View Full Version : Are we getting too ridiculous?

12-Jul-2007, 07:53 PM

No one likes being on a plane with a child. At least not me. They talk, cry, belch, and when you're on a plane with them there's no escape. But I feel what the flight attendant did is ridiculous. I'm not a child person but I understand that kids are kids. Post 9/11 airports and airplanes and their staff are becoming equally ridiculous. Peronally i've never witnessed a flight attendant being power-crazy like this one seemed to be. They're generally rude but hey when you're going up and down all day long and stuck with rude people who wouldn't be? I wouldn't even begrudge them taking a swig or two from a mickey while they're in the loo because hey... their job isn't great. But the stories are increasing of people who aren't doing anything wrong being kicked offa flights... doesn't that suggest that there's something stupid going on behind the scenes?

And while we're on the topic anyone watch the series Airline? I love it.

darth los
12-Jul-2007, 08:21 PM

No one likes being on a plane with a child. At least not me. They talk, cry, belch, and when you're on a plane with them there's no escape. But I feel what the flight attendant did is ridiculous. I'm not a child person but I understand that kids are kids. Post 9/11 airports and airplanes and their staff are becoming equally ridiculous. Peronally i've never witnessed a flight attendant being power-crazy like this one seemed to be. They're generally rude but hey when you're going up and down all day long and stuck with rude people who wouldn't be? I wouldn't even begrudge them taking a swig or two from a mickey while they're in the loo because hey... their job isn't great. But the stories are increasing of people who aren't doing anything wrong being kicked offa flights... doesn't that suggest that there's something stupid going on behind the scenes?

And while we're on the topic anyone watch the series Airline? I love it.

That flight attendant is a real asshole. I'll bet anything that she doesn't have kids of her own or else she would have understood that you can't make a child that age do anything that they doon't want to do. It wasn't even like the kid was being loud or crying he was just talking. I'm the parent of a 2 year old myself and i try , if at all possible, not to take him to places where he's sure to cause a disturbance, like a restaurant for example. However there are just sometimes where your child has to come along with you and traveling fits that bill. Most people understand how kids are. That's why when you're on a bus or something and a child starts to cry people just ignore it because there's really nothing that can be done. That person should lose their job for that.

13-Jul-2007, 12:29 PM
Actually I'm not feeling the attendant should lose their job for what happened but perhaps put into some kind of child tolerance course. Like when Issaih Washington ripped on gays he had to take some kind of gay tolerance class.

But I think something the airlines should do is simply cater some of their most popular flights strictly to adults. Perhaps at an upgraded fee if any. I would certainly pay extra for that. Not that adults dont act up but they're at least a bit more docile than the average child.

13-Jul-2007, 03:06 PM
give a human being a uniform and it turns them into power-mad tyrants, sad but true...

13-Jul-2007, 04:00 PM
so give a janitor a uniform and he'll become a tyrant ehhh :D

darth los
13-Jul-2007, 06:59 PM
so give a janitor a uniform and he'll become a tyrant ehhh :D

You ever try and borrow a janitor's mop bucket?

Actually I'm not feeling the attendant should lose their job for what happened but perhaps put into some kind of child tolerance course. Like when Issaih Washington ripped on gays he had to take some kind of gay tolerance class.

Uh, bad example mj, Isaiah washington lost his job. Good try though. You get an f for effort. :p

13-Jul-2007, 07:01 PM
theres no f in effort...well..at least for the 1st letter....

I'd give her an e.....

13-Jul-2007, 07:03 PM
I wasn't refferring to his ability to keep his job simply the class he was forced to take ...

and I believe he was fired because he was black and not because he ripped on gays... at least that's what he says

darth los
13-Jul-2007, 07:24 PM
I wasn't refferring to his ability to keep his job simply the class he was forced to take ...

and I believe he was fired because he was black and not because he ripped on gays... at least that's what he says

Ah yes, when backed into a corner play the race card. :)

theres no f in effort...well..at least for the 1st letter....

I'd give her an e.....

But the first syllable sounds like f. That's where i got it from.

13-Jul-2007, 07:26 PM
i dont have to pull a race card because i'm not a bad sport :p

darth los
13-Jul-2007, 07:45 PM
i dont have to pull a race card because i'm not a bad sport :p

I was refering to isaiah. :p

14-Jul-2007, 02:11 AM
missjackson...are...are you black?

the first syllable sounds like f?

k proof please.

your move....

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 02:19 AM
missjackson...are...are you black?

the first syllable sounds like f?

k proof please.

your move....

Yes. EF-FORT. Let's sound it out. C'mon, i'll do it with you. :)

14-Jul-2007, 02:25 AM
you are infringing on my freedom and are using emotion for an argument, therefore your point isn't valid.

oh, and your right....

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 04:10 AM
oh, and your right....

I accept your yield !! :p

14-Jul-2007, 04:13 AM


ef-fort doesn't warrant an "F" because "E" is the first letter in the word. Therefore, she gets an "E".

darth los
16-Jul-2007, 05:13 PM


ef-fort doesn't warrant an "F" because "E" is the first letter in the word. Therefore, she gets an "E".

You're so easy to bait..:p You just said i was right.