View Full Version : Reservoir Dogs

12-Jul-2007, 10:12 PM
I just finished watching this movie last night,
it's one of my favorite bad guy movies.
It's a never ending rollar coaster ride.
Mr. Brown. Mr. Blond. Mr. White. Mr.Orange Mr. Blue and
Mr. Pink. They were all great.

Mr. Blond was a real bad a**, what he did to that cop.
The ending is great too, a big shoot out and no one
really wins. Well, except Mr. Pink:lol:

What did you think.
Liked it? Hated it?

darth los
12-Jul-2007, 10:19 PM
I loved it. How could anybody not. I love it's gritty unapologetic feel. It's the only tarentino film besides pulp fiction that i like.

12-Jul-2007, 11:35 PM
:confused: ??? Mr Pink doesn't win at all...

You hear him run outside and the cops pull up, they yell a bit, then shoot him.

13-Jul-2007, 12:28 AM
its a great film but i prefer pulp fiction myself.

though two eyars ago at the start of college my first essay in film studies was on the opening scene adn the ear scene ,so i dunno abotu any other students now or gone but if you have to read or watch somethign to study it, you quickly grow to like it less.

13-Jul-2007, 02:09 AM
"What the f*ck do you mean you don't tip????"

You'd be hard pressed to find someone that doesn't like RD. Usually the ones that don't either A) hate true violence and language, or B) Say they don't like it just to stand out in the large crowd of people that do.

13-Jul-2007, 02:23 AM
yeah we call em posers.:bored:

funny thing is everyone in film class watched the ear scene but that ultra christian guy i talked about a while back (the "dinosaurs all turned into dragons" guy:rolleyes: ) could take that but not star wars.:rolleyes:

funny how people will be fine with some stuff ina film but not others.

13-Jul-2007, 02:37 AM
Yeah, I never understood the whole "ear scene" controversy. In the original cut of the film(i've heard there's a new, multi-angle version of the scene now) you really don't see that much. People can picture it in their head so easily that they freak out about it.

Seriously....go back and watch that scene sometime and think about it. Tarantino got a lot of crap about it being full of gore and torture, but nothing is really shown!

darth los
13-Jul-2007, 04:18 AM
Yeah, I never understood the whole "ear scene" controversy. In the original cut of the film(i've heard there's a new, multi-angle version of the scene now) you really don't see that much. People can picture it in their head so easily that they freak out about it.

Seriously....go back and watch that scene sometime and think about it. Tarantino got a lot of crap about it being full of gore and torture, but nothing is really shown!

That reminds me of the original texas chainsaw masacre. It is remembered as one of the bloodiest, sick films of all time. I actually watched it a couple of months ago and there really wasn't that much shown there either. The gore was lame by todays' standards. I think as time goes on the bar on what's acceptable to show in a film gets lowered. You could have never released a film like hostel 10 years ago, especially not with a republican controlled congress.

13-Jul-2007, 04:20 AM
is it a good or a bad thing though?, that people are now used to more extreme forms of violence?

darth los
13-Jul-2007, 04:27 AM
is it a good or a bad thing though?, that people are now used to more extreme forms of violence?

Constant exposure to Violence tends to desensitize those exposed to it. I believe it's a bad thing in the respect that to most people murder is no big deal when it's supposed to be. You see it on the news, movies and video games. Movies are just entertainment but the real life issues portrayed in them are serious.

13-Jul-2007, 04:35 AM
but then political correctness gone wrong guys come in and tries to do the "oh lets hope we offend no one" spin on it rather than actually put it in the right context.:rolleyes:

swear to god over here before heroes it says "this show contains adult themes and events and the use of a foreign language".

funnily enough people got offended by that and the foreign language bit was replaced with "drug use and adult problems" or something liek that.


darth los
13-Jul-2007, 04:39 AM
but then political correctness gone wrong guys come in and tries to do the "oh lets hope we offend no one" spin on it rather than actually put it in the right context.:rolleyes:

swear to god over here before heroes it says "this show contains adult themes and events and the use of a foreign language".

funnily enough people got offended by that and the foreign language bit was replaced with "drug use and adult problems" or something liek that.


That's the main problem with cenosoring "offensive" material. The term is just too subjective. Who's to say what affects the sensibilities of a certain individual and what doesn't?

13-Jul-2007, 04:53 AM
a bunch of people who love the smell of there owns farts is my best guess.:bored:

darth los
13-Jul-2007, 05:02 AM
a bunch of people who love the smell of there owns farts is my best guess.:bored:

They love it so much they trap it in a bottle so that it's portable. :barf:

13-Jul-2007, 05:44 AM
yeah, we call that the i-pod over here.

13-Jul-2007, 01:12 PM
Its one of my favorite movies I almost never got to see... it was just some random movie at the used record and movie store that looked good and ended up being fantabulous.

darth los
13-Jul-2007, 06:26 PM
yeah, we call that the i-pod over here.

