View Full Version : all you insomniacs...

24-Jul-2007, 02:32 AM
who is an insomniac?? i cant really sleep 2day either.i kinda like sitting @' my computer gone 2am chatting on hpotd!

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 02:44 AM
who is an insomniac?? i cant really sleep 2day either.i kinda like sitting @' my computer gone 2am chatting on hpotd!

I've been unable to get good sleep either but i wouldn't call myself an insominiac. This is definitely my number one time killer right now. I have a feeling with all the AAA games coming out for the 360 this winter i'll have to divide my time accordingly. There's just not that much to play out there right now.

24-Jul-2007, 03:59 AM
shut up i'm a sex offender

24-Jul-2007, 04:05 AM
My insomnia is usually by choice. I am to stubborn to go to bed when I should. If I went and laid down right now I would be out in minutes. Also when I sleep I wouldn't hear a nuclear explosion if it went off. I actually have to set three alarms for myself to wake in the morning because I sleep so soundly.

24-Jul-2007, 03:52 PM
:D:D hahaha!

24-Jul-2007, 04:02 PM
im something of an oddity myself. I dotn drink coffee.ever. but i have been known to go almost 4 days without needing sleep. but that kinda of balances itself out since every time i sleep, if left indisturbed ill slep for a good 13 odd hours, though once i slept for 20, now THAT was dissorientating as fook.

24-Jul-2007, 04:13 PM
but at night its the best time to spy on my neighbors and rob people I can't help it!

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 05:03 PM
but at night its the best time to spy on my neighbors and rob people I can't help it!

You'd better watch it or you'll end up in a SUPERMAX!! :eek:

24-Jul-2007, 05:05 PM
or COP's.

24-Jul-2007, 05:07 PM
you wont get into a super max for robbing people... i'll have to creatively kill 5000 ...

cops wouldn't be so bad but i dont fit the profile for a crime of any kind

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 05:17 PM
you wont get into a super max for robbing people... i'll have to creatively kill 5000 ...

I'm sure you're well on your way. You probably have over half of them intricately planned out anyway. you won't really have to extend yourself much.

24-Jul-2007, 05:20 PM
huh. i had you pegged more as a grave robber meself.

24-Jul-2007, 05:21 PM
do you know how hard it is to actually dig up graves? i wouldn't mind stealing a headstone hmm...

24-Jul-2007, 05:23 PM
you know ,out of all my freinds im the only one whos never stolen or shoplifted.

....we-ellll, once when i was 6 and shopping with my mom i walked out the shop with a tin of cat food i forogt to put in the cart but i hardly think that cou-*BANG!*


24-Jul-2007, 05:25 PM
I've known people who stolen before but never actually done it... prolly cos someones tried to rob me a few times before and as a waitress I had like 10 walk-outs I had to pay for several times... so I would never do someone like that

24-Jul-2007, 05:50 PM
Im an insomniac,im always a big ball of anxiety due to my OCD so i struggle to sleep at night & when i do i wake up 3 or 4 times through the night,then i feel groggy as hell the next day & have all these weird thoughts due to sleep deprivation which fuels my obsessive fear of schizophrenia & so the cycle continues :(

24-Jul-2007, 06:25 PM
Rich I dont understand how ocd would cause so much anxiety. I dont know what your obsession is but the person i know with it sleeps lke a log as long as everything is where it should be.

I rarely sleep from PTSD and it makes the docs get worried cuz they can tell when i have been 5 days without sleep cuz i start to laugh at things and I display behaviours that make them worried.
they have me on mega doses of valium and they dont understand why they dont work, they tested me for bipolar and i am not so they wack me with a needle of something when i get "dangerously detached"

why are you not on anxiety meds? ocd does not lead to schizophrenia
i know a schiziod and believe me you are nothing like him at all
not even close man so dont worry about that
him i am worried about-he disapeared and i dont know if he is alive or dead

get some anxiety meds and not anti depressants
you will feel better
your a good guy who i find very honest and caring toward others
and this ocd is probably keeping you from having a girlfriend you really care about
fear keeps us isolated

dont make us worry about you
you are too young for this stuff

i dont mean to preach-i just dont want you going thru this

darth los
24-Jul-2007, 07:02 PM
I rarely sleep from PTSD and it makes the docs get worried cuz they can tell when i have been 5 days without sleep cuz i start to laugh at things and I display behaviours that make them worried.

I get that way when i get over tired. I think it's called slap happy. Everything is funny to me like i took a hit of laughing gas or something. That's when i know it's time for bed.

