View Full Version : Romero's Trilogy Trivia Challange

30-Jun-2007, 11:15 PM
Here's a chance to test our smarts.

A person will ask a trivia questions from one of
George's movies Night, Dawn or Day.
And we'll try to answer it.
If a person post an answer they have
an option to ask another question or
wait for someone else to ask a question.
Hopefully well have fun trying to stump each other.

Here's my first question.

In Night and Dawn Johnny and Stephen both
wear this?

darth los
30-Jun-2007, 11:16 PM
leather pilot gloves

How much of the country is affected by the plauge in the original NOTLD?

30-Jun-2007, 11:36 PM
How much of the country is affected by the plauge in the original NOTLD?

Tricky question. Dont know what you are going for, and I wont cheat by checking the DVD. The best answer I can give is

"The Eastern seaboard".

If that is correct, then my question is, in Day, what figure does Logan use as his calculation as to the human/zombie ratio on Earth?

darth los
30-Jun-2007, 11:42 PM
"something like 400,000 to one by his calculations"

*you got the question right. i actaully made a concerted effort to listen to the broadcasts in that film. He says the eastern 3rd of the us and nothing west of the mississippi river except southeast texas*

what month was it when the bikers raided the mall?

01-Jul-2007, 12:14 AM
You're right Darth, Stephen and Johhny both wore leather racing gloves.

What month did the bikers raid the mall? (question poted by Darth)

December, because of the Santa Clause George seen in the background
for a split second...

What was the number on the truck that Roger blocked the doors with,
the second truck he used?

01-Jul-2007, 12:20 AM
Not to be mean but this should be in the games area :P (i think)

darth los
01-Jul-2007, 12:47 AM
You're right Darth, Stephen and Johhny both wore leather racing gloves.

What month did the bikers raid the mall? (question poted by Darth)

December, because of the Santa Clause George seen in the background
for a split second...

What was the number on the truck that Roger blocked the doors with,
the second truck he used?

*wrong Answer*:elol:

I actually found this out a couple of days ago but you have to look at the scene right after fran marks the calendar on her bed. It's when the bikers first communicate with them over the radio. Stephen an Peter are intently listening and fran sticks half her body out of the room. On the wall next to her you can see a year's worth of calendars and only the first 3 are used. The third one still has a week to go in it. We all know the 3rd month of the year is march. So the answer is march.

*my turn*
-There are very few things that aren't the same when it comes to the original NOTLD and the remake. One of them is the first name of the cooper's daughter. What was it in the original and remake respectively?

Not to be mean but this should be in the games area :P (i think)

If that's true then the mods will take care of it sooner or later. But i see your point.

01-Jul-2007, 12:49 AM
Not to be mean but this should be in the games area :P (i think)

Hey! Thats mean!

*my turn*
-There are very few things that aren't the same when it comes to the original NOTLD and the remake. One of them is the first name of the cooper's daughter. What was it in the original and remake respectively?

Original - Karen
Remake- Sarah

*my turn*
Without looking, what is on the back of the red-shirted zombie that slumps down and stares (almost lovingly) at Fran in front of the glass doors at Penny's?

01-Jul-2007, 01:11 AM
Dam.. wasent it a baseball shirt? i think it was a number. (lol)

i guess thats not passable.. ill wait to do a trivia till you tell me if im right or not.

darth los
01-Jul-2007, 01:18 AM
Hey! Thats mean!

Original - Karen
Remake- Sarah

*my turn*
Without looking, what is on the back of the red-shirted zombie that slumps down and stares (almost lovingly) at Fran in front of the glass doors at Penny's?

I give you my word i didn't look at the film, but it's something like "bach arco pictarin "

Come on, give me partial credit atleast. Nobody else would have even come close. :(

01-Jul-2007, 02:10 AM
They may have, but you are right, it is "Bach's Arco Pitcairn." So, your turn.

darth los
01-Jul-2007, 02:23 AM
They may have, but you are right, it is "Bach's Arco Pitcairn." So, your turn.

What are the four last names of the lead characters in dawn?

01-Jul-2007, 04:06 AM
Andrews, Washington, DiMarco and Parker.

Name the piece of music in Dawn that plays over Milliard Rausch's broadcast when he says "pure... motorised... instinct". High five to anyone who can name the composer too.

01-Jul-2007, 04:25 AM
desert de glace :P
Artist P. Arvay

What is the name of the song that is played when Peter and Stephen are playing cards.

01-Jul-2007, 05:47 AM
desert de glace :P
Artist P. Arvay

What is the name of the song that is played when Peter and Stephen are playing cards.

Im not sure...I read it before...

Conasta or Constanza or something with a C....any help guys

01-Jul-2007, 10:41 AM
desert de glace :P
Artist P. Arvay

What is the name of the song that is played when Peter and Stephen are playing cards.

Romance D'Amour? Some listings have it at just Romance. Don't know the composer unfortunately.

01-Jul-2007, 04:06 PM
Someone I know says Romance D'Amour was written by John Williams...
I don't think so, but how would I know. Nice find thoug Max.

Darth los, see I didn't even realize that the cooper's daughter had a different name in the remake. How did that fly by me? lol

Here's another one:

Name the song that is playing while Peter and Stephen are cleaning up the mall.

01-Jul-2007, 04:47 PM
Someone I know says Romance D'Amour was written by John Williams...
I don't think so, but how would I know. Nice find thoug Max.

You're right. John Williams (not the movie music guy) is just the guitar player, not the composer AFAIK.

Here's another one:

Name the song that is playing while Peter and Stephen are cleaning up the mall.

We Are The Champions by R. Tilsley

01-Jul-2007, 07:47 PM
P. Arvay
<high five>

But then again, we was talking about it a little while ago, LOL.

Conasta or Constanza or something with a C....any help guys

No one gonna ask a Q? Ok, I'll go again. Another music one. The Pretty Things recorded a song called 'Cause I'm A Man that was played during the redneck scene in Dawn. Name the album of theirs that the song originally appeared on.

01-Jul-2007, 07:53 PM
i got one.............

whats the reason given for uncle rege dying?

01-Jul-2007, 10:13 PM
Didn't uncle Rege have cancer or something.

Pretty Things Singles A&B's. Is that the album you're thinking of?

Who from Dawn still wears a wedding band?

01-Jul-2007, 10:18 PM
Didn't uncle Rege have cancer or something.

Capncut, that's a toughie. I'll have to do some searching.

Who from Dawn still wears a wedding band?


i think he did have cancer, it was kinda not so clear cut

01-Jul-2007, 10:21 PM
I kinda took a guess, cause he didn't really look that eaten up and Tom never mentioned him being attacked or anything.

Ace, you got that one right it was Roger.
Have to make these ones harder lol

The foursomefrom Dawn leave the dock around 9 or 9:30, but
the digital clock on one of the buildings reads what time?

01-Jul-2007, 10:32 PM
Pretty Things Singles A&B's. Is that the album you're thinking of?

Nah, Electric Banana. Nice try though. :D

darth los
01-Jul-2007, 10:36 PM
How many zombies did ben actually kill in the original NOTLD?

01-Jul-2007, 10:42 PM
See Capncnut, it was a hard one. Well done.
Learn something everyday.

Ben killed three zombies. One in the kitchen, he later sets on fire.
And then he kills Cooper and his wife, once they turned.

