View Full Version : A question about sex offenders...

23-Jul-2007, 01:27 AM
I was wondering... do you think sex offenders who have children abuse their children too? I'm limiting the question to the sex offenders who try to meet children on the internet for sex because I was wondering that after watching Datelines To Catch a Predator... since so many of their 'predators' have children.

I know my coworker said she was assaulted by her uncle and another one by her moms boyfriend... so its obvious they're willing to with more 'distant' family members... but do you think they do it with their kids?

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 02:10 AM
I was wondering... do you think sex offenders who have children abuse their children too? I'm limiting the question to the sex offenders who try to meet children on the internet for sex because I was wondering that after watching Datelines To Catch a Predator... since so many of their 'predators' have children.

I know my coworker said she was assaulted by her uncle and another one by her moms boyfriend... so its obvious they're willing to with more 'distant' family members... but do you think they do it with their kids?

I saw the show where one of the pervs actually brought his son to one of these stings. Sick bastard.

It's a statistical fact that the majority of kids who are molested are victimized by people they know, including family members. I have no insight as to how many of them have been molested by their parents or just their "creepy" uncle. I will say this though, if a person is sick enough to molest a child than them doing it to their own kid is not such a stretch. They should lose custody of any children they have if that's the case.

23-Jul-2007, 03:16 AM
like family abuse, i am sure that this is not unheard of (altho, i'd imagine the practitioners would do their utmost to hide the fact). Combine the sexual perversion/lust of a family member, and the gender of anouther (father daughter for example) and you'd have a chance of one of the parties doing it.

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 03:20 AM
like family abuse, i am sure that this is not unheard of (altho, i'd imagine the practitioners would do their utmost to hide the fact). Combine the sexual perversion/lust of a family member, and the gender of anouther (father daughter for example) and you'd have a chance of one of the parties doing it.

What's sad is that the ones being abused don't say anything either out of fear of getting in "trouble" by accusing someone they see as an authority figure or that no one will believe them anyway.

23-Jul-2007, 01:55 PM
Actually what's sad is when a 16 year old girl tells her school guidance counselor her stepfather regularly rapes her and then lo and behold CPS gets involved and interviews the father and deemed that she was lying to them... weeks after she winds up pregnant by her stepfather and her mother winds up shooting him to death after finding a cache of tapes where the sick SOB videotaped his sexual attacks on her daughter... only then did CPS admit... oops I guess we were wrong...

I know of a lot of instances where men have sexually abused their own children but typically when they're very young like in elementary school. My curiosity lies more in whether men who are after the young girls or boys 13-17 are they also interested in their own children once they reach that age? Do they just like them young? Or will they take what they can get? How deep does their sickness delve?

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 05:05 PM
Actually what's sad is when a 16 year old girl tells her school guidance counselor her stepfather regularly rapes her and then lo and behold CPS gets involved and interviews the father and deemed that she was lying to them... weeks after she winds up pregnant by her stepfather and her mother winds up shooting him to death after finding a cache of tapes where the sick SOB videotaped his sexual attacks on her daughter... only then did CPS admit... oops I guess we were wrong...

I know of a lot of instances where men have sexually abused their own children but typically when they're very young like in elementary school. My curiosity lies more in whether men who are after the young girls or boys 13-17 are they also interested in their own children once they reach that age? Do they just like them young? Or will they take what they can get? How deep does their sickness delve?

Criminal psychology is definitely an interesting field. But first we have to unnderstand that there are special techniques to understanding the minds of these sickos. Theirs doesn't tick the way a normal person's would so it would be futile for a layman to try and make sense of it. We couldn't even begin to speculate about what their "criteria" are.

23-Jul-2007, 05:22 PM
I challenge that there is even any way to know the mind of those sickies... to know them you'd have to get honesty from them... no?

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 05:30 PM
I challenge that there is even any way to know the mind of those sickies... to know them you'd have to get honesty from them... no?

That's true. there's really no way to tell for sure if the info. you're getting from them is accurate. All the more reason why a trained professional is needed imo.

23-Jul-2007, 08:56 PM
I was wondering... do you think sex offenders who have children abuse their children too? I'm limiting the question to the sex offenders who try to meet children on the internet for sex because I was wondering that after watching Datelines To Catch a Predator... since so many of their 'predators' have children.

I know my coworker said she was assaulted by her uncle and another one by her moms boyfriend... so its obvious they're willing to with more 'distant' family members... but do you think they do it with their kids?

i can only assume that they will not nessessarrly abuse there own kids, but they might have sexual feelings for them? only the proper sicko's rape there own kids.

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 09:08 PM
Like i stated before though. How can we even guess as tom what goes on inside the minds of people who would engage in unspeakable acts such as these?

23-Jul-2007, 09:13 PM
Like i stated before though. How can we even guess as tom what goes on inside the minds of people who would engage in unspeakable acts such as these?

