View Full Version : Kidnappings and abductions for ransom...

09-Jul-2007, 02:23 AM

Wow thats crazy they're lucky they got their child back. I remember seeing an article on a world-wide company that specializes in negotiating with kidnappers and I remember thinking sure sure.. I bet THEY get a lot of business... NOT. But now it appears as though they prolly do. Anyone heard of those companies? Or known someone who was kidnapped?

My cousin was kidnapped into a cult in the 90s when she was dating some psycho who got her knocked up... my uncle wound up paying a detective to track her down for the longest time and eventually they found her and he hired people to kidnap her back (my uncle is paralyzed) and fortunately after some serious therapy she's back to normal... but it was a scary time for the family...

09-Jul-2007, 03:02 AM
hooooly, ****.:eek:

darth los
09-Jul-2007, 03:06 AM
Jesus christmas !! I can't even imagine what her poor parents must have gone through worrying every waking moment that something unthinkable had happened to their daughter. I would have been in a catatonic state had that been my son. Way worse than barbara from notld. I'm not religious but thank god she's safe. Anyone who has kids can sympathize with that.