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02-Apr-2006, 07:56 PM
Out of GAR's 4 zombie flicks, who's your favourite zombie?

My vote goes to Bub without a doubt.

02-Apr-2006, 09:44 PM
NOTLD: The first, the dead, the only Bill Heinzman.

Dawn: Roger, one of the creepiest zombie expressions you could find.

Day: Bub no doubt. But Dr. Tongue comes right behind.

Land: Rather tricky, but I guess its gonna be the cameo of Shaun :lol:

But none of GAR's beats ROTLD's magnificent TARMAN! :D

02-Apr-2006, 10:04 PM
Heh, I'd forgotten about good ole Tarman. :D ROTLD is great. I like Part II as well. But ROTLD 3-5 sucked, IMO.

02-Apr-2006, 10:28 PM
Heh, I'd forgotten about good ole Tarman. :D ROTLD is great. I like Part II as well. But ROTLD 3-5 sucked, IMO.

Off topic

ROTLD III was descent for most of it, the love story was strong yet abit overexaggerated. The mayor problem I have with Part III, is its continuty problem, no 'BRAINS' lines, not enough brain eating, and too much flesheating(wich btw makes no sense) But the biggest thing I simply couldn't stand was the Tarmans, nice to see plenty of them, but why in hell did they have hair?? And couldn't they have sticken to more original look for them. Althought you got to admit, the Spanish spin cord zombie is priceless funny :lol:

03-Apr-2006, 03:03 AM
Night 90...naked "suit falling off" zombie
Dawn...Fly Boy Stephen...probably one of the best ghoals ever...
Land #9...pretty hot in real life also...

03-Apr-2006, 04:24 AM
Stephen Andrews from Dawn of the Dead.

Honorable mention goes to the midget zombie in ROTLD!

03-Apr-2006, 08:57 AM
Hmm, lets see,

Night68; The one who gets crowbared in the face in the living room.
Dawn; The "Dad" zombie in the sweater, who stumbles around on the escalator.
Day; Bub.
Night 90; Suit falling of zombie.
Land; Big Daddy.

Overall I kinda like Big Daddy best, the man has attitude! *prepares for enormous amounts of criticism*

03-Apr-2006, 10:36 AM
BUB! ... and Stephen-Zombie. :cool:

03-Apr-2006, 01:24 PM
Night - Bill Heinzman

Dawn - Stephen'zom

Day - Bub, of course

Land - it's a tie; # 9 and The Butcher

03-Apr-2006, 01:29 PM
Night - The guy that's eating what appears to be a chicken leg and looks around nervously:lol:

Dawn - Flyboy or Airport Zombie

Day - Bub....who would pick a different one from "Day"?

Land - The police officer that walks out of the package store.....great, creepy walk.

Night90 - The one that Ben hits with the truck....weird looking.

Dawn04 - Were there zombies in this movie?..... All kidding aside, I don't think there are any memorable zombies in the Dawn remake. I can't think of any now, anyway.

Shaun - The groom that's missing an arm...funny scene.

03-Apr-2006, 01:33 PM
Dawn04 - Were there zombies in this movie?..... All kidding aside, I don't think there are any memorable zombies in the Dawn remake. I can't think of any now, anyway.


03-Apr-2006, 03:41 PM
Zombie baby in Dead Alive. :)

03-Apr-2006, 03:43 PM
Night - Karen Cooper :shifty:

Dawn - Krishna (the one that nearly gets fran!) :sneaky:

Day - too easy...:rolleyes:

Land - charlie.... oh wait he wasn't a zombie.. just acted like one :bored:

03-Apr-2006, 03:44 PM
Night - Johnny
Dawn - Flyboy
Day - "Hey nice hat asshole" zombie :D
Land - Blade
Dawn 04 - Jogger

03-Apr-2006, 03:59 PM
the midget from ROLD

seconded only by the guy in the fishing outfit in Day.

