View Full Version : Knowing me, knowing you

04-Jul-2007, 03:36 PM
I realize that everyone knows everyone else here.
I would like a chance to get to know people here and
participating in this thread can help us along.

I'll go first, since I started all this:lol:

I'm Rusty
I'm 35
I'm a huge Dawn of the dead fan, been so since I first saw the movie when
I was twelve years old. My best friend introduced me to it.
I'm divorced. Working on my second marriage. Have hopes to beat
Liz Taylor's record:elol:
I'm a copywriter, I write short stories during my
spare time.
No children (yet)
Besides Dawn of the dead, I also really enjoy the
Alien movies, except Alien Vs Preditor

So who are you? What are you likes, dislikes?
Tell us a little about yourself.:D

05-Jul-2007, 06:11 PM
I'm the Capn (some other people call me Brett)
I'm 34 (but I look a lot younger :D)
I still can't grow a full beard yet

Currently single, I guess you could say I'm "talking" to someone
I have one child, a 12 year old boy
I work in London, general admin crap
I have been writing stories ever since I was 10 years old
I moderate a horror fiction site and admin two forums of my own

My favourite movie is Romero's Dawn of the Dead
I like progressive rock/metal such as Tool or The Mars Volta
The best book ever written is Arthur C. Clarke's, 2001 - A Space Odyssey

Fave food - Italian or Chinese
Fave drink - Dr Pepper
Yes, I smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol

05-Jul-2007, 06:29 PM
all right ill bite

the names Danny ,well technically daniel, but that sounds like the name of a cult member to me.
i'm 19
just finished college and now have the time to get a decent paying job hours wise, so im lookin'
used to write stuff too but when i decided i wanted to make movies i sorta drifted to writing scripts adn then animation for a good while.

likes: videogames, horror and comedy in general, being a smartass with an official answer for everything, to my moms eternal distain, lookin' up crap on the internet

dislikes: people who use leet speak in real life, uwe boll, intelligent design/ scientology and mushrooms...seriously, there vile.

fav food: pizza, i seriously ate nothing but pizza for a full 2 weeks, didnt eat it for a month after.
fav drink : DR. ****ING PEPPER!!!:D
no i dont smoke or drink.

05-Jul-2007, 07:39 PM
my name is chris, but you may call me sir
I am 19
currently working part time at a grocery store (40 hours a week usually, about 34 average)
I plan on joining the military
I have yet to finish high school cus of some things that happened, and my stupidity
I am single and not looking atm

I like video games, friends, food, exercising, christianity
I dislike Evolution, fakes, celebrities, scientology, hip hop/rap, and transexuals
my favourite musicians are: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Greenday, Coldplay, Aerosmith, Barenaked ladies
favourite food is currently some fast food place..I really like Mcdonalds and burger king and wendies, and usually eat out twice a week.
least favourite food is scallop potatoes

05-Jul-2007, 08:52 PM
Hi my name's Shelley

A lady doesn't reveal her age :p Oh yeah hang on I aint a lady so i'm 36 years young.

I would say I am single but I have a piece of paper that at the moment says otherwise, I never thought that I would actually ever have to refer to myself as divorced it's such a yucky word so when I am that word I will just go back to being single :D

Have 2 kids son 19, daughter 9

Not a huge zombie fan only here cos a friend twisted my arm until I joined, although I do like some zombie films I could say that i have a fave.

Likes -

My new laptop :D
Reading mostly Stephen King big fan of his, but also read girlie type stuff about life etc.
Going to the Cinema, drinking, nights out etc.
Spending time on the net, creating my own forum linky in my sig ;) only really built it to mess around on, also like talking to my mates on net.


Can't think of any right now might edit later

Fave meal of all time is Egg and Chips
Fave drink a nice cup of tea, or Vodka and diet pepsi

Edit - Forgot to say what I do for a living, I work for the National Health Service as a Personal Safety and Health Training Advisor which basically means I train NHS in how to manage Violent or aggressive patients or visitors.

05-Jul-2007, 09:19 PM
Alright Ill give it ago..

Bonjeour, my name is peri ( its not short for peregrin :shifty: )

Im eighteen, nineteen this year..something to look forward to I suppose.

Im happily taken with me being with my girlfriend for a year and..eight? nine months? A helluva long time but were both happy. I was a lucky guy to meet her when I did and steal her away from her bf at the time ( cheating b*stard )

Im a big fan and I was brought into the zombie world through the resident evil games and finally a friend telling me his dad had video taped a movie just like resident evil. It was of course the masterpiece that is dawn of the dead, Ive been hooked on post apoloyptica ever since. I couldnt choose a favourite film, they all have something that I cant say no to.

likes: reading,writing, surreal moments, finding something surprising in someone you never saw coming

Dislikes: clubs, raves, amphetamines, chavs and the english language ( the course )

Favourite food: Special Fried Rice with some sweet and sour chicken balls... : Stomache growl:

05-Jul-2007, 11:24 PM
Nice to meet you all.
Some interesting people, although I
do admit, I am feeling a little old :)
I hate sciencetology too, something about
that just rubs me the wrong way.
Dislikes, ego. People with huge egos,who think
they know everything about anything.
Likes, compassionate people who have a kind
word to say to someone who is suffering.
Just found out I have Fibromyalgia, so that sucks
the big one.
I smoke, I drink on occassions
and this site rocks

06-Jul-2007, 01:40 AM
ddude regardless of your stance on the spiritual vs the psyical, EVERYONE hates scientology:lol:

06-Jul-2007, 02:43 AM
except for scientologists themselves...

06-Jul-2007, 03:19 AM
dislikes: people who use leet speak in real life, uwe boll, intelligent design/ scientology and mushrooms...seriously, there vile.

Ill agree with you on the intelligent design, uwe boll, and the scientology......

But Mushrooms are so leet you newb!
(and yes I really use it in the R L I like to think I use it modestly)

Likes: Almost anything science related. Movies, Monologues, and Mayhem:rolleyes: .

Dislikes: People. Crowds. Society. Opinions....etc etc....

06-Jul-2007, 10:31 AM
My name is James (Jamie to my friends) and I'm currently working at Standard Life as an IT engineer on a contract (This is why you don't hear from me as much). Good work with good people but I'm getting screwed by my recruitment agency.

I'm 24 going on 25 TOMORROW!!!! :eek: A 1/4 century, damn I'm old.

My favourite zed film is Dawn of the Dead, I came across the VHS UK Directors Cut a few years ago at a Sunday market and it eventually brought me here.

Hobbies include chilaxing, Good beer, DVD's and the computer. I do go out once in awhile, couple of weeks ago I was on a stag doo in Amsterdam and last week I saw Tiesto in Edinburgh, Ingliston.

Favourite drink is Duval now, I have given up the precious Leffe.
Favourite food is Pig (Bacon, Pork, ribs ect)

Dislikes: Adverts, UK goverment, reality shows, emotionally tactless people.
Likes: Beer with the lads, solitude (sometimes), UK comedy, cuban heels. :cool:

Most likely add more later, I must get back to work. :shifty:

P.S: Oh yeah, I have a beard. (Get it up ye Captn!) :lol:

06-Jul-2007, 11:00 AM
Guess what my name is :lol:

im 22, single and not looking, from manchester UK.

Am currently studying public service and working as a security officer until i get into the police force, which ive wanted to do since i was a little kid, i run these forums on neils behalf in my spare time and also do modder/design work for vBulletin, ive been running forums since 2001 now.

Likes ; games, tv, cinema, friends, (why do i feel like im wrigint out a personal?) love zombies and especially romero, first saw dawn when i was about 6 and it was on BBC2 late one night, lol i still remember that.

