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08-Jul-2007, 03:36 AM

Thats riddick! If I saw a doctor who refused to help me get a morning-after pill i'd prolly murder him.

08-Jul-2007, 03:46 AM

Thats riddick! If I saw a doctor who refused to help me get a morning-after pill i'd prolly murder him.

Or ya know... find another doc.

Sounds like a Catholic Hospital. The Good Samaritan. I feel for the woman, truly I do... but she should have just asked for an ambulance ride to the next hospital. If you want a morning after pill, don't go to a Christian hospital.

The morning after pill will work up to 3 days after the incident. I know from personal experience.

08-Jul-2007, 04:01 AM
Yeah but its actually part of a larger problem... women dont receive sufficient medical care or even the same quality of care as men do... its like how heart attack symptons for women can be different from those that men get and when they go to the ER and complain of those symptoms a male doctor often waves away their concerns without even running any tests... which can affect a womans health drastically...

08-Jul-2007, 04:02 AM
it's catholics who don't approve of Birth control...not the general christian population.

I think it's bs tho, why the hell would they not give her the damn pill? just because they don't believe in it does not mean they should deprive of anyone else of that right.

darth los
08-Jul-2007, 04:04 AM
Or ya know... find another doc.

Sounds like a Catholic Hospital. The Good Samaritan. I feel for the woman, truly I do... but she should have just asked for an ambulance ride to the next hospital. If you want a morning after pill, don't go to a Christian hospital.

The morning after pill will work up to 3 days after the incident. I know from personal experience.

Agreed. In cases as touchy as terminating a pregnancy any doctor reserves the right to refuse that kind of service. The right to "choose" extends to them as well as there is nothing in the constitution compelling them to do so.

08-Jul-2007, 04:06 AM
Yeah but its actually part of a larger problem... women dont receive sufficient medical care or even the same quality of care as men do... its like how heart attack symptons for women can be different from those that men get and when they go to the ER and complain of those symptoms a male doctor often waves away their concerns without even running any tests... which can affect a womans health drastically...

I am gonna need some proof on that. Womens health DOMINATES medicinal culture while mens health lags far behind from what I have read. I see 100s of breast cancer and Osteoporosis for women commercials every day if i watch enough TV and I hardly ever hear anything about mens issues, even though men tend to die MUCH MORE OFTEN from stuff like heart disease etc than women. Hell women on average outlive men by close to 10 years.

it's catholics who don't approve of Birth control...not the general christian population.

I think it's bs tho, why the hell would they not give her the damn pill? just because they don't believe in it does not mean they should deprive of anyone else of that right.

Well they didn't deprive her of her right to have it, they simply refused to provide it She was free to get it anywhere else. And the general Christian population tends to be against abortion and have labeled the morning after pill the "abortion pill" at least in the USA.

08-Jul-2007, 04:22 AM
Yes, they refused to give it to her. Therefore they deprived her of her right in a fair medical establishment to get a pill.

It's stupid with 7 o's.

08-Jul-2007, 04:33 AM
Yes, they refused to give it to her. Therefore they deprived her of her right in a fair medical establishment to get a pill.

It's stupid with 7 o's.

No, they didn't. They aren't required by law to give her anything unless her life is in immediate jeopardy. If she showed up with a slashed throat bleeding and they didn't treat her because they didn't like her beliefs or whatever and she died I would say SUE SUE SUE close them down. But she wasn't in any immediate danger. Believe it or not, child birth is not unnatural. She was free to go anywhere she wanted to get the pill that provided it. Apparently they didn't. That sucks and I sympathize for her, but thats life, mosey on down to the next hospital and get it there, you got 3 days before its a moot point.

I may or may not agree with the hospital in this case (I disagree, I don't believe its abortion to have the morning after pill since it BLOCKS contraception, not kills something conceived) but I don't believe we should be able to force them to act against their beliefs for something that can be easily treated elsewhere.

08-Jul-2007, 04:33 AM
technially its moot because a good number of states in the u.s. no longer require a physician to dispense a prescription for the morning-after pill for a woman to get one... they have given pharmacists the power to dispense them in some areas... a step forward imho...

as for proof of women not receiving adequate and equal medical attention... watch Oprah... not those pathetic episodes but the ones that are newsworthy... that's where I saw it.. that exact example... a woman felt she was having signs of something serious going on and went to the ER the doctor basically said there there and sent her on her way... she went to another hospital and demanded an EKG which showed she indeed had a heart attack...

and just on a personal level i've witnessed male doctors talk down to female patients like they're complete morons because they didn't go to med school

there's a reason why someone came up with the expresssion its a mans world... and please... i'm not a manhater... i'm just saying some of them suck... just like there's a lot of women do

08-Jul-2007, 04:36 AM
I don't suck. and i am very man.

Oprah blah...I'd sooner trust fox news over oprah...

hmm..do you have any articles about it?

darth los
08-Jul-2007, 04:39 AM
It's sad that people take what they see on tv at face value. Everyone has an agenda... yes even oprah. People need to start doing their own research.

08-Jul-2007, 04:40 AM
technially its moot because a good number of states in the u.s. no longer require a physician to dispense a prescription for the morning-after pill for a woman to get one... they have given pharmacists the power to dispense them in some areas... a step forward imho...

as for proof of women not receiving adequate and equal medical attention... watch Oprah... not those pathetic episodes but the ones that are newsworthy... that's where I saw it.. that exact example... a woman felt she was having signs of something serious going on and went to the ER the doctor basically said there there and sent her on her way... she went to another hospital and demanded an EKG which showed she indeed had a heart attack...

and just on a personal level i've witnessed male doctors talk down to female patients like they're complete morons because they didn't go to med school

there's a reason why someone came up with the expresssion its a mans world... and please... i'm not a manhater... i'm just saying some of them suck... just like there's a lot of women do

Its a mans world, because men tend to rule it. That however doesn't negate the fact that the majority of medical culture revolves around women. Oprah may have done a show that said some women don't get the care they need, well men don't get the care they need either, if not more.