03-Apr-2006, 09:33 PM
BUB is #1 and the zombie that gets his head wacked with a shovel and you see its eyes moving:elol:

05-Apr-2006, 06:37 AM
Dr. Tongue, he looks pretty freaky, wish they showed more of him

05-Apr-2006, 07:09 PM
Night - Johnny
Night 90 - The emaciated zombie
Dawn - The exploded head zombie
Day - Dr Tongue
Shaun - The groom
Dawn 04 - Andy
Braindead - Biker/tough guy from the cemetary (forgot his name if he had one)

05-Apr-2006, 08:02 PM
Braindead - Biker/tough guy from the cemetary (forgot his name if he had one)

He would be Void. :)

06-Apr-2006, 05:04 PM
The nurse zombie from Dawn, without a doubt. The others are lame but the nurse... I get the creeps every single time I see her :eek:.

07-Apr-2006, 06:59 PM
its gotta be zombie indian shopkeeper from shaun, still holding his hand out for cash while hes dead, dont know why i just found it funny since he owed him "bowt 15p".

07-Apr-2006, 09:39 PM
its gotta be zombie indian shopkeeper from shaun, still holding his hand out for cash while hes dead, dont know why i just found it funny since he owed him "bowt 15p".
WHOA!!! where is that? I haven't noticed that scene! (got a minute time?)

08-Apr-2006, 05:01 PM
WHOA!!! where is that? I haven't noticed that scene! (got a minute time?)
It's when Shaun and Ed get in Pete's car, Shaun looks round at the zombies outside the car and the shopkeeper is walking towards them with his hand outstretched as if waiting for money.

10-Apr-2006, 03:44 AM
Flannel Shirt aka Airport Zombie...something 'bout that guy...he just looks cool. Plus I love the "Whoa!" doubletake Peter does when he sees him;)

10-Apr-2006, 11:36 AM
Flyboy or helicopter zombie. Both are excellent.

Combat Zombie
11-Apr-2006, 02:38 AM
My all-time favorite Zombie has got to be the infamous Tarman. He is without a doubt one of the, if not THE coolest Zombie ever on film, IMO. Close behind him is ofcourse, Bub, who was always amazingly awesome since the moment I saw him. But still, the Tarman is in my number one spot, where Bub is in my 2.8 spot. Those two kick mother-funking ass.

11-Apr-2006, 06:06 AM
I thought Anna's husband was pretty outstanding in Dawn '04. That look on his face right after he turned ... He growled and almost looked as if he was still a little stunned at the fact he was trying to eat his former wife. That whole sequence was pretty brilliant IMO. And before someone comments -- the breaking through the door into the bathroom was an obvious homage to The Shining. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, after all.

Dawn04 - Were there zombies in this movie?..... All kidding aside, I don't think there are any memorable zombies in the Dawn remake. I can't think of any now, anyway.

11-Apr-2006, 01:59 PM
Too many to list. Stephen, Bub, the one with no jaw in Day and the one that gets his head cut open by a shovel in Day.

11-Apr-2006, 02:13 PM
I thought Anna's husband was pretty outstanding in Dawn '04. That look on his face right after he turned ... He growled and almost looked as if he was still a little stunned at the fact he was trying to eat his former wife.....


15-Apr-2006, 12:18 AM
Beats the hell out of Big Daddy's yodeling. :rolleyes:


15-Apr-2006, 12:31 AM
"Where's my cake, Bedelia? It's Father's Day and I want my cake!"

15-Apr-2006, 12:40 AM
"Where's my cake, Bedelia? It's Father's Day and I want my cake!"

That is a great choice, I never would have thought of, extra points for thinking outside the box.

15-Apr-2006, 04:18 AM
Dr. Tongue


The one on the cover for Lucio Fulci's Zombie, ( the one with the worms in the eye.)

16-Apr-2006, 02:38 PM
That is a great choice, I never would have thought of, extra points for thinking outside the box.

I'm surprised nobody mentioned him earlier. The scene where he crawls out of the grave is just so damn cool.