Some of them will claim that they were abused as kids, so now
they're abusing kids themselves. I myself don't believe that for one
second, they're adults, they know what they're doing is wrong,
yet they do it.

Like darth said, you can never know what goes on in the minds
of these people, how they rationalize what they have done.

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 09:18 PM
That's true. They come up with the sickest excuses too. I once heard one of these sickos say that a six year old girl that he molested actually seduced him!! Can you believe the balls on this guy?

24-Jul-2007, 01:47 AM
i know of this bloke who raped his 6yr old cousin, in court he told the judge she was leading him on!!???:eek: he was supposed to have said she was acting so sexily toward him cause she had a short skirt on!? he was 34 at the time. thank fully, he's in jail now for stabbing someone.fooking stay there and rot you c***.also my mum was telling me she heard of a nonce saying you should be able to have sex with children!? what the hell goes on in the mind of thease sicko's? childen are innocent and shud stay that way.i have a 9 yr old cousin,shannon,and when she stays here at my mums, she sleeps with me topsy turvey in my bed.id NEVER DREAM of trying it on with her.

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 01:55 AM
thank fully, he's in jail now for stabbing someone.

The real outrage there imo is that he went to jail for stabbing someone and not for being a child molestor. Those guys have it really bad in prison. It would have been justice for him to have to go through that.

24-Jul-2007, 01:59 AM
he did do 9 yrs for noncing his cousin.so im told.ill admit i do know the bloke and he his a rough one.best kept away from.:(

one day about 4 years ago, id just finished this 'employment course', and was walking up the road with this lad i befriended.so as we are walking up this road,i see a lad ive known for years,he shouts across the road ''gaz what are you doing with a nonce''? so i goes over to see what he means,and he tells me the lad i was with molested 2 little girls when he was babysitting for them and he just got out of jail for it.i wonderd why he was very vague with me when i questioned him on his past and why he'd changed his name! after this, i severd all ties with this lad.do you think i did the right thing? ps,he's in jail now for manslaughter, he and his mates got 5 yrs a piece for robbing 2 old blokes,1 of the blokes died 1 week later,after being punched in the head.thoughts???:(

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 02:23 AM
Of course you did the right thing. Why would anyone want to associate with a person like that? It should have all clicked when you found out that he lied to you about his past. Those people are lepers. No one will associate with them if the truth is known about them.

24-Jul-2007, 02:26 AM

25-Jul-2007, 09:06 PM
when i rule the world i will make sure that anyone convicted of sex offences against kids would be castrated , so they would never be able to re-offend...

25-Jul-2007, 09:13 PM
To prevent a sex offender from ever reoffending you'd have to castrate them and cut off their arms and fingers. There's more than one way to offend and even if you did all that whos to say they will wouldn't find a way?

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 09:15 PM
To prevent a sex offender from ever reoffending you'd have to castrate them and cut off their arms and fingers. There's more than one way to offend and even if you did all that whos to say they will wouldn't find a way?

It's definitely a big dilema on what to do with those people. They can never be trusted and fully accepted back into society so what do we do with them? Exile?

25-Jul-2007, 09:17 PM
i'd rather not pay for a sex offender to live in exile... i'm voting for (big shock here) execution... :skull:

25-Jul-2007, 09:19 PM
To prevent a sex offender from ever reoffending you'd have to castrate them and cut off their arms and fingers. There's more than one way to offend and even if you did all that whos to say they will wouldn't find a way?

but if you chop off a mans 'vitals' it kills his sex drive so he wont want to re-offend

25-Jul-2007, 09:22 PM
its not always about sexual gratification... its also about power... i'll admit men rape for sex sometimes... but they do it for power too

as for why kiddie sex offenders do it... could be a combo of the two as well

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 09:26 PM
Whatever the reason may be i'm of the mind that sickos like that can't be cured and can never be fully trusted around normal people.

25-Jul-2007, 09:29 PM
You may cut off their personal pieces,
but the drive is still there, they will just
find some other way to satisfy that
drive and the kids and women
are still in danger

25-Jul-2007, 09:31 PM
I dont follow the school of belief that they can be treated for their ailment either. They're sick... like stalkers. Some sexual predators see you do something and see that as a personal invite to treat your body like an amusement park. And the problem is you may not know what would set them off and even if you did you can't spot a sexual predator off the bat all the time. They're not always the creepy guy in the members only jacket hanging out in minivans. They're not the creepy looking guy in your bio class who sits in the back and draws dirty pictures. A sexual predator can be virtually anyone and depending on what they do and who they do it to it could easily take several crimes unreported before someone says something and they are tried.

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 09:48 PM
I've heard and read reports that when these pervs are finaly busted that they've already offended dozens of times on average. And they all say the same thing. "I'm sorry, i've never done this before." If it were up to me they never will again.

25-Jul-2007, 09:54 PM