View Full Version : Why didn't they do this...

07-Jul-2007, 07:35 PM
In Dawn of the dead, when Roger and Peter are blocking the
doors. When Roger realizes he forgot his bag, why didn't
he just leave it in the truck. It looked like they
were finished blocking the doors. He could have just
gotten some new tools.

In Day, that unstready fence? Why didn't the zombies just
climb over it. We all saw the zombies climbing the ladder
in Dawn. They could have climbed the fence, barbed wires
and all.

Just something to think about?
Got any other why didn't they?

07-Jul-2007, 08:22 PM
they whole series is a bunch of why nots....

But it wouldnt be much fun watching a movie where they do everything super safe, super smart and take no risks.

darth los
07-Jul-2007, 08:53 PM
In Dawn of the dead, when Roger and Peter are blocking the
doors. When Roger realizes he forgot his bag, why didn't
he just leave it in the truck. It looked like they
were finished blocking the doors. He could have just
gotten some new tools.

I have always thought the same thing. In a situation that dangerous you have to have contingency plans and can't leave anything to chance. At the very least they should have had a back up bag. HEY!! WAIT A MINUTE!! By all rights peter should have had one too. He did hotwire his own truck didn't he? He could have just taken peter's bag. In any case going back for the bag wouldn't have been an option for me.

07-Jul-2007, 09:41 PM
When Roger realizes he forgot his bag, why didn't he just leave it in the truck. It looked like they were finished blocking the doors.
We're they? Didn't Roger say, "there's a lot to get done before you can afford to lose me"? This could be interpreted as later work like clearing the mall but seeing as though they only did two truck runs, I think otherwise. Two trucks would probably not be enough to block the doors.

07-Jul-2007, 09:44 PM
Depends on how many doors were at that mall.
If there were more, then yeah okay I can see
him going back for the bag.
But if they were just going to clean up, he
could have left the bag, and got other
tool in Penny's.
Too speculate or not to speculate :)

darth los
07-Jul-2007, 09:52 PM
We're they? Didn't Roger say, "there's a lot to get done before you can afford to lose me"? This could be interpreted as later work like clearing the mall but seeing as though they only did two truck runs, I think otherwise. Two trucks would probably not be enough to block the doors.

There were 4 entrances that they had to block. We only saw them cover 2 of them. After the first truck is in place peter clearly say to roger, "3 more baby, 3 more", which would imply that they had 3 more trucks to place in front of the entrances. This would explain roger's response. Plus the fact that they still had to clear the mall and there's no way he was going to let them go shopping without him. :D

07-Jul-2007, 09:54 PM
ooops, okay my error.
I think my head is somewhere else today lol

07-Jul-2007, 10:03 PM
well why didn't Rhodes become super happy pals with everyone in the cave eh? It would have made for a better movie

Why did the bikers want to break into the mall, that was mean :(

Why was Barbara such a stupid bitch? She should have been tough and a knuckle cruncher.

because it's the way George thought it through. Without everything you mentioned in your first post, there would be no climax in the movie; no plot twist or danger to the characters. There would be no excitement or anything worth watching in the movie.

09-Jul-2007, 09:43 PM
Wouldn't taking a second bag of tools just been a no-brainer? Hell, even a third bag to play it safe?? You don't need to be a professional military strategist to plan like that...

09-Jul-2007, 09:47 PM
There were 4 entrances that they had to block. We only saw them cover 2 of them. After the first truck is in place peter clearly say to roger, "3 more baby, 3 more", which would imply that they had 3 more trucks to place in front of the entrances. This would explain roger's response. Plus the fact that they still had to clear the mall and there's no way he was going to let them go shopping without him. :D

Exactly. He needed the tools to hotwire the trucks.

darth los
09-Jul-2007, 10:13 PM
Wouldn't taking a second bag of tools just been a no-brainer? Hell, even a third bag to play it safe?? You don't need to be a professional military strategist to plan like that...

There was a second bag, peter's bag.

09-Jul-2007, 11:10 PM
In Dawn of the dead, when Roger and Peter are blocking the
doors. When Roger realizes he forgot his bag, why didn't
he just leave it in the truck. It looked like they
were finished blocking the doors. He could have just
gotten some new tools.They were not finished blocking the doors. I chalk it up to this... in that situation, they is no telling how any of us would be thinking. They were in a highly stressful situation, and were bound to make errors in judgement. We have the benefit of hindsight.

In Day, that unstready fence? Why didn't the zombies just
climb over it. We all saw the zombies climbing the ladder
in Dawn. They could have climbed the fence, barbed wires
and all.

I never liked the way the zombies climbed the ladder in Dawn, especially the one zombie who held onto the gun with one hand, so apparently he climbed the ladder with just one hand! I know it was necesary for the plot, however, zombies that were having problems using an escalator should not be co-ordinated enough to climb a shaky ladder, and then further climb the stell ladder, then exit to the roof. Therefore, it was believable to me that the zeds in Day did not climb the fence.

