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View Full Version : Wii's Shotgun Attachment

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 02:02 AM
Just when i think they're donenintendo keeps coming out with these cool ass peripherals for the wii. How could you not want one of these? The price is reasonable as well.


24-Jul-2007, 06:32 AM
i prefer the tommy gun version, that appears to have the nunchuck inserted into it upside down. and everyone knows inverted controls in fps' games are for losers:lol:

24-Jul-2007, 11:00 AM
Shame it doesn't look like a proper shotgun, but cool nonetheless. I remember discovering House of the Dead 3 in the student's union when I was at uni, and I practically jizzed when I saw instead of a pistol it was a freaking shotgun with a pump - ah mate, we were doing the one hand "you're off the f*cking chain!" (Danny, "Hot Fuzz") style reload, ah it was f*cking so much fun - peripherals like that, that's what you want! :)

24-Jul-2007, 12:00 PM
i know ,its a shame that people dont care for the arcade style too much anymore, the xbox franchise ahs only 2, yes TWO, lightgun games to its name, silent scope 2 adn house of the dead 3.
That's part of why the wii's selling, cus miyamoto himself said "*mimics holding a controller* ,weve ben doing this for 20 years in our homes, its time for a change", id love to see more arcade style gameplay.

24-Jul-2007, 12:09 PM
i know ,its a shame that people dont care for the arcade style too much anymore, the xbox franchise ahs only 2, yes TWO, lightgun games to its name, silent scope 2 adn house of the dead 3.
That's part of why the wii's selling, cus miyamoto himself said "*mimics holding a controller* ,weve ben doing this for 20 years in our homes, its time for a change", id love to see more arcade style gameplay.
Hell yes, I want an array of plastic weaponry to point at my screen! :cool:

24-Jul-2007, 12:34 PM
theres a new fantasy one wih a swrod and shield controller coming out:sneaky:

24-Jul-2007, 12:39 PM
theres a new fantasy one wih a swrod and shield controller coming out:sneaky:
But if they want their sales to REALLY soar, they should make a "Wii-Sex" series. :lol::lol::lol:

24-Jul-2007, 01:25 PM

There's jsut so many of those.:lol:

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 01:32 PM
theres a new fantasy one wih a swrod and shield controller coming out:sneaky:

Not that would be interesting. As if the dungeons and dragons crowd didn't already have enough role playing paraphanalia.

24-Jul-2007, 01:35 PM
i belive its dragon quest for the wii, though i could be mistaken.

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 01:38 PM
i belive its dragon quest for the wii, though i could be mistaken.

I think we got one here !! :p j/k

Goes to show how much i know. I know for a fact that dragon quest is on the ds though.

24-Jul-2007, 05:43 PM
Its a cool concept,especially the barrel break!but it looks way too non gun like to be really appealing,i suppose its to stop armed response units gunning down kids who take it outside to play army with though

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 05:49 PM
Allso, i think due to the wii's uniqque interface they didn't want to make the peripherals too "real."

24-Jul-2007, 10:24 PM
How long can Nintendo keep this up....they are really bringing in the dough....

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 11:06 PM
By those figures in your sig it looks like it's only a matter of time before nintendo overtakes microsoft. They've got a year's head start and they still have ninty breathing down their necks. It looks as if nintendo is back for now. Although i am skeptical about the wii's prospects for longevity.

25-Jul-2007, 05:44 AM
Goes to show how much i know. I know for a fact that dragon quest is on the ds though.

Yeah, Dragon Quest 9 will be a DS exclusive, however there is a Dragon Quest already out in Japan for the Wii and it is headed here. It's called Dragon Quest Swords, but I'm not sure when it's out here.

25-Jul-2007, 07:49 AM
*snaps fingers*, thats the one!

as for the wii's longevity, yeah that's why ,aside from being skint, that i havent yet bought a wii, the ds on the other hand is easily gonna last for at least another 5 years, though we all know ninteys the king of handheld gameing.

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 04:20 PM
*snaps fingers*, thats the one!

as for the wii's longevity, yeah that's why ,aside from being skint, that i havent yet bought a wii, the ds on the other hand is easily gonna last for at least another 5 years, though we all know ninteys the king of handheld gameing.

Ninty is a juggernaut when i comes to handheld gaming. people knock the psp all the time but to sony's credit they're the only one's to even get a small piece of the market. every other handheld failed miserably. It looks as if ninty will be the top dog in that department for the forseeable future.