My question is still posted

01-Jul-2007, 10:48 PM
The foursome from Dawn leave the dock around 9 or 9:30, but the digital clock on one of the buildings reads what time?
Well, the one inside the radio operator's room says 1.25 but that was a regular clock hanging on the wall. Awww, don't make me go through my DVD! :lol:

darth los
01-Jul-2007, 10:48 PM
See Capncnut, it was a hard one. Well done.
Learn something everyday.

Ben killed three zombies. One in the kitchen, he later sets on fire.
And then he kills Cooper and his wife, once they turned.

My question is still posted

You're forgetting the one he shot in the head through the window.:D

My turn.

what's the name of the cans of meat that the army " so generously provides them with" in day?

01-Jul-2007, 10:53 PM
Oh crap. It's beef something...Ugggh. As for the Ben question. I was almost right lol
Btw, the answer to my question and to release some stress from
Capncnut, the digital clock on the building reads 6:00. You can see it in the far right, bottom corner as the helicopter goes up in the air.

Someone answer Darth's ? I know it's beef something.

Here's one: Captain Rhode and Roger both wear this ring? Can you describe it

01-Jul-2007, 10:54 PM
Beef Treats.

Hey Rusty did I get it right or what man?

Capncnut, the digital clock on the building reads 6:00. You can see it in the far right, bottom corner as the helicopter goes up in the air.

How much does liquor make on the street per bottle in Land?

Edit: For all you cheaters out there, Leguizamo says what the price is in the first 10 minutes of the film.

01-Jul-2007, 10:56 PM
Cap, I will give it to you cause you noticed the clock in the radio room.
Which I never noticed. Been watching Dawn for 23 years and I missed that lol
Good question Capncnut, have to let someone else answer the Land question
cause I've only seen it once.

01-Jul-2007, 11:02 PM
Hey that means we've been watching the film for exactly the same time. Nice to meet you man.

<shakes hands>

Yeah, I only noticed the wall clock for the first time last week actually. You would think Id've noticed it sooner during the 1000+ other times I've watched it. :lol:

01-Jul-2007, 11:13 PM
*shakes hand* Nice to meet you Cap
Yeah, nice to meet someone who's been a fan as long as me.
I still see some things I've never seen before when I watch Dawn.
Use to watch it every Friday night, but now I wait two or three months,
makes it more enjoyable lol

darth los
02-Jul-2007, 12:06 AM
what was the amount of money it actually took to make NOTLD 68'?

02-Jul-2007, 12:12 AM
114,000 I think.

What role did George play in the original night of the living dead

02-Jul-2007, 01:30 AM
But I have a good question more geared toward the Teeny Boppers...

What Emo band did a song that was a Dawn of the Dead tribute and what was the song titled?

darth los
02-Jul-2007, 01:59 AM
114,000 I think.

What role did George play in the original night of the living dead

he was one of the reporters on tv in washington.

How many zombies have a credit in dawn of the dead?

02-Jul-2007, 02:15 AM
How many zombies have a credit in dawn of the dead?
Well, this is a tough one to know what answer you are going for. There are many zombies (obviously) that are uncredited, including some that had significant screen-time, not just background zombies (for example, John Harrison, who plays the screwdriver zombie, and is not credited).

As far as "credited" zombies, I would say 8, 9 with a loose connection. I think there are 5 people credited as "lead" zombies, such as Sharon and Clayton Hill, etc. Taso also has a credit in the movie (not sure if credited as a zombie, but he played a bunch, and had a credit, so he should count) so he makes 6, and of course, Scott Reiniger and David Emge have credits, and are zombies, so that makes 8. The loose conection is Savini, who plays a zombie in Land, and has a Dawn credit, to make 9. Without Savini, I say 8.

If that counts as correct, my question is, when they take off from the dock, and the chopper goes up in the air, and a bulding in the background has the lights going off floor by floor, what is the name of that building?

02-Jul-2007, 02:24 AM
Beef Treats.

Hey Rusty did I get it right or what man?


How much does liquor make on the street per bottle in Land?

Edit: For all you cheaters out there, Leguizamo says what the price is in the first 10 minutes of the film.

"a jug of good kentucky goes for $1500 back in town" -Foxy

what geographical mistake does flyboy make after he gets awoken by peter in the chopper?

darth los
02-Jul-2007, 03:12 AM
"a jug of good kentucky goes for $1500 back in town" -Foxy

what geographical mistake does flyboy make after he gets awoken by peter in the chopper?

I'm not sure what you mean. When peter wakes up Stepehen he says, "do you know where we are?" Stephen replies, "Yeah I know exactly where we are." Peter answers, "Harrisburg?". Stephen says,' NAH< passed it about an hour ago, we're still pretty close to Johnstown. Those rednecks are probably enjoying the whole thing." I'm not aware of anything else he says of the top of my head that constitutes a geographical mistake.

02-Jul-2007, 03:42 AM
I'm not sure what you mean. When peter wakes up Stepehen he says, "do you know where we are?" Stephen replies, "Yeah I know exactly where we are." Peter answers, "Harrisburg?". Stephen says,' NAH< passed it about an hour ago, we're still pretty close to Johnstown. Those rednecks are probably enjoying the whole thing." I'm not aware of anything else he says of the top of my head that constitutes a geographical mistake.

Can't find it either. The left Philly going West, hit Harrisburg, after an hour's worth of flying at about 100 knots that would put them pretty close to Johnstown which is a little over 100 miles away from Harrisburg.

02-Jul-2007, 04:23 AM
correct,the geography is HORRIBLY wrong. i have no idea what city is SUPPOSED to be set in at the beginning,but then they say johnstown and harrisburgh which are totally cool....but he said they passed j town an hour ago. if so, a plane or copter should be into ohio by then. think this way, it takes me 20 minutes to fly to toledo from detroit and an hour to drive. so they shoulda been in eastern ohio by then. pittsburgh to toledo is 3 hours driving....... so yea...romero kinda flubbed if u know where these places are located

darth los
02-Jul-2007, 04:30 AM
Thanks for the geography lesson. :) My turn.

what was the name of GAR'S first production company?

02-Jul-2007, 04:32 AM
Thanks for the geography lesson. :) My turn.

what was the name of GAR'S first production company?

LOL just trying to clear that up. wasnt trying to be an @ss. the geography is off just a smidge

uh.........idk......... what was it?

darth los
02-Jul-2007, 04:41 AM
Latent image which was co founded by him, Russell Streiner and John Russo among others.

Name 6 people from dawn who also appeared in other gar films?

02-Jul-2007, 05:27 AM
tom savini (MARTIN, CREEPSHOW)
the dude with the patch on his eye (THE CRAZIES)
john amplus (MARTIN, DAY OF THE DEAD)
gar and the wife (MARTIN THE CRAZIES)
dr berman (THE CRAZIES)


03-Jul-2007, 02:05 AM
tom savini (MARTIN, CREEPSHOW)
the dude with the patch on his eye (THE CRAZIES)
john amplus (MARTIN, DAY OF THE DEAD)
gar and the wife (MARTIN THE CRAZIES)
dr berman (THE CRAZIES)


There are more...

Peter and Roger are both in Knightriders...

Fran was in Creepshow....

Joe P was in Day of the Dead...

