View Full Version : Three Men & A Baby ghost

09-Jul-2007, 09:23 PM
I'm sure many of you know about this. Whoever doesn't, look it up.

How many think this is a cardboard cut-out of Ted Danson?

How many think it's a ghost?

I'm not saying I think it's definitely a ghost, but I'm not saying it's a cardboard cut-out, either... I've viewed the scene MANY times over & over.

If you pay attention when the camera first pans across the room - that window has NOTHING in it... there are no cuts and when the camera pans back seconds later, there is a little boy (definitely not an adult Ted Danson) standing there smiling. Quite odd.

Perhaps it was a ghost or perhaps a stage-hand pulled a prank and somehow shoved that in the window while the camera was turned without making any noise or distraction.

darth los
09-Jul-2007, 10:06 PM
I'm sure many of you know about this. Whoever doesn't, look it up.

How many think this is a cardboard cut-out of Ted Danson?

How many think it's a ghost?

I'm not saying I think it's definitely a ghost, but I'm not saying it's a cardboard cut-out, either... I've viewed the scene MANY times over & over.

If you pay attention when the camera first pans across the room - that window has NOTHING in it... there are no cuts and when the camera pans back seconds later, there is a little boy (definitely not an adult Ted Danson) standing there smiling. Quite odd.

Perhaps it was a ghost or perhaps a stage-hand pulled a prank and somehow shoved that in the window while the camera was turned without making any noise or distraction.

I don't personally think it was a ghost but the actors who were on set swear that it was. They say there was no way anybody else was in the room.

09-Jul-2007, 10:07 PM
If the guys making the movie said it was a prank, it's most likely a prank. Someone would be behind the set with the cut out, or just off-screen, quickly rush in and bosh. These things go on in movies.

Looking at the image, the "boy" looks very flat, perhaps it was dropped down from above even, just behind the curtains.

That sort of image still sh*ts me up though, it's just wrong. :lol: If I have a nightmare about it tonight I'm gonna blame you, I'm gonna march to wherever you live and slap you about the mush, Tango style. :eek::p

09-Jul-2007, 10:08 PM
Sleep with one eye open...

darth los
09-Jul-2007, 10:14 PM
If the guys making the movie said it was a prank, it's most likely a prank. Someone would be behind the set with the cut out, or just off-screen, quickly rush in and bosh. These things go on in movies.

Looking at the image, the "boy" looks very flat, perhaps it was dropped down from above even, just behind the curtains.

That sort of image still sh*ts me up though, it's just wrong. :lol: If I have a nightmare about it tonight I'm gonna blame you, I'm gonna march to wherever you live and slap you about the mush, Tango style. :eek::p

How do you know that ghosts aren't flat? :eek:

09-Jul-2007, 10:16 PM
It was a cardboard cut out. There is a shot of it in a deleted scene somewhere. It was of Ted Dansons character for some commercial he did as a back story (in the film he was also an actor).

I'm sure many of you know about this. Whoever doesn't, look it up.

How many think this is a cardboard cut-out of Ted Danson?

How many think it's a ghost?

I'm not saying I think it's definitely a ghost, but I'm not saying it's a cardboard cut-out, either... I've viewed the scene MANY times over & over.

If you pay attention when the camera first pans across the room - that window has NOTHING in it... there are no cuts and when the camera pans back seconds later, there is a little boy (definitely not an adult Ted Danson) standing there smiling. Quite odd.

Perhaps it was a ghost or perhaps a stage-hand pulled a prank and somehow shoved that in the window while the camera was turned without making any noise or distraction.


09-Jul-2007, 10:52 PM
:bored: , the whole ghosts things an urban legend, though to be fair to those who fell for it, if people can fall for the asian cats grown in jars one, then you aint that bad:p

09-Jul-2007, 11:04 PM
Didn't the kid reveal himself and do an interview or something...

darth los
09-Jul-2007, 11:23 PM
:bored: , the whole ghosts things an urban legend, though to be fair to those who fell for it, if people can fall for the asian cats grown in jars one, then you aint that bad:p

Every legend is based on some truth though. It would be interesting to know what started the ghost legend in the first place. What freaky thing did someone see in some drug induced haze that started that one?

10-Jul-2007, 12:06 AM
Sounds about as fake as the guy hanging himself during "The Wizard of Oz".....

