View Full Version : I've been waiting for this for a long time...

03-Jul-2007, 02:18 PM
A Film adaptation of a game that WASN'T directed by Uwe Boll...

it actually look pretty damn good too

Presenting..... Hitman


03-Jul-2007, 02:49 PM
Just looks like The Transporter 3 to me, but at least they are keeping it 'in the game' so to speak. I'll probably check this out on DVD.

03-Jul-2007, 11:24 PM
WOW! At first I was thinking that it was going to be a movie based entirely on the much famed and no longer published Hitman book to show the perfect murder but when I saw the preview I was even more excited because this movie looks freakin amazing! I'm very excited and shall be waiting impatiently for its release! :cool:

darth los
04-Jul-2007, 04:37 AM
Yeah i heard about this a while back. The only thing worse than havill uwe boll direct it would have been to go with their rumored original casting choice for the lead: Vin Diesel. :eek:

04-Jul-2007, 05:16 AM
vin diesel is still alive?

04-Jul-2007, 10:38 AM
I'm a big fan of the games, well, Contracts and Blood Money anyway.

Olyphant really looks like a little boy in the trailer though, so hmmm...also, what's with the lady stradling him? Agent 47 has no time for sex, he's a cloned assassin!! Hopefully he throws her off and goes about poisoning someone's drink instead, rather than some shiite sex thrown in for the teenagers, I'd lose all respect for it if that were the case (thrown in sex I mean).

05-Jul-2007, 01:33 AM
he doesnt quite look like him in my opinion, but at least its being done like a straight up movie and not a **** adaption that relies on how good its inspiration was rather than try hard itself.

im lookin' at you ,uwe:sneaky:

05-Jul-2007, 10:31 AM
Hopefully it'll be a good flick, I've no idea what the plot is going to be, whether it's new or lifted from the games. They've just gotta stick to the fact that he's a superb assassin and that's all he does, he doesn't get jiggy, he doesn't sit around and watch sitcoms, he's not a proper human being even, he's a cloned assassin!

The movie should all be about his smart-arse ways of killing people, silent assassin style in really inventive ways, that's what you want.

05-Jul-2007, 02:36 PM
Olyphant really looks like a little boy in the trailer though, so hmmm...also, what's with the lady stradling him? Agent 47 has no time for sex, he's a cloned assassin!! Hopefully he throws her off and goes about poisoning someone's drink instead, rather than some shiite sex thrown in for the teenagers, I'd lose all respect for it if that were the case (thrown in sex I mean).

That would be a definite thing if Zack Snyder were directing....

But anyway, it looks like it could be good. I think Olyphant has it in him to be a badass. I thought he was great as the villian in "Live Free or Die Hard".

05-Jul-2007, 03:38 PM
The story....

"Agent 47 (Olyphant) has been educated to become a professional assassin for hire, whose most powerful weapons are his nerve and a resolute pride in his work. 47 is both the last two digits of the barcode tattooed on the nape of his neck, and his only name.

The hunter becomes the hunted when 47 gets caught up in a political takeover. Both Interpol and the Russian military chase the Hitman across Eastern Europe as he tries to find out who set him up and why they're trying to take him out of the game. But the greatest threat to 47's survival may be the stirrings of his conscience and the unfamiliar emotions aroused in him by a beautiful, damaged girl..."

05-Jul-2007, 05:53 PM
I don't like the fact that they've incorporated a female to seduce 47. Genetically engineered assassins aren't programmed to be attracted to women!!!

I don't know about this movie...

05-Jul-2007, 07:19 PM
But the greatest threat to 47's survival may be the stirrings of his conscience and the unfamiliar emotions aroused in him by a beautiful, damaged girl..."


Zack Snyder must have jizzing on or near the script for this film at some point surely?! :rolleyes:

Exactly, he's bred to be a cloned assassin - his ONLY purpose is to kill. For cripes sake, you don't need sex to sell a flick, at the very least, leave 47 out of it. Have some people f*ckin' in an abbatoir S&M party (think Hitman: Contracts) and then 47 blasts in guns blazing, or after the jizz has hit the fan, they drink some Saki or whatever, which 47 cannily poisoned mere moments before, having disguised himself as a servant!

The point in 47 is that he's on a completely different level to any other human being, he doesn't share the same emotions, his abilities are finely tuned and honed, he doesn't have passion or love or seething hatred. He has his loyalties to his employer and does what is asked, when it's asked, for the agreed payment - boshty.
