to sell me a pink razr and I was telling him I wanted the one for 30 bucks that did nothing... he actually said you dont want that! Of course he knew I wanted it when I said he may not really want his job if he keeps that up... but I mean who actually uses all those tasks on the phone? I dont have time to read the bible sized phone manual to know how to work all this stuff. I'm just not that interested! I prolly would be if it was easy and cheap but since its not... I boycott till they meet my standards :D

darth los
26-Jun-2007, 08:38 PM
Its so true. I know maybe 5 people who use their blackberry because they NEED TO and everyone else is just buying 'em to look more like a celebrity. The thing that blows about any new technology is that in six months it'll be replaced by something better that you 'must have' ... first came the ipod then the ipod mini now the ipod shuffle (though not better than the ipod but still...) and now this phone can replace your ipod and all the other crap they sacked you into buying...

I also really love how people try to con you into buying the expensive phones at the cell store... when I bought my new phone the guy at Verizon was trying to sell me a pink razr and I was telling him I wanted the one for 30 bucks that did nothing... he actually said you dont want that! Of course he knew I wanted it when I said he may not really want his job if he keeps that up... but I mean who actually uses all those tasks on the phone? I dont have time to read the bible sized phone manual to know how to work all this stuff. I'm just not that interested! I prolly would be if it was easy and cheap but since its not... I boycott till they meet my standards :D

I'm sure they're scrambling to meet your specifications.:p

But that's the reason why so many people in this country are in debt. They spend money they don't have on things that they don't need.

26-Jun-2007, 08:48 PM
I just kinda feel myself turning into an old person. If you dont buy the new techology and learn to use it you'll never know how to use any future technology.

darth los
26-Jun-2007, 08:51 PM
I just kinda feel myself turning into an old person. If you dont buy the new techology and learn to use it you'll never know how to use any future technology.

See, their marketing ploys are working on you. They want you to think that buying their products makes you young and hip. Anyone who doesn't is behind the times.

26-Jun-2007, 08:54 PM
but I am young and hip... and ads dont work on me...

exhibit a- high waisted pants may be all the rage among celebs and in female magazines but I wont be caught dead wearing them... EVER

exhibit b-I still dont have an MP3 player of any kind...

exhibit c-Its my personal belief as a self proclaimed fashion maven know-it-all crime fighter do-eviler... that once something is popular its already a fad and thus... WHO NEEDS IT lol... and I hate to blend in with the crowd unless of course i'm trying to escape from zombies or the law...

darth los
26-Jun-2007, 08:59 PM
It usually happens that way. Once you catch on to something and you realize that it's in style you can be sure that the fad has almost run it's course. You end up spending money just to keep up when you realize the phone you just paid $600 for is old news.