View Full Version : Bruce Campbell just rocks, nuff said...

11-Jul-2007, 06:56 PM

You've gotta love the guy, just thought I'd post this random vlog of him as I saw it via FaceBook. Can't wait for My Name Is Bruce. :cool::thumbsup:

11-Jul-2007, 07:41 PM
He is one righteous fella I have to agree

darth los
11-Jul-2007, 10:53 PM
He definitely has cult figure status. This guy can definitely do no wrong.

12-Jul-2007, 04:10 PM
What I like about ol' Brucie, is that he has really come along acting-wise over the years. The Evil Dead was his first true starring role and he couldn't act for s**t, but in later movies like Bubba Ho-Tep, his acting is top notch. Even in the TV series Ellen (which was garbage btw), he made it worth watching with his snotty boss character. I think this guy improves as he gets older.

12-Jul-2007, 05:46 PM
hehe, oh yeah he was on Ellen. I think that was the first time I ever saw him, but of course back then I didn't know of him, so it was only afterwards that I was like "ah mate, I wish I'd paid more attention".

Heck yes, the dude can pull out some great acting, and he's got that snooty/snotty/bit arrogant/self-involved/just loving life/selfish kinda character(s) down to par. I saw him in the first episode of "Burn Notice", classic Bruce. His character's just hanging out drinking, enjoying the pretty girls walking on by in their bikinis, just soaking up some sunshine, hehe.

darth los
12-Jul-2007, 07:00 PM
Here's a couple of clips from his old show "Jack of All Trades". Good over the top stuff.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VNsjjYRgjc&mode=related&search= The show intro.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AM_3mxDTJAI Check out vern troyer in this one. Low quality though.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Af1OxkFOK18&mode=related&search= Old spice commercial

13-Jul-2007, 12:31 AM
i seriously think that if he was in a court of law for some o.j type crap itd go like this.

"so i submit to the jury we know mr campbell shot them, we have dna, fingerprinting, photographic and sound recorded evidence he did there is NO way he could be innocent, what is your verdict"

"not guilty"

"what?, but you know he did it"

"yeah, but h-hes bruce ****ign campbell!"

"oh yeah, overruled, mr campbell your free to go"

*bruce does the dr evil pinky of darkness*


13-Jul-2007, 02:20 AM
He is in fact ... the man....

Just watched him in Escape from LA as the sergeon general of beverly hills ... a small role ... but swave :)

And he is just one more reason to watch "Burn Notice".

13-Jul-2007, 02:24 AM
bruce is a reason to watch anything, he makes any crap whatchable, thats the sign of a great entertainer.

13-Jul-2007, 02:47 AM
I really don't know much about the guy, really. I just recently went back and watched the three "Evil Dead" films and man, I laughed my ass off(more so on the sequels...but you guys understand that). "Army of Darkness" is still my favorite. Actually, IMO that trilogy goes from worst to best.

I know, I know....alot of you love the original "Evil Dead", but I just can't get over the slap stick comedy of the second two films. It's just top notch and IMO what Campbell is best at.

Aside from his cameos in the Spiderman films, i've never really seen him outside of the "Evil Dead" films. He's always the character of Ash to me...

13-Jul-2007, 03:19 AM
ah i see you the same as me, the minority that likes the fantasy one best, i think it rocks.

but two words man "bubba ho-tep", well it might be three but either way bruce gives one of his best performances as an old elvis in a retirement home, its really under the radar but very much worth buying since its like 3 quid in dvd shops now.

13-Jul-2007, 03:21 AM
ah i see you the same as me, the minority that likes the fantasy one best, i think it rocks.

but two words man "bubba ho-tep", well it might be three but either way bruce gives one of his best performances as an old elvis in a retirement home, its really under the radar but very much worth buying since its like 3 quid in dvd shops now.

Yeah man...I've seen the DVD multiple times, picked it up, thought about it for a while.....and then put it back and bought something else.

I'll have to remember your recommendation next time and pick it up.:)

13-Jul-2007, 03:33 AM
man its so good you wont be disssapointed, the ending was doen so seriously my mom ( a big elvis fan) cried. if any of you guys aint seen it, trust me its worth the price of at least a rental.

13-Jul-2007, 01:14 PM
He does rock... I always thought of him as Ash from the Evil Dead movies... and then I watched Bubba o-Tep... now he's just Evlis and he rocks.

darth los
13-Jul-2007, 06:32 PM
I wonder if he'll ever get a big role that will make him a superstar. What do you guys think that role will be that will take him over the top? I definitely think that he has that presence that only a few actors have.

