View Full Version : Bias in the workplace... ever seen any?

27-Jun-2007, 10:10 PM
A woman who worked for Wal Mart was recently awarded $2 million dollars because of a bias WM had against women. I was wondering has anyone seen bias of anykind where they worked?

I've personally seen a lot of sickening habits...

Costco would purposefully shave hours off of their employees who spoke English as a second language (oddly not Mexicans but Iranians) and hoped that they wouldn't say anything... most didn't but those who did wound up getting the proper pay. When I got promoted my boss actually told me to do it and of course refused and quit.

My first job at the Nite Hawk was kinda biased... I was the tallest and strongest girl working there so I was the one who had to do the dishes because the dishwasher was obscenely high... that sucked!

My job here in Charleston for 2 years with the Noisy was biased all over. They never once hired a black person to work in the front of house and when they refused to hire a black young girl she stood up and started screaming about how they were racist and she was calling an attorney. Be it as it may she wasn't going to be hired because while waiting to be interviewed she sat on her boyfriends lap and made out with him. But it was at the next manager meeting where they actually wrote down and discussed the sudden necessity for hiring a light skinned black female. It was actually in the meeting notes! Then when it came time to promoting bartenders the men were basically passed up every time and only women were being given those positions. Of course naturally because most of the bar clients were men they'd rather look at a woman than a dude. It didn't stop there... they all but refused to hire female managers for any position aside from the bar manager and the managers they hired tended to be total male pigs who made inappropriate comments about females who worked there and female customers. And the way the company dealt with sexual harassment left a world to be desired.

I've worked in a few other places where no discrimination was evident. When I worked as a greenskeeper for the area I lived in in Canada it seemed equal across the board. When I worked for a gym it all seemed level. But I find that when I worked some place where there was a bias it tended to only get worse over time.

Have y'all as mostly men ever experienced bias?

darth los
28-Jun-2007, 03:52 AM
Maybe a little off topic , but I feel that sexual harrasment especially in the workplace is a textbook example of the double standard at work. I'm not even talking about telling a chick she has a nice rack. (when did that go out the window by the way :( )
As a man i'm afraid to discuss anything work related because it might be misconstrued as sexual harrasment, especially in the field of law which i am currently studying.

28-Jun-2007, 03:53 AM
dont be afraid darth ... we're all pretend friends here :)

darth los
28-Jun-2007, 04:01 AM
dont be afraid darth ... we're all pretend friends here :)

Pretend or not. i like you guys better than most of the people i know personally. Maybe it's because you're so far away. the grass is always greener till' it's in you're face bumming 20 bucks off of you. :mad: ( i think that's how it goes:confused: ).

28-Jun-2007, 04:08 AM
Yes, I see it all the time. One time that comes to mind is at the video store I work at, we had a guy have a really good week as far as his sales goals went. He always worked with one of the managers when he was selling crazy amounts of product and isntead of that employee getting the recogniziton for his sales, an award was given to the manager for excellence in motivating employees in sales... never mind he didn't motivate anybody, the motivation was that we were told if we didnt sell X amount of items that week we would be written up.

That is why every time you go into a certain video store chain you are asked to buy at least 2 different things during the check out process. We are told to do it because "It's your job" and that if we dont sell a certain amount of a program per week we will get written up.

Nevermind the program they want us to sell to every customer will put us out of a job... and that we have been promoting it to every customer for a year and a half now without any breaks. Over-promotion and the fact that people like to be outside instead of inside watching movies this time of year is the reason why sales are low, but we get blamed for it.

28-Jun-2007, 04:14 AM
That reminds me of my job at the Noisy too... if we didn't make certain sales goals (imagine that? a restaurant with sales goals)... we had "saturday school" at 8am on Saturday (if you worked the Friday the night before you were prolly up til 1 or 2am) and after 3 Saturday schools you were fired... the managers "pet" was there every weekend for 2 months... this guy Jeremy went 3 times and was fired... he made a stink about it and they gave him his job back... but only because it was a holiday and they needed extra staff... so they fired him on Monday... again... it was such bull****...

But yeah I see a lot of male coworkers harassed by certain girls too... I always kinda figured they enjoyed it but I never participated... I just thought it was dirty...

28-Jun-2007, 05:54 PM
I have had gay dudes come on to me, sometimes pretty hardcore, and I tell em It aint going to happen. I hate when old gays treat you like a girl ( the way pigs treats girls) trying to touch your lower back, smacking their lips, when they know youre strait and obviously uninterested. I worked in a place with a lot of gay customers and some were really nasty. They tried to take advantage, in that case, of a PC atmosphere where any behavior is excused.

