View Full Version : Fran or Sarah? Who's the best?

27-Jun-2007, 04:55 PM
Set aside the fact that Sarah (Day) is a toughie and knows how to handle herself. Who do you like better and why?

I like Franny better. She may have been kind of a whimp at first, but she learned how to handle herself and she took no crap from the men, especially Stephen. Plus I think she's prettier. Maybe it's cause she's blond:p

27-Jun-2007, 05:15 PM
I vote Sarah. She seemed as if she's gone through alot and was pretty tough. Fran seemed like an ordinary person to me.

27-Jun-2007, 05:16 PM
I've always liked Fran, she's a good character

But I like Sarah a little better, I dont know why, just do

darth los
27-Jun-2007, 06:13 PM
I voted fran. She represented the women's power movement that was happening at the time. I feel she was a better vehichle for Gar's satirical purposes. Plus i just think dawn is the better film and she's a core character. Sarah was calm and cool but it was within the confines of her job. I think she was kept sane by the outlines of her job description. As soon as the system fell apart you started to see chinks in the armor. Fran's world was falling apart from the beginning of the film and she seemed to handle it pretty well. Maybe the fact that she was an ice queen had something to do with it.

27-Jun-2007, 06:32 PM
As hard as it is for me to not vote for Frannie based on the simple fact that she was decent enough to show us her boobies, I'm gonna have to go with Sarah.

27-Jun-2007, 06:35 PM
As hard as it is for me to not vote for Frannie based on the simple fact that she was decent enough to show us her boobies, I'm gonna have to go with Sarah.

Actually, I thought Sarah was hotter than Fran, but I liked Fran too

27-Jun-2007, 06:39 PM
Actually, I thought Sarah was hotter than Fran, but I liked Fran too

Yeah you're prolly right, I'm more of a brunette kinda guy myself, but we can't 100 percent know since Sarah wasn't kind enough to let Salazar pull out her boobies on film.

27-Jun-2007, 06:54 PM
Yeah you're prolly right, I'm more of a brunette kinda guy myself, but we can't 100 percent know since Sarah wasn't kind enough to let Salazar pull out her boobies on film.

That's an idea

After she stuck the needle in him, and he fell back on the bed, he jumps back up, grabs at Sarah, and rips her knockers out of her shirt.

darth los
27-Jun-2007, 07:35 PM
Is gaylen indeed a natural blonde? I ask because in a couple of scenes she pushes her hair back and she has some really dark roots.

27-Jun-2007, 09:15 PM
Is gaylen indeed a natural blonde? I ask because in a couple of scenes she pushes her hair back and she has some really dark roots.

Nope, if you watch Creepshow, she's the brunette buried in the sand.

Had to go with Sarah. Fran seemed kinda princess like and spoiled.

darth los
27-Jun-2007, 09:25 PM
Nope, if you watch Creepshow, she's the brunette buried in the sand.

Had to go with Sarah. Fran seemed kinda princess like and spoiled.

I've seen creepshow and i do know the part you're refering too. I just wasn't sure because actresses change their hair colors often to play different roles. Also, the hair stylists in hollywood do such a good job at it that it's often hard to tell. I've often wondered if Gaylen's rug matched the drapes, if you know what i mean. :elol: Thanks for the info.

27-Jun-2007, 09:46 PM
Yeah you're prolly right, I'm more of a brunette kinda guy myself, but we can't 100 percent know since Sarah wasn't kind enough to let Salazar pull out her boobies on film.

I dont think I have ever seen an actor as blatantly gay as the guy who played Salazar. His incredibly deep voice made the whole thing kinda creepy to me.....

27-Jun-2007, 10:13 PM
I dont think I have ever seen an actor as blatantly gay as the guy who played Salazar. His incredibly deep voice made the whole thing kinda creepy to me.....

Even if he was gay, he still could of felt Sarah's boobies....like that guy that groped Scarlet Johanason

27-Jun-2007, 10:16 PM
I dont think I have ever seen an actor as blatantly gay as the guy who played Salazar. His incredibly deep voice made the whole thing kinda creepy to me.....

The exchange by the helicopter with Sarah after landing probably showed that the most. I thought he was going to throw a flaming hissy fit :kiss:.

darth los
27-Jun-2007, 10:17 PM
I dont think I have ever seen an actor as blatantly gay as the guy who played Salazar. His incredibly deep voice made the whole thing kinda creepy to me.....

What made you think that he was gay? Could it be that he had what was for all intents and purposes "the last woman on earth" and didn't shag her once?

27-Jun-2007, 10:37 PM
Maybe he shagged her before the movie even began. ;)

27-Jun-2007, 10:38 PM
What made you think that he was gay? Could it be that he had what was for all intents and purposes "the last woman on earth" and didn't shag her once?

I dont know about anyone else but I would of "shagged" Sarah