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View Full Version : A zombie series I have made called "Pale"

28-Jun-2007, 03:39 AM
Hey guys i havent been on here in a while i have been busy, having a job now and all.

I made a zombie series called "Pale" useing "The movies." The movies is a pc game that lets you make your own movies.

Each episode is around 3 mins long

By the way, The episodes contain subtitles and no voice overs so bare with me :D

The Plot:

A few survivors constantly seeking refuge during a zombie outbreak.

Setting: Newyork


Mike: 21 year old college student
Randy: 21 year old college student
James: 26 year old police officer
William: 45 year old lawyer
John: 28 year old ladys man
Bug: 30 year old biker
Kat: 30 year old biker
Jim: 25 year old rastafarian

Here they are:

The Introduction: http://youtube.com/watch?v=zdb9YgI2JD0

Episode 1: http://youtube.com/watch?v=IvWSGWk8wxU

Episode 2: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ykr6sxYgeFA

Episode 3: http://youtube.com/watch?v=I4Px9vJT838

Episode 4: http://youtube.com/watch?v=BvMJx2D-AuA

Episode 5: http://youtube.com/watch?v=CjI-oOwPAzY

Episode 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOi656lwuZI

Episode 7: http://youtube.com/watch?v=anK4pIjuXQU

Episode 8: http://youtube.com/watch?v=PGnVsNWOTsw

Please leave comments here or on youtube and rate the videos 1-10 here or rate 1-5 stars on youtube.

The series is complete!

(My Movies)

Zombie Movies:

Pale: The series (DONE) (AKA Season 1)
Pale: Season 2 (MAYBE) (Thinking about it. I could make a better improved story with new characters)
Pale: The introduction (DONE)
Pale: The Movie (Thinking)
Dawn of the Dead remake movie (DONE not on youtube) (Pm me if you want it)
Day of the Dead remake movie (On Hold)

Non-Zombie movies:

None at the moment.

Thank you and please enjoy! :elol:

darth los
28-Jun-2007, 04:20 AM
dude what's up!! Been a while. We gotta meet up on live again. Anyway, i'll check it out and leave some comments. If not i'll talk to you about it over live. laters!! :D

28-Jun-2007, 04:50 AM
When I saw your post, I thought it said you made a zombie series called "Pele". I had a vision of a team of zombies trying to win in the world cup.......

darth los
28-Jun-2007, 05:10 AM
When I saw your post, I thought it said you made a zombie series called "Pele". I had a vision of a team of zombies trying to win in the world cup.......

Then would that film in turn be called "Balls of the DEAD?" :rockbrow:

28-Jun-2007, 08:42 AM
I'm really digging the howling zombies and of course the names of previous characters from zombie flicks... its funny but it kinda lags here and there... it needs a bit more action and it wouldn't hurt if the episodes themselves were longer... because the zombies seem to posess some ability to problem solve by hacking their way through the door of the house in the country they fled to for safety it would be sensical for the characters to recognise that and take a more offensive approach towards the zombies instead of trying to lock themselves inside a cabin in the woods awaiting what's prolly certain death.

28-Jun-2007, 04:51 PM
Thanks for watching them and giving feedback guys! :)

The game its self lacks action, there are only limited scenes i can do in my movies. When i get the expansion pack im sure there will be more action.

Its hard to make plot becuase you film it first (geting the scenes and what not) then after you add in the music,sound effects and subtitles.

I will try to make the plot better, I see what your coming from.

28-Jun-2007, 10:42 PM
Bub I think your doing a great job! Keep up the good work sweetie! Can't wait to see the end.

30-Jun-2007, 12:20 AM
Hey every one! thank you for more comments.

I am thinking of making part 6 soon.

(I also hope to get the expansion pack soon)

30-Jun-2007, 12:21 AM
I really liked the music you used...

30-Jun-2007, 11:19 PM
Hey Bub, you know I saw all these and I'm impressed, especially because you are using a console game to make 'em. LOVED your remake of Dawn and I'm looking forward to the Day remake (hey, it'll probably be better than the upcoming one).

Keep on making 'em man, they're fun. :D

30-Jun-2007, 11:31 PM
Man, I have The Movies. But I was never that good at making the movies.

30-Jun-2007, 11:36 PM
^^ Thanks bro!

Man, I have The Movies. But I was never that good at making the movies.

Lol... i sucked at first but now im doing better.

have you seen my series evilned? lol

you hate making them but what about watching them :P

30-Jun-2007, 11:40 PM
I've watched the first two now. I think it's good entertainment. You can do alot with that game.

30-Jun-2007, 11:45 PM
I've watched the first two now. I think it's good entertainment. You can do alot with that game.

Thank dude ^^.

yeah after the series and the day remake ill start making other (non zombie)movies.

I need the expansion before i do day, they have more sets and dtuff to offer (helicopter :))

so yeah.

