View Full Version : K, so ive seen transfromers...

22-Jul-2007, 08:40 AM
well i caught a preview showing yesterday.


-F.U guys that didnt like it i thought it rocked!

Its easily the best action film that i have seen in a good long time, i whent with a few freinds, none of them transformers fans and they all loved it, one said "like black hawk down with giant robots":lol:
I think after reading the reviews online i went in expecting a horrible adaption and was really surprised by the film and a lot of the faults were jsut bitching, like the whole "optimus prime says my bad" bitch doing the rounds, its not even prime that says it its jazz or iron hide when they stand on the patio and crush the slabs, you can see prime on the other side of the garden not moving, so why would he be the one to say my bad and not the one who jsut then destoryed the garden?, and a lot of people just whent in with one thing in there minds "its a meichal bay movie" and just wouldnt give it a chance, they were adamant what it was going to be from start to finish.

But as for my view i really enjoyed it, granted it is the kind of movie were you can go for a pee ,come back, adn not mis a bit of story ,and there was a few moments liek the girls saying, surprise, surprise that she is in love with lebouf's character, ...and devastator was a single decepticon, not a group robot formed from the constructacons.
But these are jsut the little gripes, the only major one that was bugging me at teh end was the fact that the cube transformed a car, a soda machine adn a xbox 360 into those replicon things ,you see them start to go nuts and thats the end of it, you dont see what happens to these new robots by the end there jsut forgotten.
Story wise this was a total notsalgia fest for old school transformers fans, all the little lines like "like us, these humans are more than meets the eye" or "this is it megatron, one shall stand, one shall fall", or of course the good ole' "AUTOBOTS, ROLLOUT!" were done in a way that normally ,even if for a second he story would stop just as a kind of "did you get that!?!" type moment but ehre all the references were done as part of the script adn taken as such and pulle doff in a really entertaining way.
acting wise the characters were allright, 'cept fro the girl she was pretty much "rely on her looks adn forget her soap opra level acting ability" lebouf really did a decent job as the lead, much more so than i was expecting. as for the transormers, great to see cullen back as prime but hugo weaveing just wasnt what i expected. I wanted to hear a more agent smith type " mr anderson, welcome back...weee missed you!" rather than this voice distortion which just sounded cheap.
The effects were straight up bitching, yes officially the first time i have enjoyed CGI over anamatronics or puppetry and it just couldnt have been done any other way, though if you didnt like transformers you wouldnt appreciate all of it, like primes protoform looking like it did in the odl series like beast wars and the whole war on cybertron, here it wasnt described as a civil war but more "oh there bad, were good and we fight" so...yeah.

Overall it wasnt epic, but i whent in not expecting it to be, adn as such was realy surprised by how good it is and i can really recommend it, i saw die hard 4 afterwards and i can honestly say that Transformers is a superior action film than die hard 4.

...yeah i was surprised to.
So if your an old school fan or jsut looking for a Decent summer sci-fi action fest i recommend transformers whole heartidly, id give it a solid 8.5 out of ten:cool:

22-Jul-2007, 11:35 AM
It was Prime that said "My Bad" :D:mad::evil:

22-Jul-2007, 04:47 PM
Yep, I went to a preview in Newcastle and I've gotta say, I f***ing love this film...

I still think the animated film is better though

22-Jul-2007, 10:12 PM
Again I'll reiterate, I had my doubts going in, but I liked it and haven't talked to anyone in the real world who didn't enjoy it.

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 06:45 AM
I was suprised to see that it clocked in at 2 hrs. 13 minutes. Crappy movies usually aren't that long.

23-Jul-2007, 07:19 AM
the males phermone levels indicate he wants to mate with the female :lol:

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 04:36 PM
Talk about embarrassing. :o

24-Jul-2007, 01:18 AM
Talk about embarrassing. :o

if i was sam, i woulda been there smiling

24-Jul-2007, 02:34 AM
hellsing, prime did say my bad....

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 02:46 AM
hellsing, prime did say my bad....

Doncha just love when the mainstream catches on to slang like 5 years after it comes out.? :rolleyes:

24-Jul-2007, 02:56 AM
heh, i know what u mean...

i thought they picked the most annoying guy to play as...ladiesman dude guy..sam..thats right...

24-Jul-2007, 02:48 PM
I thought it kicked ass. My favourite shot was when Ironhide leaped across the screen in slowmotion, morphing in air into a robot while aiming for the tank-robot. That shot was just golden. Pure ace-action and beautiful.