Savini was in Knightriders...

so there are 5 more...

darth los
03-Jul-2007, 02:12 AM
There are more...

Peter and Roger are both in Knightriders...

Fran was in Creepshow....

Joe P was in Day of the Dead...

Savini was in Knightriders...

so there are 5 more...

He got it right. All those that you listed are correct but i only asked him for six. Personally i love the way gar "keeps it in the family" when it comes to casting.

In NOTLD how far was the farmhouse they were holed up in from evans city?

03-Jul-2007, 02:50 PM
20 miles I think.

What is the name of the opening song for Day of the dead

03-Jul-2007, 03:03 PM
The Dead Suite

Okay, complete this quote from Dawn:

"Many people have died on the streets..."

03-Jul-2007, 03:12 PM
"In the basement of this building you'll find them"

What day is it when Sarah and the others land on the island?

Jdog, the name of the prison in the Day of the dead script is Gasparillia's.

darth los
03-Jul-2007, 05:05 PM
20 miles I think.

What is the name of the opening song for Day of the dead

Evans city is 5 miles away.

03-Jul-2007, 05:28 PM
"We can make 5 miles on freakin' fumes!"

darth los
03-Jul-2007, 08:03 PM
"In the basement of this building you'll find them"

What day is it when Sarah and the others land on the island?

Jdog, the name of the prison in the Day of the dead script is Gasparillia's.

November 4th.

According to frankenstein how long will it take for the body of a zombie to decompose enough for it not to be a threat anymore?

03-Jul-2007, 09:39 PM
Seven years I believe

darth los
03-Jul-2007, 09:54 PM
"These beings could function over a number of years. In cases of early revival 10-12 years."

Name three pairs of people who appeared in dead films that have a family connection.

05-Jul-2007, 09:35 PM
Dario and Asia Argento, thats the only one I got if you count Dario :(

05-Jul-2007, 10:24 PM
Would George and Christine be considered.
And then there's Tony Bubba and his brother,
damn can't remember his name.

Hey Livingdeadbeat, welcome to the site. Like your Avatar

What is the number on the last truck
Roger uses to block the entrances?

05-Jul-2007, 10:45 PM
Hello? Bill and Lori Cardille!

05-Jul-2007, 11:05 PM
the last truck used is number 169.

in the original NOTLD, in what town are the sheriff's posse and the national guard going to meet up in?

darth los
05-Jul-2007, 11:24 PM
Hello? Bill and Lori Cardille!

That's exactly the one i was looking for!! :shifty: 2 points !! :D

the last truck used is number 169.

in the original NOTLD, in what town are the sheriff's posse and the national guard going to meet up in?


What were the 3 sports that were played in dawn?

05-Jul-2007, 11:36 PM
Ic skating
and zombie shooting.
Was it Tennis (peter)
Ice skating (franny)
basketball (peter and stephen)

When the zombie attacks Fran, while the boys are
downstairs shopping, who's bag does she search
through and finds the flares

darth los
05-Jul-2007, 11:54 PM
Ic skating
and zombie shooting.
Was it Tennis (peter)
Ice skating (franny)
basketball (peter and stephen)

When the zombie attacks Fran, while the boys are
downstairs shopping, who's bag does she search
through and finds the flares

I'll give you that one although i wasn't thinking about ice skating as a sport. Figure skating is more a sport. Peter was also playing raquetball not tennis. The third sport i was looking for was golf. They were putting in one of the stores if you remember.

07-Jul-2007, 07:25 PM
Golf. Okay, I goofed lol
Don't I get extra for saying Stephen and
Peter were playing hoops.

In NOTLD, the corpse at the top of the stairs,
what did George use for eyeballs on the corpse?

darth los
07-Jul-2007, 08:37 PM
Golf. Okay, I goofed lol
Don't I get extra for saying Stephen and
Peter were playing hoops.

In NOTLD, the corpse at the top of the stairs,
what did George use for eyeballs on the corpse?

Ping pong balls.

In the dead series how many ghouls held guns and how many of those actually fired them?

07-Jul-2007, 09:18 PM
Let's see...
There was the dude in Dawn who took Roger's gun
and then Peter's.
In Day there was Bub, he fired the gun.
In Land there was that idiot Big Daddy, he held a gun and fired it.
So there is 3 that held a gun
and 2 who fired.
Did I miss any?

In Day of the dead, name the song that played in the background
when the Dr shuts the lights off on the fireman zombie and
tells him to "Think about it"

darth los
07-Jul-2007, 09:21 PM
Let's see...
There was the dude in Dawn who took Roger's gun
and then Peter's.
In Day there was Bub, he fired the gun.
In Land there was that idiot Big Daddy, he held a gun and fired it.
So there is 3 that held a gun
and 2 who fired.
Did I miss any?

In Day of the dead, name the song that played in the background
when the Dr shuts the lights off on the fireman zombie and
tells him to "Think about it"

You missed the female zombie that big daddy gave the rifle to and started firing.

07-Jul-2007, 09:26 PM
See Darth, I only watched Land once before
I gave the DVD away lol

My question still goes

07-Jul-2007, 09:51 PM
The Gonk from Dawn but played by John Harrison.

Name 4 arcade games on display in the mall.

07-Jul-2007, 09:56 PM
The pinball game Stephen plays,
the Star Trek game
racing game
and the cowboy duel game Stephen and Peter play.
I think there is a game that Peter plays by himself,
a shoot em up type of game.

In the extended cut of Dawn,
what does Stephen type on the typewriter

07-Jul-2007, 10:02 PM
The pinball game Stephen plays,
the Star Trek game
racing game
and the cowboy duel game Stephen and Peter play.
I think there is a game that Peter plays by himself,
a shoot em up type of game.
LOL, okay I'll accept that cos it is a bitch of a question.

Atari F1
Gang Busters


07-Jul-2007, 10:18 PM
Thanks Capn,
I couldn't even begin to
think of the "names" of
those games.
What was the name of the
diner that Ben said he was at?

darth los
07-Jul-2007, 10:38 PM
Thanks Capn,
I couldn't even begin to
think of the "names" of
those games.
What was the name of the
diner that Ben said he was at?


07-Jul-2007, 11:04 PM
What? No question for us Darth :)

darth los
07-Jul-2007, 11:21 PM
How does ben know when the rescue team arrives in the original NOTLD?

07-Jul-2007, 11:27 PM
He hears them upstairs?
Been a while since I've seen it.

darth los
07-Jul-2007, 11:31 PM
He hears them upstairs?
Been a while since I've seen it.

They never actually enter the house, not while he's alive anyway. If you recall they shoot him from a distance. It was the dogs barking that alerted him to their presence.

What were the 2 options DR. Milliard Rausch came up with as a sort of last ditch effort to combat the ghouls?

07-Jul-2007, 11:33 PM
They never actually enter the house, not while he's alive anyway. If you recall they shoot him from a distance. It was the dogs barking that alerted him to their presence.

I know they didnt enter the house, they shoot him through the window. I meant he could here them upstairs, outside.

darth los
07-Jul-2007, 11:36 PM
I know they didnt enter the house, they shoot him through the window. I meant he could here them upstairs, outside.

I never said you didn't know. I was just stating it for the record. Wanna try my second question?

08-Jul-2007, 12:37 AM
He said either feed them or
drop nuclear bombs on
all the big cities.

