View Full Version : Ds Camera

darth los
05-Jul-2007, 03:03 AM
I know it's only out in japan but it looks very cool. One can only imagine what kind of crazy games and different applications there are going to be for this thing. Hopefully it's a success in japan so that the rest of us out west can get our hands on it. As we all know form past heartbreaks, just because something cool comes out in japan doesn't mean it will see the light of day over here. It looks like a very cool time to be a ds owner.:cool:


05-Jul-2007, 03:08 AM
be cool if you could use the internet wi-fi pictochat thing with it to talk to freinds, its allready got a mic, make it a free videophone:

"yes i know you want my lvl 40 pikachu, and i know you wrrent expecting me to be a 35 year old man, but could you jsut tell me im a pretty girl?":lol:

ah man, nothings funnier than an internet pedo joke about child molestation *wipes tear from eye*:lol:

darth los
05-Jul-2007, 03:12 AM
be cool if you could use the internet wi-fi pictochat thing with it to talk to freinds, its allready got a mic, make it a free videophone:

"yes i know you want my lvl 40 pikachu, and i know you wrrent expecting me to be a 35 year old man, but could you jsut tell me im a pretty girl?":lol:

ah man, nothings funnier than an internet pedo joke about child molestation *wipes tear from eye*:lol:


It could definitely be used as a selling point when confronted with the multimedia capabilities of the psp.