View Full Version : Torture Porn

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 03:02 AM
This is an interesting article about the wave of gratuitous gore films released in recent years.


14-Jul-2007, 03:05 AM
your title piqued my interest..thought you were into that stuff for a min...torture porn and snuff films..cus you know...seeing a chick get her guts ripped out while a guy f*cks her small intestine is sexy as hell.

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 03:12 AM
your title piqued my interest..thought you were into that stuff for a min...torture porn and snuff films..cus you know...seeing a chick get her guts ripped out while a guy f*cks her small intestine is sexy as hell.

lmfao!! uh, who told you that. I swear it was a pop up !! :shifty:

14-Jul-2007, 03:23 AM
yea, something popped up when you saw that naked chick eating a live kitten.

14-Jul-2007, 03:26 AM
first off lol.

second, eww!, but yeah its funny that i dont like any of those films and ive never been a gore fan really. torture porn sounds like a good term for em since you gotta get off on this stuff to find the likes of hostels 2 and saw 3 entertaining.

i think ill stick to plots and cahracter development in my movies thanks.

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 03:59 AM
first off lol.

second, eww!, but yeah its funny that i dont like any of those films and ive never been a gore fan really. torture porn sounds like a good term for em since you gotta get off on this stuff to find the likes of hostels 2 and saw 3 entertaining.

i think ill stick to plots and cahracter development in my movies thanks.

The scary part is that there's actually a market out there for this stuff nowdays. Unfortunately it looks as if character development is a lost art. Then we wonder why all the teens have run amok. If you bust the people who go and see these things i'll bet that crime drops 20%.

14-Jul-2007, 04:02 AM
i wouldnt say it makes people violent, its just cheap excuses to make movies, rather than go into a deep plot with twists and turns, why dop you think all the movies people love like back to the future, the breakfast club, star wars or clerks or anything are at least ten years old? people will pay nowadays to whatch this ****e instead, and its a real sad state of affairs for the industry.

14-Jul-2007, 04:04 AM
I am still stuck on actual torture porn and snuff films...ican't believe people actually get off on that kinda stuff....like GAWD.
why oh why must people fap to one who has died?

14-Jul-2007, 04:07 AM
for the same reason a dog will screw a table leg, animals have some screwed up instincts when it comes to doin' the monster mash:lol:

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 04:08 AM
I feel like the "i want everything now" culture we live in has contributed to the lack of attention span that audiences today lack to sit through a film with a great story and character development. Think about it, everything we want to know is at our fingertips, just a couple of clicks away. Everything we eat or use is either instant or disposable. We can't even wait till' we get home to handle pressing business. We have to do it on the train or bus so that everyone is privvy to intimate details about our lives while we yak into our cell phones. Nobody wants to wait for anything anymore.

14-Jul-2007, 10:38 AM
I dig SAW 1 and 3, Hostel 1 is a masterpiece when compared to Hostel 2, which has moments of good gore, but is such a pile of penis. I was flabbergasted that Total Film gave it just a high score, we must have seen a completely different film! :eek:

14-Jul-2007, 12:59 PM
My mother always said I was 'sick' but hey I enjoy torture porn lol... not snuff 8mm films but movies like Hostel and Turistas. Regardless of character development I enjoy the films because if nothing else... you see people true colors shine in dangerous situations. Like does your long time boyfriend make a noise so the killers will focus on him and give you time to make a run for it? Does your brother come back to save you once you've been abducted and taken hostage by sex hungry maniacs who are going to use you and then take your organs? Or is your BFF going to screw everyone by sobbing so loud she gives away your location? I just enjoy 'em and body parts dont scare me. I used to spend free time in my dads office flipping through patient records looking at some sweet inner organ photos that frankly are disgusting but neat none-the-less. I know i'm totally in the minority on this one because hey ... when I ask people to go to these movies with me they're usually like euw gross. But hey I dont see anything wrong with it. I'm not murder hungry and I dont get aroused by watching it. I just think its fun to watch and guess who's gonna make it and who's gonna end up killing (indirectly or directly) who. Its like any other horror movie to me even if it lacks script and substance because ay... that's what I grew up watching. Friday the 13th and Halloween movies with hints of Hills Have Eyes here and Zombies there.