Finish this dialogue and what film is it from?
"You want me to salute that....."

darth los
08-Jul-2007, 12:58 AM
He said either feed them or
drop nuclear bombs on
all the big cities.

Finish this dialogue and what film is it from?
"You want me to salute that....."

That's right !!

.....pile of walking puss? Salute my ass !!

How many people were originally in the ungerground silo in day?

09-Jul-2007, 11:57 PM
Originally there were 18.
The twelve we see in the beginning of the movie,
the five soldiers and one scienctist that Rhodes
talks about later on.
"You lost one man, I lost five" he tells Sarah.
"And then there were 12" Johnny

In NOTLD when Cooper comes up
from the celler for the first time.
what are the first words out
his mouth?

darth los
10-Jul-2007, 03:01 AM
Originally there were 18.
The twelve we see in the beginning of the movie,
the five soldiers and one scienctist that Rhodes
talks about later on.
"You lost one man, I lost five" he tells Sarah.
"And then there were 12" Johnny

In NOTLD when Cooper comes up
from the celler for the first time.
what are the first words out
his mouth?

A RADIO !!! :D

In dawn who was the zombie that attacks roger inside the truck That peter shoots and what was their significance to the film beyond playing that zombie? ( hint: It's twofold).

11-Jul-2007, 12:01 AM
Two points Darth, you got the answer right.

The zombie attacking Roger was the make up artist
and still phottographer for Dawn, I think she even
dated Tom Salvini at one time during production.

In the extented version of Dawn,
when Fran is shopping in the book
store for baby books, on the shelf
behind her there are biographies of
what famous singer?

darth los
11-Jul-2007, 02:34 AM
Two points Darth, you got the answer right.

The zombie attacking Roger was the make up artist
and still phottographer for Dawn, I think she even
dated Tom Salvini at one time during production.

In the extented version of Dawn,
when Fran is shopping in the book
store for baby books, on the shelf
behind her there are biographies of
what famous singer?

You're correct on all counts. :)

I can't recall for the life of me. I'm embarrassed to admit that i even popped in the dvd to check but i couldn't make it out either. :(

12-Jul-2007, 04:00 PM
It's okay Darth.
The book is a biography of
Elvis Presley.
I only noticed cause a friend
of mine pointed it out when
I watched it with him.

It's like when Stephen types something
on the type writer, I can't make out
what he is typing.

Can anyone make out what Stephen is typing?

darth los
13-Jul-2007, 12:42 AM
What is the name of fran's dog in the original script?

13-Jul-2007, 01:57 AM
It's okay Darth.
The book is a biography of
Elvis Presley.
I only noticed cause a friend
of mine pointed it out when
I watched it with him.

It's like when Stephen types something
on the type writer, I can't make out
what he is typing.

Can anyone make out what Stephen is typing?

We talked about this before....

The two top answers are....

The end is near
dawn of the dead

that is how hard it is to tell.

My question from before is still unanswered

An emo band did a Dawn of the Dead tribute song...what was the band and the song.

darth los
13-Jul-2007, 02:00 AM
We talked about this before....

The two top answers are....

The end is near
dawn of the dead

that is how hard it is to tell.

My question from before is still unanswered

An emo band did a Dawn of the Dead tribute song...what was the band and the song.

I think I remember reading somewhere that it was "the end is near."

As for your question, i have no idea. I suck when it comes to the score. As you can see i haven't answered one yet. lol

15-Jul-2007, 04:32 PM
but it was recorded recently and they are a pretty big band on the EMO scene...I was shocked they had a dawn of the dead song...

does anyone know this or did I stump yous?

15-Jul-2007, 04:47 PM
but it was recorded recently and they are a pretty big band on the EMO scene...I was shocked they had a dawn of the dead song...

does anyone know this or did I stump yous?

Dawn of the Dead by The Murderdolls?

15-Jul-2007, 04:53 PM
regarding a query a few pages back:

Don't forget Kyra Schon and Karl Hardman!

15-Jul-2007, 11:02 PM
Dawn of the Dead by The Murderdolls?

no...but Murderdolls are more punkish arent they?

this band is flaming fag emo.

16-Jul-2007, 12:52 AM
no...but Murderdolls are more punkish arent they?

this band is flaming fag emo.

Probably but then again I never really know exactly what EMO pinpoints, punkish, gothish, dark geek. I dunno :confused: .

16-Jul-2007, 12:55 AM
He has me stumped:( :confused:

How about this one.

What five things does Dr kooky koo
give to Bub to play with in Day of the dead?

16-Jul-2007, 01:05 AM
He has me stumped:( :confused:

How about this one.

What five things does Dr kooky koo
give to Bub to play with in Day of the dead?

Salem's Lot novel
BIC style razor
Colt .45
Tape recorder/headphones.

darth los
16-Jul-2007, 04:20 PM
What were the company names of the trucks they used to block the entrances in dawn?

16-Jul-2007, 04:26 PM
B&P Motor Express Inc. A Qualpeco Company

Drive Safely

darth los
16-Jul-2007, 05:05 PM
Dude when you answer one it's your turn to ask a question !! :)

16-Jul-2007, 06:34 PM
Dude when you answer one it's your turn to ask a question !! :)

Oh, ok. Here goes:

What were J.C. Penny's store hours, Monday - Saturday?

16-Jul-2007, 10:36 PM
Monday to Saturday 10:00am to 9:30pm

Where were Tom and Judy going before the zombie
plague hit thier area of the world?

darth los
17-Jul-2007, 12:25 AM
They were going swimming by the lake when they heard the first reports about this.

Of the 4 lead zombies in dawn, which was the only one to be trapped in the mall after they locked the doors and apparently killed but shows up later in the film anyway? Major inconsistancy.

17-Jul-2007, 04:13 PM
Well Damn! I'm stumped.
Where the hell is Capn when you need him,
he would know the answer to this. ;)

darth los
17-Jul-2007, 05:49 PM
Well Damn! I'm stumped.
Where the hell is Capn when you need him,
he would know the answer to this. ;)

If you look at the scene after they raid the gun store, the one where they have roger in the wheelbarrow and clearing out the mall, when the dash for the jc penny store you can see the zombie with roger's m-16. The mall is aparently sealed off at this point and they procede to exterminate all the ghouls. But at the end of the film you see him again.

Where was the scene with the swat team and martinez on the roof filmed?

17-Jul-2007, 10:10 PM
I think it was filmed on top of the television
building they used for the WGON tv station.

For Taso's death scene in DOTD, what was used
as intestines that the zombies were to eat?

17-Jul-2007, 10:25 PM
I think it was filmed on top of the television
building they used for the WGON tv station.

For Taso's death scene in DOTD, what was used
as intestines that the zombies were to eat?

Intestines from a local slaughterhouse!

What is the exact date of the Night of the Living Dead (OG)?

You missed the female zombie that big daddy gave the rifle to and started firing.

Also missed Stephen when he zombifies and is walking around with the Ruger Blackhawk .22 dangling from his finger.

darth los
17-Jul-2007, 11:06 PM
Intestines from a local slaughterhouse!

What is the exact date of the Night of the Living Dead (OG)?

Also missed Stephen when he zombifies and is walking around with the Ruger Blackhawk .22 dangling from his finger.

That's freaking awsome!! how could i miss that one!!

