View Full Version : whats your claim to fame?

07-Jul-2007, 06:35 PM
well?? what is your claim to fame?? mine is getting an autograph off 'marlon' out of emmerdale farm,(a well loved soap in england),he was shopping in my home town.:skull:

07-Jul-2007, 06:50 PM
Last fall, I was in a TV-series, met a well known swedish actor and met a even more well known (but despised) swedish artist. (Basshunter, he did a few crappy songs).

I've also met an Irish soap-opera actor called Darragh or something like that. I can't remember which soap-opera he was in tho.

07-Jul-2007, 06:55 PM
hehe got a few of em

* i threw a boot at marilyn manson, and it hit him in the chest, causing him to stop a gig

* my nan raised felicity kendal while her parents were on business, which is why her surname is "kendal" - thats where my nan lives.

* i spilled cider on captain sensible from the damned

* i sort of occasionally talk to edgar wright (shaun of the dead/hot fuzz), he gave me the heads up on the english premiere of land of the dead (top bloke)

* me and a friend hurled abuse at sum 41, and they werent impressed (apart from the asian dude, who laughed and threw the horns)

* i saw sean connery in an airport when i was 12 and shouted "BOND!" and he saluted me as he walked past

* my band's old drummer has played on stage with the who (we mourn his loss badly)

plus ive met a few random people from bands - i drank a bunch of orange goblin & solace's beer backstage in bristol, met pete from akercocke/gonga and chatted about star wars, met katie jane garside from daisy chainsaw/queen adreena and didnt really talk about much.

07-Jul-2007, 07:02 PM
* i saw sean connery in an airport when i was 12 and shouted "BOND!" and he saluted me as he walked past

I don't think any of us can top that.

07-Jul-2007, 07:20 PM
I don't think so either lol
The only thing I could claim,
I went to the same high school
as Corey Hart. Not at the same
time though and sat at a
desk where his name was
craved in the top.

07-Jul-2007, 07:56 PM
I've got a good one.
When i was a student in Newcastle House of Pain were playing at one of the local venues. One of the guys i lived with was involved with the running of the club and invited the band and crew back to our house. I had been on a night out with my girlfriend and came back in the early hours of the morning to find the band and crew having a smoke and drink with my housemates. I don't think they were that big in England at the time but it has become a great story to tell people who are of a similar age to me. Great bunch of lads as well.:thumbsup:

07-Jul-2007, 09:01 PM
* Was a regular in the crowd at most World of Sport UK wrestling matches in the 80's. Met Big Daddy, Giant Haystacks, etc.

* Met many, many celebrities at concerts (be it for 1 second or 1 minute): Slapped Mick Jagger's hand, Courtney Love sang in my face, had a quick chat with Mark Arm from Mudhoney, I sang the first verse of a song at a Filter concert when Richard Patrick passed me the mic...

* Met many musicians while getting their signature after the show - too many to mention. Have spoken to Leslie West from Mountain a good few times (the man is a god) and actually, I'm pretty certain he'd recognise me and call me over instead of it being the other way around. :lol:

* Had a 20 minute telephone conversation with Bianca Jagger when I used to work at a taxi firm. She was really nice.

i threw a boot at marilyn manson, and it hit him in the chest, causing him to stop a gig
And I was a witness to that. Top shot by the way, Leesham. :sneaky:

07-Jul-2007, 09:39 PM
Saw Woody Allen in line at grocery store in Manhattan when I was 11.
I told him I learned alot from "Everything you always wanted to know about Sex , but were afraid to ask".

Met Tom Bosley & Mel Gibson at the Kennedy Center, where my mum had a gig with the big band for some fund raiser. Mel was not really as tall as he might seem on screen, but then again I wasnt tall either.

In 2003, Micheal Winslow did a film with a Full Sail (Orlando Fl) grad friend of mine. They were shooting at the nearby high school football field.The film was called "Coming Attractions", he was playing a gym teacher that was like a neo-nazi.I havent been on too many sets, but my instinct was to keep my mouth shut and stay aways back as they were doing scenes.Got his autograph (he walked up to the bench was real cool shook his hand) on the script he was acting in that day
I ended up acting in the film, doing a testimonial for a psychic , & some art on a pillow case ...James Hong (Matre de of the chinese restaurant on Sienfeld )was going to be the leader of a 'lazy cult' but I dont know if he ever did it .Jason Bunch the director & writer wanted me to do a portrait painting of James Hong as the cult leader wearing a wizard cap w/ fire around him.
I still have the painting...
Jason Bunch, lost touch with him & dont know if the film ever got finished.

