View Full Version : Free Stuff From Bungie !!

darth los
07-Jul-2007, 03:18 AM
They're keeping what it is a secret. All they're saying it's that it's downloadable content for the 360 and pc. After 12 midnight tomorrow it's gone for ever. Be sure to log on to the marketplace and check it out.


07-Jul-2007, 01:08 PM
"a more decroative nature", yawn, its a theme im tellin' ya.

07-Jul-2007, 02:48 PM
Yeah, it's just the Halo 3 theme. Friggin LAME.

darth los
07-Jul-2007, 02:56 PM
Damn that sucks. We never get the good stuff for free anyway. I guess it's so they can say they never gave us anything when they charge 10 bucks for a map pack.

07-Jul-2007, 03:22 PM
Yeah it is pretty gay, howcome themes dont change the marketplace tab? its been there for months now, have theme creators not realised this yet?

darth los
07-Jul-2007, 03:32 PM
Yeah it is pretty gay, howcome themes dont change the marketplace tab? its been there for months now, have theme creators not realised this yet?

I guess not enough people have complained about it yet. If there's no public outcry for change the chances are they'll leave it as is.