View Full Version : Contagium

03-Jul-2007, 06:02 PM
well despite warnings from nearly all the people on the forum, i actually watched this film and am pleased to say it was even worse than i expected it to be. Crap effects,plot,actors,story,directing and how they could have the balls to add the name Day of the Dead to this pile of steaming dog-doo i will never know. Next time i will listen when people tell me to avoid a film at all costs...

03-Jul-2007, 11:18 PM
when people tell me to avoid a movie i then HAVETA see it... i mean who's to say they have the same standards as I do? I saw this movie advertised on amazon.com and they 'reccomended' it for me based on previous purchaes and was all confused thinking maybe it was just like that whole fulci's zombi movie...i still wanna see it but i've prepared myself for possible disappointment

04-Jul-2007, 12:56 AM
Why is this thread even here? I'm done talking about the movie already. :dead:

darth los
04-Jul-2007, 01:13 AM
when people tell me to avoid a movie i then HAVETA see it... i mean who's to say they have the same standards as I do? I saw this movie advertised on amazon.com and they 'reccomended' it for me based on previous purchaes and was all confused thinking maybe it was just like that whole fulci's zombi movie...i still wanna see it but i've prepared myself for possible disappointment

mj, PLEEEZE avoid jumping off the tallest building in your city. :sneaky:

04-Jul-2007, 04:05 AM
The sad thing is the extras on the dvd have the director calling it a masterpiece, actully calling it a worthy installment in the zombie film tradition.
Kill the friggin' thing.
I hate that movie... :barf: :barf: enough.

darth los
07-Jul-2007, 04:21 PM
well despite warnings from nearly all the people on the forum, i actually watched this film .

Why... Oh god WHY !?! He was so young. :(

07-Jul-2007, 04:23 PM
1) Please don't speak of this movie ever again!

2) This belongs in Dead Discussion.