View Full Version : Wwyd

23-Jul-2007, 01:27 AM
lets say zombies are currently spreading and attacking at a 28 day later pace... you're out of the house... you're shopping at the mall... take into account... what store are you most likely to be spending time in? how many people are in there with you? do you go to the mall alone or typically with someone? is it a typical store on the interior of the mall where the only exit is out into the mall hallway or through their stock room into a hallway that could be interior or exterior (you have no idea) or are you in a major department stores with multiple exits? is it a 2+ high story store? ... you hear screaming in the mall but have no idea the magnitude of the situation that is brewing both within the mall and outside the mall... not knowing what awaits either inside or outside... what do you do?

are you going to try to get to your car? are you going to try to find a safe spot in the mall? is the person you're with going to freak out and scream and draw attention? once outside (if thats where you choose to go) do you try to make it home? do you try to find a car to steal if you can't make it to your own?


darth los
23-Jul-2007, 03:52 AM
My first instinct in an emergency situation is to find a safe place to regroup and think of a plan. Whether that be to hunker down in a store or try and make it to my car depends on the sitation. Once i'm out of relative danger i would try to find out as much as i can about what's going on and procede from there.

23-Jul-2007, 11:50 AM
Well, I don't drive and i can't run very fast so i am f**ked :p:p:p

"Jimmy?... Timmy"

23-Jul-2007, 01:58 PM
sit down put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 04:59 PM
Isn't that the same technique the stewardesses teach you before lift off? Not a good sign if ya ask me.

23-Jul-2007, 05:20 PM
I believe it is! Floatation device my ass... I'd like to rip one out from under my hiney and test it for quality.

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 05:24 PM
I plane crash is one of the most unlikely things you can be able to survive. it's a miracle that you even get to the point where a floatation device would be useful. Also if you crash on land it's pretty musch useless.

23-Jul-2007, 05:35 PM
It would be useless unless... lets say... the plane breaks apart mid air... and you're sitting in your row of seats... and while buckled in you're able to whip out the ol flotation device.... unbuckle your lifebelt... and then use the float tobagan style to skid to safety once of course you're no longer airborne and barring being so high up in the air you're suffering from hypoxia...

Now there was one instance I can recall from memory when a plane actually hit water and because they basically landed in front of a beach full of people were fortunate enough to have some survivors... whether they were able to use a floatation device is unknown...

In my parents ever jarring way of parenting... whenever we went on a plane trip they said not to worry about having to use a floatie because odds are we'd crash into a mountain and even if we landed in a body of water the plane was too large to survive unless of course we dumped fuel and even then could likely break apart once it hits the water... it helps that my mother was at one point a pilot... she was able to shatter any false sense of safety I had about flying ...

23-Jul-2007, 06:06 PM
My father passed away in a plane crash back in the 1970's in upstate NY. From what I understand, and I was very young at the time, he and the other occupants of the plane died upon impact with the ground, and that the crash had occured during takeoff. I had been told at that time that had he crashed into a body of water that it was possible that he may have survived, but whether that is true is debatable.

In as far as being at a mall during an outbreak, I agree with Darth Los. I would try to get away from the screaming hordes since, like most people, they would most likely be in panic mode and would not be thinking. I would try to find a quite area, such as the back of a store or a storage room or a janitor's closet, anything, to take safe refuge and assess the situation. I would also try to put together some sort of makeshift field expedient weapon. Then once I heard the panic and screams die down I would leave at that time and try to make my escape.

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 06:13 PM
In my parents ever jarring way of parenting... whenever we went on a plane trip they said not to worry about having to use a floatie because odds are we'd crash into a mountain and even if we landed in a body of water the plane was too large to survive unless of course we dumped fuel and even then could likely break apart once it hits the water... it helps that my mother was at one point a pilot... she was able to shatter any false sense of safety I had about flying ...

Those floatation devices are more there for show than anything else. Not to say that they're totally useless but They're alot like many of the implementations made in the name of security since 9-11. They give the appearance that there's something that's going to save you. They make people feel safe so therefore they percieve themselves as having a chance if something goes wrong. Perception is reality.

23-Jul-2007, 09:33 PM
Right, I'm in a mall, in a shop, probably HMV, and hear screaming. First thing I think of is "Fire!", not zombie infestation.

I go out into the main mall, no exterior doors available, and then see these blood covered people attacking other people, then I see them eating them and them dying...and returning to a semblance of life. Then I think f**k.

Next shop is a baby bed centre, hardly anyone there when I go to the mall, so go in there and shut the iron rolling door down and lock it.

So I'm in there with a formerly bored till girl and probably her manager. We'll work out the next bit when the screams are done. Probably a plan to get outside or upstairs to the food court (for whom?).

I think the zombies would have to be Romero-esque for anybody to have any chance of survival.

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 10:49 PM
Right, I'm in a mall, in a shop, probably HMV, and hear screaming. First thing I think of is "Fire!", not zombie infestation.


Either that or there's a sale at victoria's secret for the next 10 minutes only.

23-Jul-2007, 11:43 PM
wow someone actually reasonably answered the question... way to go jack!