Tom Savini signed my Dawn hat at Full Sail , about May of '03...
He was there to speak about the new era of cgi and practical makeup.
He is a purist , totally intuitive master of the art .

Dale Dye is decorated veteran ,an amazing writer , contributing acting roles in Platoon, Saving Pvt. Ryan, friend of a friend at AAA in Palm Bch Gardens Fl.

enough:| .

07-Jul-2007, 11:20 PM
according to my gamertag's site im the number 1 player of king kong on the 360, behold my greatness:lol:

08-Jul-2007, 02:14 AM
Ive met plenty of celebs, but MY claim to fame is I can drink 3 cans of beer in 12 seconds.

I learned I could do this when I was about 15 and it was cool at parties and stuff...even in college it was cool to show off with once in awhile...but now I am 30 so I really dont go around bragging about it as much but if I am ever out people ask to see it. So I tell them buy the 3 beers and Ill do it.

Funny thing is the CEO of the company I work for thinks it is the most amazing thing he has ever saw...he is a PhD.

I can also drink a 40oz in 1 drink...I sometimes can drink a six pack in a minute, mosttimes I cant...

We did a lot of competitive drinking when I was a kid.

When I was 21 I drank over 40 beers...I was trying to drink 2 cases in 24 hours but feel short. I drank the first 18 in two hours in 17 different bars on foot.

That and I guess my Dawn Tattoo!

08-Jul-2007, 02:44 AM
well?? what is your claim to fame?? mine is getting an autograph off 'marlon' out of emmerdale farm,(a well loved soap in england),he was shopping in my home town.:skull:

I was getting an autograph at a beaseball game. and ended up on a baseball card,92 or 93 upperdeck Rickey Bones, I was in the 7th grade and and one day a teacher walked ito class and handed it to me. I milked that 15 minutes out for 20.

08-Jul-2007, 02:49 AM
I was getting an autograph at a beaseball card. 92 or 93 upperdeck Rickey Bones, I was in the 7th grade and and one day a teacher walked ito class and handed it to me. I milked that 15 minutes out for 20.

WTF does that mean

08-Jul-2007, 03:34 AM
I don't think any of us can top that.

Oh man no one can top that...

I have a few...
My dads golfing buddy sold his movie production company to Ted Turner... who I got to meet as a kid... interesting guy but most old people were to me back then...

My ex step mom is friend with a Hollywood big wig and we went to a party where I found out Tom Cruise isn't hot and is frickin short and ugly...

We used to live next door to a well known mystery writer

I met Anna Kournikova and called her a malicious female slur word when she lost... as always friggin loser that she is

My mom knew the origional Kolchak and was faily popular as a playboy model

I met President Clinton and on a seperate occasion met Newt Gingrich... nothing special there to mention

I have a few friends in bands that have finally come into popularity either yet again or for the first time

I have a few actor friends and one porn star pal

I was engaged to a financial analyst who's now on CNN headline news... occasionally... every time I need a swift kick in the ass to remember how stupid I am I watch him on the telly

08-Jul-2007, 05:44 AM
Champion tomato picker crop attenuation program .:|

08-Jul-2007, 10:40 AM
* Saw Tiff Needell coming out of a mobile phone store in Cardiff.

* Saw Philip Sco...Sco...field...the bloke next to Gordon the Gopher...at a mall when I was a kid.

* Saw a fully decked out DeLorean in Manchester.

* Met and filmed an interview with famous protester and member of the CND, Bruce Kent (though I'd never heard of him prior, hehe).

* Sat in the audience of Trisha when it was still filmed in Norwich, with my hair dyed bright red, Trisha kept standing next to me so I got plenty of screen time...no doubt the director was saying "keep putting that idiot with the RED!!!!!! hair in the shot! :lol:

* Saw Noddy Holder in a mall at a book signing.

* Chad Ginsburg kept staring at me during a CKY gig at my University (for CKY know-nothings, it's a trait of his, he tends to pick one or two people to stare at incessantly throughout a gig) ... I was then able to see him twat an idiot who booed America over the head with a mic stand, was the talk of the university the next day, yet I seemed to be the only one talking about it who was actually there, so I was the fountain of knowledge in class the next day, hehe. F*cking great gig though.

