View Full Version : at what point would you...

10-Jul-2007, 07:49 AM
At what point during a zombie outbreak would you venture out to either find other survivors or try to locate family/friends? Or would you even attempt to?

10-Jul-2007, 10:13 AM
I would venture out as soon as I thought it was safe enough to do so. I would prefer to have some type of motorized transportation, but would have to be wary of the fuel supply, and if I could get anymore than there already was in the tank. I would also need to have weapons, preferably guns and ammo. To venture out without preotection and transportation would not be a good idea, especially if looking for friends/family who may be in need of help. If there were too many of the living still around, I would probably wait even longer to venture out, even if well suplied, due to the fact that my "supplies" would be quick targets for deparate looters. Remember in War of the World when Ton Cruise comes up to the crowd, and he is the only one with a car? I think it would be like that for a while in a zombie crisis.

10-Jul-2007, 02:54 PM
But how would you determine if it was 'safe' to go out? Excellent comparason to the War of the Worlds I'd almost entirely forgotten that I saw that movie the ending upset me soddamn bad. Also you have to figure in that where ever you're holding out could become a target to looters or to even people who are seeking some kind of temporary shelter. I remember being in high school and my geology teacher was talking about how Canaidens leave their cabin doors unlocked so that if you get lost you can hole up in their cabin until safety comes and just thinking wtf are you insane? At the same time though you have to imagine that if zombies struck people would definately be going to other peoples homes and trying to get in whether it be for shelter or supplies or both. In a way now that i'm thinking about it a zombie world would almost be like the ultimate hell because you're basically safe no where and from no one. Everyone and everything they have would become a target.

10-Jul-2007, 03:47 PM
Living on the go would be the answer for me. I would go up to Port Austin/Caseville to hole up. The population of each town is under 1,000 each. LOTS of summer homes and cottages around the lakes up there (its north of me). If for some reason things became too desperate there, there's always easy escape via the great lakes!
I would try to check on people I could in the begining stages but if they refuse to go, then I have to move on. I'm not hanging around urban areas!

10-Jul-2007, 04:21 PM
But how would you determine if it was 'safe' to go out? That is the question. The only answer I can give is whenever it seemed safe to me at the time. No zeds or living anywhere in sight or no sound for a long period of time would probably be the easiest way to try to judge. It the living or the dead were eyeing your hideout, it is unlikely they would stay hidden or quiet for long.

Also you have to figure in that where ever you're holding out could become a target to looters or to even people who are seeking some kind of temporary shelter. In a way now that i'm thinking about it a zombie world would almost be like the ultimate hell because you're basically safe no where and from no one. Everyone and everything they have would become a target. I fear you are right. Perhaps, that is part of GAR's message in his movies, that in an "every man for himself" society, nothing but chaos and death awaits us all.

10-Jul-2007, 04:39 PM
porbably right after ameking sur id e able to get a quick way back to my house that zombies coudlnt follow, then grab soemthin' like a 2 X 4 and beat your way there and back, but being as stealthy as a sumbich like me can be.

which isnt very, but hey you do what you can:lol:

10-Jul-2007, 04:57 PM
I would probably do the same thing as Shaun. Try to head out while it's still in the early stages, get the friends/fam, all of us gather food and supplies, and head to a safe place. I wouldn't exactly choose a Pub, though....

10-Jul-2007, 06:36 PM
I know it seems cold, but it would depend on if I thought they would be a help or a hinderence.

I would try to reach people sooner rather than later... But I do not have a death wish. I would not go into a city to get somebody unless I know something of the situation there... and if they were still breathing.

But once I had everyone with me that was reasonable ... I would head for the boonies ... fewer people usually translates to fewer zombies ... at least in the short term.

And unless you have enough supplies and ammo to outlast the majority of them (as they rot) staying hold up in one place for anything other than to re-group is a death sentance.