The answer to my previous question: They filmed that scene on top of the roof of Latent image studios, Gar's Company. You gotta love those commentaries guys. I don't understand why more people don't watch them. :confused:

As to your question, i'm confused. Do you mean the date in the movie or the date the movie began filming or was completed?

17-Jul-2007, 11:14 PM
You got a point Yojimbo, it was animal intestines,
and some of the extras actually ate them, just so
they could be in the movie. *Yuck*

Release date for NOTLD was Oct 1st 1968. I think

Lori Cardille's (Sarah) father played in NOTLD,
what is real name and what role did he play?

Looks like Darth and I answered at the same time LOL

17-Jul-2007, 11:18 PM
That's freaking awsome!! how could i miss that one!!

The answer to my previous question: They filmed that scene on top of the roof of Latent image studios, Gar's Company. You gotta love those commentaries guys. I don't understand why more people don't watch them. :confused:

As to your question, i'm confused. Do you mean the date in the movie or the date the movie began filming or was completed?

Sorry, should have been more specific. In the movie, what is the date of the Night of the Living Dead. Extra credit for the day of the week.
(I mean the day/night represented in the movie, not the release date)

17-Jul-2007, 11:29 PM
Drats, I could have had a point lol.
Darth will know the date of the movie,
I know it's April, but then I get a brain fart

darth los
17-Jul-2007, 11:47 PM
Sorry, should have been more specific. In the movie, what is the date of the Night of the Living Dead. Extra credit for the day of the week.
(I mean the day/night represented in the movie, not the release date)

Sunday night/monday morning. It's 8:00 when johnny and barbara reach the cemetary.

What's the name of the tool karen kills her mother with?

17-Jul-2007, 11:51 PM
Was it a cement trowel???

in Day, (sarah's) real life father played in NOTLD.
What is his name and what was the role he played?

17-Jul-2007, 11:58 PM
Was it a cement trowel???

in Day, (sarah's) real life father played in NOTLD.
What is his name and what was the role he played?

Bill 'Chilly Billy' Cardille. He played a field reporter.

What was the music Bub listened to on Doc's tape recorder?

(I hope I'm not asking a question that was asked before. It's getting hard to keep track of what's been asked.)

darth los
18-Jul-2007, 12:01 AM
"Chilly" Billy Cardille and he played the field reporter. Here's a bonus. he also played the role of the t.v. interviewer in the remake.

What does WGON stand for in dawn?

18-Jul-2007, 12:02 AM
Bill 'Chilly Billy' Cardille. He played a field reporter.

What was the music Bub listened to on Doc's tape recorder?

Beethoven's 9th Symphony, 4th movement.

What was Martin's girlfriend's name?

18-Jul-2007, 12:56 AM



Late dawns and early sunsets, just like my favorite scenes
Then holding hands and life was perfect, just like up on the screen
And the whole time while always giving
Counting your face among the living

Up and down escalators, pennies and colder fountains
Elevators and half price sales, trapped in by all these mountains
Running away and hiding with you
I never thought they'd get me here
Not knowing you changed from just one bite
I fought them all off just to hold you close and tight

But does anyone notice?
But does anyone care?
And if I had the guts to put this to your head...
But would anything matter if you're already dead?
And should I be shocked now by the last thing you said?
Before I pull this trigger,
Your eyes vacant and stained...

But does anyone notice?
But does anyone care?
And if I had the guts to put this to your head...
And would anything matter if you're already dead?
And now should I be shocked by the last thing you said?

Before I pull this trigger,
Your eyes vacant and stained...
And in saying you loved me,
Made things harder at best,
And these words changing nothing
As your body remains,
And there's no room in this hell,
There's no room in the next,
And our memories defeat us,
And I'll end this direst.

But does anyone notice?
But does anyone care?
And if I had the guts to put this to your head...
But does anything matter if you're already dead?
And should I be shocked now by the last thing you said?
Before I pull this trigger,
Your eyes vacant and stained...
And in saying you loved me,
Made things harder at best,
And these words changing nothing
As your body remains,
And there's no room in this hell,
There's no room in the next,
But does anyone notice there's a corpse in this bed?

18-Jul-2007, 01:48 AM
Sunday night/monday morning. It's 8:00 when johnny and barbara reach the cemetary.

Correct, darth los. The exact date is "nearly 8 o' clock" on the evening of Sunday, March 9th, 1968 (assuming that it was 1968) I would have also considered March 11th 1967 as correct since we can only speculate that the year was 1968. The key of course is Barbara's dialogue with Johnny about the how "they should make the day the time changes the first day of summer"

darth los
18-Jul-2007, 01:51 AM
Alot of people think that's the date the plauge started and it's not true. The radio explicitly states that it has been going on for two days.

No question for me?

18-Jul-2007, 01:53 AM
Alot of people think that's the date the plauge started and it's not true. The radio explicitly states that it has been going on for two days.

No question for me?

My previous question still not answered was "what is the name of Martin's girlfriend?"

darth los
18-Jul-2007, 01:57 AM
My previous question still not answered was "what is the name of Martin's girlfriend?"


18-Jul-2007, 02:15 AM

It's a hard one, and fairly obscure (and I chose it because the answer cannot be had merely by glimpsing at IMDB), but it is not Christina. Sorry Darth.

Folks may have to pop Martin into the DVD to seek the answer. Since it is so obscure, if no one get's it I will withdraw the question and give the answer to the heads.

darth los
18-Jul-2007, 02:20 AM
It's a hard one, and fairly obscure (and I chose it because the answer cannot be had merely by glimpsing at IMDB), but it is not Christina. Sorry Darth.

Folks may have to pop Martin into the DVD to seek the answer. Since it is so obscure, if no one get's it I will withdraw the question and give the answer to the heads.

Dammitt!! I only saw the movie once and i don't own it. It's cool i'm not afraid to be wrong on something. It's wrong not to try though. :)

18-Jul-2007, 02:49 AM
My previous question still not answered was "what is the name of Martin's girlfriend?"

Abby Santini.

darth los
18-Jul-2007, 02:57 AM
Next question please. :)

18-Jul-2007, 03:28 AM
What was the name of the newspaper that had "The Dead Walk" headline at the beginning of Day?

darth los
18-Jul-2007, 04:08 AM
The southern globe.

What kind of tool was used to remove the cover from the duct in the elevator shaft?

18-Jul-2007, 04:45 AM
Phillips head screwdriver

Where does Roger do his "one stop shopping"

18-Jul-2007, 05:06 PM
The hardware section of
Penny's store.

After Stephen snaps her picture,
what does Franny tell him?

darth los
18-Jul-2007, 05:13 PM
When you finish the roll we can drop it off at the drug store.

What tv channel are the broadcasts they are watching coming from?

19-Jul-2007, 05:20 PM
When you finish the roll we can drop it off at the drug store.

What tv channel are the broadcasts they are watching coming from?

Good one. Without reviewing the DVD I am stumped!

darth los
19-Jul-2007, 05:21 PM
It's tuned to channel 5, lol.

19-Jul-2007, 05:38 PM
It's tuned to channel 5, lol.

I concede.

Your turn, brother, fire away!

darth los
19-Jul-2007, 06:29 PM
What year did Duane Jones die?

19-Jul-2007, 10:11 PM
What year did Duane Jones die?

