View Full Version : okay biblophiles, time to take a side

11-Jul-2007, 05:16 AM
i jsut finished reading the harry potter books just to refresh the sotry since my mom has prepaid for a copy for me and i realised i was rereading the lord of the rings and the dark tower books and had forgotten about it and i wondered which of the two epic sagas i prefered more.
i didnt get into tolkeins works with the movie, i first ran into it when i as made to shuffle to the front of the class to grab a book of the trolley (3rd grade) to red and do a book report, i got a big fancy edition of the hobbit, and the full colour paintings every few pages of middle earth made me fall in love with the book adn read through the first quater during my classes that day (i sat at the back, best place to get away with ****). I then read the rings books, the silmarillion ect. a few years later just after i started high school.
I only ran into the dark tower books about a year ago, i was buying up a lot of comics, whent into ottakers (now bought by waterstones..like every bookstore) to get the latest hellboy and spied a sale on stephen king and i got the stand and christine, then i whent to get some more the next week ,i was drawn to 'the gunslinger' by the cover, the tower looming up over a big desert, id heard of it ,but not much, and was intrigued by the quick read, it was a western (and im a big western fan) but aslo a fantasy tale of magic and demons, and of post apocalyptic wastelands littered by long abandoned way stations and robots and sci fi parralel worlds.
i think i read the entire series , which ill warrant is around 3500 pages in under 2 weeks, the whole story of roland of gilead going through all he did, wihtout any of the niceties of mddle earth seemed more girtty adn real, yet still in the realm of a giant fantasy world. A world which touche son and ventures into the worlds of about a dzen ofhis other works form the stnad, it, salems lot to christine,the regulators and more.
then i got to the end.
now i wont spoil what happens when roland reaches the dark tower, but king actually breaks the 4th wall to say "think carefully about finding out what lies within, i recommend you may want to just finish the story here", i allready new what was waiting but even when i finished i was in awe of how it just made the quest he had taken seem all the more epic, and it was such a great ending compared to the typically lame ending of the rings, so i think my choice has to go to the dark tower series over the rings trilogy, there both great but the tale of the last gunslinger is probably gonna still be my favourite tale when im an old man.

-and if you read em and liked em, in the short story colleciton everythings eventual theres a side story before the events of the series in which roland econters an order of nurses in an abondoned town full of slow mutants, its worth looking up to get an insight on what roland did between the events at the hill when cuthbert died and when The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed...;)

thats my choice fo the two, wahts yours?

11-Jul-2007, 05:00 PM
Speaking as someone who has not read much of either, I went with The Dark Tower. I mean, Lords of the Ringpiece will be the winner now matter what but I've had enough of Tolkien, Peter Jackson made damn sure that I'll probably never go near a LOTR book for life!

And King's a much better writer anyway. :p