01-Jul-2007, 10:16 AM
I watched them and they are pretty good, but I think you need a regular female. Here's a couple idea characters.

The dumb blonde that keeps fainting.

The smart kid.

A lead zombie.

Hope that helps.

02-Jul-2007, 06:09 AM
I watched them and they are pretty good, but I think you need a regular female. Here's a couple idea characters.

The dumb blonde that keeps fainting.

The smart kid.

A lead zombie.

Hope that helps.

Hey thanks for the ideas i will think about them when i make "Pale: The Movie"

The series is almost done, so it would be pointless to add more people.

Episode 6 is complete!

It is a series special! this one is 6 minutes not 3!:lol:

Well here it is!

The 6th episode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOi656lwuZI


PS: I wouldent have the drive to make a special episode but listning to the comments on here made me try harder and make a better series.

PSS: (people that gave me ideas, i hope you notace them in the 6th episode)

Thank you!

02-Jul-2007, 06:51 AM
Hey, man. Nice episodes. You inspired me to go out and buy The Movies. I'll be making a zombie series soon, too. I'll keep an eye out for episode 7 of Pale. Watch the forum for when I post my first episode too.

Keep up the good work :cool:

02-Jul-2007, 07:04 AM
Dude! that is great! good luck with that and contact me if you need any help.:D

I am glad you like my series man.

02-Jul-2007, 07:17 AM
VERY nice series. im gonna watch em all soon

02-Jul-2007, 07:22 AM
VERY nice series. im gonna watch em all soon

Thank you, more will be on the way soon.

I hope you enjoy the rest of my series.

02-Jul-2007, 07:43 AM
Thank you, more will be on the way soon.

I hope you enjoy the rest of my series.

i sure did just now. very nice cliffhanger

02-Jul-2007, 08:13 AM
Thanks gald you enjoyed it, thanks for the comments on youtube, Also thanks for subscribing to me. :D

I would add you as a friend on there but i dont know how. :(


I just finished the 7th episode! It is a normal 3-4 min one as usual.

I been working on it all day! Enjoy!

The 7th episode:


EDIT: sorry about before i sent a broken link, it works now.

03-Jul-2007, 08:41 PM
The Movies just crashed on me, and I lost about an hours worth of work on a zombie movie I was making. Blah!

03-Jul-2007, 08:57 PM
Damn! that sucks dude.

That has happend to me before, I think I was making the 4th episode when that happend.

(If you need any ideas or help ask me.)

(Oh and do you know how to start sandbox mode at the year 2000?

If you want to know just check out cheat websites.

04-Jul-2007, 12:51 AM
I'm gonna finish the film later and put it up.

04-Jul-2007, 12:52 AM
Great work Bub.
Keep em coming.
Gotta love that zombie with theaxe:)

05-Jul-2007, 05:10 PM
Thanks guys, more on the way soon.:D

08-Jul-2007, 12:40 PM
So whens the new ones coming out?

29-Jul-2007, 07:19 PM
Here it is! The last episode in the "Pale" series!

Pale episode 8:


I am sorry I havent been on in a while.
Working and such.

Please enjoy.

PS: I will make "Pale: The Movie" but I want to see if people still like my series first :P.

I dont want to waist time you know?:skull:

When I get the expansion pack I will make my remake of "Day of the Dead"

Tell me what you think of the pale series! They will be on DVD September


29-Jul-2007, 11:25 PM
Bub, your episodes are killer!

My wife saw your episodes too and then ran out to find her own copy of Movies, which was no longer available (at least at our local Best Buy) so she ordered one from the Web. Like the other heads, she too is going to try to put together her own zombie film, inspired by your example.

Just wanted to let you know that apparently you are the source of inspiration for many of us here at HPOTD.

Keep making those films, brother!

29-Jul-2007, 11:41 PM
Thanks bro! that I will.

All I need is that damn expansion pack, would be easyer to make Day remake.

I could start Pale: The movie tonight...

Hey give me ideas people, Should the movie be in parts or all together?

Example: Parts

I could sum up about 3 parts each being about 5-10 minutes long. ( Could have a good story since its long, or long and dull.) I hope it wouldent be dull.

Example 2: Single

I could make this movie about 8 mins long with no parts.

What do you think?

I also updated the front page, check it out!

30-Jul-2007, 03:08 AM
Yayyyyyy BUB! Great job man! I love it!

30-Jul-2007, 03:12 AM
Pale: The series Intro!

It is now complete.

The movie contains all of the characters in the pale series bios.

This is best to watch before veiwing the series, this gives you some what of a character development.

Well here it is enjoy!

Pale: The Introduction


30-Jul-2007, 08:42 PM
Yeah Bub, just finished watching the final installment and I thought it was pretty good. I may have to watch the episode before that though because I seriously need to re-familiarise myself with the characters.