View Full Version : Day 2 or Sandwich?

13-Jul-2007, 10:29 PM
I was just at Suncoast video store and saw Day of the Dead 2!

Now im proud to say ive never seen it but today i saw it for the cheapest price i have ever seen it at $9.99!

Before i lose the lunch i just ate is it worth the 10 bucks...or would you rather buy a sandwich?:rolleyes:

darth los
13-Jul-2007, 10:43 PM
I was just at Suncoast video store and saw Day of the Dead 2!

Now im proud to say ive never seen it but today i saw it for the cheapest price i have ever seen it at $9.99!

Before i lose the lunch i just ate is it worth the 10 bucks...or would you rather buy a sandwich?:rolleyes:

After all you've read at this forum if you buy that movie then you deserve what you get. You'd be better served headed over to quizno's and getting the large sub. And it's not only the money you'll be losing, that can be replaced, you won't ever be able to get the 2 hours of your life back that you wasted watching that turd. :hurl:

13-Jul-2007, 11:01 PM
If you buy that Day2, man oh man,
you'll be using your nuts as a punching bag later,
you'll regret it that much :)

13-Jul-2007, 11:12 PM
That's it. I can't stand it anymore. I have to find a way to get ahold of this infamous film.

Altough I'm not paying for it.

13-Jul-2007, 11:30 PM
Now obviously i and the rest of the staff here are against piracy and illegal downloading, and would never ever advocate the downloading of someones hard work and in effect stealing profit from movie makers... Day2 however is not hard work and does not deserve profit.

Please do not pay for this movie, you will regret it.

13-Jul-2007, 11:54 PM
I was just at Suncoast video store and saw Day of the Dead 2!

Now im proud to say ive never seen it but today i saw it for the cheapest price i have ever seen it at $9.99!

Before i lose the lunch i just ate is it worth the 10 bucks...or would you rather buy a sandwich?:rolleyes:


14-Jul-2007, 12:23 AM
I like a good sandwhich as much as the next guy, but I generally dont pay $10 for a sammy.

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 12:25 AM
And what the hell are you doing shopping at suncoast anyway? They have some of the highest prices around.

14-Jul-2007, 12:39 AM
Before i lose the lunch i just ate is it worth the 10 bucks...or would you rather buy a sandwich?:rolleyes:

I would rather buy a stale, moldy-bread sandwich and eat it after it fell on the ground than even look at the DVD coverart.

No slight on you intended, though. (I bought it too and the buyers remorse I feel and anger at makers of this crap is much worse than any indigestion a moldy sandwich could ever bring on)

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 12:48 AM
I like a good sandwhich as much as the next guy, but I generally dont pay $10 for a sammy.

You obviously haven't been to quizno's.

14-Jul-2007, 12:57 AM
Well I personally loved this film and think it's well worth the money, if fact might just have to watch it again right now :D

p.s Only joking honest I have never ever even seen it but you all hating it so much was just too tempting and i am slightly tipsy so thats my excuse :p


darth los
14-Jul-2007, 01:05 AM
*puts away flamethrower* :p

14-Jul-2007, 01:08 AM
Let's all hit Yorkie with a
wet noodle for that one ;)
J/K Yorkie

14-Jul-2007, 01:11 AM
Well I thought it was funny a girl has to get her fun where she can :p

14-Jul-2007, 01:12 AM
NDay2 however is not hard work and does not deserve profit.

Thats a hot one:lol:

14-Jul-2007, 01:47 AM
everyone over looked my link. its the solution to ur problems :)

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 01:54 AM
No i didn't. 6 bucks is still to much to pay for that abomination. As a matter of fact they'd have to pay me to take it off their hands. lol

14-Jul-2007, 02:34 AM
lol. that site is the best. free shipping and no tax

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 02:36 AM
Sounds like my local bootlegger. lol

14-Jul-2007, 02:41 AM
I like a good sandwhich as much as the next guy, but I generally dont pay $10 for a sammy.

same here, id get my ass down to domnioes pizza for the meatzza pizza instead;)

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 02:46 AM
same here, id get my ass down to domnioes pizza for the meatzza pizza instead;)

The dominoes by my house has this awsome 3 medium pizza for 15 bucks deal. Now that's value.

14-Jul-2007, 03:27 AM
woah....its 3 for 15 quid here, though tahts like 28 bucks american, so were still getting ripped off since 15 bucks is like 6 quid.

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 03:54 AM
woah....its 3 for 15 quid here, though tahts like 28 bucks american, so were still getting ripped off since 15 bucks is like 6 quid.

You think that dominoes would deliver to your house from over here then? The pizza might be a little cold by the time it got there though.

14-Jul-2007, 04:08 AM
ever reheated it the morning after the 1am college pizza run?

still just as good, if not better.:cool:

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 04:11 AM
ever reheated it the morning after the 1am college pizza run?

still just as good, if not better.:cool:

I'm a student just like you are. I basically live on pizza and hamburgers. lol

14-Jul-2007, 04:23 AM
hamburgers? pah!, the mighty cheeseburger is far superior in its...uh, cheesieness.

