View Full Version : Not prosecuting internet sex predators?

29-Jun-2007, 12:31 AM

I remember watching this paticular episode of Datelines 'To Catch a Predator' and when they found the dead body of the prosecutor. For me... by the DA coming up with reasons not to prosecute the predators arrested in the sting operation suggests he has some kind of internet sex feind in himself. And as for the people in the area who were upset that predators were being lured to their neighborhood... get real guys... just because you didn't draw them out yourselves doesn't mean they weren't going to come sooner or later. I can't believe that they aren't punishing those sickos its ridiculous.

30-Jun-2007, 02:15 PM
why would the police go to all the trouble of setting up the sting if the d.a had no intention of prosecuting these nonces, surely they consulted him before they went ahead. I believe that now they know who these scum-bags are they should print there names in the paper so people are warned ( and if some of these perverts get a visit at 3am and find themselves forcibly removed from their genitals then thats even better )

darth los
30-Jun-2007, 06:17 PM
That is rediculous. I also watch the "to catch a predator" series and the only reason i can come up with why the da wouldn't prosecute is because he didn't feel he could get a conviction. Now before anyone says that's nonsnse, i agree. They have these guys' emails, chat logs and have virtually caught them red handed. I think there's a strong case actually. Criminal law is all about intent. In a drug sting the officer's never actaully are going to sell drugs to people, all they have to determine is that the person intended to buy and was indeed going to engage in an illegal activity if left on this course. The pervs on that show show up with alcohol and condoms, so it's apparent what their intent was.

30-Jun-2007, 08:59 PM
internet predators should be shot,not kept in prison for life on MY dime

30-Jun-2007, 09:08 PM
why would the police go to all the trouble of setting up the sting if the d.a had no intention of prosecuting these nonces, surely they consulted him before they went ahead. I believe that now they know who these scum-bags are they should print there names in the paper so people are warned ( and if some of these perverts get a visit at 3am and find themselves forcibly removed from their genitals then thats even better )

@agree! @agree!:|

30-Jun-2007, 10:43 PM
The thing I never understood about the whole "it is so horrible for an 18+ year old guy to have sex with a 14 year girl" thing is, wasnt it commonplace for girls to get married at 13 years old in the early days of our country? Marriages that I assume were consumated on their wedding night? I seem to remember that from American history, as well as from Little House on the Prairie. Experts say that it is horribly traumtising for young females to have sex so early, and can cause them psycological problems for their entire lives. This is either not always true, or everyone in this country is decended from generations of psycologically damaged mothers.

30-Jun-2007, 11:08 PM
First things first...

I dont doubt that Dateline ran their sting in Texas in the exact same way they ran every other Perverted Justice sting... you dont make up a new formula when you already have the secret to success... the best I can come up with is the DA is dirty and he thinks that by prosecuting these guys its saying its okay for Dateline to lure predators to sweet small town America and to bait them with 13 year old girls and boys willing to talk to an old skeeeze...

Now onto Philly...

Sex for young girls could be traumatic... I dont know I wasn't one of the kids in 7th grade getting it on with every guy in class... but I can tell you the girls who did are today... unwed mothers, serious alcohol and drug issues, possibly in jail at some time, and on the long road to nowhere. I was watching Valmont yesterday in 1700s France... and this 15 year old girl was betrothed to a man who was at least 40... before their wedding night Valmont who's prolly 30 had sex with her... all the while she was in love with a 17 year old she didn't bang... tell me that whole sitch didn't eff her up.

Back in the olden days you had to marry off your daughters... the youngest ones typically most desireable... and you even had to pay a man to marry her with a dowry... we dont do that in todays modern times. People live longer than they used to. Girls have equal access to education, voting, and women can own property. Times have changed dont cling to the way things used to be. They were that way for a reason. But they aren't that way because we have progressed.

Dont tell me you actually condone that kind of behavior?

darth los
30-Jun-2007, 11:12 PM
The thing I never understood about the whole "it is so horrible for an 18+ year old guy to have sex with a 14 year girl" thing is, wasnt it commonplace for girls to get married at 13 years old in the early days of our country? Marriages that I assume were consumated on their wedding night? I seem to remember that from American history, as well as from Little House on the Prairie. Experts say that it is horribly traumtising for young females to have sex so early, and can cause them psycological problems for their entire lives. This is either not always true, or everyone in this country is decended from generations of psycologically damaged mothers.

