View Full Version : Virginia - Home of the $3,000 Traffic Ticket

03-Jul-2007, 06:08 PM

Only applies to Virginia residents. Those of us whom live out of state but travel into VA regularly are not affected, but still... $3000. WTF?

darth los
03-Jul-2007, 06:45 PM

Only applies to Virginia residents. Those of us whom live out of state but travel into VA regularly are not affected, but still... $3000. WTF?

it's sad that states rely on tickets, tolls and lottery revenue to keep running. What's worse is the quota we know they all have to make. Some poor slob is going to gt hit with this fine just because a state trooper doesn't want to get chewed out by his boss.

03-Jul-2007, 11:51 PM
Well actually several states are adopting similar taxing policies whereby they'll tax you annually for a period of years for various driving offenses... I'm personally for fines. If you break the law especially while driving you should be forced into paying and/or serving jail time. Its ridiculous. What if I had kids in my car and some jerk sped past and got into an accident ahead of me and there was a pileup and we got hurt? Driving speed limits and rules were made for a reason. There's no reason to break those laws and those who do should suffer severely. They jeopardise the safety of not only themselves but also everyone else on the road. I'm very affected by driving safety after years of living with someone who drove almost always under the influence and having seen so many people driving recklessly on the road.

I dont think this is going to lower the amount of speeders and similarly I dont anticipate the traffic ticket is going to get paid by everyone. There's not enough of those tire 'boots' for everyone who doesn't pay speeding tickets and frankly it could end up leaving a lot of people driving without licenses, no registration and no insurance. Depending of course on how they'll actually enforce non-payment of ticket.

darth los
04-Jul-2007, 12:54 AM
Sometimes a fine is just a fine. There's no evidence that they are a significant deterent. People are going to do what they're going to do regardless. They rarely think about the penalty before committing a crime. If the death penalty doesn't deter people from crime then nothing will. The fact is people don't think about the penalty, they think about how they're going to get away with it.

04-Jul-2007, 02:17 AM
Thats true Darth but there are some people out there who actually want to be in a prison of some kind. They look at it as a place to live, steady work, free food and clothing, in a way its a steady life for people who've never had that. Eventually those who go to jail on purpose end up reoffending to go back in. Whether they do it consciously or not has yet to be determined. Its kinda like people who join the armed forces to add structure to their lives.

You're right though there's a lot of people who aren't deterred from breaking the law by fines or jail time or even community service. Which is a shame. But hey either way I just dont see this law working out very well. I mean there's going to be a ton of those tickets handed out and people unwilling or unable to pay. What's going to happen then?

04-Jul-2007, 02:55 AM
id cuss at the officer and get thrown in jail if i was gettting a tickety that big

05-Jul-2007, 12:46 PM
$3,000 for a ticket is a little too much. I mean I understand the transportation fund is empty but why jack up fines? Honestly I see a lot of people driving on suspended licenses because who can afford a $3,000 speeding ticket.

Also, lets be honest... Speeding really isn't that big of a crime. I mean some people take it to an extreme, but, there are those of us whom just go with the flow of traffic.

darth los
05-Jul-2007, 06:02 PM
$3,000 for a ticket is a little too much. I mean I understand the transportation fund is empty but why jack up fines? Honestly I see a lot of people driving on suspended licenses because who can afford a $3,000 speeding ticket.

Also, lets be honest... Speeding really isn't that big of a crime. I mean some people take it to an extreme, but, there are those of us whom just go with the flow of traffic.

That's true. Alot of times it even could be dangerous to drive slower than everybody else. Even if that "slowness" is 65 mph.

07-Jul-2007, 11:27 AM
I once had a friend who told me that if you're not keeping up with all the speeders and instead going the speed limit then you're creating an unsafe enviroment for yourself and that i'd be better off if I started speeding.

As for speeders... most people say the same thing... there's nothing wrong with it. Yeah... because the government just made speed limits for no freaking reason. Or wait... they made them in order to get people to speed so that they can then ticket them? Please. Speed kills. Fact. Period.

Its very much the same as people who dont drive fast enough. Thats why there's signs posted saying the min driving speed. I've been pulled over for driving too slow on a desserted highway because I was lost. Thank god the cop didn't ticket me instead gave me a personal escort to a hotel to spend the night but I mean he even explained to me that he woulda ticketed me had there been other people on the road because its unsafe for people to drive too slow just as its unsafe for people to speed.

darth los
07-Jul-2007, 03:35 PM
they made them in order to get people to speed so that they can then ticket them?


08-Jul-2007, 03:02 AM
not everything is a conspiracy... and there's no need to speed... how hard is it to go the speed limit? i mean really

darth los
08-Jul-2007, 03:24 AM
not everything is a conspiracy... and there's no need to speed... how hard is it to go the speed limit? i mean really

You don't think that the gov't checks to see what laws are most frequently broken and therefore use that to charge people up the ass? Everything they do is either politcally or monetarily related and this definitely isn't gpoing to get them more votes.

08-Jul-2007, 03:41 AM
So its the governments fault people speed? Whats next? Fines for DUIs are going up and its all part of their master plan? Though with the number of celebrities who get pulled over for DUI the rates should skyrocket... that's where the deep pockets are!

darth los
08-Jul-2007, 04:01 AM
So its the governments fault people speed? Whats next? Fines for DUIs are going up and its all part of their master plan? Though with the number of celebrities who get pulled over for DUI the rates should skyrocket... that's where the deep pockets are!

I'm not saying they planned it but they sure as hell are taking advantage of it.

08-Jul-2007, 04:23 AM
but you're breaking the law when you're speeding and putting the safety of others into jeopardy so they need to ticket you