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View Full Version : New Film by Rob Zombie Coming

03-Apr-2006, 02:53 PM
I heard him say that he has a new project, but he wont say what the film is about cuz its going to be big news. I didnt really care for 1000 corpses, havent seen rejects, you dont think...........na........well maybe??? Well we know he likes Romeros work and his name is rob zombie, so its posible he might be working on a zombie movie. Well whaterver it is, I hope its better than what he has put out.

03-Apr-2006, 03:40 PM
Actually, Rob Zombie's been interviewed many times about what his next project may be and he's answered that he's writing the script for an animated film. An animated film that will not be G, PG or PG-13.

03-Apr-2006, 03:45 PM
sweet news all around.

i'm in the minority, in that i like Corpses. Rejects however was amazing. so whatever he's doing next should be kick asss

03-Apr-2006, 03:46 PM
ah ok, the thing i heard, they would not say what it was. thanx

03-Apr-2006, 08:11 PM
I wouldn't mind a hard r-rated animated feature from good old Rob.

03-Apr-2006, 08:21 PM
If anybody can help us outta the deep sh*t the Horror genre's in, it's Rob.

Good news.:D

03-Apr-2006, 08:35 PM
Hell, he should soundtrack his next project with more 70's southern rock!

03-Apr-2006, 08:38 PM
As cool as this animated feature sounds, I would much rather him direct a live action film. To me, "The Devil's Rejects" was spectacular and became an (as much as I hate to use this phrase) "Instant Classic". I would rather see what kind of film he would tackle next and if he can top himself....or at least stay up to par.

Although, I haven't seen a good R-rated animated film since "Heavy Metal"(1981).

03-Apr-2006, 08:43 PM
Although, I haven't seen a good R-rated animated film since "Heavy Metal"(1981).

Need to watch more Japanese anime features :)

03-Apr-2006, 08:48 PM
Need to watch more Japanese anime features :)

Can't stand the stuff. I watch classic cartoons.....I'm not into this new-wave "pokeman"/ "Digiman" stuff. I'll take some "Looney Tunes" and "Tom and Jerry" anyday of the week. This new stuff is about as interesting to me as a stick in the mud....

03-Apr-2006, 09:13 PM
im not really into cartoons at all (save for futarama, and home movies), but if the trailer kicks my azz then ill give it a shot.

03-Apr-2006, 09:18 PM
I'll join p2501 - I really dug House of 1000 Corpses, but yes, Devil's Rejects was fantastic. I too really hope he's going to do a zombie movie - it'd kinda make sense - zombie's a 'in' now, so surely he could secure funding easily enough (going on his own cache too) - and a zombie movie from Rob ZOMBIE would be freakin' sweet. Fingers crossed that's what he's planning, I'd love to see what he'd come up with...

03-Apr-2006, 09:19 PM
Rob is the only director that is willing to show the Asians that we (The U.S.A.) still have some balls when it comes to film making.

The rumors about his new film all point to horror, but thats it. I have also heard rumors that he will be added to Masters of Horror Season 2.

House of 1000 corpses, great film. Trashy and fun, and I dig the "supernatural" edge towards the end. I put "supernatural" in quotations because that is where most reviewers draw the line between Corpses and Rejects. To me, the only difference between the two films are the look, and that is it. Part 2 looks better, but it is still a direct extension of part one. Heck, Dr. Satan isn't even "supernatural" at all IMHO. He is just another one of the freaks! I didn't see any laser beams coming out of his eyes, so what exactly is the supernatural element to Dr. Satan?

03-Apr-2006, 09:20 PM
If I remember correctly he's not directing the animated film. He's involved, on the writing/art work stage - but I don't think he's directing - he's more the inspiration/artistic springboard/creator for the project I think.

03-Apr-2006, 09:24 PM
Good news, I love House of 1000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects.

Baby = sex on legs. :sneaky:

03-Apr-2006, 09:34 PM
I just hope it is completely different than the house of a 1000 corpses

03-Apr-2006, 10:42 PM
for corpses being his first attemp it wasnt to original but Rejects was a breath of fresh air compared to most things out there today so his next project should be worth catching, animated or not

04-Apr-2006, 04:15 AM
im hearing a lot of good things about rejects, I may watch it now. Hadnt planed on it, but. Should be on the movie channels soon.

04-Apr-2006, 05:30 PM
I see the Devil's Rejects as the film that brought back the old, dirty, grindhouse hard R-rating horror that everyone is trying to do right now.

04-Apr-2006, 05:47 PM
I see the Devil's Rejects as the film that brought back the old, dirty, grindhouse hard R-rating horror that everyone is trying to do right now.

Who else is trying to make hard R horror films? The only ones I can think of are the teen "horror" flicks that are PG13 and then the regular R flicks like "Slither" and "Hostel". What dirty, hard-R horror films are you talking about?

Speaking of grindhouse style cinema.....wait until you see "Grindhouse". I'm sure it won't let us down:D

04-Apr-2006, 06:15 PM
The remake of Hills Have Eyes is pretty damn intense ... when you're not getting a few of those modern "loud bang scares", then it's really friggin' violent, more than I've seen from the average horror flick that you speak of, that we see these days.

Drinking the blood out of the neck of a dead bird and putting a baby in mortal danger (baby in mortal danger is one of a few big touch buttons to get the audience to 'the next level' I guess).

Just thinking about that, the girl I saw the flick with has a thing about dead birds, she freaks out big time. So she was hiding her eyes from that bit and I had to tell her when it was finished as I sat there chortling with a blood-lusty grin on my mush - not that I wish harm on animals - but it was so effed up, far worse than when it happened in the original - which I like better now that I've seen it again...but it's still got some fundamental, mostly character-based flaws.

04-Apr-2006, 06:16 PM
Who else is trying to make hard R horror films? The only ones I can think of are the teen "horror" flicks that are PG13 and then the regular R flicks like "Slither" and "Hostel". What dirty, hard-R horror films are you talking about?

Speaking of grindhouse style cinema.....wait until you see "Grindhouse". I'm sure it won't let us down:D

Well not many of them but there was Haute Tension before Zombie's film, but I'm abit biased towards all things French...so. :)

04-Apr-2006, 06:17 PM
Ooh yeh, I must check out that "Haute Tension/High Tension/Switchblade Romance" flick...

04-Apr-2006, 06:20 PM
There's no word that Zombie is going to direct a new film anytime soon. But as to the animated flick he's producing and writing...

The Haunted World of El Superbeasto (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0419724/)