1988. May he rest in peace.

Who played Martinez...no just kidding.

Here is the real question: In the one nude scene of Dawn of the Dead, how many nipples are exposed?

19-Jul-2007, 10:17 PM
Hey I just check out who played Martinez out of curiosity. Turns out it was the same actor who played Ted Fisher in Day! I had no idea.

darth los
19-Jul-2007, 10:33 PM
Hey I just check out who played Martinez out of curiosity. Turns out it was the same actor who played Ted Fisher in Day! I had no idea.

That's up for debate. Read the john ampalas is martinez thread to se what i mean as he is never actually credited for it in the movie.

As for the question, that's a tough one. In one version i have, i can't recall which right now, they're in the shadows and you can't see much of anything. In another you can clearly see one. I'm going to say one.

How many plaid shirts appeared in the film? :lol:

19-Jul-2007, 10:51 PM
Darth, it was the 70's, plaid and bellbottoms were in :D

Let's see
1) The airport zombie
2) 3 of the hunters
3) zombie peter shoots while blocking
the doors with fran, roger and stephen
4)another kid zombie one of the raiders shot

I'd say 6...and I'm sure I missed some.

In NOTLD what else does Ben find in the
closet besides a rifle

19-Jul-2007, 10:59 PM
That's up for debate. Read the john ampalas is martinez thread to se what i mean as he is never actually credited for it in the movie.

As for the question, that's a tough one. In one version i have, i can't recall which right now, they're in the shadows and you can't see much of anything. In another you can clearly see one. I'm going to say one.

How many plaid shirts appeared in the film? :lol:

I accept the answer "one nipple" as correct, however you can see Stephen's as well, so it was a trick question! :lol:

Darth, it was the 70's, plaid and bellbottoms were in :D

Let's see
1) The airport zombie
2) 3 of the hunters
3) zombie peter shoots while blocking
the doors with fran, roger and stephen
4)another kid zombie one of the raiders shot

I'd say 6...and I'm sure I missed some.

In NOTLD what else does Ben find in the
closet besides a rifle

A bunch of junk, shoebox of ammo AND a pair of woman's slip on shoes

My question: The redneck posse having a good time were drinking what brand of beer?

19-Jul-2007, 11:07 PM
Iron City, which isn't made anymore. Apparently.

Who is the first zombie to remember
a part of their past?

19-Jul-2007, 11:12 PM
Iron City, which isn't made anymore. Apparently.

Who is the first zombie to remember
a part of their past?

Miguel from project 107, because he remembered enjoying the way his girlfriend tasted. No just kidding.

Hard to say, because it could be argued that all those zombies trying to get to the mall were doing so because they remembered that they wanted to get in there even though they didn't know why.

Stephen, maybe, because he remembered where the stairwell was hidden. I will defer to you however because I am not sure this is the response you were looking for.

19-Jul-2007, 11:28 PM
Stephen was who I was thinking about.
You got it Yojimbo.

Why are the zombies afraid of fire?
My wife has a good theory on this
I'll share later

darth los
19-Jul-2007, 11:55 PM
I think it's because they are operating on primordial instinct. Fire is universally feared among animals.

20-Jul-2007, 12:12 AM
I think it's because they are operating on primordial instinct. Fire is universally feared among animals.

Hence the use of flamethrowers on the original ALIEN. If that was the question then that would make Darth correct and next in line.

darth los
20-Jul-2007, 12:20 AM
How many zombies actually got a credit in dawn?

20-Jul-2007, 12:42 AM
Four zombies
The Nurse
The guy with Roger's gun
The elevator zombie

and now Rusty draws a damn blank of who the fourth is :(

As for the fire ? I asked early, my wife says the zombies are
afraid of fire cause of what peter says, "when there is no more
room in hell, the dead will walk the earth" she thinks that the
zombies go to hell, and get sent back cause there is no room,
hence they fear fire.

What slang racis name does Rhodes call Johnny just before
he orders Steel to beat him up.

darth los
20-Jul-2007, 12:48 AM
Four zombies
The Nurse
The guy with Roger's gun
The elevator zombie

and now Rusty draws a damn blank of who the fourth is :(

As for the fire ? I asked early, my wife says the zombies are
afraid of fire cause of what peter says, "when there is no more
room in hell, the dead will walk the earth" she thinks that the
zombies go to hell, and get sent back cause there is no room,
hence they fear fire.

What slang racis name does Rhodes call Johnny just before
he orders Steel to beat him up.

It's actually 5 zombies. :(

Good theory by the missus.

Jungle bunny

All this discussion about john amplas' character in dawn and he didn't even get a credit for it. However he is credited with something else. What is it?

20-Jul-2007, 12:49 AM
It's actually 5 zombies. :(

Good theory by the missus.

Jungle bunny

All this discussion about john amplas' character in dawn and he didn't even get a credit for it. However he is credited with something else. What is it?

Casting Director?

darth los
20-Jul-2007, 12:53 AM
Casting Director?

I don't know if he was the director but he's credited with casting. I guess that qualifies.

Your turn.

20-Jul-2007, 01:00 AM
I don't know if he was the director but he's credited with casting. I guess that qualifies.

Your turn.

For Knightriders: what currently famous and well known actor during an audition for a supporting castmember role got angry and accused George A. Romero of being a racist?

darth los
20-Jul-2007, 01:05 AM
For Knightriders: what currently famous and well known actor during an audition for a supporting castmember role got angry and accused George A. Romero of being a racist?

You got me there. I have to admit that outside of his dead films i'm not too good with trivia on him. I just don't enjoy his other films that much.

20-Jul-2007, 01:44 AM
You got me there. I have to admit that outside of his dead films i'm not too good with trivia on him. I just don't enjoy his other films that much.

I used to feel that way back in the day, however I rediscovered his other films in my 30s and had a newfound appreciation for them. I still haven't seen "There's Always Vanilla" and "Hungry Wives" (aka Searon of the Witch) but I am looking to buy that double compilation as soon as I find it.

You might find after revisiting his other films, Crazies, Martin, Knightriders, etc. that they are actually quite good.

If no one get's the answer I will strike the question and find another.

20-Jul-2007, 02:19 AM
If no one get's the answer I will strike the question and find another.
I would say Ed HArris but Thats got to be wrong. If you strike it, please reveal the answer:D

darth los
20-Jul-2007, 03:09 AM
I used to feel that way back in the day, however I rediscovered his other films in my 30s and had a newfound appreciation for them. I still haven't seen "There's Always Vanilla" and "Hungry Wives" (aka Searon of the Witch) but I am looking to buy that double compilation as soon as I find it.

You might find after revisiting his other films, Crazies, Martin, Knightriders, etc. that they are actually quite good.

If no one get's the answer I will strike the question and find another.

I've actually seen monkey shines, the crazies and creepshow and i just don't see the appeal.

22-Jul-2007, 07:21 PM
Creepshow was good, I enjoyed it.
I'm still waiting for the answer Yojimbo lol

How about this one.
The NY casting director for Day
actually had a part in Dawn.
Who is it?

23-Jul-2007, 08:05 PM
Creepshow was good, I enjoyed it.
I'm still waiting for the answer Yojimbo lol

How about this one.
The NY casting director for Day
actually had a part in Dawn.
Who is it?

According to George and Christine Romero, Morgan Freeman auditioned for a part in Knightriders and accused GAR of being racist against African-Americans.

