View Full Version : Uh oh ...flesh eating virus... i'll include picture link kinda grody

19-Jul-2007, 06:14 PM

That's kinda crazy and scary because I tend to have a lot of open wounds somewhere just cos I play rough but yeah... eeeeuuuuw

picture link below...


darth los
19-Jul-2007, 06:59 PM
To quote steel, "HOLY FU**ING SH8T!!! :eek:

What's really scary is unprepared doctor's who don't know what they're looking at when you walk in with your foot hanging by a thread of meat and misdiagnose you.

19-Jul-2007, 07:04 PM
True but there's a lot of diseases and infections that doctors can't diagnose... it can take a long time for them to find out what you have in many cases and that doesn't mean they'll be right or that any traetment will work... which is what's so scary about medicine...

for this and further grossly disgusting stories stay tuned to me... or tune into your local discovery medicine channel's mystery diagnosis

darth los
19-Jul-2007, 07:10 PM
I was just alluding to the fact that it can be just as dangerous to have doctor's treating you for something that they don't know the first thing about. Alot of these drugs are worse than the diseases they're trying to treat.

20-Jul-2007, 12:21 AM

That pic...

It is scary though, i mean, like you said, docters can't diagnose everything, but could misdiagnose it and potentially make it worse.

20-Jul-2007, 12:44 AM
I don't even want to click on the link. XD

Now I'll get the shivers riding the subway to the office...

20-Jul-2007, 12:51 AM
I really didnt think the link was all that gross.......so many more gross pictures when it comes to diseases and what not....

darth los
20-Jul-2007, 03:12 AM
The smell that must have been coming from those infections must have been unbearable. :dead:

20-Jul-2007, 03:41 PM
I like grody pictures but that one kinda looked like someone took a chunk outta his leg and it began to die... zombie anyone?

Here's another nifty one I found doing some research... though not on a flesh eating virus...


darth los
20-Jul-2007, 05:17 PM
zombie anyone?


I hadn't thought of that. It's probaly a good representation of the kind of rot that goes on with a ghoul after a while.

20-Jul-2007, 07:26 PM
a lot of heroin addicts get this.necrosing something or another.:(

darth los
21-Jul-2007, 01:58 AM
a lot of heroin addicts get this.necrosing something or another.:(

That must be some good stuff for you're freakin' toes to be falling off and all you can think about is your next hit.

21-Jul-2007, 09:11 AM
it depends on what the smack was/is cut with,a few years ago heroin addicts were getting this due to the dealers hiding there gear in mud.:eek:

21-Jul-2007, 11:07 AM

I was watching Seinfeld and Elaine was spending time with a elderly woman with a goiter and I wondered gee wots that? :rockbrow:

21-Jul-2007, 05:32 PM
Necrotizing Fasceitis ...

darth los
21-Jul-2007, 06:15 PM
Necrotizing Fasceitis ...

I agree with that. Alot of rare diseases and other unsusual ailments have probably always been around but we just hear about it much more frequently now because the world has been made smaller by today's technology.

21-Jul-2007, 09:00 PM
Indeed but we still dont hear about things enough. And even then ...and even with todays accessibility to news and current events people still dont read them or hear enough about them. I'm often amazed people can get jobs in todays day and age since none of them read the paper how are they ever to know where to find the jobs? And then I realize... online. But even still... how do they know the name of their local paper when they've never read it. I'm not kidding either no matter where I lived with the exception of the lake in Canada a good lot of people dont read their local paper or even watch the news. Its concerning to me I'm living in a world of idiots breating my air!

darth los
21-Jul-2007, 10:16 PM
just because they don't read the paper doesn't make them idiots. In fact there's a very good argument for the opposite to be true. There's infinitely more information online.