10-Jul-2007, 12:06 AM
it is:bored:

10-Jul-2007, 07:00 AM
y'all are so full of it someone ought to light a match to get the stink out of the air

according to imdb...When Jack's mother comes to visit Mary, you can see in the background what appears to be a little boy standing in a doorway. There is a rumor that this is the ghost of a little boy who died in the apartment in which the film was shot. This rumour is false, as the interiors were all shot on a sound stage in a movie studio. The "ghost" is actually a cardboard cut-out of Jack wearing a tuxedo. This prop appears later in the film, when Mary's mother comes to collect her.

its not a ghost it doesn't look like a ghost and i've never heard any of the actors claim it was such,,,just a lil whoopsie on the part of the crew

10-Jul-2007, 08:36 AM
y'all are so full of it someone ought to light a match to get the stink out of the air...

...its not a ghost it doesn't look like a ghost and i've never heard any of the actors claim it was such,,,just a lil whoopsie on the part of the crew

Urmmm, no one made any real argument that it was a ghost. In fact, most people have posted to the contrary :rockbrow:

10-Jul-2007, 09:11 AM
I'm sure many of you know about this. Whoever doesn't, look it up.

How many think this is a cardboard cut-out of Ted Danson?

How many think it's a ghost?

I'm not saying I think it's definitely a ghost, but I'm not saying it's a cardboard cut-out, either... I've viewed the scene MANY times over & over.

If you pay attention when the camera first pans across the room - that window has NOTHING in it... there are no cuts and when the camera pans back seconds later, there is a little boy (definitely not an adult Ted Danson) standing there smiling. Quite odd.

Perhaps it was a ghost or perhaps a stage-hand pulled a prank and somehow shoved that in the window while the camera was turned without making any noise or distraction.

I don't personally think it was a ghost but the actors who were on set swear that it was. They say there was no way anybody else was in the room.

Didn't the kid reveal himself and do an interview or something...

that's what i thought was full of it... though i said it in a laughing manner

11-Jul-2007, 03:14 AM
Leonard Nimoy himself said it was just a cutout of Ted Danson that he kept of himself in his room (he was playing an actor after all).
If Spock says no ghost, then it was no ghost!

11-Jul-2007, 08:43 PM
knowing its fake dont make it any less unsettling to watch...

11-Jul-2007, 09:38 PM
The first time I saw this, I literally got chills. I havent seen it in a while, but I remember thinking that even if it is a cut-out, it didnt look at all like Ted Danson. And I still dont buy that someone ran in and stuck it there as a "prank", at least one that wasnt noticed and then they would have reshot the scene. No one noticed that someone ran in and put a cutout there? There had to be at least a handful of crew members there. The scene moves from one room to the other, then back to the first room, with no cuts. For someone to move around like that it would have been incredibly noticable to those in the room.

darth los
11-Jul-2007, 10:55 PM
I agree. However, the crew on a set would be very familiar with it and if any one could sneak around unoticed they probably could.

12-Jul-2007, 10:50 AM
I've read that the crew were in on it, they threw it in as a joke while filming. If it was on a set then it'd be easy to nip about, if not, there'd still be easy ways to nip in and out, hide places, get behind the camera and so on...

13-Jul-2007, 05:20 AM
I've read that the crew were in on it, they threw it in as a joke while filming. If it was on a set then it'd be easy to nip about, if not, there'd still be easy ways to nip in and out, hide places, get behind the camera and so on...

I understand that the crew of any film would have unfettered access to the sets and whatnot, the thing is, in this case the set was HOT, meaning the scene was being shot. Would peolpe involved in a major studio shoot be doing this in the middle of a scene? And I still say that in that particulat set up, there is no way someone could do that un-noticed. And even in the remote possiblilty that the "key grip" decided to screw around (and would he? wanting to keep his job and not get blacklisted?) and successfully do this (perhaps he was good friends with the actors and director) wouldnt he tell them about it after the scene was shot?

And besides, the prevailing idea is that it is a standup of Ted Danson. Well, Ted Danson looks to be about 6 feet tall to me, why was the stand up about 3 feet tall? Plus, it didnt look like him to me. Not saying it was definately a ghost or anything, just very weird that anything like that could happen.

13-Jul-2007, 03:05 PM
*sigh* ... urban legends, eh?

Anyone gotta YouTube link to the video of this scene?

13-Jul-2007, 03:59 PM
there's no doubt there's something there its just what is it? people want to think its a ghost when the facts from the crew were simply it was a cutout

darth los
13-Jul-2007, 06:37 PM
*sigh* ... urban legends, eh?

Anyone gotta YouTube link to the video of this scene?



14-Jul-2007, 10:16 AM
Oh that is blatantly a cardboard cut out, it's leaning against the curtain, also, there's plenty of time to run in, place it, then run back against the wall to the left of camera and stand up against it, there's plenty of hiding space. Either that or pop it through the window of the set, or slide it down from above. Piss easy to pull that prank.

Even more blatantly a cardboard cut out here:


If he wasn't hiding behind that wall, he was behind the camera on the way in and then snuck off-shot, did the business (LOADS of time to do that and re-settle the curtains, this will have been rehearsed at least once no-doubt), and then on the way out the pranker would either be hiding flush against that wall on the left we don't see on the way out, or he'd sneak out behind the camera crew and boshty - done. Easy.

14-Jul-2007, 12:51 PM
That and if I recall the movie correctly there were also cutouts of that Chester the Cheetah cat that the other dude drew.

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 02:55 PM
Maybe it's just me but that kid doesn't seem to flat to me. I just can't tell. It would have helped the case if he would have moved or if his eyes glowed or something.

14-Jul-2007, 02:59 PM
It's blatantly flat, just look at it, it's a solid construction, 2-dimensional image on cardboard that fits between the curtains and the window itself.

To be honest, thinking it's a ghost is just wishful thinking, because it's so blatantly not - it's merely an on-set prank, such things are not uncommon.

14-Jul-2007, 03:34 PM
It IS just you :dead:

15-Jul-2007, 01:25 AM
That and if I recall the movie correctly there were also cutouts of that Chester the Cheetah cat that the other dude drew.

There's a Chester The Cheetah ghost in that movie, too?! :eek:

15-Jul-2007, 04:32 AM
It's blatantly flat, just look at it, it's a solid construction, 2-dimensional image on cardboard that fits between the curtains and the window itself.

To be honest, thinking it's a ghost is just wishful thinking, because it's so blatantly not - it's merely an on-set prank, such things are not uncommon.

thats the whole nature of the paranormal though ,id say 9 times out of 10 every spook, ghost or ghoul is just wishful thinking and a jumpy overreacting imagination, were all victims of it at some point or another, not jsut with ghsots but in general "maybe this IS the winning scratchcard" ect. but hey people do wanna believe that something happens rather than decomposition after we die so its not that easy to dissprove something that may look even remotley convincing.
same with ufo's, and every rational person knows there bull, but ill que terran or some other mad scientist to explain the pyhsics of it.:D

15-Jul-2007, 10:25 AM
Well...I question whether there really is some sort of UFOs up there, but more the sort of super secret gubment sh*t, test planes and that...there simply *has* to be technology in development that is so freaking secret it's stuck out in the desert...but it's man-made. That's what I think.

Although I definitely think we're not alone in the universe, blatantly not, there's billions of galaxies out there...it's just a shame I'll most likely never live to see first contact...that's no doubt a few hundred years off. :rolleyes:

Ah mate, and those bloody shows where some plonkers go into a "haunted house" and film in night vision and some geordie puts on a silly voice. :rolleyes: "OMFGZORZ!!! DID YOU SEE THAT!!! AND ORB!!!" - NO - IT'S F*CKING DUST IN THE F*CKING ATMOSPHERE OF THE ROOM YOU NUMPTY!!!

Geez, even I've filmed in my room in night vision and seen dust flying around everywhere and it is exactly like those silly little "orbs" on those retarded shows.

Although I have to admit, one thing that freaked me out was a photo taken in the real Amityville house - saw this on a Channel 4 doc about the house during the "real horror" season of films. There's a photo taken in the upstairs landing and in one of the doors in the background there's a kid leaning around the corner of a door, freaked the f*cking poop outta me!

You could say there's a slim chance some neighbourhood kid snuck in...but you'd think while taking the photo you'd see the kid there moving in and then out of shot, as well as hear their footsteps...so that I give far more credence to than the cardboard cut out on-set prank in TMAAB, because it BLATANTLY is an on-set prank...in that case, wishful thinking juice is spilling all over the shop.

15-Jul-2007, 03:22 PM
Too flat, looks like a cardboard cutout to me, just sitting there in
the corner like a forgotten prop someone forgot to take off the set.
I don't disprove that they're aren't ghost around, I am sure there are,
just this looks to be a prank.

darth los
16-Jul-2007, 04:28 PM
Although I have to admit, one thing that freaked me out was a photo taken in the real Amityville house - saw this on a Channel 4 doc about the house during the "real horror" season of films. There's a photo taken in the upstairs landing and in one of the doors in the background there's a kid leaning around the corner of a door, freaked the f*cking poop outta me!

That house is actually not very far from me. I could hop aon a bus and be there in like an hour. :eek: I don't want to tempt fate though.