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View Full Version : Sony finally drops ps3 price !!

darth los
09-Jul-2007, 05:23 AM
As of today, July 9th, sony will finally give up the ghost and lower that exorbitant price they slapped on the ps3. I don't know about you guys but this says alot to me that they decided to drop the price for the ps3 a whopping $100 a mere 7 months after it's launch. They know they screwed up big with that pricetag. I mean, who doesn't love the play station brand. The pricepoint was just alienating too many people who would otherwise have bought one. I know we've been speculating about this for a long time, so this wasn't exactly a big suprise. This also leads me to believe that they have no killer apps coming in the immediate future. If they did then why would they drop the price? They simply have nothing else to offer that will knock people's socks off.They had to do something drastic. I'm definitely getting one this holiday season now. It will be interesting to watch how this affects their sales. They simply cannot afford to fall any farther behind nintendo and Microsoft. The PS3 only sold 82,000 units in the US in May, compared to the Xbox 360's 155,000 units and the Wii's 338,000 units. THE PSP IS EVEN OUTSELLING IT BY ALMOST 3 TO 1 FOR PETE'S SAKE !! :eek: Also, what do you guys make of the fact that they're releasing an 80 gig model packaged with a game no one wants for $600 in august?


09-Jul-2007, 05:43 AM
Let me know when they drop it ANOTHER 100 dollars and I might consider buying one, although maybe not. Its online ability is dreadful.

darth los
09-Jul-2007, 05:51 AM
The gamespot and eb games websites have not updated their prices for the ps3 to reflect the price cut as of yet. I wonder how many people who don't know about this are gonna get suckered into paying that $600?

09-Jul-2007, 06:26 AM
The gamespot and eb games websites have not updated their prices for the ps3 to reflect the price cut as of yet. I wonder how many people who don't know about this are gonna get suckered into paying that $600?

Heh, if their stagnant sales mean anything I am sure it wasn't many.

09-Jul-2007, 09:51 AM
Only just yesterday I was reading a press release from Sony saying they most definitely were not going to drop their price, now they are? Geez, make up your minds Sony! :lol:

It's starting to feel like a Kevin Smith hand job story or something...

09-Jul-2007, 11:48 AM
I won't buy a PS3 until the price drops to $350 or less. Even then I seriously doubt I would. This $499 tag is still very expensive. Add on the sales tax to that and you've got another $30+ to pay (depending on what state you live in), then add your in-store warranty (if you want one) which are usually $50-100, then add in a game which is another $60+. :rolleyes:

09-Jul-2007, 02:28 PM
Aye, I'd imagine it'd still go for a pretty penny here in the UK, probably still gonna be around £400. :rolleyes:

You can get a Premium Xbox360 for something like £270 in a package, prices vary in different places, but PS3 is still silly-expensive. Pushing £300 is rather steep for a console, I mean - it's for playing games, that's what you use it for...strip it back a tad to just playing games, it's purpose. £200 is the sweet spot I say...but I sincerely doubt the PS3 will be that cheap, at least not for years and years.

darth los
09-Jul-2007, 03:28 PM
Aye, I'd imagine it'd still go for a pretty penny here in the UK, probably still gonna be around £400. :rolleyes:

You can get a Premium Xbox360 for something like £270 in a package, prices vary in different places, but PS3 is still silly-expensive. Pushing £300 is rather steep for a console, I mean - it's for playing games, that's what you use it for...strip it back a tad to just playing games, it's purpose. £200 is the sweet spot I say...but I sincerely doubt the PS3 will be that cheap, at least not for years and years.

I have to give sony credit for trying something new and ambitious. It's just that people just weren't ready for all that stuff in a console. By the next gen all that stuff that comes with the ps3 will have to be standard but for now not enough people care about hdmi ports and hd formats, especially when they're isn't a clear winner in that battle as of yet. This is a clear admission that they screwed up.