I've had girls push up on me hard (including at wok) and when I am not interested it is very uncomfortable when they refuse to get the hint. A lot of girls think that cause a lot of guys are girl crazy they can just grab you jimmy on a whim. Those girl are usually not attractive btw, not always but often.. More than a couple times I had girls into me and when they discovered I wasnt into them they made a concerted effort to make me miserable and call me an asshole at every opportunity. A couple of these went on for a long time. some guys would kill for those problems, but not me

Once I was working my last day at a job and this jail guy caught me in a back room and started getting too "friendly". I thought I was going to fight my way out of there until he backed off. CREEPY.

I used to be a bartender and, regardless of their ability to fill the cash box, you always lose shifts to tits.

28-Jun-2007, 06:04 PM
I can remember having a customer blatantly sexually harass me. I mean you have to have a tolerance for certain kinds of harassment when you're peddling booze at a bar but the guy actually asked me to go to his table and tell him how I made his drink and I told his server to tell him to sod off but he pleaded with me to talk to the dude. Next thing I know i'm standing there in front of 4 guys and the one guy seemed to have some pathetic need to try to show off for his buds and started feeling my ass and my leg... I told him personally to get a life and get out of the bar and then he asks to speak to the manager (who at the time was the bar manager and the only person of authority in the house lol) and so she takes me over to the table with her to discuss the complaint... next thing I know he's feeling her up and when she realizes what he's doing she's like excuuuuse me sir you're going to have to pay your check and leave...

it was funny in hindsight but I was two seconds from grabbing a beer bottle and showing him how to use it in a prison fight scene or something

darth los
28-Jun-2007, 06:32 PM
I've had girls push up on me hard (including at work) and when I am not interested it is very uncomfortable when they refuse to get the hint. A lot of girls think that cause a lot of guys are girl crazy they can just grab you jimmy on a whim. Those girl are usually not attractive btw, not always but often.. More than a couple times I had girls into me and when they discovered I wasnt into them they made a concerted effort to make me miserable and call me an asshole at every opportunity. A couple of these went on for a long time. some guys would kill for those problems, but not me

That's a very good point. Most women just are not used to being rejected. When they are there automatically has to be a problem with you. Either you hate women or you're gay. it's too funny really. Ironically in the end they look like the ones who are psycho. Most women are emotionally under developed.

Chic Freak
28-Jun-2007, 07:14 PM
Most women are emotionally under developed.

This in a thread about prejudice :/

darth los
28-Jun-2007, 07:24 PM
This in a thread about prejudice :/

Women are emotionally needy. They need approval and someone to make them feel good. If they didn't they wouldn't be asking if their asses look fat in those jeans when the answer is obvious. They're dependant on the opinions of others in order to feel good about themselves. Most women need emotional coddling. Now whether it's a good thing or not is certainly up for debate. I would list more examples but i think i made my point.

29-Jun-2007, 12:40 AM
This is mildly disturbing...

Let me start off by assuring you that, as cliché as it sounds, I am a happily married woman. It just so happens that I like a healthy dose of flirtation here and there.

As many people can attest to, going to work is not always fun. Going to work 31 weeks pregnant... well that's just a pain my sciatic nerve. I need motivation to stay awake in long meetings. Some days I need an incentive just to get out of bed. The work boyfriend is the perfect solution to this. Heating things up at the office helps to ward off boredom.

Whenever I start a new job, I scope out the office for the best possible candidate. Someone who is basically attractive, witty, willing to flirt back and completely unavailable. A gay male is usually a good bet, though not usually interested in reciprocal flirtation so much as mutual admiration. (Think Clinton Kelly and Stacy London of What Not to Wear.) I find young single guys are best, because they are able to separate a bit of fun giggles and playful slaps on the arm from a downright solicitation to an affair. Plus these fresh out of college man-boys have no interest in ruining my marriage and having to take care of my child and pay my mortgage.

My husband is aware of my need for a work boyfriend. He likes to make fun of me about my crushes. The reason I tell him is simple: I have nothing to hide. It's totally innocent fun. He's more than welcome to a work girlfriend, however he works for a sports TV network -- so the ratio of men to women is not in his favour. (Aw, shucks.)

Let's be clear -- I'm not willing to throw my marriage away or do something I'd regret. I just need a little ego boost here and there. Someone to stare at during the PowerPoint presentation, or doodle little notes to in a conference. Someone to sit next to and snark with at the company dinner. Someone who reminds me that I've still got it.