But who hasn't had the thoughts as they roam through Mall X about how easy/hard it would be to fortify it :)

10-Jul-2007, 07:01 PM
If I had a armored SUV I would do it

11-Jul-2007, 04:59 AM
Well the boonies is a good idea except the boonies can oft be populated by people with a lot of weapons and serious power trip issues who are likely to shoot first and ask questions later.

I dont think we're presently far from an every man for himself society after reading that whole people continued to shop while that stabbed woman laid on the ground dying.

I've been debating the whole idea if it would be easier to run after loved ones during the early stages but I have to wonder if the panic being caused by the sudden rise of the dead and flesh eating wouldn't create a more dangerous situation for the living and the undead alike.

11-Jul-2007, 02:17 PM
comment removed from forum

darth los
11-Jul-2007, 05:09 PM
I've been debating the whole idea if it would be easier to run after loved ones during the early stages but I have to wonder if the panic being caused by the sudden rise of the dead and flesh eating wouldn't create a more dangerous situation for the living and the undead alike.

And god forbid we create a dangerous situation for the undead. :D

11-Jul-2007, 05:29 PM
Dangerous for the undead as in they'd get shot a lot faster because someone would be shooting at everything Einstein

darth los
11-Jul-2007, 06:02 PM
Dangerous for the undead as in they'd get shot a lot faster because someone would be shooting at everything Einstein

And that would be a problem because.....? :confused:

11-Jul-2007, 06:04 PM
At what point during a zombie outbreak would you venture out to either find other survivors or try to locate family/friends?
Right away, strength in numbers.

Shaun Pegg
11-Jul-2007, 07:23 PM
For as badly as I'd want to be smart about the whole situation I think I'd be like Simon Pegg in Shaun, I'd "have to know she's alright" when talking about my girlfriend, sisters, mom, everyone...so I'd venture out pretty quickly.

Grab an aluminum bat and the car keys and hope for the best.

My family has some land out in the country so, that'd be the tentative plan because, again, pub...not the best idea.

11-Jul-2007, 07:29 PM
Some bars are a good idea though because there's plenty of them with little to no windows at all... the downside is they're located within cities typically and thus close to a larger more infectable population which only means more zombies to kill or defend yourself from

darth los
11-Jul-2007, 11:35 PM
I'd definitely gather my loved ones together to not only combat the ghouls but the other humans who would almost certainly be out of control and probably just as much of a threat. I'd do it ratherquickly , preferably before too many people found out and everything descended into chaos.

12-Jul-2007, 12:58 AM
Immediately. I live in a major city. I'd want to get my family out before things got too bad.

Now assuming we were in a reasonably safe area I'd leave before supplies became critical. No reason having your hand forced into greater risks.

darth los
12-Jul-2007, 01:34 AM
Immediately. I live in a major city. I'd want to get my family out before things got too bad.

Now assuming we were in a reasonably safe area I'd leave before supplies became critical. No reason having your hand forced into greater risks.

I think as soon as the sh8t hit the fan supplies would be very hard to come by as there would be a mad dash to horde them. The best strategy would be to already have emergency supplies in place for food, medical, and defense scenarios. Although, you'd be called a paranoid nut by all the neighbors, but watch how fast they'll be beating down your door when it does go down. Which is probably the main reason to keep guns.

12-Jul-2007, 02:40 AM
I think as soon as the sh8t hit the fan supplies would be very hard to come by as there would be a mad dash to horde them. The best strategy would be to already have emergency supplies in place for food, medical, and defense scenarios. Although, you'd be called a paranoid nut by all the neighbors, but watch how fast they'll be beating down your door when it does go down. Which is probably the main reason to keep guns.

I know your most likely right about the neighbors. It's a shame too. Personally, while everyone is freaking out and killing each other over nails and boxes of cheerios, I would already be gone! Why even bother to stick around? Pack a few things to eat and to ward off ghouls with and hit the road.
No sense in getting cought up in all the rioting. I'd want to be gone before it even started!

12-Jul-2007, 03:08 AM
LOL... she called you "Einstein"

darth los
12-Jul-2007, 03:36 AM
LOL... she called you "Einstein"

JEALOUS? Atleast she knows i'm alive. :p