Personally movies I find deplorable and disgusting are romatic cuddly wuddly comedies... I mean come on... they're all the same... but then I guess that could be said for horror flicks in general. Naturally a few stand out in a lineup but hey... they can't all be oscar winners

darth los
14-Jul-2007, 02:53 PM
I am still stuck on actual torture porn and snuff films...ican't believe people actually get off on that kinda stuff....like GAWD.
why oh why must people fap to one who has died?

I beleive you're thinking about necrophelia. :p

they can't all be oscar winners

Personally, I'd settle for just one. :(

14-Jul-2007, 03:09 PM
We're talking about horror movies like SAW 3 and Hostel, MJCA...not actual porn.

And as for extreme porn - the sort of stuff the facistic Labour gubment here in the UK is seeking to make a criminal act to own, much to the consternation of the majority of respondents to the official consultation - if people dig some domination or a bit of pain, then fine whatever, it's their business and not mine, as long as nobody is forced to do anything they don't want to do, then who gives a rat's ass and who should be allowed to dictate whether they can or can't?

Also, many people into things like domination and submission enjoy the acts and the pain experienced - which to them is pleasurable - but quite often they're not popping a boner or whacking off at the same time...like a sexual act minus the sex.

"Torture Porn", in the current and common use of the phrase, means horror movies that are just all about extreme and disgusting violence being inflicted upon the protagonists.

Such movies come about in times of extreme material being seen everyday on the news, you see these photos of prisoners being tortured in these detention facilities - well, this is mankind's way of dealing with it, injecting it into a movie, taking some gross and disgusting, and playing out in a false manner. Nobody is hurt, it's all fake, and you can switch off/walk out whenever you want.

Same thing happened with vietnam, many violent movies immediately after that period were referencing the conflict and responding to the hideous - real life - images that were being pumped across the boob tube. Last House on the Left for instance.

I think people should be more worried about how many news reports and tv shows contain real life crime and violence and exploit it for ratings, rather than a silly little horror film where it's all faked - the viewer even gets to see how the illusion is carried out on the DVDs.

Violence is within every single human being, like it or f*cking lump it, and the default way of dealing with the violence within, in a safe and controlled manner, is through music, movies, games, activities and so on.


And yes, sexual arousal to the deceased (real or role-played) is necrophilia.

15-Jul-2007, 03:56 AM
well yes, but there is an underground "loving" for movies like that. Torture porn isn't just hollywood movies like hostel, it's basement films done by some sick f*cks.

15-Jul-2007, 07:10 AM
yeah the leonard lake and charles ng home movies are torture porn but I dont enjoy seeing people ACTUALLY get hurt... if I did I'd be a war photographer or serial killer

15-Jul-2007, 10:39 AM
Well it's now getting confused with real videos here, in this Lake/Ng case that's real serial killers taping their crimes for their own private sick pleasures of reviewing their crimes.

There are indie films like August Underground, which would rest in the "torture porn" category, if you really wanna use that new genre 'name' to class such films, it's just a horror film - or a "gore" film, where the central focus is the gore - which, by the way, are certainly nothing new. They come in waves, often related to the horrors shown and expressed in real life outlets like the news, or in conflicts like Vietnam or now Iraq.

I'd imagine people would watch such a gore film because:

1) Normal horror films don't properly scare anymore, they might creep you out, but quite often they're not scary at all. It's very rare to get creeped the hell out - certainly the case with horror aficionados.

2) Simple curiosity - you hear about some film being "sick and twisted" and you go "hmmm...really now? Yeah right..." It's the reason I would check out August Underground, but it's banned in the UK as far as I'm aware...certainly completely unavailable.

Such films are manufactured, they're fake, the viewer knows they're fake - hell, the distributed DVD shows you how they're made to give the viewer scares and chills. There's a vast, yawning chasm between such films and the real video recordings of psychotic serial killers in real life, which are not distributed. Those are 'normal crimes' played out in front of a recording camera for the 'reviewing pleasure' of the perp(s) alone.