Silly? Maybe, but oh so fun.

read that on careerbuilder...

darth los
29-Jun-2007, 01:31 AM
WTF are you doing to me woman!?! :lol: :lol:

I thought you had us fooled. Put that in italics next time or something .lol I thought you were telling us who you really were. :o

29-Jun-2007, 02:51 AM
comeon now you know i'm not married...

though if i had multiple personalities i suppose i wouldn't know if my alter ego was married ...

darth los
29-Jun-2007, 02:53 AM
comeon now you know i'm not married...

though if i had multiple personalities i suppose i wouldn't know if my alter ego was married ...

That's just it. On the internet you can be whatever, how are we supposed to know. We only know what you tell us. I thought you were coming clean. lmfao :lol:

29-Jun-2007, 03:46 AM
Bias in recording terms means the recording level of a instrument, so yes .

No I know what you mean I am being a smart arse...

29-Jun-2007, 03:49 AM
:moon: :lol: :moon: :lol: :moon:

29-Jun-2007, 03:52 AM
if theres any bias,its still color. how else do u explain me gettin stuck on register at kmart years back while others were trained for other shat i already knew? there were no non white department heads at all.

darth los
29-Jun-2007, 04:09 AM
if theres any bias,its still color. how else do u explain me gettin stuck on register at kmart years back while others were trained for other shat i already knew? there were no non white department heads at all.

Unfortunately racism, the original sin of this country, still exists and there will always be places and people that discriminate based on color. Regretably this is a prime example of why we still need affirmative action even though it's unconstitutional on it's face.

29-Jun-2007, 04:14 AM
its so true :(

29-Jun-2007, 04:40 AM
Unfortunately racism, the original sin of this country, still exists and there will always be places and people that discriminate based on color. Regretably this is a prime example of why we still need affirmative action even though it's unconstitutional on it's face.

honestly..im black and affirmative action works like this. i've never been hired because of it and they only hire the craptastic minorities that'll quit to force the ruling to over turn AA to say it doesnt work. people still think the darker u are the worse of a person u are.............tell that to george bush who they freely keep electing hoping he'll change

01-Jul-2007, 11:23 AM
i had a fat guy come on to me where i used to work,he used to wiggle his tongue at me and call me ''sexy gavvy''!! when my nick name is gaz. once i went to the bog and he followed me, knocking on the door asking if i was alright!!:eek:

01-Jul-2007, 03:38 PM
i had a fat guy come on to me where i used to work,he used to wiggle his tongue at me and call me ''sexy gavvy''!! when my nick name is gaz. once i went to the bog and he followed me, knocking on the door asking if i was alright!!:eek:
More cushion for the pushin'!:moon:

01-Jul-2007, 07:08 PM
I once worked in a bar, as a waiter and we had male stripper night.
What an awkward night that was.
Some of the women (no offense to the nice ladies here)
were actually trying to undress me while I served them.
Maybe it was the booze that flooded the place that night, but
things were wild. Our owner thought it would be a good idea
to have waiters working that night, when it was ladies night.
Which I think was a wrong choice and she ignored everyone's
input to her so called idea. Some people in the higher ranks
just have no regard to the people in the threnches

In high school they had a system, that if one or a couple of the students
in class were failing, they would take a couple of marks off of students who had high grades and give it to the ones who were close to flunking.
Man, that use to peeve me right off.
I'm not sure if they do that anymore, but it was so damn unfair.
We worked hard for those marks, why should we hand them over
to students who obviously put no afforts forth to passing in
the first place

01-Jul-2007, 07:47 PM
i had a fat guy come on to me where i used to work,he used to wiggle his tongue at me and call me ''sexy gavvy''!! when my nick name is gaz. once i went to the bog and he followed me, knocking on the door asking if i was alright!!:eek:


02-Jul-2007, 04:29 AM
I once worked in a bar, as a waiter and we had male stripper night.
What an awkward night that was.
Some of the women (no offense to the nice ladies here)
were actually trying to undress me while I served them.
Maybe it was the booze that flooded the place that night, but
things were wild. Our owner thought it would be a good idea
to have waiters working that night, when it was ladies night.
Which I think was a wrong choice and she ignored everyone's
input to her so called idea. Some people in the higher ranks
just have no regard to the people in the threnches

In high school they had a system, that if one or a couple of the students
in class were failing, they would take a couple of marks off of students who had high grades and give it to the ones who were close to flunking.
Man, that use to peeve me right off.
I'm not sure if they do that anymore, but it was so damn unfair.
We worked hard for those marks, why should we hand them over
to students who obviously put no afforts forth to passing in
the first place

What kinda effed up school policy was that? I woulda sued or something you're messing with my future right there boy!