21-Jul-2007, 11:36 PM
I'm generalizing that people typically dont read the news whether online or in the paper and more specifically pointed out what I see which is that people simply dont keep up with their local newspaper or even watch the news. We are a great big land of ostriches with little time for much beyond work, sleep, work again especially for those with children. In a sense its why they have newspapers... to summarize current events locally and nation wide just for you! But if no one reads them whether online or in a paper I myself personally feel that they're idiots and doing themselves and their family a disservice.

darth los
22-Jul-2007, 03:25 AM
I'm generalizing that people typically dont read the news whether online or in the paper and more specifically pointed out what I see which is that people simply dont keep up with their local newspaper or even watch the news. We are a great big land of ostriches with little time for much beyond work, sleep, work again especially for those with children. In a sense its why they have newspapers... to summarize current events locally and nation wide just for you! But if no one reads them whether online or in a paper I myself personally feel that they're idiots and doing themselves and their family a disservice.

That's definitely true for some people but i'm horified to say that i know quite a few that actually choose not to watch the news, read the paper or otherwise keep themselves aprised about what's going on in the world. I'm a political junkie and they look at me like i'm crazy, like "why the hell would you want to know all that stuff?" I feel sad for them. That's what's wrong with this country now. No ones paying attention while our elected officials keep putting us deeper and deeper into trouble.

23-Jul-2007, 02:55 AM
That's definitely true for some people but i'm horified to say that i know quite a few that actually choose not to watch the news, read the paper or otherwise keep themselves aprised about what's going on in the world. I'm a political junkie and they look at me like i'm crazy, like "why the hell would you want to know all that stuff?" I feel sad for them. That's what's wrong with this country now. No ones paying attention while our elected officials keep putting us deeper and deeper into trouble.

Right on the nails head.
That corporate 'man' is a hood ornament for fascism ...
Some just put thier head in the sand and think that because its not in someones back yard, its not to affect whats happening here. The ones coming home are bringing it back too.Its part of thier souls.The ones that are coming back dead are really impacting the people that lost them, sons daughters ... the ripple takes only so long.It will fall apart & I hope we can make it through .
Ever heard of N.I.M.B.Y.? Not in my back yard. Mr Carlin was very eloquent using that .
So about that flesh necro feast:
When this flesh eating bacteria first was noticed , it was before medicine existed . It was thought that it was demons or possession by undead between worlds.
They would remove as much by knife and pour salt on it .

Just kidding , had ya there for sec?

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 03:02 AM
So about that flesh necro feast:
When this flesh eating bacteria first was noticed , it was before medicine existed . It was thought that it was demons or possession by undead between worlds.
They would remove as much by knife and pour salt on it .

Just kidding , had ya there for sec?

You had me there for a sec. In an era where leaches were cures for ailments and whether you were a witch or not was determined by if you floated when they threw you in a lake that doesn't seem that far fetched.

23-Jul-2007, 02:13 PM
technically they still use leeches and maggots for medical purposes... liked the witch thing though... dont forget they thought people who had TB were vampires and dug up their graves to try to proove it... of course the blood and such was a result of the TB and not evidence of vampirism

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 05:07 PM
technically they still use leeches and maggots for medical purposes...

Oh, yeah i know!! I saw them put some maggots in an open wound the other day on tv in order to try and have them eat out the already dead/infected area. Not for the squeamish let me tell you. :barf:

23-Jul-2007, 05:23 PM
Yeah i might rather have the infection spread and give me sepsis than watch maggots eat away at me flesh... ick...

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 05:32 PM
Yeah i might rather have the infection spread and give me sepsis than watch maggots eat away at me flesh... ick...

The lady who was having it done wasn't allowed to actually look at what was happenning. it's probably a good thing too. She might have went into shock or something.

23-Jul-2007, 05:39 PM
was she told what was happening? if my doctor told me he was dropping maggots into my woundage i'd likely bash him over his head with whatevers closest... they'd have to strap me down and sedate me or something...

though its good to note if you ever have a wound and no way of treating it and have a dog nearby let 'em lick the wound... their mouths are cleaner than ours and their saliva can help coagulate the wound... and because blood is rather salty they're naturally attracted to licking your wounds...

if that grosses you out... whenever you go out carry sugar packets and learn to get limber... so if you suffer from a gash or something you can pour sugar over the wound and lick it off...