Can't think of anything else, nothing that big or "great" in comparison to some of you guys, geez...I'm gonna have to up my game here! :p

darth los
08-Jul-2007, 05:34 PM
according to my gamertag's site im the number 1 player of king kong on the 360, behold my greatness:lol:

But have you ever danced with the devil in a pale moonlight? :p

08-Jul-2007, 08:47 PM
WTF does that mean

Lets try it like this.

was getting an autograph at a beaseball game. and ended up on a baseball card,92 or 93 upperdeck Rickey Bones, I was in the 7th grade and and one day a teacher walked ito class and handed it to me. I milked that 15 minutes out for 20. It even made the local paper,lol.

yeah, posting after a few pints usually isn't a good idea.

Can I count my 20 times seeing soul asylum and the lead singer calling my house?


I still own the crappy unupdated website with pics of me stalking him.

08-Jul-2007, 09:02 PM
I'm too lazy to think-up/write a list so I'll just name the first thing that comes off the top of my head:

I'm friends with Joe from The Dead Milkmen.

08-Jul-2007, 09:36 PM
I'm too lazy to think-up/write a list so I'll just name the first thing that comes off the top of my head:

I'm friends with Joe from The Dead Milkmen.
Nice. They were cool. Plus they had a kick ass video for Punk Rock Girl

08-Jul-2007, 09:59 PM
- O.J's autograph when he was doing some TV movie back in '79 or so. It's still sitting around somewhere collecting dust.

- Saw Leonard Nimoy walking along Park Ave. and midtown on my way to work one morning. He looked really pissed.

- Supposedly I was on an episode of Romper Room but I can't remember it at all. Must've been very traumatic.

Chic Freak
09-Jul-2007, 02:39 AM
* i threw a boot at marilyn manson, and it hit him in the chest, causing him to stop a gig

My claim to fame is that it was my boot he threw!!

Also, in no particular order:

* Saw Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg at the preview of Land of the Dead but was waaay too drunk to risk mortifying myself by actually going up to them at that point

* I had dinner with George Takei (Mr Sulu from Star Trek) when I was 11

* Saw the old dude from Jurassic Park in London having his picture taken with someone

* My dad went to school with Gary Numan... and teased him for wearing eye liner. D'oh

* My mum's had the fiddler from Steel Eye Span round for dinner and got grossly drunk and stoned with him. How do I know? Because the sound of her throwing up actually woke me up :lol:

* I got my dreads cut by Sarah Cawood on Celebrity Scissorhands for Children in Need 2006 (I looked like a total penis but it was for charity)

* Have spotted Industrial Bitch a couple of times out clubbing in London but always been too shy to go up and say hi! That woman is actually *more* beautiful in real life than in her photos :eek:

* Published in Bizarre magazine last month

* I'm the current model for Heavenly Corsets' waist training corsets

* I've made dread extensions for a couple of Suicide Girls

* Getting a six page spread in an American magazine next month :)

Oh, and I'm shooting with the photographer who does all the pictures for Dracinabox at the end of the month, but I'm guessing that unless you're a girl or a goffick you *really* won't care about that one :p But I'm excited.

09-Jul-2007, 03:44 PM
I was high school friends, and a co worker of WWE's Mr.Kennedy if that counts.

09-Jul-2007, 05:50 PM
A short film I made for BBC Local TV (featuring me) was broadcast on Sky etc last year, and a few other shorts I made for the service were broadcast.

I've also been interviewed/filming while filming something myself, for an internal BBC documentary/assessment of the Local TV experiment...so somebody high up at the Beeb had a gander at me complaining about "why should everything be in bloody London?!" :lol:

Still tame by the standards set, but it just sprung to mind at dinner...

Chic Freak
09-Jul-2007, 05:51 PM
A short film I made for BBC Local TV (featuring me) was broadcast on Sky etc last year, and a few other shorts I made for the service were broadcast.

That's awesome :)

09-Jul-2007, 06:00 PM
That's awesome :)
Also had a couple of shorts shown at a couple of festivals ... still peanuts by comparison, but very teeny-tiny fame ... more like tiny recognition ... or just a number of people seeing my film...

Speaking of which, how did I manage to forget it, but I Am Zombie Man appearing on the DVD for Deadlands in USA/Canadian territories as well as being shown (along with IAZM2) at the Hagerstown 10 cinema in Maryland (was Maryland right, Deej?)

Aye - so there's a fair number of people who've had the opportunity to watch my little film that I just put together for a laugh, so cheers to Deej for that. :)

And of course - being on HPOTD - you all love me, you all think I'm awesome, and you know what - you're all right!! :lol::p:D:sneaky:

09-Jul-2007, 11:08 PM
1. Prom King
2. Dated a girl named Carmen who went to florida state weight lifting finals and came in 5th place.
3. beat the hell out of her ex boyfriend who was 1st in florida for guys wrestling


10-Jul-2007, 12:24 AM
