View Full Version : A funny story (you'll all laugh)

11-Jul-2007, 07:47 PM
Well a little background on myself:

I am in a relationship with a girl, been together 6 years now. Shes the 1st girl I have ever devoted myself to. Before I met her I was quite a ladies man. I was with a lot of girls with the longest relationship being 2 or 3 months max. Now we got this 6 year one. She is the only person i have ever given my heart to. (Excuse my lame emo-ness)

Anyway heres the funny part...

The other day I was on her computer and I was going to log into this forum while i was waiting to go out etc. I dropped down the history list to click (i'm lazy) and anyway. In the recent history i noticed Match.com ( Hahahaha) oh boy the drop in my chest... so i click on it and its got the password etc saved... so I'm like. Is this a path i want to take, invade her privacy and shame myself with suspicion? ****ing A right I do. And I try TOO hard not to ever be jealous or suspicious. This time i couldn't help it. So I click it and log in. I see shes winked like 10 people in the last week... hmmmm. I then check her messages since it had new ones. Her last message out to some asshole was " heres my number, call me tonight after 9, maybe when you get back we can have dinner".

Well that was about all I needed to see.

I feel so sick over this. Did I Mention this as the 1st girl i ever gave my heart to? **** I spent 6 YEARS OF MY LIFE with her. 6 GODDAMNED YEARS OF PRIME MALE SEXUAL PROWESS. GONE.

I am so distrought I dont know what to do. Luckily I am too cold hearted a person to cry over this, right now the dilemma I feel is how to end this relationship and cut myself free.

Do I screw all her cousins and best friends 1st, or do I just end it and cut her out of my life for good?

Funny huh?


11-Jul-2007, 08:06 PM
I feel so sick over this. Did I Mention this as the 1st girl i ever gave my heart to? **** I spent 6 YEARS OF MY LIFE with her.
Man, serious f**kin' condolences. I did 7 years in a relationship with a cheating skank ho c**t, (not that it's clear whether your gal actually cheated or not) so I have a little experience with this - we even had a kid together...

You know what the best thing to do is? Cut your losses man, don't go having your revenge because a.) It never tastes sweet and b.) It will only drag the pain out longer. I would just dump her ass there and then (provided I didn't get the wrong end of the stick, of course) and tell her to f**k off. End of.

Luckily I am too cold hearted a person to cry over this, right now the dilemma I feel is how to end this relationship and cut myself free.
If you truly loved her, you will cry. And who cares if you do? I don't fall for all this inhuman cold hearted stuff otherwise you wouldn't be here talking to us now, holding your broken heart together. I know it sounds "so uber emo" or "so totally gay" but just let it out man, I don't know about anyone else but I'm completely evened-out and clear-thinking after I've had a good cry.

11-Jul-2007, 08:18 PM
Man, serious f**kin' condolences. I did 7 years in a relationship with a cheating skank ho c**t, (not that it's clear whether your gal actually cheated or not) so I have a little experience with this - we even had a kid together...

You know what the best thing to do is? Cut your losses man, don't go having your revenge because a.) It never tastes sweet and b.) It will only drag the pain out longer. I would just dump her ass there and then (provided I didn't get the wrong end of the stick, of course) and tell her to f**k off. End of.

If you truly loved her, you will cry. And who cares if you do? I don't fall for all this inhuman cold hearted stuff otherwise you wouldn't be here talking to us now, holding your broken heart together. I know it sounds "so uber emo" or "so totally gay" but just let it out man, I don't know about anyone else but I'm completely evened-out and clear-thinking after I've had a good cry.

I'm so ****ing distraught I dont know what to do... how could she do this? And I am sure she didnt "cheat" as in screw someone... but she betrayed me mentally and emotionally. All I have EVER asked when it came ot ending the relationship any relationship was to be let go clean. Just ****ing TELL ME its not working out and let it go.

11-Jul-2007, 08:40 PM
I'm so ****ing distraught I dont know what to do... how could she do this? And I am sure she didnt "cheat" as in screw someone... but she betrayed me mentally and emotionally. All I have EVER asked when it came ot ending the relationship any relationship was to be let go clean. Just ****ing TELL ME its not working out and let it go.
I know she really meant a lot to you bro as I remember you talking to me about her before. I mean, are you sure she's definitely doing the 'web thang' because some people go to these love match places for a laugh. I know that don't make it right but you should really cover all your bases before you cut her off.

Tread the water first, don't mouth off unnecessarily, keep it sane because an argument at this stage will just spiral out of control and go off topic. Man, I don't know what to say to you. Oh, one last thing. If you are going to ask her any questions about her private life, make sure you are man enough to take the answer. I don't mean that patronisingly, it's just that I asked a similar question to my ex once and was devastated at the answer.

You know what I mean anyway.