I thought the plot itself focused a bit too much on the HUMANS rather than the TRANSFORMERS (which is the title of the film), but hey. There's always a sequel.

24-Jul-2007, 02:57 PM
uh-huh, i stayed till the end expecting to see unicron picking up primes transmision or finding starscream.

-and bay gets a lot of bad press but the dude who played the secretary of defence in this gave it a good spin he said "bays like a comic book artist whos discovered film, and thats how he makes a movie".

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 05:20 PM
I feel sorry for soundwave. :( He has to be the most obselete transformer. They should remake him as an i pod.

24-Jul-2007, 05:26 PM
there was that purple one that was a telescope.

what a pussy.:rolleyes: :lol:

-OH and preceptor, how in gods name is a microscope the size of shaq a "robot in desguise"?!?

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 05:28 PM
I don't recall his name. Do you remember it? My favs were the constructocons and dinobots. Probably because the joined to for voltron like super robots, which is like my fav cartoon ever.

24-Jul-2007, 07:25 PM
Soundwave did return as a stealth bomber (http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/Soundwave_%28Cybertron%29)
And Shockwave (purple, one eye, maintained Cybertron in cartoon, siezed Decepticon leadership in comic) was in the movie video game (http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/Shockwave_%28Movie%29).

27-Jul-2007, 02:00 AM
can anyone sum up what the big deal with transformers is?

the toys were cool, but honestly, how am i supposed to take it seriously as a concept for a non animated movie? it looks like it takes itself pretty seriously

29-Jul-2007, 08:12 PM
It was a blast!
Fave parts:
- Barricade interrogating Sam
- Starscream taking out the F22s.
- Scorponok attacking the marines and one trying to call in a airstrike but dealing with a Indian operator about the phone credit.
- Frenzy infiltrating Airforce One and taking out the SS.
- Sam dealing with his parents and the Autobots impateintly waiting for him outside.

Bad points
- the camera during the action scenes it would have been okay if not for the overly complex designs of the transformers, I couldnt make out what parts were taking a pounding
- the voices of the transformers, they really should have lost the mechanical tones.

29-Jul-2007, 10:16 PM
This is one of the only movies I had to FORCE myself to stay seated in the theatre for. I really had to stop myself from getting up and walking out on this piece of junk after only about 45 mins to an hour into the film (and it's 2 and a half hours long).

The robot battles were cool but they were few and far between. I'd say out of the 2.5 hours you probably only get like 15-20 mins of robots battling. It was a movie geared toward teenie boppers with horrible acting, bad dialogue, and lame jokes.

29-Jul-2007, 10:46 PM
i take it you didn't have mikes happy time then?

27-Oct-2008, 03:39 AM
NOBODY should have any sort of happy time with shia lebarf. dude's mental for being in this movie... couldn't. be. worse. I just know that the originators in Japan are laughing at us stupid Americans for this.

27-Oct-2008, 10:53 AM
I take it you've recently seen this film? Why not just post your own thoughts on it in a totally new thread along the lines of 'I finally saw Transformers ... oh dear' or whatever, rather than resurrecting not one, but two really old Transformer movie threads?

We've had this happening a bit recently with some other members, and like we've said then, if you've got something new, fresh, meaty and interesting to add to an old, long dead thread, then by all means resurrect it.

Otherwise just leave it be, or even use the shoutbox if the opinion to be expressed is quick.

27-Oct-2008, 01:46 PM
NOBODY should have any sort of happy time with shia lebarf. dude's mental for being in this movie... couldn't. be. worse. I just know that the originators in Japan are laughing at us stupid Americans for this.

Ahem... my turn.


28-Oct-2008, 09:51 AM
One reason why this movie sucked:

"they're recruiting right out of schools now"

Oh shut the **** up, no they're not. They're just looking for an excuse for the token sexy bitch, token comedy, and token youth characters to be put in a situation where there's literally no call for tweenagers.

Oh and look, the twelve year old is the one who discovers everything's going wrong on the computers way before all those paid, trained and expert professionals who're supposed to have designed the system.

28-Oct-2008, 12:38 PM
One reason why this movie sucked:

"they're recruiting right out of schools now"

Oh shut the **** up, no they're not. They're just looking for an excuse for the token sexy bitch, token comedy, and token youth characters to be put in a situation where there's literally no call for tweenagers.

Oh and look, the twelve year old is the one who discovers everything's going wrong on the computers way before all those paid, trained and expert professionals who're supposed to have designed the system.