I have always thought the same thing. In a situation that dangerous you have to have contingency plans and can't leave anything to chance. At the very least they should have had a back up bag. HEY!! WAIT A MINUTE!! By all rights peter should have had one too. He did hotwire his own truck didn't he? He could have just taken peter's bag. In any case going back for the bag wouldn't have been an option for me.
I take it that Roger hotwired Peter's truck off-camera. Peter said that he wasnt that confident in driving the truck, therefore it stand to reason he wouldnt know how to hotwire one. I mean, he can only know so much. When Roger was a kid learning how to hotwire, apparently Peter went to abortion class that day.

Wouldn't taking a second bag of tools just been a no-brainer? Hell, even a third bag to play it safe?? You don't need to be a professional military strategist to plan like that...
This is the thing I have always thought. I mean, when they first enter the elevator shaft, Peter tells Roger to get him a screwdriver. Roger comes back with a handfull "One stop shopping, everything you need right at your fingertips". Then for a dangerous trip outside, they only bring one bag of tools? Bad strategy for sure. With only one bag of tools, that was left in the truck, the ultra-safe strategy would have to gone back to the mall and got some back up tools. Then again, that would make the whole process take longer, and they may have been concerned about the fuel in the chopper, trying to get the blocking job done as quickly as possible.

darth los
09-Jul-2007, 11:29 PM
I take it that Roger hotwired Peter's truck off-camera. Peter said that he wasnt that confident in driving the truck, therefore it stand to reason he wouldnt know how to hotwire one. I mean, he can only know so much. When Roger was a kid learning how to hotwire, apparently Peter went to abortion class that day.

:lol: :lol:

Once again we are left to speculate. Alot of things in this film happened off camera. For example, We've speculated about how they fit all the zombies in that tiny freezer when it could very well have been that they stored them in multiple areas. Peter said that he wasn't comfortable driving the truck. He never aluded to the fact of whether or not he knew how to hotwire one. Peter was probably from the inner city. He might very well have had experience in hotwiring cars. I know i sure do even though i've never stolen one in my life. Some things you just pick up particular to the are in which you were raised.

09-Jul-2007, 11:59 PM
Speaking of the chopper, why didn't they bring the walkie talkies? I mean it seemed awfully pointless for Stephen to BE THERE but unable to actually intervene or in anyway convey a message to those below.

He was just a spectator! Bring the walkie talkies you found earlier in the film, idiots! That could have saved alot of headache.

10-Jul-2007, 12:08 AM
Would the walkie talkies work with the
CB's that Peter and Roger were using.
Don't know much about either.
Phily SWAT you brought up many good points,
it is kind of silly they didn't bring two sets of
tools, or even have a back up set in the chopper.
Guess we shouldn't spend so much time
picking things apart, might get heartburn LMAO

10-Jul-2007, 12:10 AM
No they wouldn't have worked with the CBs (unless you can tweak them somehow), but you could have at least given one walkietalkie to Peter and then Peter could be in touch with both of them. Thus all of three of them could have contact.

10-Jul-2007, 12:12 AM
Good one Evil.
Let's go block some mall doors together. :)

10-Jul-2007, 12:14 AM
Peter said that he wasn't comfortable driving the truck. He never aluded to the fact of whether or not he knew how to hotwire one.
That would be akin to saying I dont know how to fire a nuclear missle, but I am familair with how to build one.

Peter was probably from the inner city.
Why? Because he was black? *sniff* I smell racism....He probably wasnt smart enough to play quarterback either....

He might very well have had experience in hotwiring cars. I know i sure do even though i've never stolen one in my life. Some things you just pick up particular to the are in which you were raised.

If he did know how to hotwire a car, then why wasnt he and Roger working on hotwiring at the same time? Peter was just sitting in an idling truck (obviously already hotwired) while Roger was under the dash working on the hotwire. That seems to me to imply that Roger hotwired the first one, Peter got behind the wheel, and then Roger went to the next truck.

10-Jul-2007, 12:21 AM
Roger says something to the effect off "You haven't spent enough time on the streets", suggesting that Peter doesn't know how to hotwire a car.

This might only be in the extended tho? I don't know.

10-Jul-2007, 12:24 AM
Roger says something to the effect off "You haven't spent enough time on the streets", suggesting that Peter doesn't know how to hotwire a car.

This might only be in the extended tho? I don't know.
Yeah, that line is not in all three versions, just one of the three, I believe. I think he was talking to Flyboy at the time, though.

10-Jul-2007, 12:26 AM
Then it's in the extended, cause that's the one I watched last and that's when I first noticed it.

10-Jul-2007, 12:29 AM
Yeah he was. As for Peter, I always figured that Roger
did the hotwiring for them both. I think it even mentions
something like that in the book. Been so long since I read
it I can't remember. But they should have had a set of tools
in each truck, kind of like a back up thing. Guess it's hard
to think that way when your in such a crises like that.
How many of us would be as smart as we are now if we
were put in that same situiton?

darth los
10-Jul-2007, 12:47 AM
That would be akin to saying I dont know how to fire a nuclear missle, but I am familair with how to build one.

Why? Because he was black? *sniff* I smell racism....He probably wasnt smart enough to play quarterback either....