14-Jul-2007, 01:28 AM
if i ever make it in the movies id love to give him a proper serious role, like you guys say hes just got that presence you dont see in actors past the 50's back when they were stars for there work, not for being drunks or skanks.

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 02:13 AM
if i ever make it in the movies id love to give him a proper serious role, like you guys say hes just got that presence you dont see in actors past the 50's back when they were stars for there work, not for being drunks or skanks.

"HAIL TO THE KING BABY !!" :thumbsup:

14-Jul-2007, 02:38 AM
if he aint got a star on the walk fo fame when danile "my farts smell like dollars" radcliff then theres something extremely ****ed up goin' on in hollywierd.

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 02:57 AM
if he aint got a star on the walk fo fame when danile "my farts smell like dollars" radcliff then theres something extremely ****ed up goin' on in hollywierd.

It's already fooked up. Jaime foxx and ben affleck have oscars !! :eek:

14-Jul-2007, 03:06 AM
jamie foxx was good in Ray though, and ben afflecks was for writing.

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 03:11 AM
jamie foxx was good in Ray though, and ben afflecks was for writing.

Jaime was good but not great imo. He got it for basically doing a 2 1/2 hour impression of someone.

14-Jul-2007, 03:12 AM
unfortunatly, thats how alot of people win awards...impersonations are fine an all, and it takes a hell of alot of skill to actually impersonate someone that well, but I crave original characters....I need to see that sometimes.

14-Jul-2007, 03:24 AM
its a shame origional films are few and far between nowadays.
though that also means the gold shines through the crap that much mroe easily.

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 03:57 AM
its a shame origional films are few and far between nowadays.
though that also means the gold shines through the crap that much mroe easily.

But you have to go waist deep in sh8t to find it and who needs that?

16-Mar-2008, 04:21 AM
Bruce Campbell is the best..... Hail to the King, baby!

16-Mar-2008, 01:16 PM

ive been saving that one for a while. :lol:

16-Mar-2008, 01:26 PM


16-Mar-2008, 01:28 PM
Anyone listened to the commentary track on bubba-ho-tep which he does in character. Pretty funny stuff. His book "if chins could kil.l confessions of a b movie actor" is ace as well.

19-Mar-2008, 04:17 AM
I wasn't going to post anything, but the very mention of Bruce Campbell requires my input. I first got into him when I was little watching Brisco County, Jr. (I'd buy it but $100 is just too much to ask). And Bubba Ho-tep was just a top notch film with a kick ass score...I need to find that cd someplace. I've been up for way too long and this just feels like rambling to me, but My Name is Bruce is going to be one of the highlights of my year!

19-Mar-2008, 04:48 AM
And Bubba Ho-tep was just a top notch film

the thing that kills me about bubba hotep is that all the studios passed on it despite the fact that ossie davis (a fooking great actor) and bruce campbell were already on board - all because the movie was about "old people." if you have listened to the awesome commentary by don coscarelli you know what i am preaching at here. unfrakkingbeliveable.

one of our friends uses this movie in one of her classes at Miami U on aging and how the aged are treated in america - because the wife and i turned her on to it. she about fell over after watching it with us and literally turned to us and said, " this is going to be required viewing next term in my class on aging."

19-Mar-2008, 11:59 AM
yeah bubba hotep is really undderrated, and bruces performance is great, like i said to a freind the other day, if it was a straight film about an old elvis he probably wouldve won loads of awards for it, everyone i know rolls there eyes when i tell them the plot but then when i show it to them end up buying the dvd later the same week, the dudes made a good movie, what more can i say.

19-Mar-2008, 06:32 PM
I don't know if it's really that underrated. I mean....it's got a pretty good cult following. I know that it gets played at sold out midnight screenings around here at least 3 or 4 times a year...

19-Mar-2008, 06:45 PM
I don't know if it's really that underrated. I mean....it's got a pretty good cult following. I know that it gets played at sold out midnight screenings around here at least 3 or 4 times a year...
Yeah...I don't generally associate the word "under-rated" with this flick either.

Now "Drive-in Massacre", THAT'S under-rated...






Couldn't keep a straight face ... it's not, it really isn't ... it's just gash.

Bubba on the other hand, awesome movie.

19-Mar-2008, 07:55 PM
everyone i know rolls there eyes when i tell them the plot but then when i show it to them end up buying the dvd later the same week, the dudes made a good movie, what more can i say.

strange that you should mention that because the wife and i have had that same experience with several people. they pooh-pooh the notion, then end up loving the movie and the next time you are over at their house - there it is up on the shelf.