14-Jul-2007, 04:30 AM
Sounds like my local bootlegger. lol

hey cmon. they have the lowest prices anywhere

14-Jul-2007, 01:24 PM
At first I was all... buy the movie... then I went to netflix watched the preview and well... buy the sandwich!

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 02:57 PM
hamburgers? pah!, the mighty cheeseburger is far superior in its...uh, cheesieness.

When i'n in the mood to totally clog my arteries i go with cheeseburgers as well. :)

14-Jul-2007, 03:37 PM
i would sooner eat a turd sandwich then watch that flick again. the only reason i have it is because i got it free from columbia house.

14-Jul-2007, 03:44 PM
until you said that JD I totally thought Columbia House went bankrupt from not getting any money from the people who signed up for it!

14-Jul-2007, 04:55 PM
Just download it. This is one movie no zombie fan would be mad at you for leeching.

14-Jul-2007, 05:21 PM
F*ck that movie. Save your $10 and do ANYTHING else with it! Give it to a bum or whino, spend it on crack, eat it, throw it out your car window! I'd rather watch grass grow or old people pork for two hours than see that awful flick again.

14-Jul-2007, 06:43 PM
hell i watched this pile of crap for free and i still felt ripped off, honestly i would rather watch 2 hours of australian soap operas than see this again... yes its that bad

15-Jul-2007, 12:09 AM
I just "rented" this film and so far I think it's hilariously bad. A guy trips... and dies?! The acting and dialoge is some of the best (worst) ever. Man. Oh man. I love this film.

15-Jul-2007, 03:42 AM
A guy trips... and dies?!


that first step is a doozy

15-Jul-2007, 05:00 PM
i would sooner eat a turd sandwich then watch that flick again. the only reason i have it is because i got it free from columbia house.

Turd Sandwich. The more bread you got, the less turd you have to eat.

Sorry, just channeling the inner middle schooler in me.

15-Jul-2007, 10:38 PM
Are we talking about "Day of the dead - contagium" here? If so: ANY Sandwich, even if it has turd and cathair on it, is worth more than this braincellkiller.

15-Jul-2007, 11:08 PM
I have not seen it and here is an important question

Is it AT LEAST funny or amusing in any way?

15-Jul-2007, 11:38 PM
I have not seen it and here is an important question

Is it AT LEAST funny or amusing in any way?

Funny in the sense that the filmakers took themselves seriously and were trying to make a decent scary zombie flick. Amusing in the sense that they totally failed. No redeeming qualities apart from being unintentionally crappy.

16-Jul-2007, 12:18 AM
ow, that smarts!:eek:

16-Jul-2007, 01:11 PM
That's it. I can't stand it anymore. I have to find a way to get ahold of this infamous film.

Altough I'm not paying for it.

you should try to find it at the video store first before you buy it. at least you'll only be out a few bucks ANDyou can always return it after and say you never seen it. don't even see how they could use the day of the dead name on this "thing" they call a zombie movie.

darth los
16-Jul-2007, 04:23 PM
you should try to find it at the video store first before you buy it. at least you'll only be out a few bucks ANDyou can always return it after and say you never seen it. don't even see how they could use the day of the dead name on this "thing" they call a zombie movie.

It's always a good policy to see a movie first before you go spending money on it, especially if you have no idea how good it is. My ex spent 20 bucks on contagium on blind faith. I never let her live that one down.:lol:

16-Jul-2007, 04:33 PM
Dam! enough said!

Everyone attacked this thread like a wino in a liquor store!

I'd rather not use my nuts for a puncing bag "HICKS" that one was funny by the way!

I will say this from what it sounds this movie should be sold at your local supermarket next to the toliet paper and exlax!;)

16-Jul-2007, 04:49 PM
I will say this from what it sounds this movie should be sold at your local supermarket next to the toliet paper and exlax!;)

You'll need some industrial strength air freshener for this one too. That and some rotted anchovies to take away the bad taste.

darth los
16-Jul-2007, 05:04 PM
Watching this film will cause male pattern baldness and colon cancer. The surgeon general should put a warning on the side of it.

16-Jul-2007, 05:36 PM
Watching the end now. Oh GOD this film SUCKS SO MUCH. It lost it's hilarity factor after the first half of the film. After that it's just stupid. The zombies are aliens? They grow small horns? And it takes like 70-80 minutes for the zombies to actually appear. Continuity and such things suck. It feels as if the entire film was made by people who had no idea how to make a film.

oh and the intelligent zombies SUCK SO MUCH ****ING ASS. How the hell is this in anyway connected with Day, where the zombies were NOt aliens?

darth los
16-Jul-2007, 06:02 PM
It's connected with day in name only. Really shameless marketing ploy to capitalize off of the name recognition. it looks like it worked too.

16-Jul-2007, 06:05 PM
Watching this film will cause male pattern baldness and colon cancer. The surgeon general should put a warning on the side of it.

