View Full Version : Zodiac...

16-Jul-2007, 03:58 PM
Okay, so I checked this film out finally yesterday and, to put a Kevin Smith stylee spin on it, 'I dug this film in a big, bad way'.

I loved it. While Fincher's visual style was more or less restrained throughout (to suit the content), there were moments where you could feel it (mind you the CGI exterior shots did seem a tad videogamey to me, not life-like enough...kinda odd).

But that was my only single, minor dinky little ickle gripe (those CGI set-up city shots). The film was absolutely fascinating and didn't drag at all through the 2 hours and 35 minutes running time, I just sat there and watched the whole thing from start to finish without once glancing at my watch.

The performances were great, Gyllenhaal was especially great. A really compelling film, it's obvious that a lot of personal obsession and research went into this project from Fincher himself, it really shows. It's the be-all and end-all Zodiac movie, nuff said.

Highly recommended for Fincher fans and for fans of films heavily based on the protagonists and characterisation, a cracking film, I look forward to the (no doubt coming) bumper edition DVD (2 or 3 discs, a la Fight Club or Panic Room), rather than the current bare-bones piss-all-extras release that's out there now.

When the bumper DVD is out, I'm ditching the dough on it no questions asked. :cool::thumbsup:

Glad to see quality and thoughtful filmmaking is still very much alive amidst the onslaught of remakes and dumb-dumb flicks.

16-Jul-2007, 04:45 PM
I'm actually planning to watch this tonight. Fincher is the sh*t.

I just found out that there's a director's cut being released in 2008. This is of course Region 1, but I imagine it'll will also be released over there. These are the features:

audio commentary by David Fincher, actors Jake Gyllenhaal and Robert Downey, Jr., screenwriter James Vanderbilt, producer Brad Fischer and crime novelist James Ellroy, extensive behind-the-scenes featurettes detailing the production from start to finish, and an in-depth look at the actual Zodiac crimes, including all-new interviews with the original investigators and survivors.

17-Jul-2007, 10:02 AM
there's a director's cut being released in 2008

I funking knew it, glad I didn't buy the DVD yet, hehe. I'll totally be picking up that DVD, *fingers crossed for Panic Room style 3-disc bumper edition*. I'm so buying that, but damn, 2008?!

17-Jul-2007, 07:09 PM
I loved Zodiac. I could have watched another hour of the story - the characters were so interesting and the unfolding of the facts was compelling.

The fact that it was shot digitally was also pretty cool.


17-Jul-2007, 09:20 PM
Ahhh...it was shot digital was it? No film at all...nyaaaaahhhh...I thought it looked a little different, but it didn't look anything like the usual film shot in digital you see ... hmmm ... the equipment gets better and better. There was the odd shot that looked digital to me, but I didn't know the whole film was, I thought it was film-film...hence my confusion at the time, and eventual shrug-off.

Great film though, superbly crafted characters. I can't wait for the bumper DVD.

18-Jul-2007, 12:42 PM
Man....Fincher is my hero. I'm beginning to think that the man can do no wrong. He hasn't made a BAD film yet. Did you guys get a slight "Seven" vibe when watching this? Something about the design of the flick did it for me. And, I imagine the investigation stuff probably helped.:cool:

Why the f*ck do we have to wait until 2008 before we get the special features and commentary?!?:mad:

18-Jul-2007, 01:34 PM
I know! I would have thought November/December at the latest for the monster DVD, weirdness.

Nah, didn't really get a Se7en vibe whatsoever, it's a very different film, more about the people than the crimes...

Bloody marvelous film though.