View Full Version : Transformers? So what did you think?

04-Jul-2007, 08:08 AM
More glossy mindless Michael Bay stuff?

God forbid this guy is doing 'The Birds' :(

04-Jul-2007, 04:00 PM

04-Jul-2007, 04:19 PM
coming soon: Micheal Bays Moonfleet
spiced up with guns and a highway.

04-Jul-2007, 06:03 PM
i told you so.... michael bay...

darth los
04-Jul-2007, 06:25 PM
I expect nothing less than this based on the caliber of what passes for movies now days. :(

04-Jul-2007, 07:41 PM
I posted a three paragraph blurb on the forums over at IMDB on what I thought about the film and for the last 12 hours I have been flamed, called gay and have been told I had a dick in my ass while watching the film.

I honestly can't really say anything great about the movie other than the CG was good. The overall content, story and direction were bad. The acting was laughable, and the jokes weren't funny.

04-Jul-2007, 08:06 PM
Are you a TF fan? if not then the movie has failed.

04-Jul-2007, 09:08 PM
It was what it was-- a very good popcorn flick. I took my 2 1/2 year old to see it-- he set still the entire flick and wasn't the normal "kid" he normally is--

The special effects were great and the movie-- well was good.

Of course this is my opinion, but that is what you asked for.

I liked it.

04-Jul-2007, 10:14 PM
Go back & watch the original transformers cartoon,was that brilliantly voice acted with massive depth of plot & characters etc?or did it just seem that way when you were a kid?we're adults watching a kids film through an adult perspective :rolleyes:

05-Jul-2007, 12:44 AM
Never watched the cartoon ... Not really my thing...

But I enjoyed the movie as what it was ... a Pinball machine.

It was entertaining ... and I did not expect it to be anything more than that.

Was it perfect... far from ... it was too long ... dragged in more than a few parts... It was clear they wanted to make the military look good and thats ok... But why they had to make the Men in Black types look like idiots did not really make sense.

But as I said ... I was not expecting anything more than pop corn entertainment. Not every movie needs to be the Lord of the Rings or the original Star Wars or the 300 :)

05-Jul-2007, 03:38 PM
So did my son (which I expected) and my wife (which I hoped for but did not expect). It was better than I thought it would be.

Having said that, Megan Fox is, well, a fox.

05-Jul-2007, 05:47 PM
I posted a three paragraph blurb on the forums over at IMDB on what I thought about the film and for the last 12 hours I have been flamed, called gay and have been told I had a dick in my ass while watching the film.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: laughing at that caused serious trauma to this hangover I'm nursing.

06-Jul-2007, 03:19 AM
It was what it was-- a very good popcorn flick. I took my 2 1/2 year old to see it-- he set still the entire flick and wasn't the normal "kid" he normally is--

The special effects were great and the movie-- well was good.

Of course this is my opinion, but that is what you asked for.

I liked it.

so basically you're saying you have to have the mind of a two year old to enjoy this flick... there you said it, it sucked.

darth los
06-Jul-2007, 04:38 AM
so basically you're saying you have to have the mind of a two year old to enjoy this flick... there you said it, it sucked.

I agree with that one. I have heard people rave about this movie so far, but considering what 90% of the movie going public considers good nowdays i remain skeptical.

06-Jul-2007, 07:25 AM
Jeez, I really like it. Turn off your brain for 2 hours people, it was a fun movie!

B. Brown
06-Jul-2007, 01:31 PM
2 thumbs up.

Great action, great CGI, and the acting wasn't even horrible.

06-Jul-2007, 03:18 PM
Jeez, I really like it. Turn off your brain for 2 hours people, it was a fun movie!

Some people just can't "Turn off their brain" that easily. Like me. If im watching a crapfest, I know its a crapfest and therefor I feel cheated by not only the director, but by people like you who's answer to a ****fest is "Turn off your brain". I say NO! I won't turn off MY brain to watch a movie! How about Hollywood (Especially Michael Bay) Turn ON their brain and produce something worth watching! And WTF is Michael Bay doing judging other people's filmmaking skills on the American Idol rip off on Fox? I guess they needed a Paula Abdul.

06-Jul-2007, 03:52 PM
I haven't seen the flick, but you people didn't realize that it would be a brainless summer popcorn flick? It's Michael Bay we're talking about here. Since when has he EVER made a thoughtful flick?("The Island" kinda came close). And you know the combination can't be thought provoking when you mix Michael Bay with a film based on childrens action figures from the eighties.

What were you expecting "Transformers" to be? "Citizen Kane" with robots?:confused:

06-Jul-2007, 04:11 PM
What were you expecting "Transformers" to be? "Citizen Kane" with robots?:confused:

I'd watch that!

06-Jul-2007, 05:23 PM
Some people just can't "Turn off their brain" that easily. Like me. If im watching a crapfest, I know its a crapfest and therefor I feel cheated by not only the director, but by people like you who's answer to a ****fest is "Turn off your brain". I say NO! I won't turn off MY brain to watch a movie! How about Hollywood (Especially Michael Bay) Turn ON their brain and produce something worth watching! And WTF is Michael Bay doing judging other people's filmmaking skills on the American Idol rip off on Fox? I guess they needed a Paula Abdul.

What the hell were you looking for? I was looking for Robots turning into cars and planes, Giant fight scenes, and action. I got that, and a whole lot more. Do us all a favor, don't go to these movies with your fanboy notebook and a laptop, ready to blog. This is a Popcorn movie, and you wasted your ten bucks, expecting it to be "The Godfather IV"

06-Jul-2007, 10:50 PM
so basically you're saying you have to have the mind of a two year old to enjoy this flick... there you said it, it sucked.

who FN cares? I enjoyed the movie, my son enjoyed it, and I do not have to be an elitist movie snob to think that...

You know what?

I thought the whole LOTR crap was just that...


I aint no fanboy-- If I liked it, then I liked it. Nothing more, nothing less...

06-Jul-2007, 11:25 PM
well i AM a fanboy so i cant wait till the 27th!:D

07-Jul-2007, 04:15 PM
You know what?

I thought the whole LOTR crap was just that...

LOTR = Crap. Transformers = FUN.

I think I know what movie I would rather sit through, and it ain't no 3 hour overblown mass of swords and midgets either. :dead:

07-Jul-2007, 05:30 PM
and as much as i love the lord of the rings, looks to your left < for my answer:D