View Full Version : Texting + Driving = Murder?

darth los
23-Jul-2007, 11:49 PM
When will people learn? It's too late to say i'm sorry and i should have known better after the person is dead. 4 years is not nearly enough if you ask me.


24-Jul-2007, 12:09 AM
It's madness. Pure Madness.
Those damn things should be banned in cars.
Some people argue they need it for emergencies,
car goes off the road, stalker coming after you.
Fine! So leave the damn thing in the glove compartment.
I'm afraid there will be a lot more deaths before something
is really done about this.

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 01:29 AM
It's madness. Pure Madness.
Those damn things should be banned in cars.
Some people argue they need it for emergencies,
car goes off the road, stalker coming after you.
Fine! So leave the damn thing in the glove compartment.
I'm afraid there will be a lot more deaths before something
is really done about this.

In my eyes it's the same as dui. In both instances you're doing something that's impairing your driving skills.

24-Jul-2007, 01:36 AM
ive said it time and time again,SWITCH IT OFF WHILST DRIVING,MISSING A CALL WILL NOT KILL YOU.in england now,its an offence to drive and be talking on your mobby,you HAVE to use HANDS FREE if you cant wait to answer your phone.this law i totally abide by and think its a good thing.:annoyed:

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 01:47 AM
The penalty has to be harsh enough so that it will deter people. What sucks is that nothing will probably happen to the driver in terms of them being hurt. They're a danger to those around them and they cavalierly disregard that risk to others. To quote peter," you're not just playing with your life, your'e playing with mine."

24-Jul-2007, 01:49 AM
exactly.well put darth/peter!:cool:

24-Jul-2007, 11:05 AM
I read about this in the paper, what a stupid bitch, there's no other way to say it. Driving at 70 down a dual carriageway txtin' her bf whom she JUST F*CKING SAW MINUTES EARLIER - no appologies here, that's a dumbf*ck move of epic proportions, I mean really f*cking stupid, and now there's a family missing a mother because that stupid bitch simply had to txt-spk to her bf, geez! :mad:



But she is a f*cking stupid bitch. :mad:

24-Jul-2007, 12:04 PM
ive been saying for years mobiles ,especially texting is, as the great sage peter kay said, the devil.

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 01:42 PM
People are literally like zombies with their phones. I can't tell the amount of times daily that i see some twit walking with their head down in a street full of people. They're totally unaware about what's going on around them. Now multiply that idiocy by 70 mph and you have what you see here. The only injustice is that a person who did nothing wrong is dead and this idiot lives to text another day.

24-Jul-2007, 04:34 PM
I'm so glad we're imprisoning idiots but this could lead to some serious overload at local jailing facilities.

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 05:05 PM
Unfortunatley it's not illegal to be an idiot....yet. :rockbrow:

24-Jul-2007, 05:20 PM
Of course, here in the UK, our prisons are bursting, so Brown thinks - hey great idea, lets release people early to free up some room ... hmmm ... how about you stop making people criminals for petty things like not paying their extortionate Council Tax, and build *gasps in shock* MORE prisons! :eek:

Also - get some f*cking bobbies on the beat, rather than sat behind desks filling out paperwork, that's what the people want, they've said it many times, now f*cking listen, rather than lining the pockets of rich people you're snuggling up to for favours in the future. :mad:

24-Jul-2007, 05:24 PM
or turn australia back into a prison island, that solves all our problems:p

...i bet tied2 spooged at that idea. just kidding man, just kidding.

24-Jul-2007, 05:26 PM
I like Australia... lets do it with Greenland instead!

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 05:30 PM
If you're going to use greenland you'd better do it quick before global warming makes it the next atlantis, something we just here about in stories.

24-Jul-2007, 05:47 PM
Although think about it - Australia, few people, LOADS OF LAND.

They should open some of the outback up and build a special prison for the hardest cases from here in the UK, lifers, shaft them off out to the Aussie outback and forget about them.

Thus freeing up some much needed space in the UK. :sneaky:

24-Jul-2007, 07:39 PM
Should have an electronic device on the phones,
soon as it scans and sees pickes up on someone
using the phone while driving, the phone just shuts down.

24-Jul-2007, 09:00 PM
Really, it all has to come down to inspiring people to not be pricks and don't use their phones in the car - proper media campaigns, really drive the message home.

Otherwise it's all chipping away into the Orwellian State we're desperately crashing towards as it is. Freedom is inherently dangerous, the best we can do - to keep our freedom - is to inspire people to be as responsible as possible when it comes to such things.

24-Jul-2007, 09:02 PM
It wasn't just texting while driving though... I mean she was going 70 MPH in the rain at night? She was lucky she didn't die too.

24-Jul-2007, 09:06 PM
Really, it all has to come down to inspiring people to not be pricks and don't use their phones in the car - proper media campaigns, really drive the message home.

Otherwise it's all chipping away into the Orwellian State we're desperately crashing towards as it is. Freedom is inherently dangerous, the best we can do - to keep our freedom - is to inspire people to be as responsible as possible when it comes to such things.

Inspire people is the way to go. Question is, will the people listen.
Or will they think people are trying to dictate to them.
I'm all for the inspiring responsibility, but sadly we tried this
with the No drinking and driving campaign and there are still
people out there who totally ignore it

24-Jul-2007, 09:09 PM
Its like people must want to die but they shouldn't do anything that could harm other people regardless of their zeal to live.

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 09:28 PM
People have this big thing about their personal freedom but the safety of the public at large takes precedence over that.