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 06:18 PM
was she told what was happening? if my doctor told me he was dropping maggots into my woundage i'd likely bash him over his head with whatevers closest... they'd have to strap me down and sedate me or something...

though its good to note if you ever have a wound and no way of treating it and have a dog nearby let 'em lick the wound... their mouths are cleaner than ours and their saliva can help coagulate the wound... and because blood is rather salty they're naturally attracted to licking your wounds...

if that grosses you out... whenever you go out carry sugar packets and learn to get limber... so if you suffer from a gash or something you can pour sugar over the wound and lick it off...

I don't think that it would work with human saliva. I have no idea how it works but i believe hat dogs have bacteria or something in their saliva that we don't and that's why it's so effective in cleaning out wounds. I heard rosy o'donell suggest that it was a good way to cure a baby's diaper rash as well. Although i wouldn't take anything that woman says to heart.

As for the maggot lady, yes she was well aware of what they were doing. It was either that of amputation and possibly death. Great alternatives huh? They had to get her okay before they performed any procedures on her. They just put a partition up. I think she was listening to music at the time.

23-Jul-2007, 06:21 PM
damn i'd go for amputation... i mean i've got spares of everything i have just about!

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 06:25 PM
damn i'd go for amputation... i mean i've got spares of everything i have just about!

I don't know about that. It's very traumatic losing a body part that you've been accustomed to having for your entire life. I'd give it every chance and if in the end there's no other option i guess i'll have to adjust.

23-Jul-2007, 06:27 PM
they say when you amputate people can still feel the limb ...kinda like tickles or itches... shuddersssssssssssssssss just thinking about it :rockbrow:

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 06:33 PM
they say when you amputate people can still feel the limb ...kinda like tickles or itches... shuddersssssssssssssssss just thinking about it :rockbrow:

That's all in the mind. The brain is just used to having it there. It's like when i take my glasses off after a long day. An hour later i can still feel them on my face like i still had them on.

23-Jul-2007, 06:36 PM
or maybe its the ghost of your lost limb.... heee hoooo ha ha ha ha ha (evil laguh) :evil:

23-Jul-2007, 08:50 PM
or maybe its the ghost of your lost limb.... heee hoooo ha ha ha ha ha (evil laguh) :evil:

You're joking of course, but when they were expermenting with Kirellian (sp?) photpgraphy and took pictures of amputees the missing limb was outlined in the picture with light as if it were still there.:D


darth los
23-Jul-2007, 08:56 PM
You're joking of course, but when they were expermenting with Kirellian (sp?) photpgraphy and took pictures of amputees the missing limb was outlined in the picture with light as if it were still there.:D


Any links to these pics? That sounds spooky wierd. :shifty:

23-Jul-2007, 11:41 PM
now you're freaking me out just a little and yet... i'm intrigued...

24-Jul-2007, 03:02 AM
You had me there for a sec. In an era where leaches were cures for ailments and whether you were a witch or not was determined by if you floated when they threw you in a lake that doesn't seem that far fetched.

id have a leech put on my skin to suck the bad blood from a wound if it meant me getting better! or a 'clean' maggot too to eat the bad flesh.

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 03:39 AM
id have a leech put on my skin to suck the bad blood from a wound if it meant me getting better! or a 'clean' maggot too to eat the bad flesh.

Ah, but answer me this: what if the affected area was your unmentionables!?! :stunned:

24-Jul-2007, 09:45 PM
Any links to these pics? That sounds spooky wierd. :shifty:

Did a websearch, found lots or text references, but only saw the pics in a friends old book. Sorry, this is the best I can do so far.



24-Jul-2007, 10:06 PM
thanks for the vid kinda crazy stuff... love the vintage look of the flick

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 11:12 PM
Did a websearch, found lots or text references, but only saw the pics in a friends old book. Sorry, this is the best I can do so far.



Wow!! Cool info. Thnx marie !! :thumbsup:

25-Jul-2007, 03:28 AM
Yep, its right up there with a bite from a brown relcuse spider. Gotta love things that eat your flesh away.