I'm not a huge Transformers fan, although I did enjoy the film for the meaningless piece of fun that it is. That being said, isn't Sam in the film based on a similar young character known as Spike in the series? If so, wouldn't that mean that it's not THAT far of a stretch to have teenagers in the film?

Granted, the high schoolers working for the Pentagon was a bit silly, But you're watching a film about giant alien robots. All real world credibility should have left your mind the moment the opening credits finished rolling.

This hot teenage girl thing makes me think of that fake Michael Bay Dark Knight script: "A gorgeous blonde with enormous tits. But she wears glasses, so she's also the smartest girl in the world".:lol:

28-Oct-2008, 01:06 PM
Erm, weren't the ones working for the Pentagon 20-somethings, not teenagers? :rockbrow:

Sam and his lady friend actually are teenagers in the film, although probably around 16 or 17 perhaps. They get roped into it because Sam possesses the glasses with the info on it about the All Spark.

The computer whizz kids were early-career professionals, but they're no doubt either playing their own age, or are actually about 30 playing about 5 years younger, meanwhile La-whatever and Miss Fitty are a bit younger or about my age playing teenagers.

I actually quite enjoyed the movie, and the extras on the 2-disc are quite good too, they go into a lot of depth about how and why they made the movie the way they did and they lay out clear, sensible and understandable reasons.

But in the end of the day, it's a movie based on a tv show that was only created to sell a new brand of toy, so it's not exactly Shakespeare to begin with. :p

28-Oct-2008, 01:09 PM
comments about them being 12 was a joke - but they were about 18/19 years old I gathered. Either way, "recruiting right out of schools"...gimmie a break. Pure excuse for a way to get the younger kids watching, a total cop out - and if I'm gonna suspend disbelief, I aint gonna go that far...absolute mindless rubbish imo

28-Oct-2008, 01:46 PM
The movie was fun. The story was a good fit for a movie based on a toy franchise and cartoon...

28-Oct-2008, 03:18 PM
The movie was fun. The story was a good fit for a movie based on a toy franchise and cartoon...

a 20 year old franchise and cartoon....original viewers have grown up....

28-Oct-2008, 03:59 PM
a 20 year old franchise and cartoon....original viewers have grown up....

Inability to suspend one's own disbelief isn't the defining quality, or even a pre-requisite, for being grown up.

28-Oct-2008, 04:35 PM
Inability to suspend one's own disbelief isn't the defining quality, or even a pre-requisite, for being grown up.

I was talking in terms of demographics more than artistic licence....

darth los
28-Oct-2008, 04:42 PM
If we weren't willing to suspend disbelief we'd never be entertained.

Just go with the flow and enjoy it.


28-Oct-2008, 06:43 PM
Now when they say "recruiting out of school" ... surely they mean college/university. :rockbrow::rolleyes:

28-Oct-2008, 07:27 PM
Now when they say "recruiting out of school" ... surely they mean college/university. :rockbrow::rolleyes:

Maybe they do...

Or maybe they stick people through rigourous training including tests of their loyalty and **** like that to make sure any "kid out of school" aint just gonna ruck up to a government building and spread state secrets to their mates....

Maybe they would, maybe they wouldn't....still a piss poor excuse for some over the top effects.

btw I really hated this movie!

darth los
28-Oct-2008, 08:36 PM
movies are just a bunch of fluff nowdays. It's just following the trend which is wha hollywood is all about. And because it did so well be on the lookout for more.

A zombie movie is successful every studio wants to put one out, etc....


28-Oct-2008, 08:39 PM
And because it did so well be on the lookout for more.

If i'm not mistaken, they jumped straight from the first film into a sequel and are now filming for a summer 09 release.....

29-Oct-2008, 02:57 AM
If i'm not mistaken, they jumped straight from the first film into a sequel and are now filming for a summer 09 release.....

I think they're filming the sequel right now.

29-Oct-2008, 10:25 AM
....original viewers have grown up....

and for the most part enjoyed the movie quite a bit all the same.:rolleyes:

31-Oct-2008, 06:40 PM
and for the most part enjoyed the movie quite a bit all the same.:rolleyes:

No accounting for taste eh? :rolleyes:

02-Nov-2008, 06:47 PM
Transformers has been going for twenty years gathering audiences. From the original through Beast Wars, Armada and now Animated.
The movie makers made all the right moves by making to appeal to everyone.

04-Nov-2008, 01:44 AM
No accounting for taste eh? :rolleyes:

I liked it quite a bit. It was an unimportant bit of fluff. But it was a nostalgic and pretty bit of fluff. So there. . . .:p