That's like a wmd. You can launch it from a safe distance and watch the chaos that ensues.

14-Jul-2007, 12:41 AM
Love all of Quentin's films. Jackie Brown and Kill Bill are my faves.

14-Jul-2007, 01:31 AM
ugh, there my least favourite ones, i cannot watch em but hey more power to ya if you love em.;)

14-Jul-2007, 10:46 AM
I can't be doing with Jackie Brown, as someone said at some point in time somewhere, perhaps a film magazine or a count down show...he already made the perfect crime film with Pulp Fiction - why do another that's always going to be inferior?

I didn't like JB at all, some moments, but just...ugh.

RD, PF and Kill Bill - those rocked my cock. And I totally dug Death Proof as well...it's not his best by far, but when it's hot it's freaking flaming.

Apparently he IS doing Inglorious Bastards next...although how he'd get that title past advertising and pissy parent groups I've no idea! :lol:

If only he hadn't shelved that Vega Brothers film idea, that would have been awesome.

14-Jul-2007, 12:49 PM
I love the scene in Foxy Brown where DeNiro shoots Brigit Fonda... I saw it coming but I didn't see it coming y'know? It all happened so fast... it rocked.

14-Jul-2007, 08:31 PM
I didn't like JB at all, some moments, but just...ugh.
Jackie Brown has one of the most intricate scripts out there, how people can prefer Pulp Fiction over it is absolutely unfathomable. Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction were just a phase. I saw 'em both at the cinema on release and yes, I loved them but Jackie Brown is a whole lot more to me.

15-Jul-2007, 04:27 AM
pulp just seems to ooze cool from the bladdy' dvd case, its wittily writen, has a damn near perfect pacing, which is a rare thing in a film for the pacing to be spot -the ****- on, and the acting was poifec', total classic, not just the cult kind, but in the general cinematic kind of way.:cool:

15-Jul-2007, 10:16 AM
Damn straight hellsing, Pulp Fiction is a cinematic footnote, a milestone, a screenshot on the cover of a book about 20th century cinema. :)

Heck yes, the pacing was great. I recently sat down to watch it for the umpteenth time (hadn't seen it in a good while though, at that stage) and sat there and watched the entire movie in one sitting...which is something I do quite rarely these days...well, for movies I've already seen at least once I mean.

Had a similar experience with Boogie Nights which I re-watched last weekend, inspired by the article on it in Total Film this month. Another perfectly paced film, it just bounds along and it's over 2 hours long - a good script being the key to keeping this sort of pace.

15-Jul-2007, 03:27 PM
Pulp fiction is one of the great ones,
I enoyed it and like others have said, the pacing
is done so well, you hardly realize the time that
has gone by while watching it.
I have yet to see Kill Bill, but
I shall get around to it.

15-Jul-2007, 04:49 PM
I liked Jackie Brown exactly because it WASN'T like the other 2 films. It felt like the book and I liked the laconic pacing.

Kill Bill was like a self parody and very boring, imo

16-Jul-2007, 05:40 AM
man i hated slither but sat through it to the end, as i did with ,ugh, vampires vs zombies, but kill bill is the ONLY film ive paid to see and gone to my freinds (who i whent to the cinema with), "sorry guys this sucks ill meet you outside when its done" and then gone to ottakers to read a stephen king novel:lol:
its just an overindulgent piece of crap, its like wil ferrels anchour man, a load of over the top , poorely connected events just there becuase they were cool, difference was anchourman was a comedy that didnt take itself seriously, adn therefore got away with it, kill bill on the other hand... :hurl:

darth los
16-Jul-2007, 05:10 PM
Pulp fiction is classic. Although forrest gump is a great film i still can't fathom how it beat out pulp fiction for best film that year. I just can't get over that one.

17-Jul-2007, 01:00 AM
i dunno gump was a damn fine film with a wider traget audience so maybe thats why, still love em both though.

17-Jul-2007, 01:40 AM
Pulp fiction is classic. Although forrest gump is a great film i still can't fathom how it beat out pulp fiction for best film that year. I just can't get over that one. Do any violent films get oscars? Lord of the RIngs was fantasy but what about crime?

17-Jul-2007, 01:47 AM
Do any violent films get oscars? Lord of the RIngs was fantasy but what about crime?

Godfather 1 & 2 comes to mind.

darth los
17-Jul-2007, 02:15 AM
Godfather 1 & 2 comes to mind.

I think it's because they were artsy films for the genre they were in. In any case it was a long time ago and i doubt that they would win one today. I really don't go by critics rating systems anyway. One time i was looking at a ratings scale that gave scarface a measly 2 1/2 stars out of a possible 4. That movie is a classic imo. They said It was only slightly above average!?! I promptly threw it away and decided to make up my own mind from then on. They obviously gave it that low score because of the violoence in the film.