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View Full Version : So who's gonna post the first story here?

27-Feb-2006, 08:02 AM
Anyone got any ideas on something their working on and want to share? I'd like to say I do, but I don't. Lots of work, two new video games, and a girlfriend have limited my writing time. Gotta say, all the extra money and sex more than make up for it... :D

Anyone got anything working now?

01-Mar-2006, 06:53 PM
I'm working on my first zombie story in at least a year, which I hope to submit to Permuted Press' second zombie anthology, "The Undead 2". It's a little hush-hush at the moment. Good idea. Think "reverse epidemic". :D

I've then got a novel in the works, that I've been working on off and on. It's very loosely based around "City of the Living Dead" (the crap story I wrote a good four years ago or so, not the film), and more on a novella I wrote a year ago. Basically about two NYPD officers as things slowly begin to go down the drain. It starts off very slow going into things, not sure if I'll change that. But it all depends.

I've had limited time, because life is busy like that. But it's great. I've been doing alot more songwriting and work on my demo CD lately. But I try to keep up on my story writing.

04-Mar-2006, 02:22 PM
Hmm Iv got some ideas for stories but I suck at writing them down, I have plenty of stuff to go on but my brain turns off when I start to try and put them on paper :o and I dont like sharing ;) nah im very shy about my "works"....
Iv only ever managed to finish one story and that was a mess around for my friends...its called 'Chickenums' and its about these fluffy little blue things that suck out peoples brains, but they need 'human' hosts so they turn them into zombies, waiting to hatch out. They can be killed by cream?...told you it was stupid!:D !

16-Mar-2006, 09:30 PM
I've been working on and off on a story about a boy who is caught up in a zombie plauge with his father but survives because of his knowledge from the GAR movies. I was aiming to use some social commentary with nods to Katrina and to the war but I havn't found the time between school and work to finish it.

17-Mar-2006, 03:51 AM
Anyone got any ideas on something their working on and want to share? I'd like to say I do, but I don't. Lots of work, two new video games, and a girlfriend have limited my writing time. Gotta say, all the extra money and sex more than make up for it... :D

Anyone got anything working now?

The talk about Land and how Kaufman got the city and the Green set up has me wishing someone would write a sort of prequel dealing with that matter. I was thinking about a few things I'd like included in it this morning in the shower actually, but I don't have the time to work on it myself right now. Not to mention the fact that none of my short stories have any zombie material in them, and I take FOREVER to write a story.

17-Mar-2006, 06:02 AM
If you want to check out a story with an alternate view of Land (call it what one man thinks Land should've been) check out Valley of the Living in the fiction section here. A prequel it's not. What it does is show you more of what Land should have, ie character development, a plot that moves forward and involves multiple facets...

Check it out. You might like it.

17-Mar-2006, 09:34 PM
If you want to check out a story with an alternate view of Land (call it what one man thinks Land should've been) check out Valley of the Living in the fiction section here.

Thanks for the recommendation. I think I may have heard reference made to this story on the old boards, or at least it's making memory claxons go off in my head. I'll try and get a look at it this weekend.

Again, thanks for the heads up.

17-Mar-2006, 10:32 PM
Actually, I had a short story (my first in about fifteen years) on the burner for Hollowville, but now that that's over I might submit it here.

19-Mar-2006, 05:21 AM
I had a short story (my first in about fifteen years) on the burner for Hollowville, but now that that's over I might submit it here.

What actually happened there? It seemed like I barely became aware of the site and it was gone...

19-Mar-2006, 07:30 AM
It fell apart due to inner turmoil.

It is a project I am reconsidering with some other folks that are more in vein to what it was intended to be.

20-Mar-2006, 03:41 PM
I'm working on my third part of Days of the Dead at the moment. I gotta get all the information from my old computer today to refresh my memory. I started it last week but got sidetracked with work. I hope to have it finished by the end of the week and submitted soon thereafter.

23-Mar-2006, 04:54 PM
I've been writing a sort of zombie serial collab at another site I frequent. It's stagnated since writer's block hit me. But could repost the offerings made so far for people to check out.

23-Mar-2006, 05:00 PM
Yeah, I just finished writing a two part Zombie series that I had actually started a long time ago. The finished story is amost novel length. I put a lot into it....not sure if I will submit it here or not.

I had several really fun ideas for Hollowville, until the giant, corn chucking, peanut slinging, turd-monster that had been lurking in Hollowville's sewer system finally unleashed its fury and got so out of control that it exploded!

...Hollowville was subsiquently covered in **** and caved in on itself.

...now its a giant **** stain on the surface of the Earth...sucks too...

...could've been great...:moon:

I just realized that I can't even say the "s" word for poop anymore.:mad:

23-Mar-2006, 05:16 PM
Glazed, there's going to be a new Hollowville set up soon enough, there's a post about it in the fiction section here. Stop by and get rolling again without having a "*** monster" fouling things up.

23-Mar-2006, 05:27 PM
What is this Hollowville all about?

23-Mar-2006, 05:31 PM
Glazed, there's going to be a new Hollowville set up soon enough, there's a post about it in the fiction section here. Stop by and get rolling again without having a "*** monster" fouling things up.

Thanks Arc...I feel better already!:D