15-Jul-2007, 06:36 PM
Or some people watch them to get ideas on how to torture people or to simply trade notes... for instance... I might think a 'really sick' torture porn would show someone peeling a person like a cucumber... but have yet to see it... however there's some intriguing ways of tortuing people in these films like we see in Hostel. I think Hostel affected people in a new way because it suggests if you hated someone so bad how would you torture them. Whereas other torture pornos seem to be vengeance oriented or serial killer motivated.

15-Jul-2007, 07:08 PM
I really like The Devils Rejects amd i think it is different to the other films mentioned as it does have characters, is well made and has some decent actors in it. I dont mind the Saw films beacsue i can accept them for what they are. As for the Hostel films....don't get me started! I was watching Cabin Fever on TV last week so at least i can relate to the 'characters' that are being tortured in the Hostel films. I am not sure how many people realise that Eli Roth started his career at Troma Films (Has he ever left?). It is worth noting that when Troma released Bloodsucking Freaks on DVD Eli Roth did the commentary. Bloodsucking Freaks (or the Incredible Torture Show as it is also known) is an early (the original?) torture porn movie and it is clear when you watch it that Roth was a big fan. The Hostel films are basically BSF with a budget and worse acting :p

"If possible Sir.. only.. if.. possible"

15-Jul-2007, 07:43 PM
I used to be a fan of gore (teenage phase i think) but i really cant stand all these recent sicko films,they just turn my stomach & they are actually all rubbish films as well in my opinion!ok they are well made as far as special effects & camera work goes,but i dont enjoy them.

15-Jul-2007, 09:48 PM
I really don't think The Devil's Rejects is "torture porn" (god that term is really starting to piss me off, it's childish and tabloidal to be honest...and rather dismissive). TDR is a slasher-road-movie, it's about the three killers, not the victim's suffering.

SAW was people trapped in a situation suffering very little torture beyond mental anguish, and the worst bit was a dude hacking off his own foot in sheer desperation to escape. Otherwise a dude got his head bashed in with a bog-lid, that's anger/defense.

SAW II - cack-handed, bunch of idiots meander around a house and get into some icky scrapes, the worst bit is the dude at the beginning who has to try and cut out his own eye, but he doesn't even do it, that's the most torture-focussed part really.

SAW III - far more focus on the deaths, stepping it up a notch, but I personally dug it far more than #2, because the film was rounding them all off and linking back to the previous two films.

Really, Hostel 1 and 2 are the two films most focussed specifically on torture...and the box office for the second film speaks volumes, people don't just want to see people hurt, they want at least a decent stab at a quality product in the process, not a rushed script that's cack-handedly transported to the big screen.

I find it rather silly that anyone (not pointing fingers at folk here, I'm saying generally) could consider what we see in these sort of films so sickening, yet just look back through horror cinema in the last 35 years.

Last House on the Left:

* The original script would be 100 times worse than anything dreamt up today.
* In the actual film the style is 100% documentary aesthetic, this makes it feel real. SAW, for example, is NIN-style gritty metal blaring to insanely fast editing and camerawork ... not exactly realism.
* Two girls are humiliated continuously for a considerable portion of the film, they're raped, they're stabbed, shot, hacked at and one is disembowled.
* A dude get's his cock bitten off.
* The same dude has a dream in which he's tied down and is tortured, including have his front teeth chiselled out - though we cut before we see it - still, the shock is there.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre:

* Sally endures a solid half hour of personal, focussed terror and torture, she screams for her life when not out cold, she's subjected to unimaginable mental torture and is almost executed like cattle. Her back is sliced to ribbons as she escapes and she's left an emotional cripple drenched in blood from head to toe.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2:

*The mental terror is all-but gone, replaced with gallons of blood and detailed, gory glimpses at skin flailing.

Then there's the slasher genre throughout the 1980's, especially the first half. A constant onslaught of murder and mayhem, limbs fly off, heads cut off, blood gushes and so forth.

I Spit On Your Grave:

* A woman is stalked and raped THREE TIMES IN A ROW, each more graphic than the predecessor, she is a bloody, beaten and naked heap by the end of her (and our) ordeal. She then goes about getting her revenge, which involves slicing off a dude's cock before blood gushes forth like a geiser.

So to think horror movies now are sicker than before? Pfft, infantile. The audiences of today have seen the horror flicks from before, so they've had that, so these days things are a little bit more intense.