First off, i'm a minority from new york city so i can make observations to that effect that you can't. Aren't double standards great? :D

Second, by your logic everyone who knows how to drive a car expertly automatically knows how to build a chasis and we know that not to be the case.

10-Jul-2007, 12:56 AM
First off, i'm a minority from new york city so i can make observations to that effect that you can't. Aren't double standards great? :DI know you are a minority from NYC. I was gonna ask if just because you are hispanic, should I assume that you drive a low-rider, with a small sterring wheel so you can drive while cuffed, and take a siesta at work everyday?, but I didnt want to fall into the same trap i was complaining about.....;)

Second, by your logic everyone who knows how to drive a car expertly automatically knows how to build a chasis and we know that not to be the case.
That is not what my logic dictates at all. You said that just because he isnt comfortable driving the truck(a simpler task) that he still may know how to hotwire it (a more difficult task). I suggested that makes as much sense as knowing how to build a missle (a more difficult task) but not knowing how to fire it (a much simpler task). In your example, you are saying by my logic an expert driver (simple task) should be able to build a chasis (difficult task). Quite the contrary, that example uses the same logic as your original thesis.

darth los
10-Jul-2007, 01:10 AM
I know you are a minority from NYC. I was gonna ask if just because you are hispanic, should I assume that you drive a low-rider, with a small sterring wheel so you can drive while cuffed, and take a siesta at work everyday?, but I didnt want to fall into the same trap i was complaining about.....;)

That is not what my logic dictates at all. You said that just because he isnt comfortable driving the truck(a simpler task) that he still may know how to hotwire it (a more difficult task). I suggested that makes as much sense as knowing how to build a missle (a more difficult task) but not knowing how to fire it (a much simpler task). In your example, you are saying by my logic an expert driver (simple task) should be able to build a chasis (difficult task). Quite the contrary, that example uses the same logic as your original thesis.

How did you know all that stuff about me? :eek: I have to sweep my place for bugs immediately. :shifty: Not to wade too far into the subject, i think as a society we're way to fixated and sensitive about race. There are things that are just observations. Then there's the racism with real hate and venom behind it. We've come to the point where observations can't even be made, no matter how true they are, without someone crying racism. It's sad really. Anyway, moving on :

That line of logic is not always the case. Different people are adept at different things. Driving a vehichle involes good spatial and speed recognition that a person just might not have. They could concievably be better at messing with the mechanical components of the car than actually driving it. But i know that when you're mind is made up debating you on it is an excercise in futility. So cheers. :)

10-Jul-2007, 01:29 AM
How did you know all that stuff about me? :eek: I have to sweep my place for bugs immediately. :shifty:
Ummm.....we have chatted before? Not very memorable chat to you, I reckon.......

Not to wade too far into the subject, i think as a society we're way to fixated and sensitive about race. There are things that are just observations. Then there's the racism with real hate and venom behind it. We've come to the point where observations can't even be made, no matter how true they are, without someone crying racism. It's sad really. Anyway, moving on :
I agree with you. I was being sarcastic with the racism comment.....although the fact that we cant assume he was from the "inner city" is a valid one.

That line of logic is not always the case. Different people are adept at different things. Driving a vehichle involes good spatial and speed recognition that a person just might not have. They could concievably be better at messing with the mechanical components of the car than actually driving it. But i know that when you're mind is made up debating you on it is an excercise in futility. So cheers. :)
Your point about different skill sets is absolutely valid. Although I would wonder why someone, pre-zombie crisis, would take the time to learn how to hotwire a vehicle if they werent that comfortable driving them. What would be the point.... is there a market out there for someone to hotwire cars for someone else?

In addition, I would be interested to hear your comments about what I said about Peter sitting in the idling truck as Roger was hotwiring the other one, why you think that doesnt imply that Roger hotwired Peter's truck first. If Peter hotwired his own truck, then that implies that he was much more proficient at it than Roger was.

darth los
10-Jul-2007, 02:06 AM
Ummm.....we have chatted before? Not very memorable chat to you, I reckon.......

I agree with you. I was being sarcastic with the racism comment.....although the fact that we cant assume he was from the "inner city" is a valid one.

Your point about different skill sets is absolutely valid. Although I would wonder why someone, pre-zombie crisis, would take the time to learn how to hotwire a vehicle if they werent that comfortable driving them. What would be the point.... is there a market out there for someone to hotwire cars for someone else?

In addition, I would be interested to hear your comments about what I said about Peter sitting in the idling truck as Roger was hotwiring the other one, why you think that doesnt imply that Roger hotwired Peter's truck first. If Peter hotwired his own truck, then that implies that he was much more proficient at it than Roger was.

You see that's what i like to see. The realization that without any solid proof that another person's perspective might be the correct one. I also conceed that you could be right as well, we simply don't know.

Peter was part of swat and because of that he presumably had some sort of military backround or something of the sort to be able to even be considered for such specialized work. Also, let's not make hotwiring a vehichle comparable to rocket science. Once you know what to do it's not that hard. It's not like you have to have a degree to know how to do it.