24-Jul-2007, 07:04 PM
i get laugh-tastic whenever its least appropriate... like during the prayer silent time at church... or in the movie theater when people begin to cringe ... or at dinner with the boyfriends family when i feel their eyes burning into my soul...

or during finals... i always laugh during tests...

24-Jul-2007, 07:29 PM
Cheers Kortick :) my problem is that the compulsive side has brought me to read everything i could find on schizophrenia,and the obsessive side is stuck on the fear of it!by reading all the symptoms (which to begin with was me trying to prove to myself that i wasnt) im constantly looking for them in myself,and any little thought that doesnt make sense or is paranoid etc im seeing it as "proof" that i have that condition.I did the same when i had the "gay" obsession years ago,i knew i wasnt gay,but kept looking for any little sign of it in myself & any sign whatsoever made me panicky & depressed over it.The main reason it stops me sleeping is because you know when your just about to drop off to sleep,and you go into a weird dream like state but your still semi awake?sometimes it can make you hear things that arent there & although its well documented as normal it makes me panic about hallucinating & fuels this stupid schizo obsession :( deep down i know its all balls but due to the OCD i cant shift that niggling doubt

25-Jul-2007, 07:57 AM
im a wee bit o.c now and again, but only little things, like if iim in a car going down a motorway ill imagine a little ball in the center of myvision going up and down between each of the street lamps, i dont do it anymore but when i was younger id get a little fixated on that. i just gave myself a good headshake and thought "what has this got to do with anything?" and i stopped doing it.

25-Jul-2007, 09:22 AM
simple solution

we all need a good lay

25-Jul-2007, 10:02 AM
Been suffering insomnia since I was hit by a van at age 14. Although, it's gotten much better in the past couple of years.

Some nights I'll be tired as hell and just lay in bed for, maybe, 4 hours before passing out. I'm sure a good amount of it comes from having a piece of crud bed.

25-Jul-2007, 10:30 AM
if cant sleep, which happens rarely, i just sit in the dark adn read or go on the net, my night visions pretty dern good but that still makes the eyes get droppy aftera while.

25-Jul-2007, 05:08 PM
do you know how hard it is to actually dig up graves? i wouldn't mind stealing a headstone hmm...

you sound like you are speaking from experience there MJ, care to elaborate:lol:

25-Jul-2007, 05:33 PM
you have to wet the ground first
everyone knows that

25-Jul-2007, 05:45 PM
you sound like you are speaking from experience there MJ, care to elaborate:lol:

So I hang out in graveyards and play and I mean who doesn't look at a headstone and wonder gee how heavy is that?

And btw ... getting the ground wet wont make it any easier to get out the headstone depending on the earth surrounding the stone. Sometimes adding water will only solidify the ground and make it harder... however for example here in Charleston with a 'tropical' climate... if it was a hot and humid day say... mid August around 100 degrees and you got up early in the morning to do it... with the dew on the ground.... hot soil... should make it easy to steal one.

I've never actually stolen one before but I have had to plant several of them for my pets and then at my cottage I have several memorials with trees and stuff to honor my grandmother and her parents and they are quite heavy! I'm hoping to possibly get them dug up from the cemetary and then buried at the cottage so thus... their headstones will have to be moved as well if we do that.

There's some older cemetaries in Ohio like the one in front of Western Reserve Academy in Hudson where the graves are from the 1800s and have been aged to the extent that oddly they're easy to move... I know that not from trying to steal one but from doing rubbings of the stones. Freaked me out the first time I went there and put my hands down onto the stone and it moved...

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 06:15 PM
you have to wet the ground first
everyone knows that

If a zombie comes out of that grave, you're damn right the ground beneath my feet is going to be wet !! :lol:

25-Jul-2007, 06:27 PM
you have to wet the ground first
everyone knows that

yeah i think i read that in an issue of readers digest.

25-Jul-2007, 08:16 PM
lol now you're just being silly

25-Jul-2007, 08:27 PM
madam i never joke, whatever would give you such an outrageous notion?:rolleyes:

25-Jul-2007, 08:41 PM
I think we know you too well Hellsing to
say you never joke :)

25-Jul-2007, 08:52 PM
Am I the only one who wants to get him inebriated and just see what comes outta him next?

25-Jul-2007, 08:54 PM
never drank a beer, and for the safety of mankind, never will.

25-Jul-2007, 08:58 PM
that's okay there's always vodka, tequila, sambuca, kahlua, brandy, scotch, gin, wine, uzo, absinthe, other malt liquor, etc ...if all else fails maybe slip ya some GHB or something

darth los
25-Jul-2007, 09:19 PM
madam i never joke, whatever would give you such an outrageous notion?:rolleyes:

See even when you're not joking you're not serious. I guess it's just your natural state of being.