But come on, you won't see anything in a horror movie or *puts on condescending voice* "torture porno" as sick, depraved and disgusting as the real sick sh*t you'll find on sites like Rotten.

And finally, there's a vast, yawning chasm between desensitisation to horror movie violence and desensitisation to real life violence, the two are so far removed it's untold.

And finally (part two), as long as the news continues to show more and more distressing REAL LIFE footage, and continues to cast doom and terror down upon us, then horror films are going to have to keep getting more and more graphic and more and more 'twisted'. The idea is to make the movies appear to be worse than the news to keep some semblance of calm within the viewing public, who are able to express their everyday fears and frights in a safe, controlled environment that they ultimately know is completely fake and nobody actually got hurt.

On the news - people really did die, and in horrible ways.

15-Jul-2007, 11:03 PM
Right On, MZ. I agreee totally.

Mother Day was another one of those. I went to see that with my mom (!!!!) when I was a kid without knowing what is was. We left pretty quickly:eek::eek::eek:

Btw, I spit on your Grave was directed by a woman. And despite her protestations, its is STILL a misogynist film as bad or worse than many others

16-Jul-2007, 05:45 AM
mz's kidna proved what i was gonna say, back in the day the woman cut the dudes cock off for revenge and retribution, there was reason behind the gore.
modern films like saw and hostel sell on the gore itself, and its just an incredibly cheap marketing ploy, theres no reason for the gore other than it being gorey. to be honest im petty desensitised and dont find it sick, well not in the obscene way, i do fnid it sick that these driectors get away with making a few mil from a piece of crap liek this than actually making a film.

16-Jul-2007, 10:41 AM
Hmmm...I wouldn't be so dismissive of the genre for directors. It is a great calling card, especially business wise - which is ultimately what you have to show for yourself in order to get ahead - "I can make you money", that's what the suits want. You can do what you want pretty much, as long as it makes the Weinstein's or whomever some cash.

Such films are great proving grounds for first time directors, the horror genre in general is as well. You can go wild and let all the chaos out before tightening down and moving onto others thing if you so wish ... mind you, DLB (Saw 2 through 4) doesn't seem to be bothered about moving on. :rockbrow: Meanwhile James Wan (Saw 1) is about to direct a flick with Kevin Bacon.

One of the key points of these movies is the gore, and in this day and age you've gotta be graphic to keep ahead of the crap you can google up on t'internet.

Films are often written to express what is within the writer, if there's a lot of fear, anger, frustration and so on...you're going to end up with a film such as SAW or whatever, mind you, the SAW guys took their idea on as a way of making a great calling card while having fun at the same time.

I think the gore film is just as valid as any other horror sub genre, I mean look at slasher flicks - what's the point in them? Sexy people get sexy with each other, then they get sliced up by a dude in a mask...

Just because you don't personally like it, doesn't mean it's a load of bollocks.

darth los
16-Jul-2007, 04:42 PM
I used to be a fan of gore (teenage phase i think) but i really cant stand all these recent sicko films,they just turn my stomach & they are actually all rubbish films as well in my opinion!ok they are well made as far as special effects & camera work goes,but i dont enjoy them.

i think it's because back in the day it was tastefully done, if there is such a thing. Any gore was kinda nescesary as it contributed to the story. Now we have gore with no purpose to it. It's all gratuitous and the main focus of the movie. You wouldn't even know that there was a plot.

17-Jul-2007, 10:19 AM
Hmmm...I wouldn't say gore films from back in the day were suddenly restrained with their gore...and plot development? Look at a flick like Story of Ricky, it's a bloke in prison who fights a bunch of people and that's about it, yet it's filled with gore.

Cannibal Holocaust is one of the few gore films which actually punches above it's weight, I've only stomached it once, but I remember being distinctly impressed with what the movie was trying to say. But that was a rare case...most of the time the gore is there because they're "gore movies"...like musicals should/must feature song and dance numbers, or chick flicks have to have a scene with a girl getting jipped by a guy and then she curls up on the sofa with ice cream and talks on the phone with her BFF/gay man BFF who insists on coming over to have a heart-to-heart with them before watching some classic chick flick within their own chick flick...:lol: