View Full Version : Guess who fell flat on their arse today?

03-Jul-2007, 08:42 PM
Yep, I did ... but not my arse actually, my back...

I was filming in Birmingham today (up at 5am for a 7am start, got back home at 7pm...yep, I'm knackered :D), and at one point we went outside and were walking across the grass - which was wet due to all the rain we've been having recently. I was being careful, but despite this, one moment I'm looking forward and all is well, the next minute I'm staring at the sky, I can't breathe and my back's killing me.

Knocked the wind right out of me, and that's pretty scary before you understand what's happened, then it's all about choking some air into your lungs...how come you can have the wind knocked out of you, how does that work anyway?

So yeah, that was kinda scary for a few moments until I figured out I'd been winded, but then my back (about half way up my spine) was busting my balls big style. Straight away I thought about how Jeremy Clarkson slipped a disc doing a power slide, and then imagined what that might look like on an x-ray, so that wigged me out, it felt bloody painful so it could have been anything.

Fortunately, I got my wind back, rolled over, managed to struggle to my feet and sort of stretched around just to make sure my spine was in one piece, which it seems to be anyway! :eek:

Hasn't gotten worse over the day, it's gotten better, more of a discomfort than any real agony, mainly I'm just rather stiff about half way up/down my back (whichever direction floats your boat), so it's a bit wince-inducing...

Hopefully all is well and it's just some brusing/general soreness, but don't you lot worry, if it gets worse I'll go to the Doc's, but I'm figuring that's unlikely as it's just generally sore/stiff, no major pain. *touches wood*

Any tips on helping a sore back you crashed onto get better?

darth los
03-Jul-2007, 09:44 PM
My mom has really bad back problems so i know the pain that someone goes through with a back injury. First off you should go get checked out by a doctor. If anything is wrong you want to know about it as early as possible being that the spine is part of the central nervous system and doesn't regenerate. My mum usually soaks in a hot bath and follows that up with a heat pad. It's best to stay off it whenever possible as well. Feel beter. :)

03-Jul-2007, 11:45 PM
Yeah man you should go get checked out. My mom had a bad accident on her back that completely effed up her nervous system and has crippled her almost because she has no sense of balance anymore. But be careful someone said you're better off avoiding hospitals in the UK. I believe it was your national health secretary?

It is a bizarre series of internal events that take place in order to knock the wind out of you. I think i've only had that happen a few times like falling down the stairs once ... by the time I made it to the bottom of the stairs I couldn't breathe for what felt like several minutes but was prolly not that long. Didn't scare me as much as the thought that I lived alone and no one would report me missing though so they'd find my body by the smell of a rotting corpse. Another time was when I was diving and belly flopped by accident... yeah... that sucked.

04-Jul-2007, 02:57 AM
ooh that allways sucks, i ddi that a while back but on a concrete paving area outside college, and the only thing ive ever felt more painful being done to the less sensitive areas, like an arm or in the chest rather than in the nuts or the face, was a paint can in the spine. ooouuuuuch, pray you never deal with taht one, i was runnin' like an orc for weeks:lol:

04-Jul-2007, 02:58 AM
how exactly does one get a paintcan to the spine?

04-Jul-2007, 03:22 AM
when your chav brother swings it at you from behind while your bending down to tie your shoelace:dead:

04-Jul-2007, 10:05 AM
when your chav brother swings it at you from behind while your bending down to tie your shoelace:dead:
What a dick! :lol::eek:

It's feeling better today, less stiffness than yesterday, still a bit sore, but nothing major, just a bit of general discomfort at the impact zone. I had a good 10.5 hours in bed last night anyway, so stayed on my back as much as possible.

Now I am fully justified in using the fully reclined position on the chairs in the TV room! haha! :p ... if only they were Lay-Z-boys though...that'd be sweeeeeeeet.

04-Jul-2007, 08:59 PM
if it dont get any better a couple of nights sleeping on the floor will work wonders...

04-Jul-2007, 10:04 PM
Damn MZ,you gotta be more careful,you could have been raped by brummies!if your backs ok once the initial bruising has gone you'll probably be ok,otherwise a bit of physio or a chiropracter (similar thing) will sort you out back to fighting form!

05-Jul-2007, 01:36 AM
Damn MZ,you gotta be more careful,you could have been raped by brummies!

i just snotted in my drink from laughing at that.


05-Jul-2007, 10:24 AM
i just snotted in my drink from laughing at that.

Ewww...I hope you got another drink after that! :eek::D

hehe Tricky, thanks for that image! :stunned:

The kicker really was is that I was being careful, and yet fell arse over anyway, accidents do happen I guess. :rolleyes::)

My back is getting better. Still a bit stiff, but the area of discomfort is shrinking right back to the point of impact where obviously it's gonna take a few days more to chill out, after all, my entire body weight lummoxed down onto that point, hehe. Fortunately, as I was taken by surprise, I was relaxed and not tensed up, so that helps...like when you fall over when drunk, minus the booze.