11-Jul-2007, 08:40 PM
I hate people who don't have the decency to break up before they go look for other people.

11-Jul-2007, 08:43 PM
I know she really meant a lot to you bro as I remember you talking to me about her before. I mean, are you sure she's definitely doing the 'web thang' because some people go to these love match places for a laugh. I know that don't make it right but you should really cover all your bases before you cut her off.

Tread the water first, don't mouth off unnecessarily, keep it sane because an argument at this stage will just spiral out of control and go off topic. Man, I don't know what to say to you. Oh, one last thing. If you are going to ask her any questions about her private life, make sure you are man enough to take the answer. I don't mean that patronisingly, it's just that I asked a similar question to my ex once and was blown away with devastation at the answer.

You know what I mean anyway.

Well she has been talking to this guy a whiles now. And she gave her actual phone number top him and tolf him to call her , this way last night while I was at the Roger Waters concert. She also told him shed like to meet up for dinner when she is around his neck of the woods and I know for a fact she will be in his neck of the woods tommorrow night.

I hate people who don't have the decency to break up before they go look for other people.

As do I, which is why this is utterly unforgivable to me. I even told her this long ago. She knows it.

11-Jul-2007, 08:49 PM
She also told him shed like to meet up for dinner when she is around his neck of the woods and I know for a fact she will be in his neck of the woods tommorrow night.
When it's put like that, it's hard evidence. You have to speak to her.

Did I Mention this as the 1st girl i ever gave my heart to?
I hate to say it, but she might not be the last either. :(

11-Jul-2007, 08:49 PM
"(Excuse my lame emo-ness)" lmao

11-Jul-2007, 08:56 PM
I hate to say it, but she might not be the last either. :(

Oh yeah... what is my other choice? Go gay or celibate? Oh cruel fate.

11-Jul-2007, 09:54 PM
Well she has been talking to this guy a whiles now. And she gave her actual phone number top him and tolf him to call her , this way last night while I was at the Roger Waters concert. She also told him shed like to meet up for dinner when she is around his neck of the woods and I know for a fact she will be in his neck of the woods tommorrow night.

As do I, which is why this is utterly unforgivable to me. I even told her this long ago. She knows it.

YOu get your ass in that neck of the woods tomorrow night. Bring a friend and have an excuse for being there(made up) If you can do a decent stalk job and have dinner at teh same place you will know for sure, confront her, and maybe he won't want anything to do with a cheater. At least go out with a bang and embarass her.

11-Jul-2007, 10:16 PM
The same thing (kinda) happened to me. I was with this girl for five years and then found out she was cheating on me. The worst part is that it wasn't just finding something on the net....I actually caught her.

The best piece of advice that I can give is cut it off clean, walk away, and move on. Things straightened themselves out pretty quickly for myself and i'm kind of glad it happened, to tell you the truth.

It happens, bro. She-bitches are everywhere....:p

11-Jul-2007, 10:20 PM
Thank all of you, for your advice it helps.

Well I told her it was over, I remained as calm as I could. I told her I wanted a clean break. I noticed she has since erased the match.com crap. Now if youll excuse me im going to go curl up and die, I think im having a panic attack or heart attack or something.

12-Jul-2007, 03:42 PM
You may be hurting now, but in the end, after awhile you'll come to
realize you did the right thing. When my ex wife cheated on me, I thought
surely I would die. I thought I lost my everything, I had been going out with
her since we were both fourteen, married at eighteen and divorced at 27,
so yeah, I can understand your pain. It's a ripping the old heart out of your chest, but it's better you know then to be dangled along for a long time while
she meets up with other men and then one day, turns around and dumps you.
You'll move on and soon meet someone else, who may be
just right for you.

12-Jul-2007, 04:14 PM
Jesus christ, man, I'm sorry. It hurts just to think about what it would be like that if it had happened to me. I hope everything turns out great for you and within a couple weeks you'll be back to your old lady-killin self.

12-Jul-2007, 05:51 PM
Now if youll excuse me im going to go curl up and die, I think im having a panic attack or heart attack or something.
It will pass. You know it was the right thing to do, man.

12-Jul-2007, 07:20 PM
Oh that blows man my deepest sympathies. And kudos for being all adult and just calmly ending it. I would've suggested some mild stalking to catch her in the act and then go ape**** on her. That or wait til she goes out with the dude and wear a gold band on your ring finger and borrow someones kid... go up to her while she's eating din din with her new interest and be like 'hunny... what are you doing? you told me you were going to get lil morgans prescription... who's this? does he know we're married? does he know about the gonorreah I gave you?' I didn't really laugh at the story you told. Its just sad.

darth los
12-Jul-2007, 08:27 PM
Do I screw all her cousins and best friends 1st, or do I just end it and cut her out of my life for good?

Dude never leave sex on the table. If you can get it by all means add a couple of notches to your belt.