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View Full Version : How do you drive in the rain? Do you drive as usual or?

19-Jul-2007, 06:57 PM
So yesterday it was raining here in Charleston ...kinda slightly heavy... what do you do when it rains and you're driving? I personally drive at a reduced speed because of course its darker outside when its raining and its harder to see and the roads are slick. Coupled with the roads in North Charleston being full of severe potholes and the like it creates quite the dangerous concoction. Well I drove the approx mile and a half to the market and I saw two accidents. One severe one where a car was sideswiped and another one where the car got rear ended. Naturally I stopped to give 'em a business card to say i'll be your witness I saw what happened to all parties involved. On my way home... THREE ACCIDENTS to give my card to. Its riddick. In each case from what I observed people were speeding and couldn't slow fast enough to prevent collisions with those in front... and in the sideswipe case the guy was trying to run an orange light and the guy who got to the green light was driving steadily when it turned green so he dind't have to stop at the light he was coming up to and thus... shabam

So i'm just curios...

are drivers as god awful where you live? how do you drive in the rain?

19-Jul-2007, 08:26 PM
Some of the precautions I take are: reduced speed, headlights on (by law with windshield wipers going), much further space between cars and a greater reluctance to stomp on the brakes, especially when going through what could be deep water (hydroplaning sucks). I drive fairly cautiously in bad weather conditions and prefer not to do heavy (urban, highway or high traffic etc.) driving in rain if it can be helped.

19-Jul-2007, 08:30 PM
See we need more drivers like you... I honestly think that people here actually drive faster in the rain! Not to mention the people that seem to think its 'cool' to drive with your seat reclined so damn far back that they're barely looking over the steering wheel. That was the person who rear ended the second car wreck I saw today. He actually got out of his car to yell and scream at the woman and child he hit but he could barely see over his seat AND he was tailgating.

19-Jul-2007, 08:34 PM
My friend drove me home in the night a few weeks ago. It was pouring rain and it was wet all around. He literally put the pedal to the medal, even though it was pitch dark outside. It was a miracle I survived.

19-Jul-2007, 08:35 PM
praise jesus

19-Jul-2007, 10:19 PM
I usually try not to drive in the rain,
unless I really need to. Visability is
poor, fog and just too damn slippery

20-Jul-2007, 06:29 AM
I slow down when its raining and pay more attention to the people around me as they are usually driving like the people you mentioned.

It's actually worse here when we get the first snow, people seem to forget how to drive in snow and there are usually accidents every couple of miles on the highways. It's all because people think they can pop their SUV in 4 wheel drive and plow through the snow. The same people dont' realize that that SUV is still going to slip and slide and spin on ice just like any other vehicle on the road. Last winter I was driving with my mother in her Mountaineer and she was driving about 5 under because it was snowing pretty hard. We had some jackass in a Jeep Liberty come up behind us really fast, he nearly rear ended us and then layed on his horn as if we were doing something wrong. Then this a$$ cuts into the next lane pulls up beside us rolls down his window and started yelling "YOUR IN A SUV DRIVE LIKE IT!" He deserved a good asskicking, but I just gave him the finger because I am usually a non violent guy. He yelled something back, but I didn't catch it and then the dude sped away, with the tail end of his Jeep fishtailing.

People like that need to be off the road. I hate bad drivers.

20-Jul-2007, 06:48 AM

20-Jul-2007, 09:35 AM
praise jesus

What about Buddah? :D Jesus can't get all the credit, can he?

20-Jul-2007, 10:15 AM
and karma;)

the other day when it was pissin' down i was in a car with a friend ,driving round and island and spun out, full on collin macrey style, almost got hit by and oncoming car, but luckily my freind kept cool and kept on the road ,he said:

"y'all right Danny?"

"no...i think i just felt god for a minute there:barf: ":lol:

20-Jul-2007, 04:13 PM
Yeah people can't drive for dookie in the snow either. And I have had people ream their horn at me and tell me the same drive like you're driving an SUV crap... next thing I know... guy slides off the road and rollsover... where the nice part of me felt like stopping my car I merely called the police.

In Canada... and I'm ont sure if the Canucks will agree... its dangerous just driving on the TransCanada... between West Hawk Lake in Manitoba and Kenora, Ontario its basically one lane on either side and there's a few of those extra mile lanes that allow you to pass the slow traffic... well the semi truck drivers there are satans minions I swear to God... I saw two of them on a rainy night ... one tried to pass the other... the guy being passed got pissed off and sped up... next thing I know they're taking up the whole highway and slamming into each other. Scariest **** ever. I had to pull into a local inn off the highway to call DOT and even then I spent the night because frankly... the semis in Canada drive that way all the time. And they'll ride you within INCHES of your bumper regardless of weather. Of course if they do that I like to ride my brakes and give them the international symbol of annoyance.

People just scare me

darth los
21-Jul-2007, 04:58 AM
It's funny how many of the "extra" precautions people take when in inclement weather are the same things they should be doing when the weather is clear.

21-Jul-2007, 02:58 PM
So i'm just curios...

are drivers as god awful where you live? how do you drive in the rain?

As to the drivers being bad, one word, retirees.

I tend to slow and watch everything like a hawk when it rains. Especially since we get flash thunderstorms like God's own shower:D .


21-Jul-2007, 11:51 PM
You should see my wife on the highway
I'm surprised I'm still alive:rolleyes::rockbrow:

You pass a car, you usually leave a few feet between
you when you pass, not her.
She drives right up to the guy's bumper, is inches
away from it and then darts on by and passes.
It gives me gray hairs everytime:dead:

darth los
22-Jul-2007, 03:28 AM
What about Buddah? :D Jesus can't get all the credit, can he?

As long as he gets equal credit when something bad happens.

23-Jul-2007, 01:28 AM
You should see my wife on the highway
I'm surprised I'm still alive:rolleyes::rockbrow:

You pass a car, you usually leave a few feet between
you when you pass, not her.
She drives right up to the guy's bumper, is inches
away from it and then darts on by and passes.
It gives me gray hairs everytime:dead:

lol... thats funny :D