I have been talked down to by Doctors like I'm a moron too when I felt something was right OR wrong. Doctors go to school for like 7-10 years they spend a lot of time and money on getting their degrees and practices going, they feel entitled to be smug when it comes to discussing medical matters, especially with people without medical degrees. This is universal, not aimed at women. And I hardly think Oprah is a good source for saying that men dominate medical culture and mens needs too.

Hell women have the federal Office on Women's Health (OWH) What do men have? Its still being lobbied for.

good article you might like:


Wont be seeing this on Oprah any time soon.

The formation of the federal Office on Women's Health (OWH) a decade ago has brought immeasurable benefit to American women through its numerous outreach and awareness campaigns. Ten years later, health advocates are asking for a similar office for men.

The need for an Office of Men's Health is acute, and the evidence that men's health is being ignored can't be ignored. According to the Centers for Disease Control, adjusting for age, men lead in all of the 10 most common causes of death in the United States, and women live on average six years longer than men.

Indicative of what activists call men's "silent health crisis" is the way research and outreach on prostate cancer, which is as likely to kill the average American man as breast cancer is to kill the average woman, has been underfunded. Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men, accounting for 36% of all cancer cases. An estimated 180,000 men will be newly diagnosed this year, and 37,000 will die.

08-Jul-2007, 04:42 AM
and just on a personal level i've witnessed male doctors talk down to female patients like they're complete morons because they didn't go to med school

They talk to EVERYONE like that. Most doctors I want to kick right in the nuts and that includes womens doctors too. Yes, I am saying they have nuts:p

If the woman was injured and could not leave they she couldnt just go somewhere else. And the Doctor wouldnt refer her to another doctor? He's just a control freak using religion as his excuse (surprise, surprise) . Besides any idiot knows if you prevent conception its not abortion. Christ, if you a Catholic you're not supposed to beat off either. Should We prevent doctor Jesus man the right to access his member on the off chance he may spill his seed?

08-Jul-2007, 04:47 AM
it's more then spilling your seed though.

When you masturbate you tend to think of women in a lustful manner, and christians aren't supposed to think of women like that, or look at women like that at all.

back on topic

I have had docters that do dick all. I was lieing on my back with my 3 friends rotating to hold my arm up after i dislocated it (again) and it took the docter 2 hours to see me. 2 f*cking hours of intense pain, with no pain killers at all. Finally the docter came in and scratched my shoudler, and told me it was dislocated then left for anouther 20 mins.

I had enough so everytime i felt a little bit of pain i would yelp really loud to get their attention.

08-Jul-2007, 04:49 AM
I know Oprah has an agenda and I know television shows often show most sensational cases and not average cases but I grew up in a community of doctors and I think they're all scum except for maybe 2. I dont really care for her show and dont think I dont do my own research. I was attacked and taken to a hospital where I received care that made me feel like I was in ****ing Mexico but thats a personal story. Our healthcare system blows and a doctors personal beliefs shouldn't hinder patient care. Period.

08-Jul-2007, 04:56 AM
They talk to EVERYONE like that. Most doctors I want to kick right in the nuts and that includes womens doctors too. Yes, I am saying they have nuts:p

If the woman was injured and could not leave they she couldnt just go somewhere else. And the Doctor wouldnt refer her to another doctor? He's just a control freak using religion as his excuse (surprise, surprise) . Besides any idiot knows if you prevent conception its not abortion. Christ, if you a Catholic you're not supposed to beat off either. Should We prevent doctor Jesus man the right to access his member on the off chance he may spill his seed?
No we shouldn't prevent him from beating off, nor should we force him to act against his beliefs. And I dont remember reading that the women was so immobilized that she couldnt be moved. In fact she got to the hospital on her own and demanded a rape kit including the morning after pill.

And Catholics aren't just against abortion, they are against conception, they technically don't want you using condoms either, or having sex for pleasure for that matter either.

08-Jul-2007, 04:57 AM
and we wonder why the protestants split off....

08-Jul-2007, 04:59 AM
I know Oprah has an agenda and I know television shows often show most sensational cases and not average cases but I grew up in a community of doctors and I think they're all scum except for maybe 2. I dont really care for her show and dont think I dont do my own research. I was attacked and taken to a hospital where I received care that made me feel like I was in ****ing Mexico but thats a personal story. Our healthcare system blows and a doctors personal beliefs shouldn't hinder patient care. Period.

Well care is the key word... if you are dying of blood loss, your life is in direct danger. If you're possibly pregnant, your life is not in direct danger and as such the doctors aren't required to act. This woman got herself to a hospital and was able bodied/minded enough to request specific treatment. She apparently chose the wrong hospital, that sucks, but she should have went elsewhere or asked for a different doctor.

and we wonder why the protestants split off....

I don't wonder. I know exactly why, and the sex stuff was only a tiny fraction of it. The majority of the reason as shown by Martin Luther was the intense corruption of the Clergy at the time. Especially when it came to Excommunication of enemies (basically like social death) or buying reprieves (Think Bill Clinton and his 100s of $$$ Pardons).

He was especially pissed off at the Archbishops indulgences (pardons for sins) for money to help finance a new church... ah heck, read it yourself you'll see :D