I won't buy a PS3 until the price drops to $350 or less. Even then I seriously doubt I would. This $499 tag is still very expensive. Add on the sales tax to that and you've got another $30+ to pay (depending on what state you live in), then add your in-store warranty (if you want one) which are usually $50-100, then add in a game which is another $60+. :rolleyes:

I agree that the price is still way too high for a gaming console, and make no mistake that's what people ultimately want. What the hell were they thinking charging %600 for that thing? I guess the same thing they were thinking when they charged $20 for umd's. :lol:

09-Jul-2007, 04:03 PM
$399 or bust. The bottom line is that $499 is still to much for a videogame console, regardless of Blu-Ray or not. I don't see a jump in sales for PS3 past the first month of this announcement.

09-Jul-2007, 04:30 PM
i cant in good consience spend 499 quid on a toy with only one game, thats unbelievably scabby, my 360 was 400 quid with 5 games, so yeah, still not worth it:rolleyes:

darth los
09-Jul-2007, 04:30 PM
$399 or bust. The bottom line is that $499 is still to much for a videogame console, regardless of Blu-Ray or not. I don't see a jump in sales for PS3 past the first month of this announcement.

I would make that same argument but the fact that MS just released the elite for $479 pretty much negated one of MS's talking points. The price difference between sony's and ms's consoles is no longer an issue. I was quite fond of the "you can buy a wii and a 360 for the same price as a ps3" argument too. :( So now MS 's price point doesn't look like such a bargain. People will look more at the specs than the pricetag.

09-Jul-2007, 04:46 PM
I believe MS will respond with a price drop of their own in a couple of days at E3. I'll be watching closely on G4, and there are plenty of free streams online.

darth los
09-Jul-2007, 04:51 PM
I believe MS will respond with a price drop of their own in a couple of days at E3. I'll be watching closely on G4, and there are plenty of free streams online.

Oh yeah. I love g4. They're my source for all things tech. Whenever news breaks they're right on top of it. It's where i get alot of info for my gaming posts. They don't deal in rumors either. If you see it on g4 there's a good bet it's true. I got my dvr all set for e3 myself. I can't wait. It's the time of the year when all the big gaming news comes out so it's a very exciting time for gamers.

09-Jul-2007, 05:00 PM
i prefer gamespot myself, just download the press conference thign and thats it. g4 seems a bit too like those kids shows that used to be on the bbc on a saturday morning to me.

darth los
09-Jul-2007, 05:13 PM
i prefer gamespot myself, just download the press conference thign and thats it. g4 seems a bit too like those kids shows that used to be on the bbc on a saturday morning to me.

They're too robotic on gamespot for my liking. Plus the steamed video doesn't look that great to me. The guys on g4 are way more entertaining. Thankfully we live in an age where we can get info from multiple sources though. :)

09-Jul-2007, 05:48 PM
You could still buy a Wii and a Core SexBox for a PS3 cost I'd imagine...depends on where you buy and what packages you get, it could still be done easily, betcha.

The tech, all this HD stuff, is too early. It's far from standard and quite rightly - there is no winner in the HD war yet - so it's really silly to be sporting a woody for one already in your console. What's wrong with normal DVD? :)

And that's the main thing with PS2 - DVD was the only next gen media, there was no war, it was just the next step - like from cassettes we went to compact discs. So it made loads of sense to have the PS2 capable of playing DVDs, many people's first DVD player was their PS2 - but these are not the circumstances this time around. :rockbrow:

darth los
09-Jul-2007, 09:04 PM
The tech, all this HD stuff, is too early. It's far from standard and quite rightly - there is no winner in the HD war yet - so it's really silly to be sporting a woody for one already in your console. What's wrong with normal DVD? :)

Absolutely nothing is wrong with it. They're just trying to push a new format on us to make money and people aren't going for it. Just because it's the latest tech they thought that people would be all over it. The only people i know who are into it are tech junkies. The rest of us couldn't care less. Don't get me wrong hd is stunning in it's own right but it's not leaps and bound ahead of the dvd as dvd was to vhs. The people pushing the new formats will have you believe that it is though, like you can't possibly get along without it. PLEEEEEZE. :rolleyes: It's just not the right time now. Like i said, next gen for sure.

They just announced on g4 that the new 80 gig version due out in august will not rely on the motion engine chip and will rely on software for backwards compatability.

10-Jul-2007, 06:36 PM
This Is Os Awesome