View Full Version : Curious about the internet?

03-Jul-2007, 05:05 AM
I'm just curious who's suspect of people on the internet?

I guess i'm still somewhat naive about the net because I just assume why would a person who will never meet me lie to me I mean what do they have to gain? But now i'm watching To Catch a Predator and these guys are fuct up three ways to Sunday and lie like constantly.

03-Jul-2007, 05:55 AM
I've come across a few people over the years that would randomly IM me if they found me on a message board or website like MySpace that were complete pathological liars... but I can pick it up right away.

One girl told me she worked for NASA, was a model in tons of magazines, was a college graduate, and was only 18 years old. Who the fark is going to believe that?!

03-Jul-2007, 05:58 AM
i'm suprised she could be 18 and be so dumb as to think anyone would buy that crap!

to be fair though... i met a guy once in person who told me he was a race car driver... and he turned out to be one lol

03-Jul-2007, 10:03 AM
Depends on what you mean by "suspect".

Do people lie about stuff when they are online? Yes, but so do people in real life. I suppose it is easier to lie/pretend/exagerate online, since most of the time you will never meet the other people online with you. I mean, if a fat ugly guy and a fat, ugly girl are both online, looking for a littel "cyber-fun", neither one would probably want to chat with each other if they knew the truth, they were rather think they were chatting with someone who looked like Brad or Angelina. IN a real world situation, they would probably look for someone closer to their looks.

In some cases, you can really trust some people online. For example, on this board, I have never seen someone reply to someones request for information with purposeful wrong information. Every post, at least the one's I have seen, have tried to actually provide accurate information, directions, etc.

On the other hand, I have recieved emails (not from members here) with the old "I have 20 million dollars in a foreign bank, and I need your help" scam, and actually know someone who was fooled by one of these scams. The use of the internet gives a scam artist a much broader range of marks to ply their trade on.

As far as internt purchases, if it is a site I trust, I feel even more comfortable than handing my credit card to a person in real life. Who knows what they are doing? I have seen on the news that even at Wal-Mart, some employees have set up their own scanners to scan the info off of someone's credit card, and have used that for ID theft. Online retailers had to try extra hard since the retail-internet age came into being. Sure, there can always be a security problem with a site, but that can happen with offline purchases as well.

So, some people I trust online, some I dont, just like in real life.

03-Jul-2007, 10:10 AM
Dont fat people usually hook up in real life? Guess it would make sense they would online too. Or maybe not I dunno.

People here are as far as i've ever known them entirely honest and upstanding citizens. I've known a few from long long ago who were really nice and I tried to get a few pals hooked up here but none of them like it :(

I do a lot of shopping for clothes and the like online and I admit it freaks me out handing over credit card information over the internet and I totally scour bank records and such. But I think that could just be because I've had friends and room mates steal from my bank account and then at my old job there were a select few who actually ripped off the restaurant for nearly 10k in cash. A manager even stole all the money from the safe after a long weekend. Crazy stuff. But i'm really conscious about personal information like social security number and the like online. Freaks me out especially when I call a customer service rep and they want to verify my social...

Its actually weird because i'm entirely untrusting of people in reality but I guess online there's no real threat to me. But I have had a **** ton of people ask if my picture is really me especially on here which was kinda the inspiration of this. I mean hot damn people are untrusting. Its just weird. I dunno. Maybe I need to visit Evansville cemetary and lick a headstone just to proove it lol.

04-Jul-2007, 03:35 AM
man do i know the sort, one god example i was a moderator on a forum a while back and a new user joined and was spouting random hate speech crap ,i said "hey kid get your act together adn show some repsect for your fellow man", to which he replied "kid?, how can you call me kid, your 17 (i was at the time) im 21", to which i replied "so i guess you must be grown up to have your location to be 'l> l l\/l l> island'", i can never get that right but it said "pimp island", later he started calling people "fags" for liking bands he didnt, then when someone started a post your picture thread thsi guy who constantly said he was a rich game developer ect., ect. more crap yaddayaddayadda posted one ("check out my fitness biznitches"...apparently), he was some 12 year old finiish kid.

i personally aint lied online, since i dont really have to i guess i dont see what situation i would need to be in to do so, on this forum alone ive said my real name is Danny, adn it is, i posted youtube bitchins so i aint gonna lie about how i look, a white long hiared chunky s.o.b.
though in retrospect im pretty damn comroftable with who i am, and if i had the chance i wouldnt change a thing about me, though theres tons of people that are pretty insecure about who they are, maybe thats why people lie.

it sounds a bit egotisical i know, but hey what can i say, i think i kick ass!:lol:

07-Jul-2007, 07:44 PM
I've come across a few people over the years that would randomly IM me if they found me on a message board or website like MySpace that were complete pathological liars... but I can pick it up right away.

One girl told me she worked for NASA, was a model in tons of magazines, was a college graduate, and was only 18 years old. Who the fark is going to believe that?!

:lol: :lol: :skull: