View Full Version : There is no justice

darth los
03-Jul-2007, 02:33 AM
I'm so mad i don't even know what to say about this one. This administration has never been accountable to anyone for anything. Libby was found guilty by a jury of his peers, end of story. The same people who were lobbying for president clinton's impeachment for lying under oath and obstruction of justice in 98' were the same one's calling for this man's pardon. It's no wonder why people don't show up to vote and have no faith in their elected officials. These people are hypocrites and crooks. It's the reason why switched and became an independent years ago. Both the democrats and the republicans are full of it. What kind of message is this sending to people. "Yeah this behavior is illegal but if it suits our agendas it's ok." this is a slap in the face to our justice system. This is a matter for the judiciary to decide and it did. unfortunately we have a president who fancies himself a dictator and shows nothing but contempt for the other branches of government. Move over carter and nixon we now have a new administration we can call the most inept and corrupt in modern history.

I'm sorry, but i just noticed that i posted this in the wrong forum. Will a mod kindly move it to general dicussion please? ThNX.


03-Jul-2007, 04:50 AM
damnit i was going to post that!