02-Jul-2007, 04:53 PM
What kinda effed up school policy was that? I woulda sued or something you're messing with my future right there boy!
Its called grading on a curve. A certain amount will pass and a certainamount will fail. Some get brought up into passing, but others lose points. Thats usulally done when a teacher does a ****ty job of teaching and doesnt want to look bad
But the teacher says something like
"You kids are mostly dumb, so I will grade on a curve so 80% of you arent failing"

02-Jul-2007, 05:06 PM
LOL, I'm white an I work for a tribe of american indians. The can legally discriminate the white guys. And they do.

03-Jul-2007, 04:12 AM
ahhh so thats the famed grading on a curve I hear so much about... never had the pleasure of experiencing that personally... If I had to I would've killed everyone I worked damn hard to outscore my classmates

03-Jul-2007, 04:14 AM
I find it at my place of work. It basically has to do with whoever the managers like, get the most hours and preferencial treatment (ie, they don't get the **** jobs).

I can do the exact same thing as him, down to the last detail, and he gets lauded for being a hard worker. I also got hired a week before him, so i have senoirity over the guy (only a week, but i do have it) so it's bulls*it, and has made me wanna quit out of disgust.

03-Jul-2007, 04:22 AM
i hated working every single holiday for my last boss... and the same people kept having relatives die off or whatever so they wouldn't have to go... the thing i hate THE MOST is the girls who got knocked up so they need holidays off to be with their kids... like its my fault they're too stupid to get on the pill or use a condom I mean wtf? and the managers always fell for it... felt like starting a new job with a pretend family i could kill off at will or sick child i needed to be with whenever i wanted time off...

I'll never forget what my friend JP said... no matter where you are you'll always find yourself being the hardest working person there ... fuggin blows just because I have an amazing work ethic

03-Jul-2007, 05:07 AM
im a male bartender and i still get just as gooda tips as any female bartender... then again i work in a stag bar and no im not queer i guess i serve strong drinks

03-Jul-2007, 05:09 AM
i dont tip men better than i tip women... i hate getting a dude to help me cos i never know if he's flirting because he likes me or if he just wants my money...

darth los
03-Jul-2007, 05:10 AM
i dont tip men better than i tip women... i hate getting a dude to help me cos i never know if he's flirting because he likes me or if he just wants my money...

A man's motivation for helping a woman is rarely the money. Although everybit helps. :elol:

03-Jul-2007, 05:13 AM
yeah but i just generally loathe people who comeonto me

03-Jul-2007, 08:23 PM
As i fall into the overweight category, i've not had problems with women in the workplace. More often then not, they seem eager to have me as a friend. So, sexual harrasment hasn't been an issue in any job i've had.

I have been passed up for promotions and pay increases though, several times. On one occasion i was actually told that it was becuase i was the only White person in the department. The reasoning being that as i was white, and spoke english, any promotion or pay increase would cause some sort of strife amongst my coworkers. Bringing about accusations of racial discrimination towards the management. I had been working there for alittle over a year at that point, and decided that this occurance was enough to make me quit out of principle.

As I generally look for something requiring physical activity, just about anything outside of an office, i've been passed up for jobs in favor of imigrants and minorities. I'd like to make it known that i have nothing against either. And being passed up for employment didn't anger me as much as it might others. It has generally led to me finding better contract positions with a higher pay rate, and better hours.

I'm not sure if these quilify for the biased aspect of this topic. Or even if they're all that legitimate in ways of discrimination in the workplace. Just putting in my two cents worth.

03-Jul-2007, 11:05 PM
I was once demoted at my job in Canada because one of my coworkers alleged that I got all the good shifts because I was um... more comely than she was and that it wasn't fair to other employees who worked there for years... my boss told me exactly what the other employees said about me and told me he'd try to keep them at bay because frankly i'm more fun than they were (I was the youngest person who worked at the bar/resort everyone had a good 5-10 years on me) and eventually when the others didn't get what they wanted ie more hours... they started showing up late or not showing up at all and eventually my boss had to demote me by giving me other jobs to do around the resort and bar so everyone had 'equal time' bartending. That was some kind of bull****.

04-Jul-2007, 04:29 AM
im a male bartender and i still get just as gooda tips as any female bartender... then again i work in a stag bar and no im not queer i guess i serve strong drinks
I always tried to beat the chicks out of principle cause I couldnt coast on tits. Though alot of the girls were good bartenders, they dont have to be.

That was some kind of bull****.
Not if you were on the other side of it. If a girl with massive exposed boobs got all your shifts you would complain.