View Full Version : Black Snake Moan - a little blurb

23-Jul-2007, 10:37 AM
From the people who brought you Hustle and Flow comes Black Snake Moan.

I really don't know where to start so I will just pick it up from what I feel about the movie right here and now. If you are a Samuel L. Jackson Fan, this is a must see film. If you wanna see Christina Ricci naked, this is a must see film, if you are into movies about someone trying to help out a misguided youth... keep moving, there are way better films out there.

Black Snake Moan follows Lazurus (Sam Jackson) and Rae (Christina Ricci), tow residents of a Louisana town who's paths cross at a very strange moment in their lives. Lazurus' wife has just left him for his brother, and Rae's boyfriend, played decently by Justin Timberlake, has just been shipped off to the military. Rae suffers from the moan, a curse to which she is forever addicted to sex, but much of this is because her mothers sleeze bag boyfriend molested her as a child and in order for her to feel normal she has to let me n treat her like trash. On the night her man leaves she attends a local party, gets pretty messed up and is not only raped once, but twice... once by a friend of her man.

The next morning we find her left on the side of the road and Lazurus finds her and takes her in hoping to clean her up. Over the course of the film once she comes out of it, the dialog between Ricci and Jackson is some of the best acting I have seen in a long time. The problem is the story of the film is just blah and honestly if it wasn't for Jackson and Ricci I would have turned it off.

For Jackson, taking her in and cleaning her up, helping to relieve her of her wickedness is a way for him to right himself spiritually. Now I am not saying this is an overly religious film, it does have a religious subplot, but it is just your run of the mill drama. Jackson and Ricci's characters do develop a trusting relationship throughout the movie, and as time goes on she kind of looks upon him as her messiah and strength. Now we all know Sam can do the religious zealot well, he did it in Pulp Fiction, but what sets that performance aside from this one is he is not some gun for hire... hes a blues singer. From the get go you are made to sympathize and relate to Lazurus, and to be honest if Sam didn't play the part I don't think I could have related.

Anyway, to sum it all up, if you have 2 hours to kill on a sunday or during the week go ahead and pick it up and give it watch, but honestly this could wait for HBO.

6 out of 10

23-Jul-2007, 02:04 PM
wow man... I never would've assosciated nymphomania and the desire to be treated like trash by a man with having been molested as a child but after you said that... it makes sense kinda...

i've been waiting for this movie for a while because my boyfriend wouldn't go see it at the movies with me (with the whole rape thing) just like he wouldn't go see the hills have eyes one or two... but i'm a huge fan of ricci and sam so i'm going to rent it as soon as i get to it on my queue

very well written review no real spoilers and concise... thanks for the tip

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 04:44 PM
Thnx for the review. I was dead set against watching this because to me it looked ...well...stupid. But after reading that it looks like it deserves a chance.

23-Jul-2007, 05:08 PM
Thnx for the review. I was dead set against watching this because to me it looked ...well...stupid. But after reading that it looks like it deserves a chance.
Well, Hustle and Flow was great so I am going to see this eventually.

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 05:13 PM
Well, Hustle and Flow was great so I am going to see this eventually.

I loved hustle and flow as well. It had that gritty independant feel to it. I watched it with my ex and she was like "WTF did you drag me to!?!" But we both ended up loving it. I guess it's an aquired tatse. Those who don't like it probably don't because of the adult subject matter in the film and that's never likely to change.

23-Jul-2007, 07:59 PM
If you wanna see Christina Ricci naked...
What? That anorexic moon-head! :dead:

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 08:41 PM
She's always had a big head. She needs some body in her shampoo to make her hair bigger. That's one way to deal with a 5 head.