View Full Version : Would you step over a dying woman to shop for snacks?

03-Jul-2007, 09:42 PM

How disgusting is that? One of them even took a photo of her with his/her cell phone!! WTF?!!

I guess the value of human life has declined yet again.

:dead: Dawg

darth los
03-Jul-2007, 10:00 PM
People disgust me. Unfortunately they were under no obligation under the law to help this person. That doesn't make what they did right, just morally reprehensible.

03-Jul-2007, 11:11 PM
that's totally riddick man... if they dont charge those people who had so little respect for human life with a crime like maybe the good samaritans law or something then what the hell is this place coming to?

i see this kinda crap all the time... i mean not dying people on the floor and people walking around but people just ignoring the plight of others and people in need... it deeply saddens me that people could care so little for others and still sleep at night

darth los
04-Jul-2007, 01:02 AM
that's totally riddick man... if they dont charge those people who had so little respect for human life with a crime like maybe the good samaritans law or something then what the hell is this place coming to?

i see this kinda crap all the time... i mean not dying people on the floor and people walking around but people just ignoring the plight of others and people in need... it deeply saddens me that people could care so little for others and still sleep at night

First off, the good samaritans law is in place in order to protect citezens that DO help out someone in distress but in the course of their aid something bad happens. That way the person they're trying to help doesn't turn around and sue them. Like breaking someone's ribs performing the heimlich manuever on them.

Second, laws like that are not in place because it would force a person to concievably put their own life in danger, and no one has the right to tell somebody else to do that. Like say a piano was going to fall on someone. You could push them out of the way but you might also get killed yourself while attempting to save them.

04-Jul-2007, 02:25 AM
Thats true I wasn't thinking about that. Like how dumb do you think it is to have to ask someone if they want the heimlich in order to survive. Figures there's no law to hold people accountable for not helping someone who's so clearly dying. But I really want to know what happened that she got stabbed. Something like that doesn't exactly happen all the time. Errr at least.. its rare that someone gets stabbed in a non robbery at any convenience store... and that people just stare...

04-Jul-2007, 02:52 AM
well thats not nice

04-Jul-2007, 02:58 AM
Sometimes when a good sales on....

i wonder what'll happen to em? nothing I assume, I mean it isn't breaking the law...could they be tried for being bone smokers?

04-Jul-2007, 03:04 AM
unfortunately they weren't in violation of any "law" but then again the law is by its very nature neither right nor moral.

the crime here is one of moral failure. the failure of simply even offering this woman a hand to help her off the floor-regardless of her being stabbed.
this disgusts me sooooo much i just need to stop this post.

i will end with this: as an old punk rocker there is one law above all other laws: when someone goes down you pick them up-period. end of discussion.

darth los
04-Jul-2007, 04:34 AM
Thats true I wasn't thinking about that. Like how dumb do you think it is to have to ask someone if they want the heimlich in order to survive. Figures there's no law to hold people accountable for not helping someone who's so clearly dying. But I really want to know what happened that she got stabbed. Something like that doesn't exactly happen all the time. Errr at least.. its rare that someone gets stabbed in a non robbery at any convenience store... and that people just stare...

People are generally self centered asses who are not interested in doing anything if it doesn't benefit them in some way. The bottom line is people just don't care about the plight of others unless it affects them directly. I always say, just picture if that were YOUR mother, YOUR wife or YOUR sister and how you would feel if people just callously stood there and took pics while they lay there dying. I'm sure they'd see their actions in a different light.

07-Jul-2007, 11:31 AM
i'd just like to stab those people and walk around them drinking a cherry slurpee and shoveling nachos into my face

darth los
07-Jul-2007, 03:42 PM
Sometimes when a good sales on....

i wonder what'll happen to em? nothing I assume, I mean it isn't breaking the law...could they be tried for being bone smokers?


She probably got stabbed due to the limited supply of i phones.

07-Jul-2007, 04:06 PM
Farked up. I assume this is in the ghetto due to the protective glass at the counter in the store, like they have in all ghetto's I've been in, and never in decent areas. If it is, it makes a little bit of sense, seeing as these people might see this sort of thing on a regular basis and living their whole lives around it they just lost any respect for life. It's sad.

darth los
07-Jul-2007, 04:17 PM
If it is, it makes a little bit of sense, seeing as these people might see this sort of thing on a regular basis and living their whole lives around it they just lost any respect for life. It's sad.

I think you hit it on the head and it is sad. When you live with shootouts, stabbings and muggings everyday it desensitizes you to it. Alot of times people just want to mind their own business so they're not the next ones bleeding.

07-Jul-2007, 04:57 PM
First off, the good samaritans law is in place in order to protect citezens that DO help out someone in distress but in the course of their aid something bad happens. That way the person they're trying to help doesn't turn around and sue them. Like breaking someone's ribs performing the heimlich manuever on them.

Second, laws like that are not in place because it would force a person to concievably put their own life in danger, and no one has the right to tell somebody else to do that. Like say a piano was going to fall on someone. You could push them out of the way but you might also get killed yourself while attempting to save them.

i will NEVER be a good samaritan again. any time i've helped someone,they act like they deserved help and i didnt get a thank you. another person in town helped an old lady from gettin her ass kicked by an angry mob at a restaurant and they got prison terms FOR HELPING AN OLD LADY. but "help the police" right? :rolleyes:

07-Jul-2007, 06:24 PM

How disgusting is that? One of them even took a photo of her with his/her cell phone!! WTF?!!

I guess the value of human life has declined yet again.

:dead: Dawg

aye, im afraid there are horrible people about,thankfully, there in the MINORITY.:mad:

darth los
07-Jul-2007, 07:48 PM
aye, im afraid there are horrible people about,thankfully, there in the MINORITY.:mad:

I wouldn't be so sure about that. The normal human reaction is to just watch something happen. This is especially true when there's a group of people observing because then the responsibility of the situation gets diluted. Everyone figures someone else will do something. It's like the mob mentality in a riot. It happens on the subway in nyc all the time. There have people that have been everything from robbed to raped and no one lifts a finger to help. I'm afraid gutless people are less of a minority than we'd like to think.

07-Jul-2007, 07:51 PM
That is so true. When I was ten, I was standing in line,
outside the theater, waiting to get in. Across the street,
this man was viciously beating this woman up, kicking
her, punching her and she was screaming for help. All
the men in the theater line up stood by and just watched,
they did nothing to help.

07-Jul-2007, 07:52 PM
as marty crane once said on frasier; 'people stink', meaning people are bad. its a case of 'f*** you jack, im alright'.:annoyed:

and when your on the way up,theres always someone above you ready to kick you back to the bottom.:mad:

08-Jul-2007, 03:05 AM
people just dont wanna get hurt helping out someone... they prolly woulda if she looked like pam anderson

darth los
08-Jul-2007, 03:21 AM
people just dont wanna get hurt helping out someone... they prolly woulda if she looked like pam anderson

I could see if there was a robbery in progress and they didn't want to risk getting involved out of fear for their own lives. It's quite a different matter when you have someone lying there potentially bleeding to death.