However much i would like to argue with your point the logic seems sound.
I would like to point out though that the society of the times dictates what is acceptable and what is not and as we all know, times change. In the times to which you are refering to there were 2 main things contributing to men taking young wives and them having children so young. Both of them have to do with the now seemingly primitive medical advances of the era.

1) the average life expectancy was much less than it was today. You were blessed to see your forties, so the timetable for doing things was significantly pushed up. Women had to have children much earlier then than they are expected to today. Which leads into the second point.

2) Half the children people had would die before the age of 5. Of course the more wealthy you were the more likely you were to have access to better medical care and sanitary living conditions. You had to have alot of children simply to better the odds of survival of not only your family but the human race.

Today these things are no longer a concern so society deems it unescesary and wrong to have wives so young partly because of the psycholgical reasons you mentioned which they must have known about all along but had no other choice. Survival of the species is first and foremost i guess.

30-Jun-2007, 11:17 PM
Dont tell me you actually condone that kind of behavior?

What I am saying is, if it is an accepted psychological FACT that young girls having sex by definition means their minds are messed up for the rest of their lives, either that isnt really a fact, or all of us are decended from females who had messed up minds for their entire lives.

However much i would like to argue with your point the logic seems sound.
I would like to point out though that the society of the times dictates what is acceptable and what is not and as we all know, times change.
I will probably get an annoying automatic "Automerged Doublepost" by responding to this post so quickly after my last, but oh well.

I do agree with both of your points, and your point that "society of the times dictates what is acceptable." However, when dealing with science, there has to be..... "universal truths". Either sex at a young age messes up a girls mind, or it doesnt. Each individual has their own responses to their own situations, but as a generality, the "truth" of the matter wouldnt change. What I mean is, American society once deemed that it was perfectly acceptable to own other human beings as slaves. That fact doesnt change the "universal truth" that it is unacceptable to own other human beings as slaves. The popular beliefs of any given society at any given time would not change what the "truth" actually is. Now, some "truths" are a lot more difficult to determine than. I just wonder what the actual "truth" here is. Just because some girls who had sex early go on to be unwed mothers, alcoholics, etc., doesnt mean that all will. I mean, girls who dont have sex early go on to be unwed mothers, alcoholics, etc. Either those who tell us that it is so terrible for a young girl to have sex are incorrect, or we are all genetic decendents of generations of disturbed women. The changing views of society shouldnt have a bearing on medical facts, should it?

03-Jul-2007, 05:29 AM
as a point of fact... medical issues evolve just like human issues... girls used to get their periods later in life than they do now... now you've got girls in elementary school going through such changes... having sex early on is a precursor to promiscuity and behavioral issues... thats a fact... just like raping children is going to **** them up... especially if its a man having sex with a child... and because women look at sex entirely differently from men in most cases it can screw up a young girl is she has sex too young i firmly believe that i've personally seen that and there's no possible way to say its okay for a man to have sex with a girl... no way... no medical mumbo jumbo no slave correlations... its wrong...

03-Jul-2007, 08:50 AM
as a point of fact... medical issues evolve just like human issues... girls used to get their periods later in life than they do now... now you've got girls in elementary school going through such changes... having sex early on is a precursor to promiscuity and behavioral issues... thats a fact... just like raping children is going to **** them up... especially if its a man having sex with a child... and because women look at sex entirely differently from men in most cases it can screw up a young girl is she has sex too young i firmly believe that i've personally seen that and there's no possible way to say its okay for a man to have sex with a girl... no way... no medical mumbo jumbo no slave correlations... its wrong...

So then, I guess you agree with my thought that we are all decended from generations of mentally damaged/disturbed women?

Also, I disagree that it is a "point of fact" that medical issues evolve just like human issues.

03-Jul-2007, 08:55 AM
obviously women are messed up... just look at the geico commercials where he's like answering his cell phone and its his mother and he's gonna put it on speaker...

not to mention how utterly stupid they are... i was just listening to the real world and the chick was like (i kid you not) 'he thought that just because i went up to his room from the bar and got into his bed that i was going to sleep with him' ... thats what i'd be expecting!