Galen Ross appeared in Dawn of the Dead 78 and was casting director for DAY.

My question: Other than JCPennys, name one store at Monroeville Mall that appeared in DOTD 78 that still exists there today.

I've actually seen monkey shines, the crazies and creepshow and i just don't see the appeal.

I dug Crazies, probably because I kind of looked at it as a sort of prequel to Dawn of the Dead.

Yeah, Monkeyshines and Creepshow were weaker than the rest, I have to agree with you there.

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 08:50 PM
Doncha just love when the race card is played?:rolleyes: Did it ever occur to mr. freeman that maybe he just wasn't what gar was looking for in that role and it had little or nothing to do with his skintone?

23-Jul-2007, 09:01 PM
According to George and Christine Romero, Morgan Freeman auditioned for a part in Knightriders and accused GAR of being racist against African-Americans.

Galen Ross appeared in Dawn of the Dead 78 and was casting director for DAY.

My question: Other than JCPennys, name one store at Monroeville Mall that appeared in DOTD 78 that still exists there today.

I dug Crazies, probably because I kind of looked at it as a sort of prequel to Dawn of the Dead.

Yeah, Monkeyshines and Creepshow were weaker than the rest, I have to agree with you there.

If GAR was racist, as Freeman claimed, why did he hire Ken Foree and
made him a hero, why did he hire Dewayne Jones and make him strong
in a time when there was still cross burning, leechings and the
black panther movement against Vietnam.

Btw Yojimbo, I think the answer is the A&P....

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 09:06 PM
Well gar says that he hired dwayne because he was the best actor that he knew. I guess we have to take his word on that one although it's been debated for a while.

26-Jul-2007, 11:24 PM
New Question,

What is the one item that George has had in every film hes made (except Land)

This is a single physical item. The very same item was in Night all the way up to Bruiser. Like an heirloom if you will.

My question: Other than JCPennys, name one store at Monroeville Mall that appeared in DOTD 78 that still exists there today.

Oops didnt see that, how bout Lane Bryant.

26-Jul-2007, 11:38 PM
Is it a ring???
I notice that Ben, Roger and Rhodes
all wear the same kind of gold ring with
a red gem, that looks like a class ring.

If I'm wrong let me know.

While the men clean up and Roger sits watching,
what does fran put into the cart with Roger

darth los
26-Jul-2007, 11:45 PM
I'm not sure. I remember it being a box with a handle on it but i don't think it was beer. Was it dishes?

27-Jul-2007, 12:07 AM
You got it darth,
a box of dishes,
or set of dishes.
You're turn

darth los
27-Jul-2007, 12:11 AM
Name 3 edible items that were in the walk in frefrigerator that they stored the ghouls in.

27-Jul-2007, 12:26 AM
Sides of beef
pork ribs and
I dunno what was in those boxes.
Cheese maybe.

darth los
27-Jul-2007, 12:28 AM
Sides of beef
pork ribs and
I dunno what was in those boxes.
Cheese maybe.

I really can't remember if cheese was in there but there was definitely mayo, butter and tomatoes.

Your turn.

27-Jul-2007, 12:35 AM
What famous first words were ever spoken
by a zombie and by whom

darth los
27-Jul-2007, 12:39 AM
What famous first words were ever spoken
by a zombie and by whom

Hello aunt alicia by howard sherman aka bub.

27-Jul-2007, 12:42 AM
nothing gets by the darth master :D

your turn,

darth los
27-Jul-2007, 01:01 AM
How far back was peter's hairline? :lol: j/k

What kind of car was used by the men in dawn when they went to lock all the doors?

27-Jul-2007, 01:19 AM
I love the ken question lol

Was it a VW of some sort. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Name the award that Dawn once won?

27-Jul-2007, 02:08 AM
Is it a ring???
I notice that Ben, Roger and Rhodes
all wear the same kind of gold ring with
a red gem, that looks like a class ring.

If I'm wrong let me know.

While the men clean up and Roger sits watching,
what does fran put into the cart with Roger

it is not the ring, sorry.

darth los
27-Jul-2007, 03:06 PM
Dude, it's been 12 hours we give up, what's the answer? You get to ask the next question also.

27-Jul-2007, 03:12 PM
Please disregard my question. I was quite drunk last night when I posted it and got it ALL WRONG, I profusely apologize to all.

The question should have been: What single item was in every segment of Creepshow....Not all of GARs movies. Damn Im an idiot!!!!

The answer is An Ashtray given to George by Stephen King.

It is most prevelent in Father's Day, it is the one that Bedelia whacks him over the head with. But it is in every segment.

I am sorry guys, I wasnt in my clear mind last night and I got it all twisted up.

I will pass on the next ??? because I effed this one up so bad!

27-Jul-2007, 03:36 PM
No problem man, we learned something new out of it.
Now I'll have to watch Creepshow again to find the ashtray
in the other stories :)

Dawn of the dead won one award what was it?

27-Jul-2007, 03:42 PM
The Golden Screen Award in Germany 1980

In the original Night of the Living Dead, How many times to does Karen stab her mother with the garden trowel?

29-Jul-2007, 05:33 PM
How far back was peter's hairline? :lol: j/k

What kind of car was used by the men in dawn when they went to lock all the doors?

The answer was already given but it was a Scirrocco VW.

Is it a ring???
I notice that Ben, Roger and Rhodes
all wear the same kind of gold ring with
a red gem, that looks like a class ring.

If I'm wrong let me know.

While the men clean up and Roger sits watching,
what does fran put into the cart with Roger

Matchbox (or Hotwheels) tire-shaped carrying case.

29-Jul-2007, 05:46 PM
I though it was a boxed set of plates.

And you forgot to ask a ?


29-Jul-2007, 06:11 PM
I think DMBFAN has a question in play, to which I do not know the corret answer.

darth los
29-Jul-2007, 06:40 PM
I though it was a boxed set of plates.

And you forgot to ask a ?


I'm almost certain it was a set of plates.

29-Jul-2007, 06:48 PM
I'm almost certain it was a set of plates.

Is there anyone out there that can pop the DVD in to make a ruling? Fran may have given poor Roger a 1) boxed set of plates, or 2) tire shaped carring case for Hotwheels/matchbox cars.

29-Jul-2007, 06:49 PM
The Golden Screen Award in Germany 1980

In the original Night of the Living Dead, How many times to does Karen stab her mother with the garden trowel?

I would say five times.

darth, I'll be watching Dawn tonight, I will see if it is
a set of plates. I thought for sure too.

My question is.

While the boys are playing in the mall and Fran is
being attacked by a zombie, she searches through
a bag for some flares.
Who's bag did she look in?

darth los
29-Jul-2007, 11:06 PM
I would have to say stephen's. I say this because of two things:

1) I believe that roger and peter took their's with them.

2) The type of ammo that was in the bag went to stephens rifle.

30-Jul-2007, 12:20 AM
Oh you're too good darth,
nothing goes by darth lol
ahem Mr. T, we are waiting for your question :)

darth los
30-Jul-2007, 12:45 AM
At the beginning of dawn how old is fran according to the original script?