Throw impotence and anal bleeding in there and you've got the list completed

17-Jul-2007, 03:47 PM
Watching the end now. Oh GOD this film SUCKS SO MUCH. It lost it's hilarity factor after the first half of the film. After that it's just stupid. The zombies are aliens? They grow small horns? And it takes like 70-80 minutes for the zombies to actually appear. Continuity and such things suck. It feels as if the entire film was made by people who had no idea how to make a film.

oh and the intelligent zombies SUCK SO MUCH ****ING ASS. How the hell is this in anyway connected with Day, where the zombies were NOt aliens?

Thanks dude i think your comment did it!

I will wait until im in a position to watch it for free!

Im still not over the anal bleeding of Dead "n" Breakfast!

"Man my foot is still stuck up my ass for buying that one,i'd rather have a orgy with the Golden Girls" :D

17-Jul-2007, 03:54 PM
I will wait until im in a position to watch it for free!

Dude, e-mail me your address and I will send you the copy I stupidly bought. I cannot in good conscience allow another person to waste even a used kleenex on this crap, and I don't believe in piracy so I won't run off multiple copies for distribution (though in this case I am tempted) but there is no law against allowing me to send this to you for free on the proviso that you send it to another GAR fan when you are done and save them from the humilation of purchasing this abomination.

I once did the same with a vhs of NOLD 30th anniversary crap, the one with scenes removed so that bad scenes could be put in. Total load of worthless crap, that one!

darth los
17-Jul-2007, 05:58 PM
I once did the same with a vhs of NOLD 30th anniversary crap, the one with scenes removed so that bad scenes could be put in. Total load of worthless crap, that one!

If those two films were ever allowed to occupy the same space in a dvd rack they would subsequently spontaneously combust and rip a hole in the space time continuum. That's how bad they are. They can't be brought together. It's like uniting the key master and the gate keeper. IT WOULD BE BAD.

17-Jul-2007, 06:06 PM
If those two films were ever allowed to occupy the same space in a dvd rack they would subsequently spontaneously combust and rip a hole in the space time continuum. That's how bad they are. They can't be brought together. It's like uniting the key master and the gate keeper. IT WOULD BE BAD.

Now you tell me! I had the two of them on the same shelf in my bedroom before I got rid of the 30th. Damn...hope they didn't get the chance to breed! The implications are staggering. I may be single handedly responsible for the destruction of all mankind.

darth los
17-Jul-2007, 06:12 PM
Now you tell me! I had the two of them on the same shelf in my bedroom before I got rid of the 30th. Damn...hope they didn't get the chance to breed! The implications are staggering. I may be single handedly responsible for the destruction of all mankind.

You might have to call in a preist to take care of that one dude.

17-Jul-2007, 06:48 PM
In spite of all the warnings, I had the misfortune to rent it.

Wow...just wow. I don't think I could eat a sandwich after watching that.

I suppose the female lead was cute, but that's about the only nice thing I have to say about the film.

darth los
17-Jul-2007, 10:49 PM
In spite of all the warnings, I had the misfortune to rent it.

Wow...just wow. I don't think I could eat a sandwich after watching that.

I suppose the female lead was cute, but that's about the only nice thing I have to say about the film.

If you have to say that you suppose somebody is cute then she probably isn't all that anyway.

19-Jul-2007, 05:17 PM
This film's so bad, if Rosie O'Donnel were in it SHE'D BE CUTE.

(sorry, my bad version of a "Your Fat Momma" joke)

19-Jul-2007, 05:48 PM
It is bad.
Very Very Bad.
Friend of mine rented it
and I had the misfortune of
watching a few minutes of it.
My wife and I left, went to
the Dairy Queen and had a Sundea
while the rest of our friends stayed
behind and lived through Day2.
When we returned, several friends
had to be admitted to the hospital J/K
But it was close to being that bad

darth los
19-Jul-2007, 06:35 PM
They should dump all the copies of that film in a land film right next to all those old e.t. games from the atari 2600.

20-Jul-2007, 06:52 PM
They should dump all the copies of that film in a land film right next to all those old e.t. games from the atari 2600.

Along with the director! if you can call him that!

20-Jul-2007, 07:05 PM
[QUOTE=EvilNed;103511]Watching the end now.[QUOTE]

You actually made it to the end of this crap?

darth los
20-Jul-2007, 07:24 PM
That's a testament to his stamina and fortitude. I don't think i could ever sit through it. I don't even know how the bastard ends.

20-Jul-2007, 08:05 PM
That's a testament to his stamina and fortitude. I don't think i could ever sit through it. I don't even know how the bastard ends.

Probably with the director on skid row eating his own nut sack!

darth los
20-Jul-2007, 08:10 PM
Probably with the director on skid row eating his own nut sack!


Well, that's the hardest i laughed all day. You've done it agin db. Thnx. :D

20-Jul-2007, 09:14 PM

Well, that's the hardest i laughed all day. You've done it agin db. Thnx. :D

No problemo!

darth los
20-Jul-2007, 11:52 PM
Just download it.

Is there any other way?:D