View Full Version : Some people just need a really good hard slap in the face...

29-Jun-2007, 11:50 AM

Come on guys, you're behaving like children... FFS join the rest of us in the real world when you're ready...

I hope they spent a lot of money wasting their time!

29-Jun-2007, 12:07 PM
Will have cost em a lot more than just paying the quick fine i'm sure, it's stupid to contest it if you can't do the time don't do the crime as they say and as one of them was doing 17mph over the legal speed limit he deserves more than just points and a fine!

Don't they see the adverts with the little girl, we have speed limits for a reason :rockbrow:

29-Jun-2007, 12:21 PM
They're crying 'foul', yet what they're trying to endorse is a situation where drivers will be going around at 100mph wearing balaclava's and then when a speeding fine (photo) turns up at their door they simply refuse to talk...

How dim are these guys!

29-Jun-2007, 02:25 PM
You never know with any luck they might drive 100mph round a corner and into a brick wall, then they will realise that speed can kill although obviously it will be too late :p

Laws are there for a reason, how could they think that every angle had not been looked at first before they tried to challenge the system. Idiots!

29-Jun-2007, 03:08 PM
Now, I go at the speed limit, and some speed limits make a lot of sense, like 30 in a school zone, so it really pisses me off when you get some numpty who goes 40 in that 30 ... but then continues at 40 through a freaking 60 zone! :eek:

We should have a "minimum speed limit" like in America so you don't get slow pokes holding people up who need to get places, it's especially annoying in the countryside as you rarely get the opportunity to overtake.

Also, the motorway should be bumped up to 80, even the police say it should be 80. 70 was stuck in absolutely ages ago, it needs updating, many people do at least 80, the cops don't even bother chasing after being doing 80 these days, and I think people are fully capable of doing 80 on a motorway.

As for speed cameras - money machines, nothing more. Prior to speed cameras the rate of deaths on the roads was dropping. Speed cameras came along and it levelled off.

1 in 20 accidents is genuinely caused by speed. However, over 30% of accidents are caused by not paying attention. Think about it, with all this speed camera nonsense you're forever looking at your speedo, paranoid that you're going to be caught and banged up or lose your license...are you looking at the road? Rarely, always that bloody speedo.

The stats say it all really, it's distraction that kills people more than speed. Speed has it's time and place - which is not in a school zone or residential area or in town - but otherwise, there's nothing wrong with it if you can handle it.

And all this speed camera stuff, is that catching people without insurance or road tax or people who are banned outright? Is it catching people who are drunk or on drugs or are running an MOT failure? No they don't, they rake in cash from people.

Cameras haven't proved themselves to be any better than just normal speed zones, the majority of British people will/would be capable of keeping to the speed limit, it's just the numpties - but you get them anyway, they slam on the breaks for a speed camera, and then tear off again once the white lines have passed under them - that's dangerous, slamming on their breaks...it's also a reason why cameras were legally required to be flagged up and seen from a distance, but not anymore, legislation was passed to reverse the changes, so now they can be completely hidden - more stealth from Big Brother Blair/Brown. :mad:

But if you've been caught speeding and you're bang to rights, then how on earth are you going to win a court case? Doi...numpties.

29-Jun-2007, 11:16 PM
oh thats funnnnnnnnnnnnnny

30-Jun-2007, 01:58 AM
I thought this post was going to have something to do with Bill Murray and Groundhog Day......

30-Jun-2007, 03:00 AM
bill murray in groundhog day needed a pot of coffee thrown in his face and a swift kick in the ass

30-Jun-2007, 06:34 AM
bill murray in groundhog day needed a pot of coffee thrown in his face and a swift kick in the ass

Huh? Awesome flick!

30-Jun-2007, 06:36 AM
the only movie worse than that flick was... lost in translation :barf:

30-Jun-2007, 11:09 AM
Lost in Translation was superb!

And what's Bill Murray got to do with some plonkers trying to overturn speed camera fines? :rockbrow:

30-Jun-2007, 02:18 PM
back to speed cameras, if you are stupid enough to break the speed limit knowing that there are cameras about then you have no-one else to blame but yourself so just pay the fine and suffer it...

30-Jun-2007, 05:35 PM
Off original toppic but Groundhog day is a brilliant film, I for one love it how bad or good would it be to be stuck in the same day over and over and over and over well you get the picture.

I guess it would depend on the day hmmm not sure what day I would chose to relive if I had a choice (hmm dunno smilie needed me thinks)

darth los
30-Jun-2007, 06:20 PM
back to speed cameras, if you are stupid enough to break the speed limit knowing that there are cameras about then you have no-one else to blame but yourself so just pay the fine and suffer it...

I don't know how many people on average get caught, but people usually do things because they think they can get away with it. Aparently they think because it doesn't happen immediately that they're in the clear. A sort of out of sight out of mind thing.

30-Jun-2007, 07:35 PM
the only movie worse than that flick was... lost in translation :barf:

I think you'll find you're in almost a minority of one with these comments :rockbrow:

30-Jun-2007, 09:26 PM
The gubment rake in MILLIONS from speed cameras, plenty of people get caught on them, it's quite easy to go 6 miles over the speed limit, it really is, also you don't always know what the speed limit is, especially if it's not signposted well, or it's constantly changing.

"Super Gatsos" are the next gen that are supposed to be coming in, they're digital (so they never run out of film, unlike current ones) and they can actually take a picture of whoever is at the wheel! :eek: Yep, Labour at work right there, they're all about spy cameras...:mad:

30-Jun-2007, 10:37 PM
Lost in Translation was superb!

And what's Bill Murray got to do with some plonkers trying to overturn speed camera fines? :rockbrow:

In Groundhog Day, Phil goes up to his producer and says "Rita, I need someone to give me a good hard slap in the face". She obliges. She says "Hows that?" He says "Good". Then the camera guy says "Let me know if you need any help with the other cheek". Classic comedy.

Plus I have Grounghog Day in the front of my mind, seeing as a couple of weeks ago I was getting drunk in the same bar where Bill Murray gets drunk at in the movie.....