*takes a couple Ibuprofen* ... ahhhh ...

05-Jul-2007, 05:41 PM
it's just generally sore/stiff, no major pain. *touches wood*

Just what the hell is going on here, Nick? :confused: :barf:

05-Jul-2007, 07:36 PM
Just what the hell is going on here, Nick? :confused: :barf:
You what? :lol::confused:

You know, touch wood - superstition. I think Americalanders say "knock on wood". I prefer my personal version of "rub some wood", it's more giving to the wood itself, so hopefully better for luck. :D

My back is better than yesterday and a lot better than Tuesday, still a big stiff/achey, but I've been carrying a pillow around for my back like a kid drags their "blankie" around. :) By Monday I should be right as rain...speaking of which, there's a lot of rain this summer in the UK so far ... nice. :)

05-Jul-2007, 08:59 PM
I blame the weather on that crap rihanna song "umbrella" that for some reason (ie a lot of kids are buying/downloading that kife) has been at number one in the charts for 7 weeks!what has it done for the last 7 weeks here?rain!

05-Jul-2007, 11:31 PM
you know when you're being extra careful, that's when the most
accidents occure. Happens to me like that all the time.
Sounds like you're doing okay, which is good. An injury
to the back is not a thing to play with. If it still causes you
pain, even off and on weeks after your fall, I'd seek
a doctor's opinion. Better to be safe than sorry.
Take care

06-Jul-2007, 11:06 AM
It's consistently getting better, I'm finding it easier to get out of bed each day, so that's a good sign, just a bit stiff, but it's a better kinda stiff than yesterday/day before/day before that.

All going in the right direction, but it's got my undivided attention. :)

darth los
06-Jul-2007, 05:27 PM
It's consistently getting better, I'm finding it easier to get out of bed each day, so that's a good sign, just a bit stiff, but it's a better kinda stiff than yesterday/day before/day before that.

All going in the right direction, but it's got my undivided attention. :)

Just because you feel better doesn't mean you are better. Even if there's no pain you should still try and take it easy. Don't be lulled into a false sense of security. You're back is probably still tender and more prone to injury if you over exert yourself.

06-Jul-2007, 07:11 PM
Yep, I did ... but not my arse actually, my back...

I was filming in Birmingham today (up at 5am for a 7am start, got back home at 7pm...yep, I'm knackered :D), and at one point we went outside and were walking across the grass - which was wet due to all the rain we've been having recently. I was being careful, but despite this, one moment I'm looking forward and all is well, the next minute I'm staring at the sky, I can't breathe and my back's killing me.

Knocked the wind right out of me, and that's pretty scary before you understand what's happened, then it's all about choking some air into your lungs...how come you can have the wind knocked out of you, how does that work anyway?

So yeah, that was kinda scary for a few moments until I figured out I'd been winded, but then my back (about half way up my spine) was busting my balls big style. Straight away I thought about how Jeremy Clarkson slipped a disc doing a power slide, and then imagined what that might look like on an x-ray, so that wigged me out, it felt bloody painful so it could have been anything.

Fortunately, I got my wind back, rolled over, managed to struggle to my feet and sort of stretched around just to make sure my spine was in one piece, which it seems to be anyway! :eek:

Hasn't gotten worse over the day, it's gotten better, more of a discomfort than any real agony, mainly I'm just rather stiff about half way up/down my back (whichever direction floats your boat), so it's a bit wince-inducing...

Hopefully all is well and it's just some brusing/general soreness, but don't you lot worry, if it gets worse I'll go to the Doc's, but I'm figuring that's unlikely as it's just generally sore/stiff, no major pain. *touches wood*

Any tips on helping a sore back you crashed onto get better?

try diclofenac sodium, ask your doctor for thease.i had a bad back, and thease worked a treat.honest.and for the 'wind' being knocked out of you,theres something in your chest called a 'solar plexus' and wen you get the wind knocked out of you, it has something to do with this.

06-Jul-2007, 07:48 PM
Just because you feel better doesn't mean you are better. Even if there's no pain you should still try and take it easy. Don't be lulled into a false sense of security. You're back is probably still tender and more prone to injury if you over exert yourself.
Never fear, I won't be in a rush to exert myself, hehe. I'm always rather cautious when it comes to such things, have been before, will continue to be...actually I must go and chug a couple more Ibuprofen to get rid of the stiffness sensation.

Otherwise, as long as it's getting better, fine by me. :)

07-Jul-2007, 11:18 AM
at least you fell flat on your ass... its funnier than when people fall onto their face