Dislikes ; fanboys, i see alot of them on forums and it pisses me off when people are stupidly devoted to something with a severe lack or understanding of plain facts, stupid people in general too.. rnb music, that annoys me, crappy movies too.. i always feel ripped off if i see a movie and its **** even if i didn't pay for it.

Thats about all i can think of for now, may edit this after.

(also woo im the first staff member to respond)

06-Jul-2007, 11:15 AM
i'm 21, not single, i enjoy a big drink and a rare steak. i like all manner of cult cinema, hard science fiction, heavy/black/death/thrash metal/goth/electro/punk etc, i like researching the occult and playing the bass guitar, travelling, festivals, gigs, comics.

06-Jul-2007, 11:50 AM
-I'm Mike.

-Almost 23 and dreading every minute of it.

-Love most types of metal and good old punk. Also have a love for old hip-hop/electro from the early 80s.

-Play/collect guitar(s).

-Dawn is my favorite of the GAR series. It's actually my favorite movie EVER and has been since first viewing at age 8.

-Love the Phillies; the first baseball team to make 10,000 losses... some time this month.

-Play in bands and have toured the US.

-About to start college even though I should have graduated by now.

-Drink far too much (according to some, squares).

-Dated a girl that has gone on to pose for Playboy.

06-Jul-2007, 07:36 PM
hi there im gareth, im 26 and im single.

my fav film has got to be dawn of the dead and back to the future 2.

i like football,walking,sleeping and reading.and i also love drinking endless pots of tea! i also love going with my mate in his artic wagon,driving all over england.

my dislikes are animal cruelty,pop music,rap music hip hop etc
altho i do like mozart,chopin,and beethoven.

my fav food is peperoni pizza,orange squash,and tea.and i love big macs and crisps.

and currently im registerd incapable of work.:moon:

06-Jul-2007, 08:15 PM
:lol: :lol: just realised this wasn't an Alan Partridge thread.:lol: :lol:

06-Jul-2007, 11:21 PM
that was my first thought as well, "jurassic park!";)

06-Jul-2007, 11:27 PM
lol, actually I thought of the title for this thread from an
old Abba song called "Knowing me knowing you"
Thanks for sharing, it is nice to get to know people around here. :)

07-Jul-2007, 10:52 AM
People who know me call me Ayns short for ayns - ley ...they always mispronounce it and constantly ask how to say it... like it really matters lol... I am turning 24 this month and loathe my birthday I usually get broken up with this month and/or something awful happens and most people dont remember because its summertime aka playtime. Oh and i'm not single but like I said... for my birthday its a 90% chance i'll lose the ol bf.

I work for myself as a sort of private entertainer I enjoy what I do more than past jobs and am currently looking for employees. I'm also trying to buy a restaurant in the town I vacation at in Canada.

I like all kinds of music but my favorite band right now is Evans Blue... they're Canadiens and just lovely. I do really hate rap though I find it offensive and stupid.

I like tennis, running, swimming, texas holdem, and horror movies.
I hate people who only see one view and its their own, shady folks, and people who compliment me.

I sporadically go to college I'm supposed to go back in fall but really I just dont know if I'll be able to because i'm focused on working right now and on making my zombie series.

My favorite food is Mexican and fav dish is carne asada burritos from Olemendis... I've been going there since I was a kid and the owners are really nice its two brothers one of whom is a member of Governor Schwarzeneggers cabinet member.

silly post button...

I have no children and dont want any... my family is so effed up I fear i'll turn my kids into me and will never have some to prevent that kind of misfortune.

My favorite drink is rye and coke or a gold tequila margarita shaken with salt and served OTR with a float of Grand Marnier...

My least favorite drink is a pearl cream martini with vodka, buttershots, and cream... uh tastes really bad like egg whites or something similar

My fav zombie flick is 28 days later but my first was NOTLD remake... followed by DAWN then DAY then DAWN 04 then Resident Evil then 28 weeks later...