View Full Version : the crow...

27-Jun-2007, 09:34 PM
who has seen this film?? i found it it in a skip the other day.is it any good? and the sicilian? is this any good 2??:confused:

27-Jun-2007, 09:42 PM
i think its allright but considering how many people dress like the crow (easiest costume to do ,2nd only to danzig) on halloween its got a mild cult status.

darth los
27-Jun-2007, 09:49 PM
The crow is a decent enough flick that was adapted from a comic by the same name. It stars brandon lee. I always felt creepy watching it because he was killed during the filming.

What happened was eight days were left before shooting of the film was to be completed. The scene being filmed involved Lee's character Eric Draven walking into his apartment and witnessing the brutal rape of his fiancée by thugs. Lee's character would then have been shot and killed along with his fiancée by the thugs. As the scene was being filmed, Brandon Lee was killed after Michael Massee (who played the villain Funboy) fired the gun at Lee as intended. The bullet unseated from a dummy round was lodged in the barrel of the handgun. The bullet was not noticed and the gun was loaded with a blank cartridge. When the blank was fired, the bullet shot out and hit Lee in the abdomen. After Lee's death, a stunt double, Chad Stahelski replaced Lee in some scenes to complete the film. Special effects were used for digitally compositing Lee's face onto the double. The original footage featuring Lee's actual death was destroyed immediately, without even being developed.

27-Jun-2007, 09:51 PM
The crow was the worst movie ever made... avoid it at all costs... its boring... has little plot... and just plain bad bad bad movie

27-Jun-2007, 09:56 PM
thanx miss jackson, ill keep that in mind.;)

27-Jun-2007, 10:13 PM
A womans perspective is important lol we have a higher standard ;)

27-Jun-2007, 10:21 PM
mmm, every film starring julia roberts begs to differ:p

28-Jun-2007, 04:08 PM
The crow was the worst movie ever made... avoid it at all costs... its boring... has little plot... and just plain bad bad bad movie

no offence, but how can you say that! The Crow was (in my opinion) a beautiful film! great soundtrack, great acting and brilliant story!

I would call it a Gothic Fairy tale...

28-Jun-2007, 04:28 PM
I think it's a good film. I would say check it out. You can probably pick up the bare bones dvd for under 5 bucks...

28-Jun-2007, 04:33 PM
It's a good flick, perhaps even very good, very creepy and very stylish...it's just a shame it's the bible for feckless goth kids who think they're so tortured ... you know, like those goths on South Park. :D

Good movie though.

28-Jun-2007, 07:33 PM
its alright, i enjoyed it. to say its superb is going a bit far, to say its the worst movie ever made and has no plot is a bit of an exaggeration.

its a fun watch, a bit drippy perhaps.
impressive model work and a good shoot out at the end. very good soundtrack.
brandon lee is pretty good and yep, has the creepiness factor because he was killed whilst filming the scene in which he is actually killed.

all of the sequels are total gash though - stay away

the sicilian is a good mobster movie. i think it was written by mario puzo, could be wrong though

28-Jun-2007, 09:57 PM
A flawed masterpiece is maybe the way to view it, similar in the way you would view David Fincher's Alien 3. It's dark, it's creepy, it works, but there's just a small piece missing in the puzzle that denies the viewer from saying it's a hands down classic.

29-Jun-2007, 04:20 AM
gothic fairy tale eh?

29-Jun-2007, 04:22 AM
I like action movies as much as anyone but I just didn't care for this movie... I thought the best of the best 5 was better than this... and that movie stank ... I guess it was just too dark and too much from that ear of movies where people die and come back for vengeance like what was it Darkman? But at least that movie was great! I did like the music from the movie though...

29-Jun-2007, 10:22 AM
Ooh, Alien 3...indeed. Flawed masterpiece. Originally I hated it, but watching it not that long ago on video I finally saw it for what it was - as you said.

It really is actually rather good, and you can feel the Fincher underneath all the production troubles and so on and so forth. Nowhere near as good as Aliens of course. :D

29-Jun-2007, 05:12 PM
A womans perspective is important lol we have a higher standard ;)
Far and away (Poplular girls film that Suuucks)
Harold Robbins
Sidney Sheldon


mmm, every film starring julia roberts begs to differ:p
Hahah. Exactly

I Liked the Crow. Better than a lot of action movies of that sort. Good photography too.

29-Jun-2007, 05:21 PM
word coma *manly high-five!*:lol: