View Full Version : Got time for another what if thread?

09-Jul-2007, 09:59 PM
Pre-emptive apologies before I start as Im finding it hard to word out this concept.

Okay here is the general idea:

The world is perfect, well not perfect but not zombified. The world exsists as it does outside all of our windows currently, families go shopping, troops go to iraq, gamers grow rabid over left 4 dead. Anyway there is a certain feed, a certain pod cast which is posted on youtube aswell as it has its own site.

The site shows a man who seems to have just gone into his fourties, the webcam is watching him and his dark background. He explains about the virus, he makes a few links to current day problems. Im not sure about this part possibly, the weapon was developed as a response to the nuclear threat posed by everyone else against the UK and the US. The virus as we all know resurrects the dead through triggering the brain.

The man gives his credentials aswell as his name, his families phone number and history aswell as his study. He explains on the podcast, that the virus is mutating at such a high level. He explains to whoever sits on the otherside of the screen about destroying the brain.

He gives possible solutions ( think world war Z ) he talks for a while, the man looking mature in apperance but ancient in his eyes. He calls for us all to work together, to be objective, to do what has to be done.

He later goes onto another podcast giving out certain buildings where specimens are being kept.

The media pick it up, and a few papers run a story on the promo for the new zombie film. The site is taken down after one day and all its evidence is removed, the podcast diseppears as does the male in it.

So come on guys and girls, dis-regard it as some crackpot trying to get rich on his next film? barricade the house and start loading the rifle? try and research the places he listed? check he even exsisted and wasnt using a fake name? or just flick on robot chicken and get schtoned?

This is my question. Current trend on the net.. a bizarre podcast last a couple of hours with just this man talking about a virus and working it down to a microscopic level.

Once again sorry if the question is a lil unclear, I liked the concept.

10-Jul-2007, 01:13 AM
Interesting concept. Would actually make a good start for a novel/movie. If you are asking what I would personally do if that were a real life situation, the way you describe it, I would hope that someone in the media would at least check into it. I would probably think of it as just a crackpot, and even if interested, would not have the time/resources to investigate all the things you list on my own.

10-Jul-2007, 01:20 AM
Much like philly, I would tend to dismiss as a crackpot. So many out there are crackpots that this one additional potential crackpot probabaly wouldnt even raise a mote of dust in society.

The scary thing is, probably everyone else would dismiss this guy as a crackpot too.

So if there was some insane looking guy who suddenly appeared and started shouting about a conspiracy, or the coming destruction of mankind, we would probably ignore him unless he had Al Gore holding his hand or some fatboy director with an agenda was coaxing him into a display on camera.

Sadly, perhaps we are already all doomed.

darth los
10-Jul-2007, 02:22 AM
Much like philly, I would tend to dismiss as a crackpot. So many out there are crackpots that this one additional potential crackpot probabaly wouldnt even raise a mote of dust in society.

The scary thing is, probably everyone else would dismiss this guy as a crackpot too.

So if there was some insane looking guy who suddenly appeared and started shouting about a conspiracy, or the coming destruction of mankind, we would probably ignore him unless he had Al Gore holding his hand or some fatboy director with an agenda was coaxing him into a display on camera.

Sadly, perhaps we are already all doomed.

I think in this day and age every threat must be taken seriously until proven otherwise. It's always the true stuff that we just refuse to believe. Truth is stranger than fiction my friends.

15-Jul-2007, 08:13 PM
I think in this day and age every threat must be taken seriously until proven otherwise. It's always the true stuff that we just refuse to believe. Truth is stranger than fiction my friends.

Once again, Darth Los speaks the truth!

15-Jul-2007, 09:42 PM
If any of the buildings were close to me, I'd check them out. But other than that, I'd dismiss him as a crackpot just as I dismissed that guy who claimed he was sent from the future.

16-Jul-2007, 01:32 AM
I probably would be one of the last to see it anyway...

17-Jul-2007, 07:21 PM
Its a great concept. With You Tube you dont have to go to university to be a journalist you just have to have hookup to internet and webcam to have a nice lil soapbox. Because of that there are no doubt crackpots spreading their hatespeech and their government conspiracies. However if any country was actually developing something of this magnitude they would no doubt have their research staff and doctors living on a private compound where they can control their access to the outside world and monitor any contact with others either within the same confines or on the outside. Very much a underground Umbrella Corporation type living facility. Its important to understand that people who are knowledgeable enough to create such a disease would be an asset to the government and therefore would have to be kept under a very close watch and under lock and key if necessary. Brilliance is a remarkable power but with that power comes a certain danger because you could be capable of anything.

A problem also could be that this man faced with tremendous guilt over whats happening chooses not to live anymore because he has created hell on Earth and knows if it gets out what could happen. Perhaps whatever he created broke free from research operations and began to infect the very country that sought to create it as a weapon and somehow reached him while he was away procuring proper means to secure himself and his family. Of course upon realizing what happened to his family he may well rather die than go on knowing he had a hand in creating this.

If I personally saw this on a podcast i'd be all over the places he listed like stink on a monkey because my curiosity is such that can only be satisfied after a full and personal investigation. After of course ascertaining the quality of security of the buildings and monitoring goings on from the outside i'd be able to tell if something was in fact going on worth looking further into or if its just some jackass out for a minute of fame pretending the world is going to be destroyed. I wouldn't look into his name or his education or any degrees he claims to have because quite simply... anyone can take on someone elses identity and claim to be them and I dont exactly have access to the DMV/BMV to look up any photo and verify he is who he says. ID badges are equally compromiseable and thus exactly as unreliable as a persons name or credentials.

If the person listed a private company they worked for i'd do a lookup to find out if they're a publicly traded company and look into their board of directors and stock prices. I'd be interested to know who founded it and what their goal is as a company as well as if there are any whispers of mergers or big deals for the company. This could lead to the discovery of whether they're government funded or funded by someone with government ties which could validate the possibility of them creating a biological weapon.

It could be some whacko crackpot or just a jerk trying to dupe people but if it has the smell of zombies i'm all over it just because its not far off. It is far off that they'll have a taste for flesh and that they'll reanimate a corpse... it however is not far off that they will reanimating limbs from dead people imho...

17-Jul-2007, 10:40 PM
I would probably just ignore it. Even if I was interested, I wouldn't have the time to research the bloke.

I'll probably be Guinea pig #1.