25-Jul-2007, 04:32 PM
thing is form what ive heard my 360 freezeing is the onset of the red rings, and people i know have gone through 4 360's so as good as the games coming out are, i dont want a ps3, so a wii's awefully tempting right about now.

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 04:44 PM
thing is form what ive heard my 360 freezeing is the onset of the red rings, and people i know have gone through 4 360's so as good as the games coming out are, i dont want a ps3, so a wii's awefully tempting right about now.

Yeah there's no need for a ps3. the 360 does everything it can do only better. But you do need one or the ther. The wii alone simply won't be enough.

25-Jul-2007, 04:59 PM
according to people on the uk 360 magazine forum its no red ring level thing so ive gotta ring *shudders* tech support, but right now the weathers to bad for the phone to get through, thank god.

-this calls for another webcomic.


25-Jul-2007, 05:46 PM
:lol: That 'toon is hilarious, mate. Loving it. :)

Ooh I've heard things like that before about updating your SexBox with stuff downloaded to jig-up the system and then games or things not working properly...tisk tisk...I'm keeping mine factory, baby...well, aside from any time a game has to install a bit of an update to work that is.

Speaking of SexBox, I'm all about GRAW right now, fun game, just a bit clunky/sluggish when it comes to controls...which is odd as the menu is exceptionally fast, it almost feels as if the page you select comes up before you've pressed the button. :lol:

*chuckles at idiots smashing things cartoon again* :p

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 06:11 PM
:lol: That 'toon is hilarious, mate. Loving it. :)

Ooh I've heard things like that before about updating your SexBox with stuff downloaded to jig-up the system and then games or things not working properly...tisk tisk...I'm keeping mine factory, baby...well, aside from any time a game has to install a bit of an update to work that is.

Speaking of SexBox, I'm all about GRAW right now, fun game, just a bit clunky/sluggish when it comes to controls...which is odd as the menu is exceptionally fast, it almost feels as if the page you select comes up before you've pressed the button. :lol:

*chuckles at idiots smashing things cartoon again* :p

Yeah hells keep those things coming. They're hilarious.

It doesn't make much sense to mod your 360 and subsequently void the warranty. I think there's to much risk vs. the minimal reward you might get from doing it.

GRAW is just the prototype. The big dog, call of duty 4, is on the way!! :cool:

25-Jul-2007, 06:26 PM
im currently addicted to gears online co-op, though a freind of mine keeps swearing everytime he joins a gmae with my gamertag he is spoken to in a mexican accent.

wierd aye?:sneaky:

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 06:46 PM
im currently addicted to gears online co-op, though a freind of mine keeps swearing everytime he joins a gmae with my gamertag he is spoken to in a mexican accent.

wierd aye?:sneaky:

I would call tech support about that. If someone has gained access to your tag somehow they could totally ruin your rep and might even get you banned.

Yes co-op mode kicks ass. I hope that halo 3 implements something similar.

25-Jul-2007, 06:52 PM
:rolleyes::D no dude its me screwin' with him, everytime he comes on i say something like "cho essay, you wanna buy some weed" or some random crap that you only hear spouted by the majority of xbox live users.

he still aint realised its me:lol:

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 07:23 PM
:rolleyes::D no dude its me screwin' with him, everytime he comes on i say something like "cho essay, you wanna buy some weed" or some random crap that you only hear spouted by the majority of xbox live users.

he still aint realised its me:lol:


That's hilarious. I guess you have a little prankster streak in you. I thought you were serious. lol

25-Jul-2007, 07:26 PM
im a prankster to the extent my freinds dont trust me much.

T'uther day i look in my brothers mini fridge in his room, buy the same items, drink em al and switch the full for empty, then my brother fidns them. initiates sh!t-fit mode. goes to tell my mom, i switch em back adn he looks like a fool:sneaky:

one of these days im gonna push him over the edge adn hell strangle me.

25-Jul-2007, 08:41 PM
:lol: That's a genius prank there hellsing. :D

Both infact, "cho essay" :D ... brilliant.

I guess you're like a more animated version of the stoned Live player in that webcomic about the sort of people you find on Live. :D

25-Jul-2007, 08:50 PM
i think im more the dicomillo out of all my freinds if you get what i mean, though with a dash of david firth, randal from clerks and bill bailey thrown in;)