View Full Version : Alienware Aurora 7500 arrives...

12-Jul-2007, 06:20 PM
Big black box with the simple face of a gray (more white) on the side.
Massive friggin chassis, black & silver has a liquid cooling system ...
Looks like a futuristic super-train engine.Whoopee cool black t shirt...

I have a 04 crt flat-monitor used the adapter to hook it up in the back.Keyboard , speakers , and used a corded mouse to install software for the wireless mouse then it started giving me trouble.It wouldnt work w/ regular mouse after that ...
I had to use a friends pay pal accnt to get it , and she needs to call them and put my name in so I can get service help.
I figured it could not hurt to hook up the web, so I attached all the right stuff and updated windows vista;14 updates in all , it shut down .
After I turn it on , it wont see the monitor, it shows monitor ok check pc or cables w/ a yellow & blue sign.

So I am f*cking really pissed off right now .
I got ripped off trying to get my old pc fixed from Hytech exchange $589 , then spent more than $200 on repairs at Comp ufa ... Then I figured what can go wrong if I just buy a new machine? Dropped $1400 on this monster .
and nothing...

\GOD please help me just so I can promote my f*cking band ....sheesh
I seem to be cursed .

13-Jul-2007, 03:17 PM
try un-installing vista and install x-p instead cos vista is still too buggy...

13-Jul-2007, 05:00 PM
try un-installing vista and install x-p instead cos vista is still too buggy...

Easier said than done if you don't have the disc.

13-Jul-2007, 06:07 PM
I have not heard one good thing about Vista. XP service Pack 2 is the way to go. Service pack 3 has much problems and slows your PC.
If you have a dubious copy of Vista, or if Microsux BELIEVES it to be you can have problems. Also some of the updates are pure ass and have more to do with restricting you rather than fixing problems like DRM add ons, which is assness squared. But thats another issue

maybe its a hardware issue
such as
an improperly seated video card.
I had that issue once.
Pop ot out and reseat
Unless its a motherboard mounted card and thats different
Could be an improperly plugged in/loose Monitor cable

I had a dissapearing harddrive issue recently. I unplugged and replugged and it was fine. panicked for nothing. Simplest solution first

try it and post again. Maybe we can work it out. Im no expert but I have solved many a confounding PC issue, hard and software/OS related.

17-Jul-2007, 12:44 AM
Well, as always, the nutty freaked out kid was that for nothin'...Runs very well.
Good advice from you all.

I have vista, and am quite leary of it . Too nice (ish) ...
Its like being lead into a blackish blue operating system fear zone; you never know if:shifty: ... CRASH.

My Aurora was tested july 5th w/ Doom 3 ...found it on the log.
Runs very well, but my soundcard is a soundblaster, they are not great for music recording.

Thanks for all the advice...