30-Jul-2007, 01:17 AM
22, I think.
awww she's just a baby lol

Day of the dead
what does Billy say to defend his drinking habits
when Steel accuses him of having his head in the booze too long

30-Jul-2007, 06:10 PM
22, I think.
awww she's just a baby lol

Day of the dead
what does Billy say to defend his drinking habits
when Steel accuses him of having his head in the booze too long

"If I stay down here long enough I'll have to lay off the f-ing booze Steele, cause there won't be any f-ing booze f-ing left. "

Of course, he used real curse words instead of my pg-13 junk.

My question: How many handgun shots were fired by both Roger and Peter when they were dispatching the ghouls in the basement of 107?

30-Jul-2007, 07:32 PM
"If I stay down here long enough I'll have to lay off the f-ing booze Steele, cause there won't be any f-ing booze f-ing left. "

Of course, he used real curse words instead of my pg-13 junk.

My question: How many handgun shots were fired by both Roger and Peter when they were dispatching the ghouls in the basement of 107?

It depends on if you are watching the Theatrical version or the Cannes Version.

In the theatrical, Peter fires 7 shots (out of a six shooter) and Roger fires 3.

In Night, what is the ridiculously rhetorical question Ben asks Cooper as soon as they come out of the basement?

01-Aug-2007, 09:11 PM
Was it something to the effect of:

"You guys been down there the whole time?"

darth los
01-Aug-2007, 11:10 PM
I believe that's correct. It might not be verbatim but it'll do.

01-Aug-2007, 11:23 PM
Thank you, Darth sir!

According to Clayton Hill, the weapons supervisor for DAWN 78, which scene was the only instance during the course of filming at Monroeville Mall during which genuine ammunition (not blanks) was actually fired?

02-Aug-2007, 12:18 PM
That's close. I was looking for "How long you guys been down there? We could've used some help up here."

Thank you, Darth sir!

According to Clayton Hill, the weapons supervisor for DAWN 78, which scene was the only instance during the course of filming at Monroeville Mall during which genuine ammunition (not blanks) was actually fired?

When they were shooting the manequins in the ice rink.

I cant think of a good question right now, I will pass....

darth los
02-Aug-2007, 02:27 PM
In the original ending to dawn fran was suppossed to stick hear head in the helicopter blades. It was scrapped for a more upbeat ending but the dummy that was supposed to be used was instead used for other scenes. Give me 2 other scenes in which it was used?

02-Aug-2007, 02:46 PM
In the original ending to dawn fran was suppossed to stick hear head in the helicopter blades. It was scrapped for a more upbeat ending but the dummy that was supposed to be used was instead used for other scenes. Give me 2 other scenes in which it was used?

Peter throwing it over the railing and the shotgun blast to the head at the beginning.

2 of the actresses in Night had two roles for the film.

Name both the actresses and what their TWO roles each were.

02-Aug-2007, 03:26 PM
That's close. I was looking for "How long you guys been down there? We could've used some help up here."

When they were shooting the manequins in the ice rink.

I cant think of a good question right now, I will pass....

Correct sir. With a .22 rifle

darth los
02-Aug-2007, 05:24 PM
Peter throwing it over the railing and the shotgun blast to the head at the beginning.

2 of the actresses in Night had two roles for the film.

Name both the actresses and what their TWO roles each were.

The manequinn was also used in the bike raider scene where they throw a grenade and we see a zombie catch fire from it.

I know that helen was the zombie that ate the catapillar off the tree. The other i'm not so sure about. I'll have to think on it some.

02-Aug-2007, 05:31 PM
The manequinn was also used in the bike raider scene where they throw a grenade and we see a zombie catch fire from it.

I know that helen was the zombie that ate the catapillar off the tree. The other i'm not so sure about. I'll have to think on it some.

Darth, I think the other one was Kyra Schon "Karen" who stood in for the dripping lady corpse at the top of the stairs when Ben drags her down the hallway.

I defer to you for the next question so fire away!

darth los
02-Aug-2007, 06:05 PM
Which is the only dead film not to be released on the umd format?

02-Aug-2007, 06:25 PM
The manequinn was also used in the bike raider scene where they throw a grenade and we see a zombie catch fire from it.

I know that helen was the zombie that ate the catapillar off the tree. The other i'm not so sure about. I'll have to think on it some.

Yojimbo got it....Kyra was the daughter and the dead body at the top of the stairs.

Which is the only dead film not to be released on the umd format?

Night of the living dead....1968

16-Aug-2007, 11:54 PM
Notice that this thread is nearly dead. Don't know if it was forgotten or if it was abandoned, but I thought I'd bump it up just in case it was the former.

Last I see it is DMB's turn at bat.

darth los
20-Aug-2007, 11:05 PM
It's just that i think we've exhausted the trivia pool. I can't really think of any other q's. :( As soon as i do i'll post.

20-Aug-2007, 11:11 PM
What's the name of the cemetary
from Night of the living dead?

darth los
20-Aug-2007, 11:19 PM
Evans city cemetary.

20-Aug-2007, 11:27 PM
What does Johnny say about the flowers while
he's putting them in the ground?

darth los
20-Aug-2007, 11:30 PM
That the gravekeeper probably takes them and sells them.

What was the name of the motorcycle gang in dawn?

20-Aug-2007, 11:51 PM
That the gravekeeper probably takes them and sells them.

What was the name of the motorcycle gang in dawn?

I believe it was Hells Angel's?

20-Aug-2007, 11:52 PM
I was going to say Red Banditos but
Monrozombi beat me :)

20-Aug-2007, 11:58 PM
What was the name of the alarm company on the Monroeville Mall's alarm bell?

21-Aug-2007, 12:14 AM
Big Brother

What's the name of the grocery store in the mall

21-Aug-2007, 12:16 AM
Big Brother

What's the name of the grocery store in the mall

wrong, close though

21-Aug-2007, 12:22 AM
I believe it was Hells Angel's?

I was going to say Red Banditos but
Monrozombi beat me :)

You are both wrong. The name of the biker gang was "The Pagans".

21-Aug-2007, 12:24 AM
You are both wrong. The name of the biker gang was "The Pagans".

damn, I knew it was going to be something like that damn

23-Aug-2007, 03:08 AM
Big Brother

What's the name of the grocery store in the mall

International foods

23-Aug-2007, 12:33 PM
wrong, close though

It was Big Bruiser.

How many times did Stephen get bitten?

23-Aug-2007, 03:47 PM
International foods

Actually it was the A&P:D

As for DMB's question.
Stephen was bite three times.
Once in the neck and twice in the leg.

What does Rhodes say while the
zombies are ripping him apart?

23-Aug-2007, 03:57 PM
Choke on em, choke on em, choke on em.....

Where did Dr logan come up with "Bub's" name?

23-Aug-2007, 04:07 PM
wrong, close though

Big Bruiser!

Edit: Dang, someone beat me to it.

Where did Dr logan come up with "Bub's" name?

Father's nickname at the country club?

Which eye was covered on the eyepatch scientist who called everyone "Dummies!, Dummies!"

23-Aug-2007, 04:12 PM
The Left eye

How many empty shots does Stephen fire at the
security guard zombie before the one and only
bullet makes its mark?

23-Aug-2007, 05:26 PM
The Left eye

How many empty shots does Stephen fire at the
security guard zombie before the one and only
bullet makes its mark?


What kind of gun (make, model and caliber) is Stephen using in that scene-- this is the gun he found in the maintenence office.