View Full Version : Anyone know if I can find this?

21-Jul-2007, 03:31 PM
I was wondering if anyone here knows if and/or whether its possible to find out statistics on apartment communities crime and if so where would I be able to locate such information? I know I can go to the city of North Charleston and read up on crime where I live here statistic wise but it doesn't break it down into what area specifically within the city has the biggest crime rate. I'm asking because right now as some may know I'm moving to Austin, Texas and looking up apartments and well some of the reviews I read on websites like apartmentratings.com/apartmentreviews.org a lot of people say that 'x' community has a lot of crime... and I was wondering if they were lying or being honest. So if anyone knows of any sites that might track crimes specifically by apartment community or general vicinity of a city that would be rad!

21-Jul-2007, 05:46 PM
Look up the local newspaper and read the police blotter. Its often broken down by precinct. Here the precincts cover a smaller area so I dont know how helpful it is. If they are posted online you can see the addresses of where the crimes occurred. I have done this.

Checking out an area at night is helpful because thats when the freaks come out.

darth los
21-Jul-2007, 06:17 PM
Look up the local newspaper and read the police blotter. Its often broken down by precinct. Here the precincts cover a smaller area so I dont know how helpful it is. If they are posted online you can see the addresses of where the crimes occurred. I have done this.

Checking out an area at night is helpful because thats when the freaks come out.

Whatever you do DO NOT TRUST A REALTOR!! They would say anything to close a sale. Trust me. One of my professors is a real estate attorney and she has told me some stories. :dead:

21-Jul-2007, 08:56 PM
Oh believe you me I'd never trust a realtor. When I sold my cabin to buy another one the two realtors I entrusted not to screw me totally effed me over bigtime. They were working for me and the person they sold my cabin to who happened to have been a longtime friend of theirs and kept haggling me down and pressuring me into it saying I'd have no hope in hell for selling it at a reasonable price. Eventually when we agreed to a price they then screwed me out of my move-out date over which we simply had a verbal contract and actually tried to force me out. Fortunately by then I stood up and told them eff no bug off. But taught me a major lesson about a realtor... dont trust the person who works both ends of any deal when one person is a friend and you're not that person.

Thanks for the tip coma i'll look for a police blotter.

darth los
22-Jul-2007, 03:31 AM
Oh believe you me I'd never trust a realtor. When I sold my cabin to buy another one the two realtors I entrusted not to screw me totally effed me over bigtime. They were working for me and the person they sold my cabin to who happened to have been a longtime friend of theirs and kept haggling me down and pressuring me into it saying I'd have no hope in hell for selling it at a reasonable price. Eventually when we agreed to a price they then screwed me out of my move-out date over which we simply had a verbal contract and actually tried to force me out. Fortunately by then I stood up and told them eff no bug off. But taught me a major lesson about a realtor... dont trust the person who works both ends of any deal when one person is a friend and you're not that person.

Thanks for the tip coma i'll look for a police blotter.

That's a major conflict of interest and is not only unethical but it could also be illegal if they didn't tell you that you could have gotten your own independant counsel to represent you in the transaction. I would look into that. Not to spite them but to show them how it feels to get screwed over.

22-Jul-2007, 04:59 AM
i get lucky and ask people that live there about crime and junk so i dont move into a crappy neighborhood

23-Jul-2007, 01:55 AM
That's a major conflict of interest and is not only unethical but it could also be illegal if they didn't tell you that you could have gotten your own independant counsel to represent you in the transaction. I would look into that. Not to spite them but to show them how it feels to get screwed over.

Hey i'm spiteful but the thing is its a small town and I'd hate to be the town bitch for having it investigated or whatever. They're 40 and have lived there since birth i'm 24 and have lived there since birth and while most everyone in town loves me... they're best friends with those two guys. I'd hate to jeopardise friendships and worse i'd hate to have to move my summer haven because the town might turn on me. I did talk to a few people in town about how they bent me over and screwed me which was actually how I found out they were friends with the people who bought the cabin but I'm trying to focus my energies on positive things. I keep hearing the best revenge is to live well. And well... I use the other town realtor for my dealings now which is great cos he's cool and his son is me buddy.

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 01:59 AM
If standing up for yourself and righting a wrong perpetrated against you causes people not to want to associate with you than they're not worth knowing anyway. I didn't think that you'd let a little thing like the approval of otheres get in your way if you really want to do something. You must not really want to do it.

23-Jul-2007, 02:04 AM
There is but one place my mom loves... and that is this lake... for 52 years she had been going there and for 52 years for 51 years she wanted a lakeside cabin but couldn't afford one not to mention how hard to come by they are (someone literally has to die to free one up)... so forgive me if I want to let her enjoy the cabin I got on the lake she loves where her family is buried and set my personal feelings aside...

I agree though they may well not be worth befriending

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 02:11 AM
You keep talking about a cabin. Is it a log cabin? That would rock.

23-Jul-2007, 02:14 AM
Hell no I hate log cabins... its technically a cottage... very primitive but i've put a lot of work into it... its a source of pride for me to be able to see something you've worked on ...

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 02:18 AM
Hell no I hate log cabins... its technically a cottage... very primitive but i've put a lot of work into it... its a source of pride for me to be able to see something you've worked on ...

Everytime i hear log cabin i thin of the syrup for some reason.:confused:

It's cool that you're good with your hands though. Other women could learn alot from that.

23-Jul-2007, 02:23 AM
funny... very funny... :lol::lol::lol::lol: